Cd Crashes Right Before The Setup Files

Mar 11, 2007

I have two drives in my system. an 80gb and a 160gb. the second one has the xp home setup on it.

2 days ago, I did soemthing really stupid; I decided to put Vista Premium on an old 40gb. I disconected the 160gb and connected the 40gb. I left the 80gb on and left it alone.
I started to type in the cd key and went to the next screen where you perform and a clean install and I deleted the 80gb disk instead.That's not all-I stopped after I deleted the 80gb information and stopped the install. I reconnected my 160gb and left the 80gb alone. The 40gb was off my system now. I couldnt log onto XP Home. I was crapping my pants. I decided to do a repair but couldnt do it because the xp setup cd was crashing on reboots. Couldnt even get as far as loading the initial setup files.
I opened up my case and reset the jumpers on all drives to the master slave settings and made sure all the cables were intact-made sure they were reseated and working. I checked the BIOS and made sure all was well-it is.
Low and behold, I cant get anywhere-I have my xp cd that crashes right before the setup files are laid out, I cant do a last known good config-it restarts, I cant do a safe mode.

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Users Try To Install Fax Client / Setup Hangs Asking For Fx Setup Files

Aug 20, 2005

I've setup Windows 2003 fax services on a W2K3 server and shared the device. I've tested faxing from Word on my PC and it works fine.However, when other users try to install the fax client, the setup hangs asking for the fx* setup files. I've tried different XPSP2 CDs, copying the files to a local directory, making sure that the users have local admin rights (and even domain admin rights) but to no avail. The files are already in the system32 directory so in theory the setup doesn't even need to copy them. Even if I delete them, it doesn't work.Our corporate SMS team reckons that there isn't any policy which could
cause the problem.

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Explorer Crashes With Avi Files

Oct 8, 2006

In Windows Explorer anytime I want to copy or delete an avi file WE closes and get the attached error report.

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Explorer Crashes After Deleting Big Files

May 10, 2010

Okay so it seems that whenever i try to handle a big file. Or something that seems to "stress" my hard drive. my Explorer goes crazy. First i get an error like this:I would of took a screenshot but when trying to paste the print screen it just says Error copying to clipboard. Asif it should read something there but it doesnt. Even the "OK" Button doesnt say anything but i just press it anyway.All text dissapears from my icons and all buttons and tabs and stuff. I also cannot start any program.. Starting task manager gives taskmgr.exe - Application Error : The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000012d). Click on OK to terminate the application.

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Media Player 10 Crashes When Playing .wmv Files

Nov 15, 2006

On my Dell Inspiron 700 laptop, (with intel integrated graphics) wmp crashes when playing wmv files. The laptop is running windows xp home with sp2. I have no problems using winamp playing .wmv files. I have tried upgrading to IE7 and installing Windows Media Player 11 and it does not resolve it. I even tried uninstalling wmp 11, and then uninstalling/re-installing windows media player 10 and it still doesn't fix the problem.

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Explorer Crashes - C Drive And Open Program Files

Feb 23, 2007

When i browse through my c drive and open program files i get an Error saying Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The error signature says:

AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName:
ModVer: Offset: 00007732

It doesnt happen in any other folders. I have searched the web but no one seems to have the same problem

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Single Click Some Video Files - Explorer Crashes

Mar 12, 2004

When i play/single click some video files (Xvid) explorer crashes, while its trying to build the thumbnail. These files are not in the my documents folder and can be played through one program that i have (VideoLAN)but most programs ie win media player cant play it.

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Undeletable Folder/Files Crashes Explorer.exe & Virus

Dec 14, 2005

My operating system is Window 2000.Last Friday my laptop was infected with UnSpyPC, a Quicklink toolbar and 6 large icons.Thanks to HiJackThis and Spyware removal programs etc I think I have gotten rid of the problematic crap. However now I seem to have ended up with a few corrupt Folders/Files.Whenever I try to run a Norton Antivirus scan or any number of Spyware removal programs such as Spybot, Spysweeper, Ewido, Ad-Aware etc they all get stuck or crash on one particular general data Folder. Explorer.exe also crashes and generally freezes the whole system when trying to access or search this folder

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Open Multimedia Files Player Crashes - PC Rescue

Oct 12, 2005

I am having some major issues with multimedia files, namely if I try to play any mpg files on either my WMP or an ATI Multimedia player, my player crashes immediately and I get the standard windows XP error and report it but the windows explorer window also closes with the same type of windows error and reports the problem.

I can only assume this is a result from a "phantom" jpg file I found in a folder this week. The file was "anchored" in a folder in my documents, I say anchored because I was unable to delete/rename/copy/cut/drag and drop/etc. the jpg. Again, I'm only calling it a jpg as it showed a jpg icon although no image was displayed in the preview window and when I selected properties under the file menu, it showed no information, no description, nothing, it even showed 0 kb, although I seem to recall it showed perhaps 82kb when listed in the folder. I was able to finally delete the file by deleting the file folder it was stored in, but it did not undo the damage I mentioned above. Prior to figuring out how to delete the file I ran Adaware, Spybot S&D, Norton, and Ewido and they found nothing out of the ordinary. I also posted an HJT log here and was told it appeared to be clean.

So, when I saw the "debugger" link, I found PCRescue and installed and ran it. Of course I knew it would find lots of errors over 700 but would only delete about 22 in only two registries "windows startup" and "file extensions" Is it worth paying for the full version or is this problem something much more alarming. Lastly, I occassionally see a window informing me DrWatson Debugger needs to be closed, I never installed DrWatson and when I tried to Uninstall it using the control panel, I find no listing there.

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Cannot Run Any SETUP.EXE Files

Feb 20, 2005

ive got a few setup.exe files which i try and run on my pc and they load up hnag and then finish. i opened task manage to monitor and they got to 28% cpu usage etc then back to 0 then eventually just go as the rpogram stops running.they are computer vst programs to run in my cubase sequencerand the tech suppport from the company (not saying who)is poor, but its also done it with some other apps i downloaded as well. cheked em for virus with Trend 12. nothing wrong.

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Won't Install After Setup Files Load - Drivers Partitions

May 12, 2008

So I think I was affected by the SP3 update. I went out and got another harddrive to reinstall on since the other harddrive wouldn't even boot up. I can format the disc and the setup files load and then the system does the reboot. But after it reboots it ask me if I want to install XP and it takes me through the prompts of which drive I want to partition.

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After Installing Files System Restart/ Return To Setup Again

Jul 28, 2008

Attempting to reinstall windows xp following virus problem. Setup gets as far as installing files and then restarts and returns to setup.

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Disk Cleanup - Microsoft Office 2003 Setup Files

Apr 4, 2005

I have Microsoft Office 2003 on my computer. When I run disk cleanup, under the files to delete it lists Office Setup Files. I never want to delete these files. So my question is, how do I get this option for deleting these files out of disk cleanup so it doesn't check these files every time I open the program.

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Setup Cant Find HardDrive - Repair Reboot Files On Drive

May 6, 2008

running XP setup from CD to try to do a repair results in "no installed drives found." when placed in another system as a slave, its found as quickly as the master HD is when its alone, and seems to function normally - chkdsk & surface scan find no errors & kaspersky finds no MBR or other problems. i even used TestDisk to rewrite the partition table and MBR to no avail. i'm able to copy off all my files, but would like to know if there are other things i can try. is there a way to XP setup repair / replace boot files on a drive other than C:? or can i use anything from a working system to fix the slave drive? can i ghost the partition and put it on a new HD and run repair there or will the boot problems be copied with the image?

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Clean Install Doesn't Start Setup After Copying The Files

Oct 9, 2007

Got new parts for PC upgrade. All parts new (including cables) but recycled HDD and DVD/CD-ROM.All bits connected and powered up last night in about 10 mins. Put Windows XP CD in, went into setup/ reformat process then PC needed rebooting to continue with Windows setup. Fine. or so I thought. rebooted, went into "Please press any key to boot from CD". IF pressed any key, went through the whole reformat, copy setup files etc. ELSE, just hangs on that screenie. No error messages or anything!Seems to me like it's gone into a loop, and not running the Windows set-up files copied into the HDD.

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Initial Professional Setup - Copy CDROM Files To HDD Error

Aug 23, 2006

During the initial Windows XP setup, is it possible to copy the files from the CDROM to the HDD and then continue installation from the HDD? I have seen this done with Windows 98 via the command prompt, assuming it can be done with XP aswell, but after looking through for 5 minutes I gave up searching

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Open Office Files Shows Setup Error Controller Message

Dec 22, 2009

My operating System is windows xp reacently i reinstall my ms office 2007 after that when i try to open a word or exel file it shows "The setup error controller has encounterd a problam during install. pls review the log files for further information on the error".

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SP2: Explorer.exe Randomly Crashes And Always Crashes When In Folders

Feb 21, 2009

I am confused, but I will describe this best I can: explorer.exe crashes when viewing folders or anything built on explorer.exe (I guess) at exactly 11 seconds in on them. It also randomly crashes every couple hours. Im extremely confused by all this

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Search "all Files And Folders" Crashes Computer All The Times?

Oct 31, 2008

I just started having a problem with search in Windows XP (sp3). The other options work ok, but search "all files and folders" crashes Explorer.exe. I reinstalled search assistant from the original XP disc -- still the same problem.I think this is the right error in the event log:Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.5512, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.5512, fault address 0x00012aeb.For more information, see Help and Support Center at

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Browser Crashes, PC Crashes, BSOD

Mar 5, 2010

I started getting browser and sometimes PC crashes. At first it seemed to be browser related. But the PC would also crash when idle. I tried disabling add- ons in Firefox and opening in safe mode. Tried using Chrome but it would crash with the message that Flash had malfunctioned. Then I started getting Stop messages and BSODs.I hadn't installed and new hardware and, I don't think, installed any new big programs except for updates to existing ones.

I emailed a few of the mini dump files to a friend. He said they didn't specify which drivers were causing the problem. But it might be something to do with the video or the network card. I rolled back drivers. No change. I updated drivers and uninstalled lots of programs. For a month everything seemed stable. Then the BSODs started to return. Infrequently at first but then more regularily. Sorry the story is a bit confused but it is difficult to remember every detail of what happened and the order I did things in.

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Pro Upgrade Fake Setup Call Himself Instead Original "setup.exe

Dec 4, 2006

I started an upgrade for xp pro part way through the install I got a message "WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe" no found I pressed enter then got another message "fake setup call himself instead original "setup.exe" ; setup abort!" now each time I reboot it starts to load xp then gives me the same message then press enter it then reboots.

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Corrupt Setup / Trying To Remove Setup By Logging On From Another Disk

Feb 24, 2008

I mistakenly launched XP Setup and want to know how to stop it from progressing further. I have another XP installed on another virtual disk. Rebooting from there allowed me delete the Setup files. Or so I thought ! The main XP installation however continues to try to launch Setup. Just about whatever I do, it ends in tears. My question is how do I stop XP on this disk from thinking it has to launch Setup? I dont want to reinstall XP, as that will involve a huge amount of work to recreate my environment.

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2000 Setup Won't Complete - Setup Stops

Aug 4, 2007

I was told to reinstall windows 2000 aon a C800 I was given. I stopped with an erroro reading line 3221166496 hivedef.inf corrupted. Setup cannot continue.

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Error: Setup Can Not Find Setup.exe

Oct 29, 2008

i am trying to install windows office 2007 but after a minute from start of installation ,it popup dialog box saying setup can not find setup.exe file and say browse valid installation source and click ok.
I don't know whats happening.I have just formated my C drive and installed fresh copy of windows xp.
here is image of error message.
what should i do?

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Must Run Setup / Setup Won't Start

Apr 18, 2008

I dropped my laptop the other day. It kept working at first, but crashed a couple of hours later. Now, when I boot-up, I get the following error message:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: System32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys. You can attempt to repari this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair."I've inserted the setup CD (in an external CD-Rom drive, since my laptop doesn't have its own drive). But for some reason, setup won't start, and I keep coming back to the above error message. How do I start setup?

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Crashes With New PC

Jun 1, 2007

I recently put together a new PC - AMD X2 4800 / Nvidia 8800 GTS.For the most part it seems fine (just played through the first hour of HL2 / Episode 1 with full details etc and no issues at all), however, when i'm just idling around the windows desktop, browsing, shifting files around etc, I frequently get a complete lock up.During these lock ups the keyboard becomes unresponsive, the display stops updating etc, but the mouse cursor still moves in a laggy sort of way, for a few minutes until a BSOD flashes for an instant and the PC reboots. Eventviewer has a few offers on the subject. problems with the i8402prt driver failing to load, which would appear to be keyboard / mouse related somehow.

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Ie 7 Crashes / Even Reinstalled

Apr 1, 2008

I am having problems with IE7 crashing. I have run all spyware and adware programs, I even uninstalled them as well as some other programs that I thought might be causing problems. I disabled the shell extensions that were not Microsoft or Windows IE.

I monitor calls on a site--I call up popups that contain the calls--I go along fine and then out of no where the windows freeze up and I cant get out. Then i get the "IE needs to close"I have been working on this site for 3 years now and never had a problem. I do this at my day job too and I haven't had any problems. I am running Windows XP, Serv Pak 2, IE7 and Bellsouth DSL FastAccess Extreme

Any idea what I could do next? Please let me know

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IE Crashes Sp2 Installed

Jul 18, 2005

I've had some problems with IE crashing. I have Windows xp with sp2 installed. I went through the error report and most contain a problem with mshtml.dll. I got the windows web site and it said that there is some problem with sp2 in this case and they have a hot fix. But it looks like I would have to pay $99 bucks to contact microsoft and get it.

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Explorer Crashes As Soon As I Log In?

Oct 22, 2005

I don't have the windows bar (the one with the start) and I can only run programs through the CTRL+ALT+DEL and having a new task created. I was contaminated with several trojans/worms/etc but I think now I clean, since i already run Spyware Dr. and Spybot. I also already run Trend micro online clean and I have avast antivirus installed.

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Frustrated With IE Crashes

Aug 13, 2007

So I was helping out my neighbor fix his network and I needed some extra help in configuring the router. So I went on linksys' website to chat with tech support. Take all the steps update firmware blah blah... Then I try to get back on the chat login and I was waiting at number 1 in line for about 20 mins and I thought it was a bit weird. Then I closed the window and tried to reopen IE and it keeps freezing on me. I rolled back the system by a day and still having that same problem.

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Starts Up / Crashes Right Away

Oct 21, 2005

my system has been acting up today. I got home from class and tried to install my Microsoft Visual Studio, it asked me to restart after the installation. When I did, right when it got to the desktop it said something about a registry problem has been restored and the system has been recovered. Something along those lines. Getting back on the subject, 5 seconds after it reaches the desktop it crashes. Not a hard crash, just a restart, but it crashes none-the-less. Is there a way to get around this without reformatting?(I even tried running in Safe Mode, same problem.) I can't seem to find a way to fix it if I can't even get to my desktop.

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