I have never had a password set up on my computer (XP home edition) and one day the computer requested a username and password at logon (never had a logon screen pop up). I was in the middle of loading mcafee, which seemed to be the beginning of the problem. I do not know how to get around this. I have tried safemode, but the computer still asks for a username and password for safe mode.
When you use any Windows plaform (XP, 2000, NT4, 98...) to logon to domain,the logon dialog box always shows the username and domain (last successfulattempt).
Is it possible to clear the username (so username and password field are empty when next logon)?
It is because we have some computers that shared by many different users. I don't want to let them know who was the last successful logon
The problem started when I read a magazine article about removing the "Logon Box", when the system boots up. It said you should go to the "Run Command" and type in "Control userpasswords2"
That took me to the "User Accounts" and on the first page there were two users listed. The first was the "Administrator" and the second was "Me"(Which was myself)
After running virus scans in Safe mode I attempted to restart into Normal mode but the computer just hung at the boot screen indefinately. I finally forced it off. When I switched it back on it gave me the usual black screen saying "Windows did not shut down successfully" and instructed me to use the arrow keys to choose how to start windows, otherwise it would load the "last known successful configuration"
However at this screen only the arrow keys do not react, making it impossible for me to select Safe mode, and although Safe mode was actually the last successful configuration, it proceeds to attempt to load Normal mode and stops at the login screen every time
My computer reverts to Safe Mode boot up because I changed the boot.ini settings while I was logged in under regular mode. Unfortunately the computer does not recognize my password in Safe Mode so I cannot log in. I try rebooting and doing an F8 to force it to boot in regular mode, but it keeps going back to Safe Mode.
I'm trying to get into Safe Mode so I can do a proper Defrag, but I get the Windows logon prompt...problem is it does not accept my normal Password ( I have no problem logging in Normal mode).... What's up with that, would there be 2 different Passwords?
When I log into a website the computer is not asking me if I want the computer to remember the password and username so that I don't have to type it again the next time that I visit the same website! The problem is only in IE cause in MSN explorer is still asking me.
i keep getting a box up saying the server is requesting username and password to be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a sure connection)
The problem is kinda silly, its a full version of windows xp pro, validated (i must be one of the only ones i know with 6 original xp pro licences in the house lol) fuly upgraded and including .net.Is it possible to get windows xp professional to auto log in, bypass the usename password, see the ATI wonder remote control software doesn't kick in till the desktop appears so I always haveto walk across and use the mouse to log in.
I recently brought an old laptop from work to my home to use as a kitchen computer. I already have an existing workgroup and wanted to change the computer from my office domain to my home workgroup. I went into control panel and took it off the domain and put it on my workgroup. I went to start it this morning and I am unable to log in. XP asks me for a password and I try to enter my old office password and it doesn't log in. I tried logging in as Administrator w/ no password, as "kitchen" with no password, and without any username or password at all and none of them let me log in. How do I get back into my computer?!?!?!?
I need to reformat the entire computer. It's an old laptop that was used for business and therefore has all of these programs on it that I do not want anymore. Things like asking for a username and password at startup. I know you guys may say "boot from the XP CD" but will this erase EVERYTHING? By the way, I do want to erase everything.
Today when I tried to reboot a Windows 2000 Server box it proceeds through the startup process VERY slowly and when it finally gets to the login box and I enter the administrative username and password that has always worked in the past, I get the following error:userinit.exe - Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application.When I click OK the desktop will not come up and the server is useless. I have seen some other information about this error, but most of them assume that the computer is accessible. I have not been able to get to a desktop normally or through any safe mode options.
I have installed a MS Fingerprint reader so I would stop having to type in usernames and passwords to all different sorts of web sites. The fingerprinter work - except that it seems that it scans my finger as soon as I put it on the pad (I hear the sound confirmation beep) - but then it takes like 7 - 15 seconds beofre it actuallly populates the web username and password, and then submit button. I can type in the username and password faster than using the fingerprint reader?
I have just installed a linksys wireless router onto my desktop computer to add a wireless laptop and for some reason, when the User Logon screen comes up. The hand cursor never becomes a cursor for me to type in passowords to user accounts. I went into safe mode and then into control panel and deleted the passwords for each user acct and now I can get into the accounts but how can I add the passwords again and be able to type them in. We have 3 user accounts on this pc and would like to have them password protected.
My XP Pro machine at work has recently started running extreamly slow on bootup. It runs fine up to the username and password window, but as soon as i sign in it then takes atleast 15 min before i can use it. I have a PF usage of 2.24 gig during this time and my HijackThis details are below:
My PC has started to go very slow when starting up. It's normal up to the user password, then MSN Messenger starts, and then it just sits there for around 90 seconds. During that time I can start Task Manager, but there is nothing obvious in there. Heartbeat is still going and processors are very low usage. In the system tray, it looks like my webcam has started, but Kaspersky AV does not start until it un-freezes. I can't start anything as the pointer remains an hourglass.
I've reinstalled my computer with Windows XP SP2 instead of Windows 2000.I used to have a "remember username and password" in Windows 2000 that I no longer see.For example, when I now log in into MS Messenger, I need to reenter username and password with each login, and the check box that I used to have in W2K is gone.Another example, is web sites. I have username and password for certain web sites. Now that the check box is gone,I need to reenter the credentiald with each log in.In the new login windows, there is only a drop down list with a user icon next to the username field.But this drop down list is empty.
pc has gone back to the logon screen, which is fine, but its asking for a password per user and we have no passwords defined! So I dont know what to key, have to reboot it then it forgets about asking for these passwords which have never been created
when i restart my pc windows asks for a password .i dont put one in and it starts up when i tried to change this in user acounts i get a message client services for netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching. to restore these features you must uninstall client services for netware. how do i do this. i cant find clients for net ware.
I have a problem with my Windows XP Pro Fast switching between user accounts.
When I first installed XP I had disabled fast user switching, but I have now added another user profile and went into to services and enabled fast user switching. It works about 50 % of the time, however sometime when I hit Window Key+L it brings up the logon screen, when I click on an account it asks for a password, however I have no passwords on the accounts, and nothing i type in works, and I have to restart the computer. Even when I set a password and it locks me out that password will not work and I have to restart
I tried turning off my computer password, since I am the only one who uses it. But I did something wrong....Windows XP logs on as Administrator, and says I can't log on due to user restrictions. I was able to log on using the name I gave the computer, but how do I disable having to use any passwords, and fix the logon problem with Administrator?
I have purchased an HP Vectra VL420MT at a bankruptcy auction. It is loaded with Windows NT Server version 4.0. A logon password is called for BUT no password logon was supplied.
I want to logon to my local computer as administrator but I don't remember the password,and Idon't like to reinstall XP OS.but I can logon as member of domain
A friend of mine has been using some kind of hack software, I assume a password logger, to crack my password and log on to my XP account. How can I prevent this? I wouldn't mind logging in with something other than a password.
I forget my administrator logon password, i have installed another windows also on drive D: but i dont know what folder or files need to be copied to drive C: that could change the password
Just as the title says.I have 2 accounts on this computer, one limited and one admin (me), and I have the default WINXP logon type (with the screen and click ,etc..)