Switching Users - Not Have Access To All My Files And Programs
Jan 27, 2007
I am trying to set up my computer so that my wife can use it, but not have access to all my files and programs etc...I have created her user account, but whenever i try and switch users it hangs at a Red screen, sometimes with a box saying "Applying personal setting Internet Explorer 6".
Several people use my computer from time to time, and there are some programs for security reasons that I would prefer them not to use.Is there anyway I can block their access to the programs?
I have two people (two user accounts ) using one computer. However when one wants to switch between users by going Start | Log Off there isn't any other user name to switch to and I end up shutting down the computer.
how do I configuar the computer so I can switch between users with out shutting down?
When I Switch users to logg on another account but still keep the previous one logged on, the other account I logg in after I switch users, the computer works really slow. Only after I switch users. It didn't do that before. Why is it slow?
Both my wife and I are admins. On my side all things run ok. When my wife switches to her side everything comes to the screen correctly but there is no sound. No sound bits, wav., game sounds. I have checked all the places that I know and it looks like everything is ok.I do not know how to fix this problem, but I'm sure someong out there might be able to help me. I sure hope so. I will be waiting for your solution
Please tell me how to allow a user on a winME pc to access her account/files on a Winxp home (Sp2) Compac Pressario laptop. The xphome laptop has all connections mapped via the 'guest" account. (this is a workgroup, not a domain)? Small (2 pc) home workgroup ( no domain)using Cat5 crossover with static IPs assigned.
When I lock on with the local administrator account, I want to see the files in the local user's account. In other works, I want to be able to see: c:doucments and setingssmithmy documents*.*. But I'm not seeing the "my documents" subdirectory of the local "smith" account.
Everytime I try to switch between a user in XP pro without logging off my computer slows to a crawl. I would have to hit the reset button and restart. It runs pretty quick otherwise. It has a 120 gb harddrive, 256 mb of ram and a atlon processor 3100+. Has anybody experience this before. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I have a dell dimension C 21 pc with windows XP home edition service pack 2 which I have had for some months now. I have the free edition of AVG. We are 2 users, I am the main user and my partner is the second user. A problem frequently arises when he switches to his"area" in that an AVG box comes up for updating but then freezes . He then tries to shut it down gets the message "this program is not responding click on end or cancel" so we can't get rid of it.I have spoken to the Dell help line who a) want to charge me for any advice as they say this is nothing to do with the hardware, and only the hardware is guaranteed b) when I complain about this they say I have to get rid of
You know the sound that the computer makes when you click on start-> Log Off -> Switch User? It's a specific sound like when you turn off your computer or when you restart your computer, or when you log in to your computer. That "Windows" sound. Well for me, that sound has disapeared everytime switch users. My normal sound is okay, and the log off/log in sounds are still there, but for some strange reason, my Switch User sound is gone. I was just wondering what caused this, it's not really a big deal,
Two days ago, I started having a problem with my desktop freezing. When I restart the computer, I am able to log onto my account fine. But when I switch users (I am not on a domain) to my girlfriend's account, her desktop freezes
Since over a couple of months ago, I have been receiving a blue screen error when I log off a limited account and log into my administrator account. It only happens when I log off a different user and log in to my account and the error it states is: win32.sys error
If you need to install software but you don't have administrator privileges to do so, you can do it without having to switch users.Just hold down the Shift key as you right-click the Setup file, select Run As and type the Administrator's username and password.
When switching between users, general to admin I got the following info on a blue screen. Before that I was on a site that kept making pop ups. The monitor went black and back and black a few times, then blue. Here is the info: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen restart your computer.
The problem is that whenever I "switch user" (win + L) out of my account for someone else to log on their account, when they try logging off, my monitor acts like if I was putting the computer into sleep mode. That is, it goes black and some messages come up on the screen saying the usual "check power etc" messages and the light flashes. The computer continues to run and there is no way of restoring my screen so I am forced to press the main power button on the computer tower.
Whenever I switch users then log back in after 3 seconds my computer goes into my screen-saver. The only way I can keep it from doing this is to franticly move my mouse all over the screen. This happened just 30 seconds ago and its really annoying
When I do fast user switching or logon in XP, I wish to hide certain users from being displayed. It seems XP has this capability since there are other users in my system that do not display on the logon or fast user switching screen.
I am unable to access either files or programs in XP. If I go into the Start menu, clicking on my programs or my files freezes the computer.I can go online. I can boot up all programs on the start page, and run them. I can access the five "last" files in Word. I can receive and send Email. I get a baloon message on startup indicating the "you have files waiting to be written to the CD. To see them now, click the baloon". Clicking the baloon freezes the computer.I can't get to the point where I could delete files or programs.
Hopefully I can explain my situation without dragging it out to long, but it is involved.The problem is with my wife computer which is an Emachine, Model T3265, running Win XP, Home Edition and IE 7.0.The last time my wife was on the computer was the evening of Aug 14, at which time she had been playing the card game Spider Solitaire. I am also listed as a user but only to keep it running for my wife.When she tried to use the computer the next day, Aug 15 she kept getting the message Windows can not access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item.Having come up with the same results as my wife, here is what I have been able to determine.
Be it from the Start Menu, Desk Top or Program Folder, the end result is the above .message. .It didn't matter whose account I was in, mine or my wife, or if I tried to open an executable file or program directly or with a shortcut, the results were the same. However I did find a couple of things that were quite odd. The items stored in the task bar at the bottom right side of the task bar could be opened, but only from here..These programs consisted of the Virus Program, Trend Microsoft Pecillin, messenger program and the like. I also found that if I opened Documents and Settings and then opened either my wife or my personal folder and then went to Favorites I was able to access the internet. I could not do is run Restore from system tools and when I tried use the run function in the start menu I got a pop up window which said Windows can not create a shortcut here. Do you want a shortcut placed on the desktop.Short of doing a full format and re-installation can you tell me what has happened and how to fix it?
setting up more than one user logon for windows xp home edition w/ sp2 installed (using fat32). What I would like to acheive (if possible) is to limit my teenagers (2) access to certain files and programs. More specifically programs such as windows explorer (including right-click on START button), access to the "RUN" command, control panel, and other system controlling programs. I have searched on C-Net and microsoft, finding bits and peices but not all together in 1 post and not a step by step. I am not afraid to edit the registry.Also I do not want to convert this comp to ntfs (unless there is a way to back up a massive amount of data without a cd/dvd burner, as I am under the impression that a re-install of XP and reformatting of hard drive is required to switch to ntfs). What would be ideal (and maybe easier to do?) would be to have teenage-user1 and teenage-user2 logon bring up only a desktop with no taskbar and/or START button, thus allowing only access to the programs that I shortcut to the desktop (this thought just occurred to me while typing this).
These children are 15 and 16 and are smart enough to type a google search for password/registry/command prompt hacks and crackers and such. I haven't seen anything in regaurds to what I am looking for all on 1 system or complete in 1 post/step-by-step. Possibly I am not typing the correct search words, but seems alot of text for a search ( am not typing "the" "and" etc. and am using/trying as many buzzwords as I can think of...) and I get no way too much irrelavent and sometimes confusing info or no matches at all. I may be making a mountain out of a mole hill with how I want to do this, as it probably has been done before, if so a link(s) would be much appreciated as would any advice from "seasoned/in-the-know" users/programmers.
i am basically the 'admin' of my family's computer, and my mom ONLY uses it for email and a web application for her work.the problem is, whenever she logs onto her user account, she gets bombarded with a ton of stuff (AIM, GMail notifier, etc.)is there any way to disable these programs from starting up on her account only?
The Users Account will not open.Everything else in the Controll Panel is accessable except AudioHQ, using a Audigy2 ZS sound card, and Windows Media Connect.Don't know what the latter 2 are.I can access Users Accounts in Safe Mode with the Admin account. Checked and my User Account has Administrator Privalege. How can I get access to the User Account?
I've got a question regarding my windows xp home edition machine. I've got a couple of user accounts on the machine. One is my own administrator account, called my name. I've also got a Guest account and another account called Games. My account has a password but none of the others do. In addition to these there is this mysterious "Administrator account" on my machine. When I try to log in as "Administrator" it won't let me. It tells me that I don't have proper access or something like that. What really bothers me is when I go to C:/Documents and Setting/All Users I cannot open the Documents folder. It says it's not accessible and "access is denied." I have trouble installing stuff sometimes because nothing can access this folder (and there could be others I'm not sure). Is the Administrator account the problem?
This seems simple, but I am the only admin on our computer w/ 3 kids on limited access. How can I give them access on programs that I have (like Call of Duty) on my user account?
Dell Dimension 8400 desktop, Pentium 4, 3.00GHz, 1.00GB RAM, Windows XP Pro SP3, single machine (i.e. not networked), PC-cillin Internet Security 2007 always up to date, IE7 for browser.This computer has been running perfectly for over a year until 4 days ago. We have 3 users on the Welcome Screen and they all have administrator accounts. You can log on to any account with no problem. If you log off someone else can log on to their account with no problem.
My "Users" screen is up, but we can't click on any of the Users to open them up. Can't click on "Turn off computer" either. We have to use the power button to shut down, but that doesn't help anything.Tried running a bunch of spyware scans in safe mode, but doesn't seem to be helping.
My ctrl, alt, delete brings up a box that says show processes from all users instead of showing the programs that are running. If I click on yes or no, in regard to showing all users, I still can't get to the window that shows the programs running. I don't know how this happened, but I did install a new external hard drive. How can I get my task manager back to the normal viewing that I am used to?
I am trying to open the Local Users & Groups on my Computer Mangement option. There is a red cross on it, and when I double click it I get the error message 'Unable to access the Computer. Unspecified error.'My computer runs Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3 and I am the Administrator of this computer.