MVP Forum - Adobe Programs/files On My Computer

Feb 23, 2007

In trying to solve an Adobe problem, I deleted most of the Adobe programs/files on my computer. I now get these error messages in Excel:On opening: Compile error in hidden module: AutoExecNewOn closing: Compile error in hidden module: DistMon
I have re-installed my Adobe programs. I have tried using the Office disks to repair. I have also gone to the MVP forum and followed the directions there, to no avail.System Restore was turned off, so that is not an option. (not sure why that was off - must have happened when my computer was at the repair person's office)

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Adobe Reader Is Trying To Open All My Programs

Mar 31, 2008

Running Windows XP Pro SP2... I don't know what happened, but when I click on any shortcut to a program, Adobe Reader tries to open it and then tells me it's not a supported type. I wanted to do a System Restore to go back to before this started happening, but Adobe is trying to open System Restore as well! I wanted to remove Adobe altogether to try to fix this, but I can't open Add/Remove Programs in control panel, because Adobe tries to open this

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My Computer Is Slow Loading / Reading Programs / Files Lately

Jul 9, 2006

Constantly reads the HD when loading programs. This behavoir wasn't present 7+ months ago I have WXPH.

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Installed Adobe Reader 8.1: Unable To Shut Down Computer Normally?

Apr 5, 2008

I installed adobe reader 8.1. Since then I haven't been able to shut down computer the right way. When I go to start then click on turn off computer the shut down box never comes up. I end up having to push the power button to turn it off. I know this will eventually do harm is there anything I can do besides reformatting. I have all the disk to reformat, but would rather not if I can get this fixed.My hard drive crashed last year, it was an 80 gig, I replaced it with a 300 gig. Haven't had any problems until last week after I downloaded adobe.

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Correct Forum For A File Extension?

Aug 16, 2007

I have looked on the file extension source which has helped in the past, but to no avail...the CD was a gift from the friend of a friend, and supposedly contains fonts, but I can't seem to open it.

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Correct Forum - IBM PC Camera Pro Max Driver,

Mar 18, 2005

Not sure if this is the correct forum... I am looking for a free driver for my IBM PC Camera Pro Max, Model XVP600, it was a good cam and worked well under windows 98se, but now i have updated to Windows XP pro and am wondering if there are drivers out there which allow this cam to work with XP.

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Update Capabilities / Hope Forum Is Correct?

Aug 3, 2007

I recently had a desktop tower system stolen. My XP Pro, ver 2002, svc pack 2 was duly registered through MS. My question is if the thief ever tries to update the software through MS update, can he be tracked? I have not been successful in getting quick answers from MS, but I only tried contacting them yesterday afternoon. I had the system configured for update to contact the site automatically. Unfortunately, I had the administrator functions and password access turned off, so whoever stole it can use it.To track the thief through the software id and the net? The cops obviously have better things to do than chase this down. I did turn in the serial numbers and whatnot to the cops, and they say they case the pawn shops and whatnot weekly.

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Cannot Delete File On Desktop - Effecive Forum Found Method

May 24, 2006

i cannot delete a file on my desktop (windows xp). delete will not work. usual windows message, file in use, cannot delete, blah, blah, etc. what methods has the fourm found to be effective?

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Http://www Tomshardware Com/forum/244803-45-compaq-driver-ethernet-controller-d3

Oct 8, 2010

I have no internet connection with the HP compaq, so need to download ethernet controller driver for hp d330 using my other computer

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Access Old Files And Programs

Nov 10, 2009

I just installed a second XP on my notebook and want to know how can I access my old files and programs?

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Files Missing Programs Disappeared?

Mar 20, 2007

when I started it and logged on the computer all my files were missing and some of the programs had dissappeared. I checked and made sure I was logged onto my account and not the guest one. I restarted the computer hoping that everything would just be normal again but instead after watching a black screen for 5 minutes got this message:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<Windows root>system32hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above file."

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Can't Access Programs Or Files Home

Feb 5, 2005

I am unable to access either files or programs in XP. If I go into the Start menu, clicking on my programs or my files freezes the computer.I can go online. I can boot up all programs on the start page, and run them. I can access the five "last" files in Word. I can receive and send Email. I get a baloon message on startup indicating the "you have files waiting to be written to the CD. To see them now, click the baloon". Clicking the baloon freezes the computer.I can't get to the point where I could delete files or programs.

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Move Programs And Files From Drive C To D?

Apr 12, 2010

Using Dell Inspiron media edition 16400 60GB HD 2GB ram. Issue, this drive is partitioned and running out of space on C:, there is about 12 GB on D:. Is there a way go move some apps, etc to D: and/or have a choice of writing to that drive?

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Re-installing Without Losing Files / Programs

Aug 9, 2005

Im completely useless with Windows and I was wondering is it even possible to reinstall Windows XP(Home Edition) without losing my programs and files? I have over 50GB of files/program's and it would be a pain to lose any of them(I dont have the discs). I have the XP installation disc that came with the computer. If anybody knows if its possible, or how to do it.

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Files -Programs Taking Up Space

Apr 11, 2006

which files/programs take up the most space on your computer? I've removed all of the unnecessary programs that I don't need or use or at least the one's that have an uninstall program or if I'm able to remove them from the control panel. What about .xls, .doc, .ppt, .mp3, .wav, etc? I have Windows 2000 Professional, Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and MS Office 2003.

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How To Wipe Files & Programs Without Losing XP

Dec 28, 2008

Just was given a Dell Dimension L1100R with xp pro installed and a ton of the previous owners files and programs. It came with no installation CD so I am unable to reinstall. Is there any way to wipe all the personal files and programs without deleting XP and the drivers? I already have a dell dimension 8250 with an xp home disc but it won't install over pro.

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User Access Denied To All Exe Files And Programs

Aug 18, 2007

Hopefully I can explain my situation without dragging it out to long, but it is involved.The problem is with my wife computer which is an Emachine, Model T3265, running Win XP, Home Edition and IE 7.0.The last time my wife was on the computer was the evening of Aug 14, at which time she had been playing the card game Spider Solitaire. I am also listed as a user but only to keep it running for my wife.When she tried to use the computer the next day, Aug 15 she kept getting the message Windows can not access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item.Having come up with the same results as my wife, here is what I have been able to determine.

Be it from the Start Menu, Desk Top or Program Folder, the end result is the above .message. .It didn't matter whose account I was in, mine or my wife, or if I tried to open an executable file or program directly or with a shortcut, the results were the same. However I did find a couple of things that were quite odd. The items stored in the task bar at the bottom right side of the task bar could be opened, but only from here..These programs consisted of the Virus Program, Trend Microsoft Pecillin, messenger program and the like. I also found that if I opened Documents and Settings and then opened either my wife or my personal folder and then went to Favorites I was able to access the internet. I could not do is run Restore from system tools and when I tried use the run function in the start menu I got a pop up window which said Windows can not create a shortcut here. Do you want a shortcut placed on the desktop.Short of doing a full format and re-installation can you tell me what has happened and how to fix it?

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Switching Users - Not Have Access To All My Files And Programs

Jan 27, 2007

I am trying to set up my computer so that my wife can use it, but not have access to all my files and programs etc...I have created her user account, but whenever i try and switch users it hangs at a Red screen, sometimes with a box saying "Applying personal setting Internet Explorer 6".

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Unable To Open Files / Programs Disappeared While Trying?

Jun 27, 2005

when ever i open up a program and try to intiate opening a file, say i'm trying to author a dvd, and i want to open up the file that i want to work on, well, the whole program disappears, as if i closed it, i thought it might be just one program, but it seems to be a few programs, don't know whats going on

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Removed Programs By Add/Remove Option But Still In Program Files?

Jul 3, 2005

I removed a program via the add/remove programs and it seemed as though everything was removed... no traces of it on the desktop or via the start up menu. However, browsing through, (is it still windows explorer?), I saw that the folder is still there and full of goodies. Can I just delete the entire main folder? I get nervous in and around there since something is always sharing something from somewhere else.

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Can Recover Hard Drive Files Without Purchasing Programs?

Mar 10, 2009

I had to reinstall Windows XP on my Dell laptop after it stopped working. When I went to reinstall my antivirus software it looked at all the files on my computer, while I was watching to my surprise I saw all my old files (music, pictures and such) so I know they are there somewhere on the hard drive I am just unsure on how to retrieve them. I am not a genius but can follow instuructions if someone can head me in the right direction.

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Excessive Programs Files Folders And Possible Software Conflicts

Oct 1, 2010

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right section or giving too much information at once. I have several issues that I need assistance with so I'll post them and you can take it from there and let me know where to go or post differently. I apologize for all of the questions. If you would like for me to break them up and post differently

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Delete Temp Files - Install Software Programs

Apr 27, 2007

A folder lives in C:documents and settingsownerlocal settings emp.I need to know what these files and folders do, and if I may delete them safely? Had a friend who could not install any software on his pc and was advised by the geek squad at Best Buy to try and delete all the contents of this folder. he did and now is able to install software programs again. I am wondering if you don't need these files why are they there? Is it safe for everyone to just delete all these files and folders?

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Multi Files Highlighted When Click On Lower Programs

Jun 29, 2005

When I click on a program it highlights several prrograms at once. If I click on a lower program on the screen all programs above are highlighted. same thing happens in email.

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Multi User Logon Access To Certain Files Programs

Feb 9, 2006

setting up more than one user logon for windows xp home edition w/ sp2 installed (using fat32). What I would like to acheive (if possible) is to limit my teenagers (2) access to certain files and programs. More specifically programs such as windows explorer (including right-click on START button), access to the "RUN" command, control panel, and other system controlling programs. I have searched on C-Net and microsoft, finding bits and peices but not all together in 1 post and not a step by step. I am not afraid to edit the registry.Also I do not want to convert this comp to ntfs (unless there is a way to back up a massive amount of data without a cd/dvd burner, as I am under the impression that a re-install of XP and reformatting of hard drive is required to switch to ntfs). What would be ideal (and maybe easier to do?) would be to have teenage-user1 and teenage-user2 logon bring up only a desktop with no taskbar and/or START button, thus allowing only access to the programs that I shortcut to the desktop (this thought just occurred to me while typing this).

These children are 15 and 16 and are smart enough to type a google search for password/registry/command prompt hacks and crackers and such. I haven't seen anything in regaurds to what I am looking for all on 1 system or complete in 1 post/step-by-step. Possibly I am not typing the correct search words, but seems alot of text for a search ( am not typing "the" "and" etc. and am using/trying as many buzzwords as I can think of...) and I get no way too much irrelavent and sometimes confusing info or no matches at all. I may be making a mountain out of a mole hill with how I want to do this, as it probably has been done before, if so a link(s) would be much appreciated as would any advice from "seasoned/in-the-know" users/programmers.

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Essential Registry Values All Gone: Files & Programs Wont Open?

Aug 15, 2006

i downloaded this program from major geeks called 'RegScrub XP'. i assumed that it locates and deletes registry entries that are old and not in in the program, on one of the tabs, i think it was 'user defined...' (or rather), i located all the registry entries and then deleted all of now all the files and programs on my computer cannot open. all of the icons in the start menu and everywhere have that unspecified icon image, and when i try to open it it says - use the web service to find the appropriate program

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System Wont Install Programs & Exe / Corrupted Cabnit Files?

Apr 3, 2006

I resently downloaded and tryed to install the Rise of Legends demo. during installation it would give me this error:Extracting to "Gocuments and Settings XXXXLocal SettingsTemp" Use Path: no Overlay Files: yes Extracting Rise_of_Legends_Demo.exe bad CRC 9e1b633a (should be a0137306)During installation i get:Setup failed to extract files from F:Cab2.CAB. This is most likely caused by low memory (low disk space for swapping file) or a corrupted cabinet file. Please restart your machine and run setup again.

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Unable To Use Adobe?

Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to install Adobe InCopy CS4 and I can't make the exe file run. When I click to install the downloaded file, nothing happens. I have disabled my AVG but that doesn't make a difference.

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Is Adobe Flash Enabled?

Feb 8, 2007

I am using google chat and it says I have sounds enabled, but I don't hear anything. How do I check to see if I have adobe flash and if its enabled?

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Adobe Flash Not Working

Sep 27, 2008

When going to certain websites, I'm receiving a message saying that I need to install Flash. I have gone to Adobe's site to download it, and it says "Flash successfully installed" but apparently that is not the case.

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Adobe Photoshop Installation

Aug 1, 2008

I searched through the forums for any sign of something that matched my problem, but found none. So here it is...I go to install photoshop and I click the setup.exe and a window pops up saying Loading InstallShield. It gets to 99% then stops and the window vanishes. I've tried from the hard drive as well, but the same thing happens. No errors or anything...just vanishes.I use Windows XP Professional version 2002 Service Pack 2.If anyone has any ideas for how to get it to work I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

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