After Booting The Explorer Is Stuck (waiting Icon).
May 20, 2007
We have a 2 computers home network connected to the internet thru a rooter. Both have Windows XP. The problem is that after booting we can see the desktop, but the explorer is stuck (waiting icon). The only remedy was to End Explorer from Task Schedule and start it again thru Run.
Other issue is that DirectX based programs/audio effects/plugins give the standard windows error, uploaded here (jpg screen+microsoft error raport) in pdf
My problem is that whenever I boot up my loading screen for Windows XP will stop, and it wont ever go again. (I left it on over night to make sure). Now I've had this problem before and I fixed it with putting in the Installation CD and hitting setup Windows XP then repairing my Windows XP. After that I wouldnt lose all my files but I would have to go through this annoying 30-45 min setup every time.
I was wondering how to fix this problem, the icon for internet explorer in the start menu shows up as an unknown file icon. The icon on the desktop for IE shows fine but when i try to click on it, it creates a shortcut for internet explorer. if click on IE from the start menu, it opens IE with no problems.
i have noticed when you Ctrl-Alt-Del my cpu usage goes from 10% to 90% every 30 secs or so and will not stop a steady line up and down no matter what i am doing i could even be setting idle and still persist
i was wondering if anyone can give me a hand with what i think is a virus.everytime i go to open a folder (my computer, my documents, c drive etc.) my curser goes to the waiting stage for about a second, then nothing comes up. i push trl+alt+delete, to bring up task manager, and when i try to open the folders, it tells me, in processes, that a program called "drwtsn32.exe" is running, and i think that is what is not letting me open my folders. could anyone tell me how to get rid of it, so i can get rid of ANOTHER virus.
the laptop jioned company Domain. recently if the comptuer connected with non-company network environment e.g publick internet connection (both cable or wireless) after input the domain user name and password i will get a blank screen.but if i un-plug network cable or disable the wirless card i can see the desktop icons immediately. i suspect my pc is waiting DC's responding
I have a recent problem where my computer will spend anywhere from 5-10 seconds switching to a different window. It doesn't matter whether it is loaded or not. For instance, I'll have 2 MSN conversations open where I can see both at the same time, and no matter what I'm doing, it will take the same amount of time just to switch over to say "lol".
This is very annoying, because if an error comes up (in any program) that requires opening a new window, it will take 10 seconds to load, and then 10 seconds to respond to me clicking "ok". I am wasting so much time waiting, and it is becoming one of the most aggravating issues I've ever had.
This also applies to clicking on anything on the start bar at any time, minimizing, maximizing, or changing size to any window ever. It doesn't effect anything that happens within any programs itself that aren't window related.
I'm using XP and have 2 gb of RAM.
Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 9:25:41 PM, on 2/17/2008 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16608) Boot mode: Normal
Somehow I lost the icon at the bottom of the screen when I minimize a tab. It used to be at the bottom so I could flip back and forth between applications. How do I get my minimized icons back.
I am seeing a number of problems related to windows explorer:Explorer won't start from the desktop icon. Selecting it from Accessories simply returns you to the desktop. My desktop is messed up. It displays a background plus 3 items in the column down the left side - "System Tasks", "Other Places", and "Details". Previously it was just a desktop with icons. I moved the contents of "My Documents" from my "C" drive to the E drive (different partition) in case the partition was failing, but yesterday the E version of MY Documents disappeared. I'd like to get these back. Before the folder disappeared, I would open it and see a treeview of all the subfolders. Immediately afterwards, starting at the top of the tree, the "+" would all disappear, just leaving folders. Also, some of the folders were white, not yellow. I suspect the situation is a combination of screwed up privileges and registry problems, but I'm not sure where to start.
I have a very small business & can't afford tech support on this. Anyway, someone on my system went where they shouldn't have and we got an infection. I feel so violated!!!! So, what I want to do is look and see if I can find into our computers and view who, what, when & where. without going to the History icon in Internet Explorer, what can I do. I already baught an application that would print logs, but not info logged before I downloaded the app.
I cant find my Internet explorer icon anywhere. I went to desk top properties>advanced and tried to click on "keep IE icon on desk top" that you advised another person on here to do but its not there to click on it. The icon is how I get on the internet and would like to have it back.
This is a brand new computer that i have had for less than a day. I was getting the computer set up and now I have no icons on the desktop. I was able to restore some of them by resetting the icon under properties.... Internet Explorer still doesn't come up and now my control panel icons do not come up either.
My computer at work has been recently upgraded from Windows 2000 to XP. Funny thing is that the Internet Explorer icon (not a shortcut) doesn't show on the desktop. When I right click on the desktop to open the display properties and select the IE icon to be displayed, it still doesn't show on screen. I can only find shortcuts. They're not what I need because when you right click on a shortcut, the IE properties don't show (so you can't delete history or cookies).
I just installed IE7 over IE6, but I cannot seem to find IE listed in Add/Remove Programs or in the Start Programs menu. How can I find it and get the shortcut icon on the desktop? Also, I need the shortcut for WinXP 'shutdown'.
I have a new PC with XP 64 bit/IE 7. I then installed Firefox. There is no icon for IE on the start menu, just the Firefox icon. In all programs, I right clicked on IE to pin to start menu. Now there is an icon there, but I get all the options if you were to right click on IE on your desktop.My work has changed to a new program. Wave to make adjustments to trusted sites and internet properties. Their instructions are to right click on the start menu internet explorer, which gives the options of "browse the internet, internet properties, and remove from this list
Our Dell running XP has several user accounts set up. Mine is fine, but my wife's has a problem. In Windows Explorer, when she clicks on the search button, the animated icon appears (dog, in this case), but nothing else - no choices (All files and folders, Pictures, music, or video, etc.) appear. Right-clicking anywhere only gives the Close Toolbar option. the result is that she is unable to search the computer for anything. Same result when using Start->Search. The weird thing is, as I said, Explorer in my user account is fine. I assume it must be a setting somewhere, but I can't find it. Anyone ever encounter this, or know how to remedy it?
I have a laptop running Windows XP Home Edition. I just got into a little trouble with my explorer. Whenever I double-click on a folder, it opens in a new window, not in the same one. I even changed "folder option>>general>>open each folder in same window" but with no result. I was actually trying to change the icon for the 'file folder' and I dont really know what I did (went to 'folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced>>change icon....but I changed the icon back to the original icon again) , but from that time, I am unable to change it back to open folders in the same window. In the 'actions' (folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced) section (after i changed the icon) all I could see was a 'find' option. It was opening 'search' window every time I double clicked on a folder, so I created a new action called open and selected 'explorer' as the application to use and then set this 'open' as default. Although it solved the initial problem of opening the 'search' window, it still opens every folder in a new window.
I had to re-install windows XP..because I had a bad or missing file. Everysince then ,every time I click on my IE icon on desktop, all it does is makes a shortcut for it. Does anyone know how to solve this problem
Using Windows XP SP2 with all updates and with Internet Explorer 7
Have noticed the internet explorer is now displaying it's wrong icon on my program shortcuts [That is = Start = Programs = say - Legacy Family Tree = and there they are showing as a white back ground with small dots coloured, Red , blue and green? [think is green?]I have used in Power Tools the "Icon Repair" and still same icon is showing
I recently had to do a system restore and now my .jpg and jpeg files have a bad file icon. They still do open with the windows pic program as I want them to - but only on the admin accout, I usually surf and play and do everything else with a user account, and even if I reset everything under folder options for the file associacions it somehow doesn't apply to the other account.
windows tells me in the file association menu that I changed the file association's properties and can set them back to standart "photo suite 6" - a program that I uninstalled ages ago
Ever since I did a factory reinstall 3 months ago, every time I close my machine down and restart, my Windows Explorer settings keep getting reverted back to ICON view instead of my saved DETAIL view.I'm using the button under tools and folder options, View Tab, and Apply to all Folders.Is there something else I'm missing?
I was playing Diablo 2 today and my Internet Explorer 6 icon on my desktop (icon available in desktop settings, not a shortcut) seems to have reverted to something from Internet Explorer 4 or earlier. I've tried re-applying the Windows XP theme (this worked for me on the original Diablo on my old PC when the start button did something similar) but no luck. I'm good at computing (e.g. I can edit the registry easily, follow instructions, I know quite a lot about XP) but I've never had a problem like this before. I'm gonna have to ask for help on this one.
I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).
no IE icon on desktop or in programs. i have internet access through verizon. i recently got windows update to install IE7 in the hope that would restore the icon/program but the only way i can access the internet is via the verizon browser. i clearly installed IE7 because now the "sidebar" of my verizon browser says that "sidebar i currently not compatible with IE7...". so why can't i get the IE7 icon in my program list or desktop?
i had attached a snapshot of the icons in my icon tray..pass few days back i found this "X" icon in my tray and i cant remove it and also it doesnt display anything..
After looking at the display settings and closing them, my icon disappeared. A file search on all *.cpl files show that the display.cpl file still exists and I can create a shortcut to the desktop and run the program.But, I'd like my icon back.I believe the problem was created by having all my icons underlined so I only have to do a single Left click to bring up the program.
I've winxp Home with SP2 system, yesterday my daughter had installed the program 'MS Plus' from the XP Installation CD which was not installed earlier in the machine. My OS is original, but to-day on opening the system I'm seeing that the icon of Hard Drive(E : Drive)to which the program was installed went missing and in its place another icon (which generally represents for any unidentified file) has taken its place.