Update Capabilities / Hope Forum Is Correct?

Aug 3, 2007

I recently had a desktop tower system stolen. My XP Pro, ver 2002, svc pack 2 was duly registered through MS. My question is if the thief ever tries to update the software through MS update, can he be tracked? I have not been successful in getting quick answers from MS, but I only tried contacting them yesterday afternoon. I had the system configured for update to contact the site automatically. Unfortunately, I had the administrator functions and password access turned off, so whoever stole it can use it.To track the thief through the software id and the net? The cops obviously have better things to do than chase this down. I did turn in the serial numbers and whatnot to the cops, and they say they case the pawn shops and whatnot weekly.

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Correct Forum For A File Extension?

Aug 16, 2007

I have looked on the file extension source http://www.filext.com/ which has helped in the past, but to no avail...the CD was a gift from the friend of a friend, and supposedly contains fonts, but I can't seem to open it.

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Correct Forum - IBM PC Camera Pro Max Driver,

Mar 18, 2005

Not sure if this is the correct forum... I am looking for a free driver for my IBM PC Camera Pro Max, Model XVP600, it was a good cam and worked well under windows 98se, but now i have updated to Windows XP pro and am wondering if there are drivers out there which allow this cam to work with XP.

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Want To Set Up Faxing Capabilities

Jan 28, 2004

i currently use windows xp and get access to internet using cable connection. i want to set up faxing capabilities on my PC for documents that i store on the computer.

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What The Capabilities Of Deleting Programs?

Dec 28, 2006

I had to move to my laptop cuz that box (desktop) is garbage.Housecall's outside scan locked up my puter. Panda keeps giving me an error saying try again. I posted my HJT, some folks looked at it, but thas as far as we have gotten. Here's the latest of my problems:

Went to run Adaware....its completely gone...deleted...poof! I swear I didn't do it. How and what has the capabilities of deleting programs? Im running Spyware Doctor and so far its discovered 1 infection.

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How To Enable CD Burning And Scanner Capabilities In XP?

Jul 25, 2005

I know normally you pop in a CDR and a window should pop up allowing you to burn it without any software but doesnt work for me. Also is there a function that allows me to scan without having to install S/W for that/

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MVP Forum - Adobe Programs/files On My Computer

Feb 23, 2007

In trying to solve an Adobe problem, I deleted most of the Adobe programs/files on my computer. I now get these error messages in Excel:On opening: Compile error in hidden module: AutoExecNewOn closing: Compile error in hidden module: DistMon
I have re-installed my Adobe programs. I have tried using the Office disks to repair. I have also gone to the MVP forum and followed the directions there, to no avail.System Restore was turned off, so that is not an option. (not sure why that was off - must have happened when my computer was at the repair person's office)

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Cannot Delete File On Desktop - Effecive Forum Found Method

May 24, 2006

i cannot delete a file on my desktop (windows xp). delete will not work. usual windows message, file in use, cannot delete, blah, blah, etc. what methods has the fourm found to be effective?

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Http://www Tomshardware Com/forum/244803-45-compaq-driver-ethernet-controller-d3

Oct 8, 2010

I have no internet connection with the HP compaq, so need to download ethernet controller driver for hp d330 using my other computer

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Pro - Partition / Correct GB Display

Nov 3, 2007

XP has now installed - and I want to now allocate a partition to the remaining space. I've read that you can give each drive 4 partitions. When I have the below sorted - I will be adding another 320GB drive as a slave.
(all ATA drives - not SATA) I have 5 questions;

1) Can you have 4 partitions - i.e. C: D: E: F: ?
2) Do you think from the info below, that XP is displaying the FULL space on the drive.
3) I'm confused why the whole of the Unallocated space is not shown because 27.99 GB is shown as Free space (of which I did not set up)
4) I seem to be missing 21.91 GB (see below)
5) If I can have 4 partitions on Disk 0 - can I then have 2 partitions on the slave drive - drive 1 (I'm guessing it would be number 1)...........

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Won't Hold Correct Time

Oct 29, 2008

I just noticed, that since the last 3 weeks my taskbar clock is always out by one hour. I reset it and shortly it jumps back to the incorrect time: I let Windows synchronize it, again it jumps back 1 hour. Doublechecked Time Zones and it is correct.We are still on daytime Savingstime until this weekend so that cannot be it.(I did unclick -autoadjust to daylight saving) makes no difference.Can anyone help? Laptop is `year old, I don't think it is a battery/

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CD Burning With Correct Speed

Jun 18, 2005

I own a WindowsXP computer. I am trying to learn how to burn CDs. I "seem" to be able to assemble my playlist, drag,drop, and pick a new playlist. I "seem" to be burning a new CD after installing a blank 52xmulti speed disc. My troubles begin after about 91% of the burning process is completed. The process will stop and inform me that the "write-speed" is incorrect! How does one go about changing to the correct speed? What is the proper sequence in CD burning so that I do it the same way every time?

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Files Did Not Copy Correct

Aug 24, 2006

I have erased my hard drive and was reinstalling xp pro.when it is copying install files i keep getting messages that certain files did not copy correct, and I can skip them but xp probably won't work.After several attempts, I just started skipping all the files and xp was on the hard drive, but when logged on it would crash.I have tried using different copies but i get same message about files aren't being copied correct.

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Keyboard Is Not Showing Correct Results

Feb 25, 2010

I move to another screen/application and then back, say to Outlook, the first key I strike is not what its supposed to be, but the second key and what follows is correct. It just seems to be the very first key I hit generates a random character. This issue doesn't just happen in Outlook either but other programs as well. I might have thought this was limited to my laptop since I use this 90% of the time, but my desktop also has this problem. I've run a deep scan using ZA Extreme Security and come up with no viruses.

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Illegal Copy - Not True -correct ?

Jun 23, 2006

I keep getting the message that my copy of Windows XP Pro is an illegal copy. This is not true and how do I correct it. The program came with the computer from ACER installed at factory.

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Explorer Open With Is Not Working Correct If More Then One

Jun 20, 2005

I have tested it on more then 5 computers with Windows XP Professional on it, with different applications on it. I got every time the same result. What I do: I select 2 or more files in the explorer by holding the CTRL or shift key. These files are all from the same type. Then do a right mouse click and select "Open With" What I get: I get at first for the first selected file a folder selection window with the headline MOVE. I cancel this action, then I get a 2nd folder selection window now with the headline COPY. I cancel this window again. Then I get the Program Selection Window I expect. I select for example Paint Shop Pro. Any other program has the same outcome. The program will start like expected. But now I must handle this procedure for any file I have previous selected inside the explorer. And the program will start again and

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Correct Amount Of Memory Not Showing

Aug 25, 2005

i just installed a 512 meg stick of memory in my laptop that should have given me 768 meg but in "my computer" it only shows i have 736 megs of memory. is this normal? it is a toshiba satellite with windows xp.

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Identifying Correct File Extension

Jul 16, 2005

I have a few files mostly images where the file extension seems to be wrong. sometimes just renaming the extension to .jpg or .gif or .bmp works, But it's trial & error. Is there some kind of utility that'll open files and identify what type they really are, and rename them accordingly?

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File Browse Window Does Not Appear Correct

Jul 9, 2007

I just installed my pc with raid 5. Just trying it out... For my raid drivers to install correct i had to create an unattended install of windows xp x64 with nlite. Now when i want to change the download directory of firefox or utorrent i get this: In other applications like photoshop, 3dsmax or office the file browse window appears correct.

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How To Correct - Open In Maximum Size

Feb 10, 2005

I have windows xp home and suddenly it has decided to open in minimum size. how do I correct this so it will open in maximum size

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Scan Prompts For Disk - Correct CD

Jan 8, 2007

Intel Dual Core 2.4Ghz / XP MCE SP2.Running sfc /scannow I get the following message that is well documented on this forum and elsewhere: "Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL Cache. Insert your Windows XP Professional SP2 CD-ROM now."My problem is that I know I am using the correct CD, and I can't see why Slipstreaming should be necessary, but I still get the error.Some history:01 New PC supplied from manufacturer with XP MCE SP2 backup disk02 Reformatted the HDDs and rebuilt the PC how I wanted it to be using this backup disk to load the o/s03 After installing a particular application I startedto get odd behaviour so ran sfc /scannow04 The error reported above occurred so I checked that the CD has a full i386 directory (it does, of course given I used it to build the PC)

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RAM Amount Not Correct In System Properties

Feb 14, 2007

I have 4 x 1GB sticks of RAM in my new PC i just built recently. but in XP System Properties it says there's only 3.25 why is that? does it have to do with the same reason HDDs don't really have 500GB if so on my old PC i had 768MB of RAM and it said i had exactly that.

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Games Not Launching In Correct Resolution

Apr 13, 2006

My normal screen res is 1400x1050, but when I launch a full-screen game (the Sims 2 or Lego Racers...), the game makes itself 800x600, in the middle of my screen, surrounded by black. I never had this problem until I connected my computer up to a projector a few months ago and had to use the "multiple monitors" function. I'm worried it's just a simple thing that never got set back right in the display properties, but I don't know enough about that region of my computer to find it.

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Reload Windows To Correct Shut Down?

Nov 6, 2009

A few weeks ago, I had a malware problem, which I fixed.Since then, whenever I want to shut down, my computer will not. I have to use the big blue button on the front of the CPU to shut it down for the night. The normal cycle does not function to do so.Do I need to reload Windows to correct this, or is there another easier, faster way to diagnose and fix this problem?

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Computer Not Reconizing Correct Cpu Or Hdd Size

Oct 22, 2006

I'm running XP Home, and I realized that my cpu is showing as an amd 1800+ when it's really a 2400+, and the 120GB Hdd is showing as a 100GB. Any way I could get this fixed up easilly?

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Dual Boot And Vista - Can't Find The Correct Way

Jul 2, 2008

I have been trying to dual boot my 2 operating systems which are on 2 separate sata drives for some time. I have read around and can't find a solutions that seems like it should or would work for me. I have 3 hard drives 2 sata and 1 ide, the ide just has music mp3's. I used to dual boot my 2 XP operating systems just fine by changing the boot.ini but I can't find the correct way to choose the numbers with my new Vista installation

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Unable To Log On To Correct Domain In Safe Mode

Aug 12, 2007

I have recently come down with the Smitfraud trojan and have downloaded the command prompt program "SmitfraudFix" to hunt down and terminate my infection. However, the actual "killing process" that SmitfraudFix undergoes requires SafeMode to work correctly (I would assume so it does not harm other normal files). It would seem simple: log into Safe Mode and execute the prompt. Yet here is my problem! I have a laptop that was given to me by my college and instead of having my primary user account (which is given full administrator capabilities, but is not the actual Administrator account) as a "this computer" domain to log in, it logs in under the "GCC" domain (I go to Grove City College).

I would not have imagined this to ever be a problem, but when I start up Safe Mode to execute my trojan-killer I am given only two login fields, not three. Thus I have username and password inputs, but no "log on to" option to choose "GCC." So when I type in my username and password in Safe Mode they are (I presume) assumed to be "this computer" domain inputs. I think you can see where this is going...........

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Secound Window Opens Small - How To Correct

Dec 9, 2005

when i open a widnow withing a window the secound window opens small- how do i correct this?

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Correct Username And Bypass Welcome Screen On Bootup

Jan 4, 2005

When I upgraded my computer from 2000 to XP Home Ed., the guy at the store installed a new motherboard, and then installed the XP. He spelled my last name wrong, and now everything in the registry with my name is spelled incorrectly. I want to be able to fix that.
Also, I would like my computer to bypass the welcome screen when it boots up.I had it set up to do that, but then I did something to cause it to go back to that screen, and I can't get the bypass to happen again.

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Trying To Flash Bios To Correct Keyboard Issue

Aug 26, 2008

So, my computer has been screwed up for quite some time now, and I thought I might remedy the situation by doing a repair install of windows XP. I managed to get my hands on a slipstreamed SP3 CD today, and let windows do its thing. However, when the time came to enter in my XP key, I could not use my keyboard, which is the same problem i had before i repaired windows.

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Computer Does Not Recognise Correct Size Of Drive

Sep 20, 2005

We have built a computer for one of the disabled members of our Senior Group and installed Window XP on a 6 GB Hard Drive, however the computer only recognizes this as a 2 GB Drive.Can anyone please advise me as to how I can rectify this?

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