Buying Windows Pro Cheap Or Freely?

Mar 8, 2006

I need to re-install my operating system but I dont have it because I bought the computer from someone else. Any idea of where I can get It cheap or free. I know about ebay already.

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Install Home OEM: Buying A Cheaper Copy OEM?

Oct 18, 2007

I had to install new hard drive.The only way out now, is to install a brand new copy of XP Home or Professional.I do not need the box/manual etc so I thought I could buy a cheaper copy OEM. But when I went to Amazon it said the OEM was not for a consumer, only system builders.Can anyone explain what problems I might encounter if I installed a OEM version (as funds are very tight - OEM would help out a lot).Or does anyone know of a version of XP that you can buy without the box etc (just the CD), that is for a home user.One other question - will my motherboard except a new version of XP(does it know that I am changing the "Product Key" etc).

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Buying New System & Checking SAGE Compatibility ?

Mar 31, 2010

I am buying a new business computer to use SAGE and Photoshop CS4. The man in PC World said he didn't think SAGE would work with Windows 7 so recommended i buy a HP with XP built in for 580 with 22" monitor. The alternative is Acer Aspire x1301 and get a graphics card for it... Which should i go for to avoid problems with my programs working??

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Installing Fresh Copy Of OS: Buying OS Disk From EBay?

Dec 24, 2009

I have a six year old dell. old installation of Windows XP is damaged beyond repair so I will have to reinstall it.I have the dell serial number, service tag number, and most of the other relevant information. I even have the original Windows XP license key number printed on a label on the side of my computer.the one thing that I do not have is the Windows XP installation disk.What is the best way to resolve this?I have seen XP disks for sale on ebay craigslist. Can I purchase one of those and install it on my old computer? If I do that should I get a new license key from them or do I use my old one.

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Get A Cheap Xp License

Nov 11, 2005

does anyone know where I can get a cheap xp license, I have the cd, so I was wondering if there are any type of programs I could take advantage of to get a cheaper xp license..

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Get Legit Copy Of XP Pro Cheap?

Jan 24, 2008

I plan on building a new computer but i need a copy of windows XP and I know there should be upgrade versions i can use since i have older copies of 2k and 95.but where can i find legit ones?I don't want to pay $140 for xp on newegg, are there other sites that sell cheaper? (and are legit)

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Get Operating System At Cheap Rates

Aug 15, 2006

Hey guys today i have sale a bunch of copies of windows xp home, pro and comperate. The disks themselfes are burned but the keys are all legit. Get them here for cheap home - 30$,pro - 40$,corp- 60$.

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Finding For Cheap Deal Of Cable For Internet ?

Jul 2, 2006

i once used the snails route (dialup).Now I use charter comm. costly for its connection (384K DOWN/128kup)cost per month almost 50.00..Any ofyou folks out there know of a better deal? no tv line needed.

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Finding Cheap Copies Of Operating System Less Than $54.99?

Jan 21, 2009

I don't work for this company or know anyone who does; but, this is as good a price as I've seen for a non-OEM copy of Windows XP Pro. I ordered two copies today.If anyone knows of a cheaper price, post it here; but, this is as close to free as I've seen.

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Computer Turned From Sleek Silver Windows Xp Theme Into Windows Classic Version

Oct 13, 2007

I came home today and found my computer had turned from the sleek silver windows xp theme into the windows classic version. I also have no sound and in the control panel it isn't picking up any audio devices. I cant change the theme back to windows xp in properties either it says im using Windows XP (modified). PLEASE HELP ME! All i know is that the power went out at some point today (about 7 hours ago)

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Restore Windows/keyboard Options: Update Windows Defender / PC Have Changed?

May 27, 2006

Since I uploaded the update of Windows Defender my options on my PC have changed.I can no longer type any particular letters using my keybord without a window popping up. Here are the following keys which causes me problems: E = Opens up My Computer R= RUN U= Utilility Manager D= Desktop F= Search Results L= Login Window M= Desktop I cannot type in Google, Firefox address bar. If I press one of these keys while I'm on my Desktop these actions occur too.

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Windows Xp Re-installatioin / Preserve Second Hard Drive Data And 2nd Boot Windows Xp?

Jan 1, 2008

I want to install a new primary hard drive and reinstall windows xp from scratch on the new c: drive. For the moment I would also like to retain the old disc contents and the xp operating system. To try to do this I installed a second hard drive and cloned the old drive c: to the new drive f:. I created a dual boot computer by editing my boot.ini file so I could boot from either the c: or f: drive. I replaced my primary hard drive with a new drive and booted up in the f: drive. Then I cloned the f: drive back to the new c: drive creating a dual boot system. My concern now is that if I reinstall windows xp on the newly installed hard drive, the Dell installation disk will wipe out the operating system and the contents on the f: drive. Is there any way to retain the old system? I'd appreciate any help with this.

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Dule Boot Windows 2003 Server With Windows Xp Home On 2 SATA Hard Drives

Jul 22, 2008

i have 2 sata hard drives and i need to know how to duel boot windows xp home with windows server 2003?

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How To Configure Windows Media Player 10 To Work / Installed When Updated To Windows Service Pack2?

Jan 5, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to configure windows media player 10 to work from behind the windows firewall which was installed when i updated to windows service pack2? I am using windows xp and explorer6.0 with verizon dsl 3.0 internet connection.

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Windows Xp Home Edition - Windows Xp Opening Screen Freezes

May 3, 2009

when opening windows xp the screen gets to the windows xp with the little green light going back and forth in the rectangle box. this green light goes back and forth 3 or 4 times then freezes and you cant go further then that.

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Removing OS's From Boot Loader: Have Windows XP And A Windows XP Setup Same Time?

Apr 19, 2006

I went to try to install windows xp onto a computer that already had windows on it. I did not boot from the cd. To do it without using the cd it has to copy the installation files to the computer and then run them. When setup does this it creates a new choice of an operating system to boot from called "Windows XP Setup." So now I have a Windows XP and a Windows XP setup. I've been in msconfig and looked at boot.ini but that didn't help

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Differences Between Windows Xp Professional And Windows 7 Home Premium

Nov 15, 2009

I am about to purchase a new laptop for college and work purposes and I am debating whether to go for a great deal on a laptop with Windows XP Professional already installed and full MS Office Professional, or to get a home premium version of windows 7. I need to have excel and power point and word at least, if not outlook and publisher too. I simply can't figure out which would be my best option, any suggestions?

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Creating A Shortcut To Windows Explorer In Windows Xp Home..

Jun 24, 2005

I have a computer that is running windows xp home edition. I cannot create a
shortcut to the windows explorer application on my desktop, as the windows
explorer program does not appear in the programs window. I know that if I
click on the start menu and navagate to the programs icon, a second window
wil appear showing all of the programs that are installed on my computer.
However in the programs menu, I cannot see my explorer application anywhere.

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Windows Instaler Keeps Launching When Open Windows Office

Sep 30, 2008

I try to open an office 2003 document the windows installer starts up.

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Doing A Clean Install Of Windows Xp Create A Windows.old Folder?

Jul 21, 2010

if i do a clean install of windows xp to replace windows vista, will it create a windows.old folder that has all the stuff i had from before the clean install?

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Windows Media Player And Windows Update Not Working

May 22, 2007

i tried to install media player but it said i needed the update rollup 2 so i tried to install that but it failed and no updates are working they all fail. Someone told me to uninstall some updates and reinstall them but i cant find them. any ideas?

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Windows Media Center To Windows SP2 Home

Feb 19, 2008

I have a compaq presario c306 laptop. It has a sticker that says "Designed for windows xp" (it came with media center)and it is vista capable. Now, i would like to change it to an SP2 home, since i really don't use the features for media center and the computer has been messed up by malware. Now, i would like to know if it's actually possible, i have the CD and everything, keys, but i dont want to screw with my computer

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Windows Cant Start:windows Rootsystem32hal.dll Is Missing?

Feb 19, 2008

I decided to uninstall COLDFUSION from my system I confirmed yes to all those popups that say "this file is no longer needed want to delete"? during the uninstall process. Turns out I wiped out some important .dlls that windows needs to start up correctly. I am hung up on a DOS screen that reads:
"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windows rootsystem32hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above file. Where do I find the above dll and if its on the xp CD...where on the XP CD would it be?

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Two Boot Loader For Option:windows 98 Or Windows XP?

Aug 21, 2005

I format windows 98 with win98 startup disk and windows XP was installed. every start the pc,it prompt two boot loader for option.windoes 98 or windows XP. How to delete the window 98 option on the boot loader screen because windows 98 had been formated.

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Windows Freezing Up In Windows Shutting Down Screen

Feb 26, 2009

Computer seems to run fine until i hit start and shut down my computer it goes through the regular process until it gets to the blue screen that says WINDOWS IS SHUTTING DOWN then it just freezes right there and the mouse wont move i have to hold the power button in until it shuts down it does this all the time now. i heve windows xp media edition service pack 3. since then i have updated my bios have turned on and off sound drivers and video drivers and deleted and installed my anti virus programs and it will not allow me to go back to any previos stores.

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Can Update From Windows 2000 Pro To Windows XP Pro Without Having To Reinstall?

Jan 25, 2005

Is there a way I can update from Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro without having to reinstall my programs and backup/reinstall all of my files? Is it safe to just update like this?

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Difference Between Windows XP Home And Windows XP Professional?

Jan 28, 2007

what is the difference between Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional? Building a new comp and probably sticking with XP for OS but cant find anywhere that tells me how pro and home differ (XP)

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Unable To Install Windows 98 Under Windows 2000?

Feb 22, 2005

My system is running with Windows 2000.
Now, I just want to install Windows 98 on a separate logic drive, but it is immpossible to run the setup programm under windows 2000. How can i install windows 98 just the same.

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Installing Windows Xp Pro Over Windows Xp Home

Sep 17, 2005

I currently have windows xp home. I want to install windows xp home. how do i install it so i can keep my files from xp home. cause when i install xp pro i dont wana loose personal files or data.

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On Start Up - Windows Or Windows Default?

Feb 27, 2006

I altered the boot up in boot.ini so that I could choose safe mode at start up,When I changed it back a screen came up that I`d never seen before asking
me to choose, WINDOWS or WINDOWS DEFAULT and I cant get rid of it.BY the way I am running XP Pro.

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