Disappearing Cursor When Trying To Enter The Password In Logon?

Mar 1, 2008

I have has this problem for about 6 months now, when trying to log on and enter a password the cursor doesn't appear and requires a reboot in order to log on (the cursor will then reappear)In the mean time I have removed all passwords, which isn't a solution.

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Disappearing Cursor In Pro - SP3

Dec 5, 2008

I'm responsible for several Windows XP Pro computers running SP3. For some strange reason the cursor on the Welcome Screen disappears intermittently. This happened well before the installation of SP3. I've Googled my heart out looking for a solution but couldn't find anything substantial. Some blame a rogue windows update which I've uninstalled. Some have also said the fault lies with Fast User Switching which I've now disabled. The problem is still present, though. I know I can do CTL+ALT+DEL twice but this is a hindrance to the less tech savvy folks on my staff.

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Cursor Disappearing?

Jan 26, 2006

I'm running Windows XP Home SP2 on a Dell Dimension 4600 w/ 2.4 ghz processor and 1.5 GB of RAM. I also have dual monitors with my desktop expanded across both screens. Usually when I am loading huge programs the mouse cursor will freeze in place. The mouse still works, but the cursor doesn't move (so i can still click on things by guessing where the cursor would be). However, the cursor will only freeze on one of the two screens. When I drag the "ghost cursor" over to the other screen, it shows up again and works fine on the opposite screen (but still doesnt work on the original screen). Also, if I'm really unlucky the cursor will disappear on one screen and then eventually on the other screen as well. I ran spyware and anti-virus scans, and spyware was clean but AVG anti-virus "identified virus Java/OpenStream". I don't know if that has anything to do with the cursor problem. Also, sometimes when loading programs I get an "EAccessViolation" and I have no idea if that has anything to do with this problem. If I did a bad job explaining the problem, I have the exact same problem as this guy:

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Cant Type Password Into Password Box On Logon Screen Win Xp Home

Dec 29, 2005

I have just installed a linksys wireless router onto my desktop computer to add a wireless laptop and for some reason, when the User Logon screen comes up. The hand cursor never becomes a cursor for me to type in passowords to user accounts. I went into safe mode and then into control panel and deleted the passwords for each user acct and now I can get into the accounts but how can I add the passwords again and be able to type them in. We have 3 user accounts on this pc and would like to have them password protected.

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Log Off And Log On - Cannot Enter The Password

Aug 8, 2005

For the last few weeks I've had a problem logging off from one user id and then on to another (not just switching users).When I log off from the first user id the normal XP login screen is displayed but when I click onto the password box for the new user the cursur doesn't appear in that box and I can't enter the password. If I select a user id that doesn't have a password then I can log on as them, the problem is only with user ids with passwords. Restarting XP then allows me to log on to any user id as normal.

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Keystrokes Won't Appear - Can't Enter Password

Feb 21, 2006

On a laptop with Win 2000 operating system, while working in Word the keystrokes stopped appearing. Closed Word and started a new document, still the problem exists. Restarted the laptop and now cannot enter the password. The keystrokes do not appear.

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Users Enter User Name And Password To Use Computer

Sep 8, 2006

If you want to go straight to the Desktop, go to Start>Run and type "control userpasswords2" without the quotes. Then select your account from the list, and uncheck "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer". I tried to the user enter a username and password I unmark it but it couldn't type anything on it. Bob Augello isn't highlight either.

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Boot Up / Get Screen Where Select The User Name And Enter The Password

Jan 27, 2005

When booting up (XP), I get to the screen where I select the user name and enter the password. Then I get my usual wallpaper screen but no icons, start button, task bar, tray etc etc. I can't right click on the screen.

I CAN do Crtl+Alt+Del and get a run prompt up and browse the various drives (and even run software through this, e.g. internet) but the desktop is always completely blank. I have tried Safe Mode and restore last known good etc but neither works both same result, get to wallpaper but no icons.

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Stop The Auto-logout - Have To Re-enter My Password To Continue Working

Jul 21, 2005

I have a new xp64 machine, and when I'm away from my machine for 10 mins, I have to re-enter my password to continue working.How can I stop this auto-logout?

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No Cursor In Password Login Box

Oct 27, 2006

This is an intermittant problem. I am running WinXP Pro SP2. When I boot my machine, everything works great. The bootup is good, the welcome screen shows everything and everything seems to be normal. Well, once I logout of the account that I am using, which can be any any account including the admin, I am returned to the welcome screen, but when I click on a password protected account, the password box appears with no cursor and I cannot enter anything. If I reboot the machine the welcome screen goes back to working and then it will mess up when i logout again. I can do the ctr+alt+del and login with any account that way, I am just needing to know if this is a corrupt file somewhere that needs to be reloaded or something. I have checked the PC for Virus's with AVG 7.5 Network Edition, and have also checked for spyware and adware with Spybot and Ad-aware scans. No virus's were found and only negligable items were found in the adware scans.

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No Cursor In Password Box At Login Screen

Apr 14, 2005

after one user logs out, I select my account at the login screen, and there is no cursor in the password box, and it won't accept any text. The only thng that works is to restart.it's an administrator account. No new software for several months. no new
hardware except for Linksys wireless access point and router one month ago.I'm thinking reparative reinstall, but I'm relatively new to XP (though I was thought of as the "go to" guy for 95/98), so I'm looking for some experience to learn from.

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Lost My Password - How To Logon?

Feb 28, 2010

I lost my windows logon password. How can I log on to my computer?

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Logon Screen Asking For Password

Sep 3, 2006

pc has gone back to the logon screen, which is fine, but its asking for a password per user and we have no passwords defined! So I dont know what to key, have to reboot it then it forgets about asking for these passwords which have never been created

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Windows Logon Wants A Password

Oct 10, 2005

when i restart my pc windows asks for a password .i dont put one in and it starts up when i tried to change this in user acounts i get a message client services for netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching. to restore these features you must uninstall client services for netware. how do i do this. i cant find clients for net ware.

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Logon Password XP - No Admin Setup

Sep 10, 2005

My PC is currently setup with 3 different users with no passwords needed.

How would I change that so a password is needed to logon to XP.

I don't think admin is setup eithre.

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Logon Password Problem - Have To Restart

Oct 20, 2006

I have a problem with my Windows XP Pro Fast switching between user accounts.

When I first installed XP I had disabled fast user switching, but I have now added another user profile and went into to services and enabled fast user switching. It works about 50 % of the time, however sometime when I hit Window Key+L it brings up the logon screen, when I click on an account it asks for a password, however I have no passwords on the accounts, and nothing i type in works, and I have to restart the computer. Even when I set a password and it locks me out that password will not work and I have to restart

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OS Password - Cant Logon Due To User Restrictions

Dec 26, 2007

I tried turning off my computer password, since I am the only one who uses it. But I did something wrong....Windows XP logs on as Administrator, and says I can't log on due to user restrictions. I was able to log on using the name I gave the computer, but how do I disable having to use any passwords, and fix the logon problem with Administrator?

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Ask For Logon Password - No Paffword Was Supplied

Jul 27, 2005

I have purchased an HP Vectra VL420MT at a bankruptcy auction. It is loaded with Windows NT Server version 4.0. A logon password is called for BUT no password logon was supplied.

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Logon As Administrator - Dont Know The Password

May 3, 2009

I want to logon to my local computer as administrator but I don't remember the password,and Idon't like to reinstall XP OS.but I can logon as member of domain

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Change The Time Out Of Pc - Password Logon

Dec 28, 2005

I have Win 2000 Pro Whenever I leave the computer for more than 10minutues, I have to relog back on How do I change the time out to say 8 hours ?

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Preventing Logon Password Logging By Any One Else?

Feb 6, 2008

A friend of mine has been using some kind of hack software, I assume a password logger, to crack my password and log on to my XP account. How can I prevent this? I wouldn't mind logging in with something other than a password.

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Forget Administrator Logon Password

Jul 12, 2010

I forget my administrator logon password, i have installed another windows also on drive D: but i dont know what folder or files need to be copied to drive C: that could change the password

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Neglects Asking For Password - Logon Type

May 22, 2008

Just as the title says.I have 2 accounts on this computer, one limited and one admin (me), and I have the default WINXP logon type (with the screen and click ,etc..)

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Get Past The Logon Message Screen When It Is Asking For A Password?

Apr 20, 2005

How can I get past the logon message screen when it is asking for a password
and I have never had a password. I did a Window-Washer and rebooted and it
is saying I need a password to get in.

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Changed My Logon Password? OS Not Booting Correctly

Apr 13, 2005

I'm running windows xp home edition. I don't know what happened exactly but for whatever reason, the computer simply restarted itself for no apparent reason and then it wouldn't boot the operating system correctly so I tried to get into safe mode to try and diagnose the problem. I checked the bios to see if any error messages or a log had been recorded but found nothing. When I finally got it to go into safe mode, My user name was gone and it just said "Guest" and wanted a password to log on. I am the only user of my computer and was the administrator until this happened. Even when I tried to log on as the administrator, it still wanted a password

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Program/bootdisk For Logon Password Retrievial...

Oct 20, 2008

I am looking desperately for a program/bootdisk that will reset/retrieve an XP logon password on a FAT32 system. All the ones I've seen so far can only handle NTFS.

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Clear Username And Password When Logon Next Time

Jun 24, 2005

When you use any Windows plaform (XP, 2000, NT4, 98...) to logon to domain,the logon dialog box always shows the username and domain (last successfulattempt).

Is it possible to clear the username (so username and password field are empty when next logon)?

It is because we have some computers that shared by many different users. I don't want to let them know who was the last successful logon

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Username And Password At Logon - Safe Mode

May 29, 2007

I have never had a password set up on my computer (XP home edition) and one day the computer requested a username and password at logon (never had a logon screen pop up). I was in the middle of loading mcafee, which seemed to be the beginning of the problem. I do not know how to get around this. I have tried safemode, but the computer still asks for a username and password for safe mode.

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Network Logon Screen Shots - Password Change Dialogs? All OSes

Jun 6, 2005

I want to get a full screen screen shot of all the different OSes including NT, 2000 and XP the problem I have is print scrn button does not work until your officially logged in. I want to send screen shots to some of my users who cannot follow directions.

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Wont Boot / Enter System Disk And Press Enter

Apr 12, 2005

So I'm having a bit of a nightmare trying to get my copy of XP to boot.Every thing was working fine and then I tried to make a back up image of my drive using Norton Ghost 2003. I have a 200Gb Wester Digital SATA drive and an Asus A8n-SLI mobo. I think that there might have been some problem with the nVidia IDE/SATA drivers as ghost crashed half way thorugh the image making process. Now when I try to boot I get a "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"

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Cannot Boot From CD - Enter Safe Mode - Enter BIOS On Startup

Nov 6, 2008

I've been messing with and Googling this problem all day and am stumped My laptop:
Toshiba A105-S4134 XP SP2 MCE 2005 Intel T2400 Duo Core 2 GB RAM1. Two days ago I had a glitch - a bunch of browser windows were open and the system just sort of froze up. I ended up doing a hard restart. The PC then took a longer than normal time to boot back up.2. That made me nervous, so yesterday I made True Image images of both partitions on the HD, that is C: (OS and apps) and D: (data).3. This morning I decided to run a memory diagnostic disk (I had memtest86+ and Windows Diagnostics CDs on hand). I set boot priority to CD/DVD ROM using Start > All Programs > Toshiba > Utilities > Toshiba Assist > Optimize > Toshiba Hardware Settings

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