Cant Change Boot Order

Nov 7, 2008

fitted a new hard drive due to virus and want to reinstall windows but went into bios to change boot order but it wont let me it has enter in red alongside all i can do is press it it wont let me go anywhere else.

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Laptop Won't Boot / Can't Change Boot Order / Cd Drive Just Clicks

Nov 5, 2007

I have a HP ze5568cl laptop (Windows XP SP2). For a few years we've had trouble with the power connector. We've just wiggled the power cable to keep it connected and lived with the problem. It also gets very hot and the fan runs constantly. Yesterday when I powered it on there was no power, absolutely nothing. My husband has some electronic knowledge so we took the laptop apart and he soldered the loose part of the power connector. While he was doing that I cleaned the fan (couldn't believe how much dust was in there.When we plugged in the power cable the orange light came on so we were excited. When we powered it on all the keyboard lights lit up so we thought we had fixed the problem but.that's all it did. It went no further except that the fan kicked on.There is a clicking noise coming from the cd drive about every second with the green light flashing. I suppose it is checking to see if there is a bootable cd in the cd drive. I have attempted to change the boot order by holding F1, then F2 but it still continues to try to read the cd drive. I can't get to the screen that will allow me to change the boot order.

I also put the OS disk in the cd drive, hoping that it would start with the disk but it just clicks. Hubby removed the cover of the cd drive and I could see that the cd is spinning.There were no problems with this laptop prior to the power problem. It was really working very well especially considering the age of it.
The information in my sig is not for the computer with the problem. It's actually for an old computer which my son now has at college.

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Screen Where You Can Change The Boot Order

Oct 26, 2007

I am receiving the error message about missing or corrupt file and have seen many "fixes" posted on the web. But my trouble is a little different. I have the XP install DVD and when I put it in the computer and start it up it doesn't do anything different, i have tried to change the boot setup (F12 i think upon startup) and try to prioritize it to the number one spot, but it doesn't save the change (although it does look like the drive light is on during startup. I can't boot it up in Safe Mode or any of the options that appear on that screen. Everything I try takes me back to the black screen that says something along the lines of insert the original install disk and press R to go to the restore menu. I cant' get the thing to boot from the DVD. To note - on the screen where you can change the boot order, it doesn't say DVD drive it says CD but the drive came with the computer.

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Change Order In Startup

Jul 15, 2005

There are numerous applications such as McAfee, etc. and other McAfee components in the startup, my question is, can you change their order in startup and therefore control which ones activate first to last? And by doing this can or would you be able to improve any amount of the startup performance?

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Unable To Change Order Of Icons In Quick Launch Taskbar?

Jul 4, 2005

Have XP Home Edition with all current updates. Do not have toolbars locked. By mistake, moved the whole Quick Launch Taskbar and lost it. When I went to Start > Properties > and enabled Show Quick Launch, I got it back with all my icons. The problem is that they are no longer displayed in the order that I want and I can not drag them to change the order. Sometime in the past, I was able to drag them to change their rder. Again, I do not have the toolbars lock set. I went to my application dataMicrosoftIEQuick Launch and changed the sort order of the folder but it did not change the
display order when I rebooted the system.

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BIOS Boot Order First Boot Device

Jun 17, 2005

Is there anyway to see the BIOS boot order (1st CD, 2nd Floppy, 3rd HDD) through windows XP (possibly a registry key or something)? I ask because I need to make sure all of the computers in my department are set to HDD first and not CD incase they have a non-bootable CD in the drive and a power outage (or Windows Update) causes a reboot.don't want to goto every computer, and would like to do this all remotely.

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Set Order Items Start Computer - Pop Area Different Order?

Aug 25, 2008

Just wondering?? Is there a way to set the order in which items start when I start my computer. The items in the notification tray are what I am talking about. Is it possable to get things to pop into that area in a different order?

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WinPro SP2 Boot Order

Apr 23, 2006

I recently added a 300 GB external USB2 hard drive to serve as a backup and general storage repository. Before connecting the drive, the system was booted. Once connected, the drive functioned flawlessly. However, after system shutdown the next boot failed with "no boot disk found," which was easily traced to the external drive.

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Boot-up Sound Has Changed Order

May 11, 2010

Before my latest power supply, when my computer booted, it would show the Welcome screen, then play the boot-up sound, then load the desktop. Now there is no boot sound cue until after the desktop loads. Is this something to be concerned about?

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Win CD Won't Boot Up / Boot Order Changed

Oct 21, 2009

What happened was recently my computer restarted out of nowhere when I was browsing the internet. When my computer restarted, it would not go past the windows loading screen and just reset (blue screen of death). I tried going into safe mode however, nothing seems to work other than booting Windows into 'debugging mode' and everything works fine.I'm trying to correct this problem by possibly using the Windows XP CD to repair Windows. Here's when I run into another problem. The Windows XP CD simply will not boot. I've tried changing the boot order in the bios but the 'press <any> key to boot from CD' will always be skipped no matter what. I've even tried different DVD/CD drives and different Windows XP CDs.

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Can't Change Boot Sequence

Nov 24, 2008

Need to re-boot with CD to get to recovery console, and when I get to the boot menu CD/CD-ROM is in the # 3 spot and I can't get it to move to the # 1 spot. when I get to the boot menu, all I'm able to do is move the curser up/down to highlight the 3 choices but not change the sequence. Now i can't change the boot sequence.

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Change Boot Sequence Without F2

Jul 12, 2009

I'm trying to get back to factory install with XP on an Acer Travelmate 8100. Have all the recovery disks, but only thing is the f2 key doesn't work.
I need this to make it boot from the CD and get back to how it was when I first bought it.

Do you know a way round this?

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Change Boot Sequence In Xp Pro

Dec 8, 2004

I can't change the boot sequence in xp pro i get to the bios but when i go to change the first boot process and presses enter nothing happens

I logged on as admin and has done this before with this machine but now nothing happens my feeling is she has some kind of virus or somthing as her machine is quite slow but the anti virus program is not respondind neither is the restore option and im sure other programs

I want to use my restore disk but if i can't change the boot sequence how can i run it?

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Change The Boot Sequence

Sep 30, 2006

I have two older IBM 300PL computers and I want to change the boot sequence but I cannot figure out how to get into the BIOS. So far I have not found it anywhere and I have searched and I have tried to scour the setup options by pressing F1 right from the beginning. I am trying to load in a new OS, but if I cannot get it to boot off of the A,D, and then C, then it won't work. How to change the boot sequence in one of these IBM computers?

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Change The Boot Up Screen

Jul 9, 2005

Are you able to change the boot up screen to another picture on the computer if so how.

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Cannot Boot After Partition Change

Jul 30, 2005

I used partition magic 8 to essentially resize a partition (smaller) and add a new partition. The system rebooted after a reboot request. then when it restarted, it asked to reboot again. I said Ok, no problem. Then when it rebooted again, when trying to start up , it went to a black screen that said "windowssystem32configsystem is currupt or missing". Im a designer, not a tech guy, but im thinking that the repartition software may not have recorded (updated partition info file?) properly, and now the system doesnt know where the windows OS is? Pleeese help - im afraid to use the repair console, and tried to reinstall windows over the current system (as a last resort) but it said it cant do that either because a certain folder did not exist. Note im on my laptop now (problem on desktop).What do you think and what can i do? Do i need to put another HD in my computer with windows on it, boot to it, and manipulate the problem ( currnt drive) with the newley added drive with windows on it? I have no idea, just a thought. I'll be happy to provide any further details. Please help me out.

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Order Of OS

Aug 18, 2006

What are the order of Windows Operating Systems after 98SE?

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Access And Change The Boot Sequence

Apr 1, 2005

How to access the advanced option table (don't know how that's called) ? the one some computers can access by hitting the delete key. But it doesn't work for my computer.. Or is there any way to change the boot sequence?

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Pro Wont Boot After Bios Change?

Jul 2, 2006

I have an old (but still very spry) AMD 850 Duron 20gHd, award Bios with XP Pro Sp1 updated to Sp2 via updates.Was reading about overclocking (which I know nothing about), and decided to change a setting in the bios to Enable," CPU temperature shut down" ?? not sure exactly what it was called but something very close to that. When I hit "Y Enter" the screen went black and that's how its been ever since. Ive tried tapping delete on start up and the XP CD but nothing .. just the black screen!Ps I've since read a number of reports referring to AMD chip temperatures being misread by bios's, sounds related maybe?

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Reg Change Now Won't Boot In Safe Mode

Jul 25, 2007

reg change now XP Pro won't boot in safe mode. everything was working before small reg change of 1 to 0. Stupid mistake, didn't set roll back point recently, boots 20 files and hangs, mups.sys last loaded.

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Print In Order

Dec 27, 2004

On my old coputer I could print documents so they came out with the first page on top. I ca not find how to make that happen on my new computer with XP.

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Name Resolution Order

May 27, 2005

Can any one let me know how to change the Name Resolution order in Windows NT4 please?

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Best Partition Order?

May 3, 2006

I want to split my existing Windows partition into three partitions:

1. Windows system + apps

2. Personal data

3. Swap file

My question is, is that the best order for them? Or should I keep the swapfile partition next to the system partition?I've heard some people say the swap partition should go on the outside of the disk, because it's the part that turns the fastest (so it has faster reads/writes). Or is that an urban legend?

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Order Of Startup?

May 4, 2006

How do I set the order of startup with the modules that load on the right side of desktop next to the clock? I would like to control in what order thoese modules load on the desktop when a user logs in.

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Order Of Drives

Sep 15, 2007

My laptop came with one harddisk and a DVD drive. These were initially C and D drives.I later used a partition software and made 3 partitions out of my single harddisk. I meant to have these as C: (original drive), D:, and E: Drives. How can I change the oder/visible sequence of drives as per my requirements?

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Change Drive Letter Of Boot Volume

Jul 25, 2005

how can i change the drive letter of my boot volume

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Switching Order Of Controllers In XP

Sep 10, 2005

I had a Thrustmaster Dual Power 4 game pad, and bought a Logitech Rumblepad later. I like the Rumblepad better, and want to consider it my "first string" controller. But if I go into say, Nba Live 2005, and go to choose controllers, no matter what I do, the thrustmaster is on the top of the list, and the logitech is on the bottom. All the old posts talk about choosing Preferred device in the control panel. By running DxDiag, I can see that setting something as the Preferred Device assigns it Controller ID 0. But I also see that the order of the Controllers, as recognized by most games, is the same as the order listed in the game controller control panel, and is completely unrelated to which device is "controller id 0" and "preferred device." For example, I set the logitech as preferred device, and plugged in the thrustmaster and also a gamepad pro.

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Reverse Alphabetical Order

Aug 16, 2005

When i go to open or save a file, the windows always return to reverse alphabetical order, how can i change this default back to alphabetical order?

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Viewing In Alphabetical Order

Jul 17, 2005

I like to think I know my way around a pc but XP has humbled me.By humbled I mean been driven INSANE. I have 2 big problems that I just can't seem to figure out how to fix/why it happens and one little problem. Any help is greatly appreciated. If you need screenshots, blood, whatever, let me know and I'll give it if it gets me down the path to fixing these maddening problems.

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Install - Order Of Updates?

Sep 18, 2007

The hard drive on my five-year old Dell crashed and I will be re-installing the OS on a new hard drive. Of course, my original disk is a Service Pack 1. what order I should be downloading the Microsoft updates? Should I install Service Pack 2 first?

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Copy Shortcuts In Order To Run From Run

May 13, 2010

In windows xp how can i make applications run straight from the start -> run for example when i hit start - run and writing Nero it runs me automatically nero express how can i add personal shortcuts or to which directory should i copy the files in order that i should just write the name of the app and it will run straight 4 example if i'll write "skype" it will automatically open skype 10x always.

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