Users Enter User Name And Password To Use Computer

Sep 8, 2006

If you want to go straight to the Desktop, go to Start>Run and type "control userpasswords2" without the quotes. Then select your account from the list, and uncheck "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer". I tried to the user enter a username and password I unmark it but it couldn't type anything on it. Bob Augello isn't highlight either.

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Boot Up / Get Screen Where Select The User Name And Enter The Password

Jan 27, 2005

When booting up (XP), I get to the screen where I select the user name and enter the password. Then I get my usual wallpaper screen but no icons, start button, task bar, tray etc etc. I can't right click on the screen.

I CAN do Crtl+Alt+Del and get a run prompt up and browse the various drives (and even run software through this, e.g. internet) but the desktop is always completely blank. I have tried Safe Mode and restore last known good etc but neither works both same result, get to wallpaper but no icons.

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Select User Password - No Users From Option Given Shutdown / Reboot

Aug 7, 2007

When my laptop gets to the point in XP where you can select user and put in a password, There are no users to select from. the only option given is to shutdown, reboot etc.

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Log Off And Log On - Cannot Enter The Password

Aug 8, 2005

For the last few weeks I've had a problem logging off from one user id and then on to another (not just switching users).When I log off from the first user id the normal XP login screen is displayed but when I click onto the password box for the new user the cursur doesn't appear in that box and I can't enter the password. If I select a user id that doesn't have a password then I can log on as them, the problem is only with user ids with passwords. Restarting XP then allows me to log on to any user id as normal.

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Eliminate Password And User Options From Computer

Mar 25, 2006

I got this computer for free from a family. It has WinXP Pro. Just after the Windows Splash screen it gives me the option of signing in as one member of the family. There are four different boxes for each member of the family. Evidently the parents each had a password and the two kids didn't have passwords.Also, when I sign in under the different children I get different desktops.How do I get rid of all four of these so that I can just sign in by myself without these options?

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Keystrokes Won't Appear - Can't Enter Password

Feb 21, 2006

On a laptop with Win 2000 operating system, while working in Word the keystrokes stopped appearing. Closed Word and started a new document, still the problem exists. Restarted the laptop and now cannot enter the password. The keystrokes do not appear.

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Lock Computer - User Name And Password Boxes Grey-ed Out

Jan 29, 2007

I'm running an AD site with XP clients, I locked the screen on one of my machines using ctrl-alt-del > Lock Computer. On my return, the username and password boxes were greyed out.

I could still click the dropdown to choose between domains but couldnt enter a username and password so had to hard reboot the machine

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Users Wont See User Name's Documents In "My Computer"?

Sep 4, 2005

As we all know in "My Computer" there is an area called "Files Stored on This Computer" which should show each user two folders. "Shared Documents" and
"User Name's" Documents" obviously with <User Name> replaced by the person's username.If you are the Administorator you see these two folders. If you are User with Administrator privelages you see these two folders.If you are User with User privelages (even Power User) you only see Shared Documents.

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Disappearing Cursor When Trying To Enter The Password In Logon?

Mar 1, 2008

I have has this problem for about 6 months now, when trying to log on and enter a password the cursor doesn't appear and requires a reboot in order to log on (the cursor will then reappear)In the mean time I have removed all passwords, which isn't a solution.

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Stop The Auto-logout - Have To Re-enter My Password To Continue Working

Jul 21, 2005

I have a new xp64 machine, and when I'm away from my machine for 10 mins, I have to re-enter my password to continue working.How can I stop this auto-logout?

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Admin Password And Password For User That Ran Wizard Wont Work

Aug 5, 2007

I ran the network setup wizard on both computers, when i go to 'view workgroup computers' and click on the one i want to connect to i am asked for a password, i tried the admin password and the password for the user that ran the wizard -- neither worked .

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Protecting Password From Other Users

Jun 20, 2005

i want to have a secure account so i use a password yet other users on my computer (my family) can go into the control panel from their own account and remove or change my password. i would like to be able to stop this if it is possible but at the same time the other users as well as myself must still be labeled as comuter administrators. is there any way you can tell me how to stop other users from being able to remove my password from their own account?

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Users Change Password?

May 16, 2006

I currently have windows xp home addition. The one that came with my Dell computer. I put an account on for my friend. I know him very well and trust him. I just have issues with people on my computer due to things happening in the past. Just by this alone I should have not put him on then. I gave him a limited account. But he has blocked me from seeing what he has downloaded and such. I don't really care too much in the nosey sense but I like to know all of the goings on on my computer. I don't think that is unreasonable. I just want to make sure that nothing goes wrong with this computer. Porn is ok on here I just want to make sure that nothing illegal is going on. Is there anyway to look into his account without deleting it or changing the password. I am not looking to go through all of his files. Just check on the downloads and such.

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Find Or Bypass Limited User Password W/out Reset Or Adjust User Screensaver?

Dec 27, 2005

For security reasons, Microsoft does not allow parents (computer administrators) to check on, maintain, adjust or otherwise enter their kids' (limited users) XP profiles without either resetting their passwords or waiting for them to come home and being confrontational about it.Ideally I would like to be able to log on to a limited user account from my administrator account without tampering with anyone's passwords-resetting them or otherwise. Actually, I have little interest in the (step) kids' personal life and stuff. Alternately, perhaps you may help me with my ultimate goal: limiting screensaver activity:

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How To Set Password NEVER EXPIRES To An User Account Trough NET USER Cmd

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to configute using Command Line (CMD) some local account configuration.

It must be configured by any standart windows command tools.

I need to configure the "Passworw Never Expires" option using the command line.

I had success by setting other options as "Account is disabled" and "User cannot change password". But this option is really making me sad.

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Users Password Error - Cannot Get Command Prompt

Aug 9, 2007

I have looked at the answers you have given for this subject, and none seem to apply to me. I lost my boot disks in the hurricane, and my son has somehow changed all the passwords, including the administrator one, and then locked the computer. When I reboot, even in safe mode, I come immediately to the "Control-Alt-Delete" screen. We have tried every password we could think of, and the users now just get the error that we've been locked out. I have tried every Administrator password I would have set, including no password at all, to no avail. So I cannot get to a command prompt even from Safe Mode.

Honestly, I would be happy to just reformat, but I can't even get to the DOS prompt, and I don't have a DOS reboot disk for this computer (lost too!). No other computers are running that version of XP, so I can't make one from one of those either.

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Log In With Users Name And Administrator Password - Changed Default

Apr 7, 2005

I changed my domain to a workgroup and now I cannot log in with the users name and the administrator password has been changed from the default. No one knows what the Admin password could be... Is there any other way to log in?

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Password Only Log In / One User And It Will Change Based Upon The Password

Jun 2, 2010

I am currently trying to set up a log in for xp where the user changes based upon only the password you enter. in other words there will only be one user and it will change based upon the password you enter. i also want to be able to tell who logged on and when.

for example say i setting up a business computer that 20 people will use but i don't want 20 accounts i only want one and each people will have a different password and based upon the password they enter i will be able to tell who downloaded what and installed what by knowing who logged on. thanks for the help

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Error 54 In In Users Accounts - Ideas Of Password Areas

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to create a new account on my WIndows its has XP as its operating system. But it wont let me type in the area where you would create the name or password areas. Any ideas on how to fix it?

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Adding 2nd User Slows ALL Users' Connections

Aug 29, 2005

(if this message is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it)I have been using a Linksys router for a while (hooked to my cable modem)... I was the only user....everything was fine....speed was not an issue (it was fast as ever) I have a roommate that moved in on the weekend....she just plugged her cable into the router (as user #2) and now BOTH of our connects are terribly slow...i mean SLOW.....some pages take minutes to load, or don't even load

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Default User Profile For New Users On The Local Machine

Nov 26, 2002

Follow the steps outlined below. Go to start/run type in regedit and click ok. Click on the HKEY_USERS branch (to highlight it). Select File on the menu/Load Hive. Navigate to x:Documents and SettingsDefault User folder (where x houses the Documents and Settings folder). The Default User folder is hidden by default. Open the ntuser.dat file. For the Key name: type in the word tweakxp (actually you can type in anything) and click ok. A new subkey named tweakxp will appear under the HKEY_USERS branch. Navigate to HKEY_USERS weakxp[remaining path to the restrictions/tweaks you want to set] Add in the applicable values and value data. Go back to the subkey tweakxp and click on it to highlight it.

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How Do I Hide Users From Fast User Switching Or Logon

Jun 29, 2007

When I do fast user switching or logon in XP, I wish to hide certain users from being displayed. It seems XP has this capability since there are other users in my system that do not display on the logon or fast user switching screen.

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Password Reset - User Name And Password To Log In

Jan 2, 2009

My Brother bought a used laptop from a stranger but it works and everything but the password. Here are more details: It's a Dell Inspiron 2100 and the operating system is windows 2000 professional. The laptop does not include a CD or Floppy drive but it has 1 USB port. now when my Brother bought the laptop we powered it on and it worked fine until a "Log On to Windows" box appear and you need to type a user name and password to log in but we don't have the password and we cannot contact the guy he bought the laptop from so what should we do?

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Wont Boot / Enter System Disk And Press Enter

Apr 12, 2005

So I'm having a bit of a nightmare trying to get my copy of XP to boot.Every thing was working fine and then I tried to make a back up image of my drive using Norton Ghost 2003. I have a 200Gb Wester Digital SATA drive and an Asus A8n-SLI mobo. I think that there might have been some problem with the nVidia IDE/SATA drivers as ghost crashed half way thorugh the image making process. Now when I try to boot I get a "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"

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Cannot Boot From CD - Enter Safe Mode - Enter BIOS On Startup

Nov 6, 2008

I've been messing with and Googling this problem all day and am stumped My laptop:
Toshiba A105-S4134 XP SP2 MCE 2005 Intel T2400 Duo Core 2 GB RAM1. Two days ago I had a glitch - a bunch of browser windows were open and the system just sort of froze up. I ended up doing a hard restart. The PC then took a longer than normal time to boot back up.2. That made me nervous, so yesterday I made True Image images of both partitions on the HD, that is C: (OS and apps) and D: (data).3. This morning I decided to run a memory diagnostic disk (I had memtest86+ and Windows Diagnostics CDs on hand). I set boot priority to CD/DVD ROM using Start > All Programs > Toshiba > Utilities > Toshiba Assist > Optimize > Toshiba Hardware Settings

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Lost User Password ...

Aug 6, 2007

I have a dell windows xp desktop, when it starts up it asks for my user password..but i set it so long ago i forget. any way to get out of it without having to re-install windows xp?

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Couldn't Log In - Do Not Know The User Name And Password

Jun 9, 2006

Friend of my uncle gave me a Dell latitude laptop.

I couldn't log in because I do not know the User name and Password. Friend of my uncle forgot all of those.

recover the Username and Password, or Is there anyway that I can bypass Username and Password so I can use the computer.

Windows XP pro, 256 MB RAM, 40 GHD

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Change The User Name And Password

Apr 5, 2005

I have recently moved house and came across my ex wifes' old IBM Thinkpad 600. I am trying to change the user name and password but only know the user name. I have tried to access the operating system (XP Pro) in safe mode but am still asked for the password. Would uninstalling the existing operating system and installing a new one work. I am bewildered if I can do anything with this laptop and need some advice as to whether I am 'flogging a dead horse'.

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Cant Remeber User Password?

Oct 30, 2006

Cant Remember Password For My Xp Os But I Have On The Same Harddrive 2000pro. I Need To Access Files On The Xp But Can As It Is Admin. Is There Any Way I Can Get Rid Of My Password On Xp Or Anyway To Just Access All The Files From The Xp Os

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Removing Default User Profile And Keeping All Users Profile?

Oct 13, 2010

At my job we have about 500 networked users on WinXP 32 bit. Each user has an individual log in - there are no roaming profiles. We're in the process of creating a new image andI'm having a disagreement with a new tech here. He says we should get rid of the Default User Profile and only use the All Users Profile. Every time I've created an image I've set up the image the way I want and then copied that over to the default profile - so that when new users log in - they see exactly what i've set up in terms of the standard desktop shortcuts we use. This new tech thinks the default user's profile redundant and not really needed. I'm having a hard time finding information the default users profile and if it's needed or not.

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Computer Restart After Press Enter Button

Jan 15, 2006

Have been constructing a new pc. everything is in place, and every component is definately compatible with one another. the problem is when i try to install XP, i am able to load the windows files, including a sata driver for my 160 gb maxtor, from a floppy disk. when it prompts me to continue with installation by pressing ENTER, i press enter and the computer restarts whats all that about?

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