Cannot Boot After Partition Change

Jul 30, 2005

I used partition magic 8 to essentially resize a partition (smaller) and add a new partition. The system rebooted after a reboot request. then when it restarted, it asked to reboot again. I said Ok, no problem. Then when it rebooted again, when trying to start up , it went to a black screen that said "windowssystem32configsystem is currupt or missing". Im a designer, not a tech guy, but im thinking that the repartition software may not have recorded (updated partition info file?) properly, and now the system doesnt know where the windows OS is? Pleeese help - im afraid to use the repair console, and tried to reinstall windows over the current system (as a last resort) but it said it cant do that either because a certain folder did not exist. Note im on my laptop now (problem on desktop).What do you think and what can i do? Do i need to put another HD in my computer with windows on it, boot to it, and manipulate the problem ( currnt drive) with the newley added drive with windows on it? I have no idea, just a thought. I'll be happy to provide any further details. Please help me out.

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Win 2000 Pro Boot.ini On Dos Partition Rather Than OS Partition

Jan 31, 2007

I reinstalled my OS several months ago, and decided that I might want a dual boot in the future. I already had an old, smaller drive in the machine that's labeled the c: drive.
Reading one time that for security purposes it's good to have your OS on a drive other than C:, I decided to not alter the drive lettering.

I then partitioned a new internal hard drive into several logical drives. I formatted the D: partition as a Dos fat32 partition and the rest as NFTS partitions. Somehow, I allowed the D: partition to be the primary partition, while the E: partition which contains the Win 2000 Pro OS Winnt directory is a logical drive.

When I just checked disk management, I noticed that not only is boot.ini on the D: Dos partition, but so is ntldr along with the following Dos setup files:

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How To Change System Partition

Aug 1, 2010

I have two hard drives in my computer, the first with Windows XP installed and the second with Windows XP x64 and Windows 7 installed. I never use Windows XP anymore so my plan was to delete it and copy the 64 bit installation to that drive, but as it turns out the XP partition is the system partition. From what I've read in similar topics, I could format the drive and then use the Windows 7 disk to do a startup repair. As a test I set the XP partition to inactive and used the Windows 7 disk, I learned that the disk dosent even see the Windows 7 installation unless the XP partition is active, it also tells me that Windows 7 is installed on drive C which is false. I figured these tings would work themselves out and deleted the XP partition anyway. I had to recover it to get my computer to boot again but now it goes straight into 7 without giving me the choice to boot into XP or XP 64. Is my problem a little more complex because im working with three operating systems? Please tell me what I can do to fix all of this and achieve my original goal.

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Can Change Partition Size?

May 12, 2007

I did a re-install today and somehow screwed up on the partitions. The partition I was going to install XP on was supposed to be 10g, but for some reason it turned out to be 1.4g.Can I change this and add more space, without messing up the OS? Is there a free program out there that'll do this?

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Safely Change Partition Size

Jun 28, 2010

Well this issue is really simple, I have two operating systems: Windows XP Home Edition and Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx installed on my computer, both systems are installed into a single HD, each on its own partition.
My HD is 120 GB and I have 60 GB for Win and 60 GB for Ubuntu, my question is: Is there any way to safely change this partition size WITHOUT uninstall any of my OS? I've been using my computer for about 6 months with this partitions, which means that my two systems have some applications and programs installed and I feel really lazy about reinstalling Ubuntu and all my programs just because I want to change my partition size; of course if there is no other solution I'll have to do it, I know this works because I partitioned my Win 120 GB partition to accomodate Ubuntu when I installed it, using the partition wizard that comes with the Ubuntu installation program.

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Reformatted Partition - Cannot Change The Drive Letter

Aug 26, 2007

i reformatted my windows partition to try and solve a constant crash hd is divided up into 2 partitions with the second being where i stored all my data and mp3's.I only formatted the windows partition and now my second partition is inaccessable.The drive letter has also changed from k to d..i tried changing the drive letter back to k and the partition was still inacessable.Any help would be awsome on this.I would hate to lose 100+ gigs of data

D: is not acessable
the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

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How To Recover Deleted Grub / Boot Partition (Dual Boot System)

Oct 24, 2009

I accidentally deleted a partition and later found out that my system is dead....The only way I recover out of that is I reinstall Windows and then install grub again to recover the Linux partition. But I feel the delete partition is a very rapid process just taking seconds and in that I don't think files would be deleted, so I feel potentially I can recover the deleted partitions including the boot partition. But I don't know how to do it. Also now when the boot partition is deleted and the system is not booting up what should be done to recover the system and data?

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Will Not Boot Harddrive Without Boot Flop - Hidden Partition Corrupted

Aug 26, 2005

I cloned a hard drive which had Windows XP on it (the hard drive was going
out) and the new hard drive would not boot unless I booted first to a floippy with boot.ini, ntldr, and Have tried recovery console and everything else I can think of, but the system WILL NOT boot to the hard drive. I checked the boot.ini file for improper boot, but everything looks The old hard drive had two partitions on it, but the hidden partition was corrupt so I deleted it. I changed the boot.ini file settings accordingly.

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Removing Boot Partition In Dual Boot System

Nov 5, 2006

I have a dual boot environment with two Win XP installed on different disks, XP1 and XP2 . XP1 was installed first and contains the boot files (NTLDR, boot.ini...) and XP2 came second. Now, I would like to keep XP2 and get rid of XP1. How can i delete XP1 since it contains the boot files? if i delete XP1 i am afraid to not be able to boot on XP2.

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Removing Dual Boot Setup - Boot Partition

Dec 9, 2005

I have a system which was initially set up a while ago as a dual boot, Win98SE/Win2K. I had a need for the Win98SE side of things then, but now that has gone but the Win98SE partition is the boot of course.I want to be able to do away with the Win98SE partition completely and ideally add the space to the Win2K one, maybe leave it as a clean NTFS partition if that makes things easier. This would mean that I would end up with a drive with a single boot partition holding Win2K. This of course is not a trivial process as the drive letter of the boot partition will need to change. (I do want that drive letter change incidentally).

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Restore Backup Partition - No System Boot No Cd Boot WTF

Feb 17, 2007

i was trying to restore my backup of the partition with the windows xp system on it. Of course, everything went wrong and Norton Ghost 2003 had an error at about 95%. I thought i can just boot from the win xp cd and fix the problem... no way when i try to boot from the win xp cd, i get a black screen after checking my pc configuration, no driver loading etc.

when i try to boot from my sata drive, it says that there are some missing files (that's not strange, if ghost didnt work like it should) when i try to boot from any other drive i get an error like this: A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your Computer. If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer.If this screen appears again, follow thease steps: Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run chkdisk/f to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer. Technical information: STOP: 0x0000007B(0xF8958640, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000,0x00000000)

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Boot Manager - Fly Boot Partition Switching

Jul 25, 2005

I am looking a providing a windows xp disk based recovery solution which uses a boot manager to boot into a small footprint o/s ( DOS,Linux,Recovery Console ....haven't decided yet) do a 5 second sanity check on the window partition (windows partition is intact,system files are present.) if okay tell the bootmanager to boot to windows partion and restart if bad tell boot manager to boot to hidden recovery partition and restart. Does anyone know of any boot managers that let me chnage the boot partition on the fly like this?

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Laptop Won't Boot / Can't Change Boot Order / Cd Drive Just Clicks

Nov 5, 2007

I have a HP ze5568cl laptop (Windows XP SP2). For a few years we've had trouble with the power connector. We've just wiggled the power cable to keep it connected and lived with the problem. It also gets very hot and the fan runs constantly. Yesterday when I powered it on there was no power, absolutely nothing. My husband has some electronic knowledge so we took the laptop apart and he soldered the loose part of the power connector. While he was doing that I cleaned the fan (couldn't believe how much dust was in there.When we plugged in the power cable the orange light came on so we were excited. When we powered it on all the keyboard lights lit up so we thought we had fixed the problem but.that's all it did. It went no further except that the fan kicked on.There is a clicking noise coming from the cd drive about every second with the green light flashing. I suppose it is checking to see if there is a bootable cd in the cd drive. I have attempted to change the boot order by holding F1, then F2 but it still continues to try to read the cd drive. I can't get to the screen that will allow me to change the boot order.

I also put the OS disk in the cd drive, hoping that it would start with the disk but it just clicks. Hubby removed the cover of the cd drive and I could see that the cd is spinning.There were no problems with this laptop prior to the power problem. It was really working very well especially considering the age of it.
The information in my sig is not for the computer with the problem. It's actually for an old computer which my son now has at college.

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Error - Boot From Another Partition

Jun 30, 2006

Where should I install codec like dvix, xvid? In the partition which win xp is on and boot from, or another partition? I would like to install as less programs as possible on win xp partition.

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Dual Boot And 7 On Partition E

Mar 3, 2010

i want to install windows 7 on my computer currently running xp. i have 3 partitions, c, d, and e. xp is on c, and i want windows 7 on partition e. i also want all my xp data to go on windows 7, as if it was an upgrade install. is there a way to do this?

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Cant Boot Partition (URGENT)

Sep 3, 2007

I initialy had my computer set up to dual boot XP Home Edition and Ubuntu. I then purchased Windows Vista and set up my PC to dual boot XP and Vista. Vista worked fine and still does, however when i went to boot XP i recieved the ntldr error. To solve this problem I copied the needed ntldr files off of the instalation cd and placed them on the XP partition. After copying the files I then selected the XP option during boot. After selecting this partition i moved on to another screen asking which operating system i would like. It had one blank option and XP Home Edition. After selecting either one my system restarts and i end up at the boot screen again. I am still able to boot Vista just not XP. I have tried many options found online but none have been succesfull. I am in need of some programs on the XP partition so i would like a solution by tonight if posible. Thanks in advance.

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Partition? Boot Problem (HP)

Feb 1, 2005

I have a hard drive that came out of an HP pavilion xt963 (mobo/bioschip failure) I am trying to install in another computer Compaq Presario. The drive itself is not wanting to boot but I'm unsure of the problem.
If I let it try to boot it goes to safe mode menu. If I choose Safe mode it starts to load and locks up on c:windowssystem32whatever... first it was agpsys.. (I no longer can remember the name). I disabled this in recovery console booting from xp cd. It locked on the next file. I disabled it again. Still locks on whatever the last file is before loading safe mode. If I try to load normally or last known good configuration then it locks and nothing ever happens.I tried using the HP restore cd's but they will not work. I can boot to an xp home cd. I don't want to reload for 2 reasons. #1 Won't I get the error that it cannot load from xp cd due to the HP restore feature? #2 I will, of course, lose all data...not that its worth anything right now... If I press F10 on boot to try to get to restore I get the message
couldn't open drive multi (0 disk(0)rdisk NTLDR couldn't open drive multi(0) disk(0) rdisk(0) partition (1)
drive is setup as follows:
_: EISA utilities 4511 mb (827 mb free)
C: partition 2 (HP_pavilion) NTFS 33643 mb
unpartitioned space 8 mb

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Boots In One Drive Still Wants To Boot Partition In C

Jun 1, 2005

When the system boots into the new drive R:, it still wants the boot partition c: for something. If I boot with the IDE disconnected, it'll boot to the login screen, and allow me to log in, but after a few minutes of a blank screen & cursor, it drops back to the login.

I have PartitionMagic 7.0, and used DriveMapper to change all references to C: to R:, but that didn't do it. How do I cut my system's dependence on the failing drive, before it fails altogether?

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Boot Disk For An NTFS Or FAT Partition In XP

Sep 12, 2007

I am trying to create a Boot Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition in Windows XP.So far i have formatted my floppy disk, but im stuck on the next step!Copy the Ntldr and the files from the I386 folder on the Windows XP Setup CD-ROM, Windows XP Setup floppy disk, or from a computer that is running the same version of Windows XP as the computer that you want to access with the boot floppy.I have found the Ntldr file and the file, but when i have copied them where do i paste them?? What do i do with them?

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Maximum Boot Partition Size?

Sep 14, 2006

I just got a new system with a 300 GB HD, and am trying to install Windows XP Pro. It seems to only 'see' a maximum of about 131 GB.Is there a limitation to the size of the boot partition for XP? Is it possible to make use of the complete 300 GB as my C: drive?

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Get Rid Of Dual Boot And Reinstall Old Partition?

Jun 29, 2005

I wanted to reinstall Xp Home Edition on my Sony Vaio because I felt that I wanted to start fresh again. I lost my cd so I went on another forum and they told me to run the program called winnt32.exe in the folder C:windowssystem32I386. I did that and I reinstalled xp. After it restarted, It asked me which system I wanted to boot: Windows Xp Home Edition or Windows XP Home edition. I clicked on the new one (which I presumed to be the top one) and found that I could not log in. It just took me to the desktop and there was nothing on it.I also found that I could not use the standby feature. It is pretty much like safe mode except for the fact that I can go on the internet. Now I am faced with two problems.1. How do i get rid of that new dual boot partition 2.How do I reinstall XP on my old partition?

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Delete Partition Failure To Boot

Feb 3, 2007

I had 2 partitions on the laptop C and E, last night while fidling about I deleted E and since then laptop does not boot up. Comes up, windows hardware configuration not recoqnized. Tried to recover it but seems recovery bit was also deleted. I have to recover important office work else my life is over!!!

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Partition Commander Prevents Boot Sequence

May 20, 2006

I have Windows 2000 Pro running. I have two 120 GB HDs. One is C, the other is D and E.
I tried to install Partition Commander. I decided that I did not want to install it, so I exited the program. Then I went to remove software and indicated that i wanted to remove it. It accomplished all OK.

Now, when I restart from a power off, the black and white boot sequence stops and asks if I want to boot from master boot 0, 1, 2 or 3. I indicate 0, and it boots OK. How do I get rid of this problem? My computer used to boot from off to my Windows desktop, nonstop.
I was trying to change partition sizes but decided to keep what I have.

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Multi Boot System - Cant Access Partition

May 9, 2005

up to recently I had a Multi boot system, i have a 120gb HD it had 20gb for XP for my Famliy, 70gb for me, and 20 for backup. I Decided to make a pc for everyone else and once i copied there files with Partition Magic formated there partition which was C:, now i cant access my partition

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Dual Boot / MS-DOS Install / Partition Size

Feb 24, 2007

I'm wiping my laptop HD and starting fresh. I want to install DOS and XP, and I've gotten a lot of tips through searching old posts, but I still have a few questions. There wasn't much out there for this particular combination.First, equipment. I've got a Toshiba Satellite M55 with a 75 GB HD. I'm installing HP Home. I have no floppy drive. I'm also using a 250 GB USB external hard drive for backups and such. Partitions: What size for each? I was thinking I'd have one for DOS, one for XP and applications, and one for data, although I'm planning to store most of my non-essential data on the external. Is it beneficial to also have a separate partition for the swap file? I read a recommendation in another thread for a 30 GB volume for XP/apps and a 2 GB volume for the swap file with the rest allocated for data, but I didn't find any recommendations for MS-DOS volume size.

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Boot System - Paragon Partition Manager

Jul 18, 2008

all the data is intact I'm currently on a live distro of linux on my ipod.I was messing with the partitions ONLY ON MY IPOD on paragon partition prompted me to restart to finish and it seemed to lake a LONG timeit gave an error message saying if the part was bootable to redo LILOnow it won't boot windows and I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FIX IT!!!

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Unable To Boot After Resizing With Partition Magic 8.05?

Aug 22, 2005

I installed PM 8.05 and used it to resize C drive (WinXP OS is there).I used the auto function to take a 1Gig amount each from drives D, E and F (about 25+ plus Gig free on each of these on a Seagate 120Gig HDD) to add to the 1Gig of free space on the C drive. The PM process seemed to go OK (went into DOS(?) and went through 7 steps to resize, etc) as there were no error messages. It said at the start it was going to do FAT 32 which is what I had the drives set up as. At the end PM said it was going to reboot and then the fan was hit. The boot up stopped at the "DMI Verifying Pool Data" message and the little line cursor just sat there blinking.

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Move Unused Gigs From One Partition To Another - Dual Boot

Mar 14, 2008

I used Win98SE before installing WinXP Pro about a year ago. I have 2 internal hard drives and am running a dual boot with 98SE on the C drive and the K drive has the XP Pro. C drive was partitioned at the outset of dual booting and has drives E through H. Drive K which has XP Pro is beginning to fill and in fact, I currently have only 4 gigs available for use. Now the question: can I move some of the unused gigs in drives G and H to the K drive?? Oh, 98SE is FAT32 and Pro has NTFS formatting. If the answer is yes then, of course, I will need to know how. And as usual, TIA.

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Deleted Nameless Partition: System Wont Boot?

Aug 16, 2009

My Dell Inspiron B130 Windows Xp SP3 had only one internal hard drive, it was broken up into Drive C and two nameless partions that I did not make I accidentley deleted one of the namless partitions and now my windows XP SP3 laptop is no longer bootable. My computer just says no bootable drive found. I think I deleated some important system data My personal data on Drive C appears to be still there is there any way I can recover the system data or make my laptop bootable again without losing all of my data?

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Added Partition Caused UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME Error On Boot

Aug 15, 2005

I seem to have bad luck with multiple partitions on one drive. I have a 160 gb hdd that was partitoned with one approx 137gb partition with windows xp. It was working fine. I decided to partition the remaining space which was something like 25gb. I did it from windows xp in the disk managment snap-in. It worked fine until I formatted the new 25gb partition and assigned the page file to this drive. I had not rebooted before formatting the new drive and I believe the format is what screwed up the drive. I have tried to chkdsk /r but it took forever and then crashed. I believe windows improperly sized the partition over part of the original C partition. I really hate logical drives. I always seem to have some sort of data loss with them..

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Partition Magic Error 58 Cannot Write To Boot Sector

Sep 9, 2007

Windows XP .I am trying desparately to enlarge my c drive, which is partitioned from a large drive also containing f (programs) and g (data) drives. I need to enlarge the c drive to allow proper cmptr operation.i used Partition magic , which seemed to work up until the point where it rebooted and gave me error 58 "unable to write to the boot sector. Virus protection software may be running. "I have disabled Norton Anti virus, and Spyware Dr (complete shutdown). Still no success.How do i disable virus protection in the boot.

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