Cant Find "UXTheme.dll" Screen Stays On Wallpaper, No Startup Menu

Sep 10, 2007

I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X and I've instaled Windows XP with Bootcamp. I tend to run more often on XP than Mac OS X, I tryed looking for some new themes for XP and installed "UXTheme Multi-Patcher 5.0.exe" and copyed across a few new themes wich I liked. they all worked fine till I restarted the system. An error message apears saying that it cant locate the file "UXThemes.dll" so all i see in windows now is my wallpaper with no startup menu, the keyboard and mouse's right and left clik do not respond at all. I have tryed puting in the Windows instal CD but it wont even read the CD/DVD drive all is there is the wallpaper background.

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Portion Of Start Menu Stays On Screen

Jul 28, 2009

A portion of my Start menu stays on my screen after I click on it until I do something like open a new window. Here are some screenshots: --- AFTER I close the Start menu --- BEFORE I close the Start menu

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Photoshop Can't Find UxTheme.dll

Dec 11, 2007

I cleaned up a lot of junk software last nite. Today, I launched Photoshop CS2 and got a popup message that photoshop.exe can not find UxTheme.dll in Cprogram filesadobe photophopcs2. It also listed other adobe programs as well as movie factory and several others. It also listed the winnt folder and the system folder as places it looked for this dll. Is it possible I removed it when I was removing other programs by mistake. Is there a way to put it back? I'm running Windows 2000 Professional on a AMD 2400 processor. BTW, photoshop runs fine after I acknowlege the popup.

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BSOD's On Startup, Screen Stays Black And Wont Respond

May 25, 2007

I just joined here and Im having a really abd problem with my computer. The specs that i know for sure) are:I booted my comp a few dyas ago and out of nowhere I get a BSOD before that screen with Windows XP comes up. I say to myself "ok, maybe its just one time" and reboot. I get it yet again and reboot. I finally get to the windows log in screen and I get ANOTHER BSOD after it finished loading. Restarted again, worked fine. I analyze my minidumps and it said the most probably cause of these crashes was hardware. At this point I recall a computer technician saying the capacitators on my mobo were bursting, but this was a good 8 months ago, so Im not sure if its FINALLY giving out or if my RAM thats failing.

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Configure At Startup / Find The Menu

Feb 20, 2005

In windows Xp pro where do i find the menu to eid t which programs i want to run at start up?

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Wallpaper Changer From Showing Configuration Screen At Startup

Nov 24, 2008

I have Windows XP SP2 and the Wallpaper Changer. When I boot up it shows me the configuration screen. I don't want to see the configuration screen, I just want it to change my wallpaper. Wallpaper never used to do this but when IT took my computer to fix it the removed Wallpaper Changer (they thought it might be causing a problem but it wasn't) so I am confident that there is some way to stop this annoying behavior.

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Could Patched Uxtheme.dll Cause Blue Screen Of Death?

Mar 26, 2007

i recently patched my uxtheme.dll in order to use third party themes. Today, i got a blue screen of death. Thank god a restart appears to have fixed it. My question is, could this patch cause the proble? and is there a way to unpatch my uxtheme.dll

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Startup Menu/taskbar Not On Screen?

Nov 6, 2007

After installing Windows XP Pro from XP Home my computer does not display the startup taskbar. I don't know if I have a virus or not Also, when I type, the cursor randomly lets the last letter/number to go ahead of the cursor so that the next letter is behind the one I just typed.

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Black Screen On Startup Cannot See Bios Menu Or Get To Safe Mode

Aug 22, 2010

as above, pentium 4 windoiws xp black screen on startup cannot see bios menu or get to safe mode.

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Picture As Wallpaper Color Around Words / Under Icons Doesn't Blend In With Picture / Stays Solid Color

Sep 9, 2007

This may seem trivial, but it's bugging me. I have a windows XP and i have the windows classic theme. Every time I put a picture as my wallpaper the color around the words under my icons doesn't blend in with the picture but stays a solid color, so there's like little boxes of blue of white. How do I make those icon words blend in with the picture?

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Screen Message Press ESC To Exit Full Screen Stays On

Oct 18, 2009

I have searched for some weeks now and have seen an increase in people who also found that while viewing in the Full Screen option on You Tube and/or that the "Press Esc to Exit Full Screen" message that appears in the center of the screen does Not fade away after a few seconds. Of course that makes Full Screen viewing unacceptable. I posed the question to the site itself and have never received a reply. One general forum said something about Unlocking certain Files (Adobe) that were found locked because of cookie handling upon installation, but as a novice that is beyond my comprehension.In any case, is anyone aware of a fix for this problem? (That message is not suppose to stay there) I am using Win XP IE8. I tried viewing using the Firefox Browser (3.5.2) and it did not help.

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No Start Menu/ No Desktop Icons - Only Wallpaper

Sep 1, 2005

When I turn on my computer and click on "user 1" on the start up window, it takes unusually long to load, and once it does all I see is my wallpaper. No start menu, no desktop icons, nothing. I can ctrl-alt-delete and open programs by doing "run new task" and selecting them, and everything runs fine

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Stays On Loading Screen

Feb 5, 2006

I was surfing on the web and my computer froze on me (Everything froze besides my mouse). So when I restarted my computer, everything was fine until I got to the loading screen (screen with the windows logo and the loading blue bar). I've waited for the longest time ever but the blue bar would keep moving while windows doesnt even bother to load up.I've tried running Windows in safe mode but its still stuck at the loading screen.

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Stays At Window Welcome Screen

Mar 6, 2008

I think some files are lost after I improperly shut down the laptop by hold down the power button. So when I start up computer, it stays at Window XP welcome screen, the bar keeps moving continuously, but it goes nowhere. It's a Toshiba Satellite and it comes with a recovery disc, but after it finish loading the disc, nothing happens but black screen and a mouse pointer. I also tried to reinstall everything from that recovery disc but can't.(also tried to hold down C key when laptop is powering up to reformat). When I try to go to safe mode, it shows blue screen then restart again after it stops loading the file. so anyone got any other ideas?it always stays at the welcome screen so i can't even login..

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Computer Comes On / Stays At Welcome Screen

Feb 12, 2010

my computer comes on but stays at welcome screen

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Pop Up Outline Stays On Screen

Oct 1, 2005

This is a minor nuisance, but I'd like to get to the bottom of it! Every week I get a pop up balloon message from sys. tray warning me anti-virus needs updating - no problem there but after I close the reminder PART OF THE BLACK OUTLINE REMAINS ON DESKTOP! Only solution is to reboot - what could cause this? It's a tad distracting. ALSO How do I insert an animated gif as my signature? When I click in insert pic it asks what text is to be formatted?

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Just Desktop Wallpaper / No Icons / Start Menu Or Task Manger

Jan 27, 2006

I have a major problem. When I regularly start Windows XP home edition. It seems to run just fine, yet the mouse is at an hourglass for a good amount of time.Then, All the icons disappear, Start Menu goes away, Cannot open task manger or run anything. Computer then stalls with DLL.exe and svchost error messages.I ran a spybot scan and adaware. Only coming up with Jupilites and Smitfraud-C.Both have been cleaned.If I can find a way to transfer my HJT file from my laptop to the computer I am currently using, will posted as soon as possible.

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Cannot Install - Cd Drive Starts Off But The Screen Stays Black

May 25, 2005

Well i am trying to install a fresh copy of XP and the CD is bootable and the CD drives all work ok, i have tried 3 different CD Drives but when i goto start the boot sequence i get an message saying:

Searching boot device
No emulation

Press any key to boot from CDrom....

I press a key and the cd drive starts off but the screen stays black and does not do anything.

I have never seen the message No Emulation under searching boot device before

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Laptop Refuses To Boot From Install Cd Screen Stays Black

Jul 16, 2009

I've recently purchased an HP G50 laptop, and decided to wipe off Vista and install XP - I did this with a few laptops before, no problem. However this laptop is proving to be a real headache. It won't boot from the Windows XP install CD at all The furthest I get is at the "Press any key to boot from CD" prompt, then the screen stays black. I booted without the hard drive to see if this was causing the issue, but the problem persisted. The CD had no problem booting on 4 other machines. I tried a different CD and that didn't make the problem go away. The laptop will boot any Linux install/live cd I shoot at it, yet it refuses to boot the Windows XP install CD.

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Blank Screen / Hard Drive Light Blinks Once And Stays Off

Oct 13, 2007

I got this inspiron 1100 off ebay it didn't come with a hard drive so I put the hard drive from my inspiron 9300 into it and when you turn it on the the power light is on and the hard drive light blinks once and stays off. The screen remains black and when i tried to hook it to a montior still nothing black screen. was wondering if i used the wrong kindof hard drive?or am I looking in the wrong direction.

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Run Option Missing From Startup Menu: Restoring It To My Startup?

Sep 3, 2005

The run link is missing from my startup menu...can anyone help me find it? I know this sounds dumb, but I really need to restore it to my startup so I
can take care of some other problems I'm having.

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Startup: Freezes After Showing My Wallpaper Of Desktop Items?

Mar 27, 2005

My computer is really slow and it takes hours just to get to the screen where the User names are. Also when i enter my password and try to log in. The computer usually freezes after showing my wallpaper of desktop items. This is probably because I had installed a few programs.Is there a program or something to that I can use to boot my computer faster? I'm desperate also I really need to keep all the files on my computer on my computer. I have been having problems with my cpu being overheated. The CPU fan makes alot of noise.

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Dual Boot System - Long Time Booting - Stays On Splash Screen

Sep 18, 2008

i have a dual boot system xp / vista64 all of a sudden my computer takes a long time to boot it stays on the splash screen for about 10 minutes before showing me the boot selection screen what could be the problem?

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Screen Stuck On Wallpaper

Oct 12, 2010

My XP desktop only shows my wallpaper. I can open programs using Task Manager.I can't run sfc / scannow from task manager - it just flickers a square box and disappears. Nothing changes. It won't run. It won't let me open any antivirus program.

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In Prof, Can't Find RUN Dialog Box In START Menu

May 21, 2010

I just installed Windows XP Professional.
When I go to START menu. There is no RUN dialog command to activate. Where can I find it manually?

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Add Recent Documents To The Start Menu - Can't Find

Aug 25, 2005

My wife has a new notebook with Win XP Pro (SP2). I'd like to add My Recent Documents to the Start Menu, but I've looked everywhere, and I can't find that option.

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Desktop Wallpaper Offers My Pictures - Prevent 1st Choice Wallpaper

Jan 11, 2008

The last thing I want ANYONE to see is My Pictures. Why is this damn thing offering THAT place as first choice for dektop wallpapers? I pointed it (browsed to) Windows/Web/Wallpapers but it STILL insists on my pictures included there! And there is no obvious, clear cut way to change it, I have to google all over the place to find the damn answer! Pure wasted time. to remove that place and prevent it from ever showing up as a first choice for wallpapers?

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Desktop Will Not Boot - Wallpaper Screen

Aug 3, 2008

As of yesterday morning my desktop will not boot at all. It boots until the wallpaper screen then comes up with the following message:USERINIT.EXE. the application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005) Click on OK to terminate the application.Then it freezes there. I can't even boot in the safe mode. (same message)Is there a fix or am I looking at a total reinstall and a loss of all files?

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Can't Find System Restore Shortcut On Start Menu

Aug 26, 2005

I can still use system restore; but my problem is I can't seem to locate system restore on the start menu, I know that it used to be there. Is there any way to put the icon back on the start menu? Running Window XP Home Edition.

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Finding Desktop Wallpaper Location - Label IE Wallpaper

Jan 26, 2006

I am wondering if it is possible to find the location of where your wallpaper pic is temporarily stored while it is your current wallpaper. The reason I ask is because I thought I saved the pic before I made it my wallpaper, but I cannot locate the file. Also, is there a way to find out the name of the file? Then I could do a search, but as it is, Desktop properties just labels it "Internet explorer wallpaper

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Startup Iso - Where Can Find

Sep 13, 2005

where i can find one? The comp that needs it has no floopy.

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