Build Boot Cd/fd From OEM Recovery Dvd?

Mar 18, 2006

possible for me to build a boot cd like BartPE cd, or Ultimate Boot cd, or 911cd, or make Windows bootable through my flash drive (through BartPE) when my Toshiba laptop came with Win XP Home SP2 preinstalled and an OEM recovery dvd, but not a separate Win XP Home SP2 installation cd?

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Dell Recovery CD With A New Build - Use Media Center RECOVERY CD

Dec 15, 2007

I had a Dell with XP Media Center Edition on it and I am going to make a new build. My question is, can I use the XP Media Center RECOVERY CD that came with the dell if I were to have a new CD KEY?

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Build An SP2 Recovery Disc With All The Latest Drivers

May 24, 2005

The recovery disk that came with my machine is now well out of date and I want to make my own, with all the latest drivers etc. I am running XP SP2 but XP came as an OEM inbuilt provision. The manufacturer (Tiny Computers) will not release a copy of the XP disk to me unless I pay the full XP price!

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Wont Boot - New Build ?

Aug 30, 2007

I'm sry if i'm such a newb and all. But i think i installed evertying correct. Well becouse everything turns on all lights work, and it beeps, which indicate everything is working correctly. But then it goes through post so called and of course since it's a new build i have no operating system on it. Well when i try to put the cd in i can see the disk reading it but it just says DISK BOOT FAILURE. INSERT SYSTEM DISK & PRESS ENTER. Well i got into the bios and tried the priority thing put cd rom first then it restarted still the same thing so then i went back into bios and put defualt settings were 1st floppy and 2nd hardrive and 3rd cd-rom. So i'm not realy sure wut do to

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Build A Boot With Preinstalled Softwares?

Mar 31, 2007

How to build a Wondows XP Boot with preinstalled softwares usin nlite.if i install xp (bootable) then it should alsoinstall winamp and winzip etc along with the os how to do this..

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Installing Pro On New Build PC - CD As Boot Drive

Jun 25, 2005

I have just built a new PC from new components. It boots into BIOS fine and detects all the drives - SATA HDD and CD. I have set up CD as boot drive, and installed the XP Pro disc. It immediately puts message "Setup is inspecting your hardware configuration..." and then just sits there doing nothing. I have left it for a long time so far but nothing is happening. This is repeatable. Do I need to do something different eg load drivers from a floppy or is there a problem with my hardward set up?

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Recovery Console At Boot

Aug 12, 2002

The recovery console is a very useful application for getting to your data without having to boot XP. If a registry error due to hard disk corruption prevents you from booting XP even in Safe Mode, then it may be the only way.The recovery console is accessible from the XP CD if you boot from disc. If your CD is damaged, however, you may have no way of booting your system without reformatting the hard drive. This means data loss. Data loss tends to create distress esp. if you have no backups.Here is a way to make the recovery console an option in the Windows XP "OS Choices" menu. Do this before an inevitable registry corruption.1. Insert your Windows XP CD.2. Run {CD-ROM drive letter}:i386winnt32.exe /cmdcons3. A dialog comes up saying it takes 10mb, etc., etc. Click yes to install.If you don't normally see the OS choices menu at boot, go into system properties (winkey+pause), click the advanced tab, and xlixk Startup and Recovery. Check Time to Display List of OSs if it is unchecked, and then set the timeout value to a decent number of seconds.Apply the settings, reboot, and you should see two boot options.Here are some KB articles on how to use the recovery console and how to recover from a corrupted

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Boot Failure: Used Various Devices/ Recovery Dvd ?

Sep 9, 2006

When I tried to boot it up it stalls just before loading up Windows XP Media Center. I have tried to boot from an external back-up drive, a memory stick with a bootable DOS program called "Spinrite" as well as from the system recovery DVD but it stalls at the same point. I made the appropriate changes to the boot order in the BIOS but that does not seem to results

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Boot Laptop From CD For Recovery / Re-install?

Dec 1, 2008

how to boot from CD on a Travel mate 2410 so I can install a fresh copy of Win XP, the problem is Ive changed / unchecked some of the start up settings in MS Config, re-booted and now the laptop loads with missing files such as: winlogon, dlls missing etc, then re-sets, Ive tried safemode but still show missing start-up files, F2 for (Phoenix Recovery Bios Utility) but dont know the password, tried comos, phoenix, 000000 and bios as the password but with no luck.

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Pre-loaded - No Recovery/ Boot Disk / SP2 Crashed?

May 20, 2005

I'm trying to fix my mate's PC. It's a Packard Bell with pre-loaded XP Home purchased May 2004. Apparently he got the SP2 update and then the whole thing crashed!Now on starting it is gives the F8 options (safe mode, etc) but choosing any of them results in an endless reboot. He has no Recovery Disks (floppy or CD) - a mistake I know! I'm at a loss and can't even (last resort) re-install from scratch because it was pre-loaded and have no XP CD

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Erronious Dual Boot Option - Recovery CD

Apr 6, 2010

a problem w/ my vid card, In order to remove any doubt that it wasn't a driver issue, I used the recovery CD. First attempt something happened and after doing the installer, it couldn't boot properly to continue the installation process. So I re-installed another time.This one completed normally and everything is (mostly) fine.
One big thing thats irking me, is when I turn my computer on it asks me what I want to boot into giving me 2 WinXP options. (I havent tried picking the 2nd option)

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Unmountable Boot Volume -recovery Not Working

Apr 10, 2008

I was transfering music and word files from my ipod to my computer when a window popped up saying something like "C" drive does not have room. Continue? I pressed cancel and went into my music files to delet some files to clear room. All of a sudden I encountered the blue screen of death! With error "unmountable boot volume". So far I have tried (without success):-Safe Mode-Last know configuration-chckdsk /r-chckdsk /p"Fixboot" recovery console windowxp this says it is looking for F:minint (when it is supposed to be looking for C:windows)-using harddrive as slave in secondary computer to run recovery majority of files came up as "file is unreadable"do not have a floppy drive so couldnt run the manufacturer utillities off web.

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NTLDR Missing - PC Won't Boot - Recovery Disks

Mar 16, 2008

I have stupidly moved some files on my C drive that my pc requires to boot up. Now i can't get it to boot at all and can't get into safe m I am getting the NTLDR missing, press ctrl + alt + delete to restart.I have looked on google and can't seem to get it fixed.

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Boot Drive Letter - Recovery Partion Stole C

Jun 23, 2010

I reformatted a crappy gate way which has a recovery partition, but it would not reformat the rigth way, when i went to set up windows, Push the next button, i big white box went over everything and that was that, i reformatted 3 times and it kept doing it, so i got a winxp pro disk and did it this way, everything works geat, but now, that damn partition is taking my drive letter C, and i have already read the thing from microsoft about regedit, i did it and i could not load windows, it froze after Loadined winxp, mouse moved but nothing happend, i reformatted again... still taking my drive letter.. please help, if i have to reformat one more time, i wish for it to be the last, and my drive letters to be right.. HELP!! THANKS

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Boot CD Can't Find Window Install For Recovery Console

Feb 24, 2010

My motherboard went kaput. I got a new motherboard and was going to avoid formating by using a repair install. I did the repair install and booted to windows (in safe mode) but it crashed on agp440.sys, which seems to be a fairly common problem with outdated chipset drivers. I know I can disable this driver in the recovery console, but when I boot to my XP disk, it cannot find my XP installation, It just goes straight to the screen where I can pick a partition to install onto. How did my XP install get lost? I recently fixed up my boot records and everything was fine, I was always able to use the recovery console. Obviously the install is there since I can start booting to it.

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VPR Matrix FT 9150 Won't Boot Windows, Asking For Recovery Disc?

Aug 18, 2006

I've got my whole life on this stupid computer and have not backed up my hd's at all. Anyone willing to send me copies of the restore discs

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Can Get Past Boot Screen - Freezes On The Recovery Console

Aug 20, 2009

i have toshiba laptop and i had to restart after installing poweriso but now it wont go past the windows xp boot screen itll just stay on the black screen it will not boot in safe mode or anything it freezes on the recovery console i have pretty much tryed everything

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Dreaded Unmountable Boot Volume - Recovery Console

Feb 26, 2006

I am getting the dreaded unmountable boot volume error code. I have a dell lattitude cpxI have installed the windows xp cd and booted up I get into the Recovery console and this is what the screen saysMicrosfot Windows XP (TM) Recovery ConsoleThe Recoevery Console provides system repair and recovery functionality.
Type exitt to quit the Recovery Console and retart the computerThe path or file specified is not valid.C: >fixboot

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System Recovery - Boot Into Safe Mode Lines

Sep 17, 2006

When I did a system recovery on my new Compaq Laptop, it lost the lines that allow me to boot into safe mode, or ANY mode. It just goes right into Wondows XP. I know there were lines that should be in the boot.ini to do this.

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Recovery Disc Restore System - Boot Up Error

Jun 20, 2005

My computer crashed about a month ago and I had to use a recovery disc to restore my original system.. Everything works fine except when I boot up and following the Sony logo and Intel logo the following message appears "Press F11 for Acronis Startup Recovery Manager. Acronis fatal error Boot drive (partition) not found. Press Enter to try to boot your PC." Pressing enter boots up the PC fine but how can I eliminate the process? I had Acronis on both drives before the crash but it no longer exists.

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Unmountable Boot Volume And Can't Access Recovery Console

Dec 16, 2008

I've got a Gateway laptop and it's giving me the unmountable boot volume blue screen of death at start up. I've scoured the internet and all the solutions tell me I need to use the Windows setup screen to get to the recovery console. My problem is that my computer never gets to the setup screen. I restart with the gateway XP disk and it looks like it's setting up, but then nothing happens, and I don't get any sort of screen that lets me access the recovery console.Is there any other way to get this thing working again, my finals are due the end of this week, and all my most recent/finished files are on this thing.

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Can't Boot / Recovery Console - Safe Mode Not Working

Mar 31, 2006

i did a previous thread of my computer being slow, ignore that one... i got a much serious problem. Someone told me to go into safemode so i just tried to reboot in safe mode. It wouldn't reboot all i saw was a black screen with a mouse cursor so i press the reset button, but this computer is not stable i always haev to press the reset button. Now when i try to restart it jsut reboots again and again. It brings me this blue screen saying STOP:c0000218 {registry file failure} the hive file or sumthing like that and systemrootsystem32configdefault and then it restarts. When i try to go to safe mode i see all these .sys files loading or sumthing and then it gets stuck after like the 20th one. Im on windows 2000, i installed 2000 in cases like these. i found help on a different site. It told me to go to recovery mode, i instert my XP CD and boot it from taht but that doesn't work for sum reason. SO i got my XP boot disks and it works!! BUTTT i go to recovery mode and it restarts and nothing happens! just a plain restart! what can i do!!!

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Cant Boot Laptop, Stuck On Press F11 To Start Recovery Screen

Nov 12, 2009

Trying to start my computer and it gets to the screen where it gives me 2 seconds to press F11 to start recovery. But after 2 seconds or pressing F11 or any key, another line appears saying the same thing "Press F11 to start recovery". Can't get past this point and start Windows. HD is recognized in another computer as well as in BIOS.

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Moved Hard Drive And Cannot Boot - Accessible From Recovery Console

Dec 23, 2006

I have two laptops, a ThinkPad T30 and a Latitude C840 (they are both working with XP SP2, except the T30 doesn't have a screen). I'd like to move the T30's drive into the C840, but when I do this, the C840 will hang right after the BIOS screen (incl. the XP CD's Press a key to boot off the CD if I tell it to boot from the disc drive first). My first thought was to try Recovery Console from the XP CD. I can log into the install, and I've already tried fixmbring and fixbooting it. This doesn't help.

This leaves the option of the drivers not being right. I installed the C840 chipset drivers, nothing. I'd really rather not go on a wild goose chase trying to figure out what'll get things up and running

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New Build Vista - Now 32-bit Or 64-bit?

Oct 8, 2008

I have been running windows XP SP3 and have been happy with it. But I was going to go with Vista on the new bulid (I can get it at a student discount) in order to have a 64-bit OS and have better access to memory. But this week's news has me convinced that I should should stick wiht XP until Windows7 comes out.

I do moderate gaming and lots of multitasking (many open windows, ITunes pumping to my home stereo, etc.)

So, here is are my questions:

-Is windows XP 64-bit even available anymore?
- If so, is it worth it to install the 64-bit version? (will the diferences even be noticable?)

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Pro New Build Won't Recognize HP V40

Mar 21, 2005

I just got a new custom computer with a ECS Kt600 Mb, AMD 2200 XP, Maxtor 80gb hdd, 512mb pc2700. Everything work great but when I tried to hook up my HP V40 all-in-one printer (USB cable), it will not recognize it at all. I changed cables but to no avail. I checked the ports and it recognizes my pen drive when I plug it in.

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Build A New PC - 64 Bit Version

Apr 18, 2007

going to build a new PC and need a windows disc...was going to get a windows home it available in 64 bit version???if not what should i get...(NOT VISTA!)

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Pro Wont Load On On New Build

Oct 20, 2004

i just built a new pc but when I try to install xp pro it wont load. I installs just fine but when it tries to boot for the first time the screen goes blank when the splash screen is supposed to appear. here is my setup let me know what you think Black antec server tower w/ 450 watt smartpower p Abit ic7 g maxII advance mobo bios rev 21 I think P4 3.0 800 fsb 512 L2 Thermalright 947u h/s w/ 92mm vantec tornado 1 gig Kingston hyper x pc 3200 (512X2) Dual Channel Evga geforce 6800 gt 256

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Cannot Install 32-bit On 64-bit New Build - Not Any BIOS Updates

Aug 13, 2007

I am wanting to use 32-bit XP pro on my new build but cannot get it to install.
This is to avoid dealing with XP x64 driver searches and I do not want to lose netmeeting and msconfig so I refuse to convert to Vista just yet.Also, I am not completely convinced my build is Vista ready.The 32-bit XP install BSODs after doing "loading all the setup files".I have ACPI set to DISABLE.The APIC option in the BIOS is unselectable and is set to ENABLE.

No, there are not any BIOS updates available for my MOBO.Yes, I ran memtest86 and had 0 fails on multiple passes.Yes, I tried default BIOS settings.Yes, I tried Fail-Safe BIOS settings

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Way To Remove Build Number From Desk

Sep 2, 2004

Here is an very easy way to remove the build number from your desktop.  Just follow the directions below to remove it. 

Right click on the desktop

Expand arrange icons by

Click on lock items to desktop

The build number will be gone

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Removing Sp2 Beta (build 2600)

Apr 28, 2005

i'm new on this forum but i've been reading the posts around for a while.. right now i need help with my computer. i installed windows xp pro sp2 beta (5.1, build 2600) and now i need to remove this sp2 cuz it's screwing up my directx... i cant install directx 9.0c as the installation just goes extremely quickly and nothing actually was installed... after hours of searching i concluded that it was the beta version of sp2 that was causing the problems. the sp2 was slipstreamed (i think) with xp on the disc so i cant uninstall it using add/remove programs, i cant find C:WINDOWS$NTServicepackUninstall$ or anything like that, and i after removeing CSDVersion in HKLMSoftwareWindows NTCurrent Version, it was just backed up.

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