Since over a couple of months ago, I have been receiving a blue screen error when I log off a limited account and log into my administrator account. It only happens when I log off a different user and log in to my account and the error it states is: win32.sys error
When switching between users, general to admin I got the following info on a blue screen. Before that I was on a site that kept making pop ups. The monitor went black and back and black a few times, then blue. Here is the info: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen restart your computer.
Whenever I switch users then log back in after 3 seconds my computer goes into my screen-saver. The only way I can keep it from doing this is to franticly move my mouse all over the screen. This happened just 30 seconds ago and its really annoying
I have two people (two user accounts ) using one computer. However when one wants to switch between users by going Start | Log Off there isn't any other user name to switch to and I end up shutting down the computer.
how do I configuar the computer so I can switch between users with out shutting down?
When I Switch users to logg on another account but still keep the previous one logged on, the other account I logg in after I switch users, the computer works really slow. Only after I switch users. It didn't do that before. Why is it slow?
Both my wife and I are admins. On my side all things run ok. When my wife switches to her side everything comes to the screen correctly but there is no sound. No sound bits, wav., game sounds. I have checked all the places that I know and it looks like everything is ok.I do not know how to fix this problem, but I'm sure someong out there might be able to help me. I sure hope so. I will be waiting for your solution
Everytime I try to switch between a user in XP pro without logging off my computer slows to a crawl. I would have to hit the reset button and restart. It runs pretty quick otherwise. It has a 120 gb harddrive, 256 mb of ram and a atlon processor 3100+. Has anybody experience this before. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I have a dell dimension C 21 pc with windows XP home edition service pack 2 which I have had for some months now. I have the free edition of AVG. We are 2 users, I am the main user and my partner is the second user. A problem frequently arises when he switches to his"area" in that an AVG box comes up for updating but then freezes . He then tries to shut it down gets the message "this program is not responding click on end or cancel" so we can't get rid of it.I have spoken to the Dell help line who a) want to charge me for any advice as they say this is nothing to do with the hardware, and only the hardware is guaranteed b) when I complain about this they say I have to get rid of
You know the sound that the computer makes when you click on start-> Log Off -> Switch User? It's a specific sound like when you turn off your computer or when you restart your computer, or when you log in to your computer. That "Windows" sound. Well for me, that sound has disapeared everytime switch users. My normal sound is okay, and the log off/log in sounds are still there, but for some strange reason, my Switch User sound is gone. I was just wondering what caused this, it's not really a big deal,
Two days ago, I started having a problem with my desktop freezing. When I restart the computer, I am able to log onto my account fine. But when I switch users (I am not on a domain) to my girlfriend's account, her desktop freezes
If you need to install software but you don't have administrator privileges to do so, you can do it without having to switch users.Just hold down the Shift key as you right-click the Setup file, select Run As and type the Administrator's username and password.
I am trying to set up my computer so that my wife can use it, but not have access to all my files and programs etc...I have created her user account, but whenever i try and switch users it hangs at a Red screen, sometimes with a box saying "Applying personal setting Internet Explorer 6".
The problem is that whenever I "switch user" (win + L) out of my account for someone else to log on their account, when they try logging off, my monitor acts like if I was putting the computer into sleep mode. That is, it goes black and some messages come up on the screen saying the usual "check power etc" messages and the light flashes. The computer continues to run and there is no way of restoring my screen so I am forced to press the main power button on the computer tower.
When I do fast user switching or logon in XP, I wish to hide certain users from being displayed. It seems XP has this capability since there are other users in my system that do not display on the logon or fast user switching screen.
I switched on this morning and after a few minutes the screen went black. I restarted and the screen remained black. I kept swtiching on & off then is started. I did a system restore and now it seems to work OK but the colores have changed, I get a yellow background and my word page is yellow. I have tried altering settings in display to no avail. I am typing this on a yellow page and still get a yellow page in word.
Now at the XP Welcome Screen, none of the users show up; I had 4 before I reinstalled XP. If I cnt-alt-del, I get a login screen with one of the users already in the user box. I never set a password for that user, but the login asks for one. A blank just gets an incorrect password response.
i know this has been addressed before but i cannot find any threads with the solution. ive even fixed this couple times before but i forgot how.basically when u boot in normal or safe mode no users come up that can be clicked on. how do u fix this? if i remember last time i had to go into recovery console and replace login file or something
I boot my computer up and its fine till it reaches the logon screen. There are no users to select to logon let alone the shutdown button. Now I have changed the logon screen from its default one, however, It worked fine for almost a year... so i really doubt thats the problem. Due to this problem I Installed XP Home [running as dual boot] so that i may fix the problem. XP Home works fine and i tried to replace the XP Pro Logonui.exe with the XP Home one. I also went into the recovery console and replaced the ntldr and ntdetect files. None of these worked and i still have the same problem. I would like to avoid reformatting simply because I have vital information that i would like to keep.
I was in run/control userpasswords2 trying to give admin privileges to a user account and when I came out I somehow deleted the users icon from the welcome screen. When I try to add user back in through both the run/control userpasswords2 and Control/users I get the message that the user already exists. How can I ge the user icon back on the welcome screen?
To use this setting, type the fully qualified path and name of the file that stores the wallpaper image. You can type a local path, such as C:Windowswebwallpaperhome.jpg or a UNC path, such as \ServerShareCorp.jpg. If the specified file is not available when the user logs on, no wallpaper is displayed. Users cannot specify alternative wallpaper. You can also use this setting to specify that the wallpaper image be centered, tiled, or stretched. Users cannot change this specification.
Got a problem here with a classroom full of Windows XP Pro PCs, where if I put new shortcuts into All UsersDesktop, when a user logs on they can only see the shortcut as an unknown file type which does not run. Any existing shortcuts in All UsersDesktop work ok, just not any new ones!The PC's are on a Windows 2003 Server network (with AD) and have local user profiles.
We are running windows xp media edition 2004. client services for netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switch screen. to restore these features we must uninstall client services for netware.
we cant find netware or client services for netware in the add / remove programs.
we searched the files for netware and found to programs listed one in c:j386 and another one in c:windowssystem32
What is the best way to share execution priviledges between limited users, power users, and administrators?Say an application has already been installed by a higher priviledged user type, and a limited user cannot execute it - e.g. an ISP login software, or Spy Sweeper. Note: ISP login software lacks profile, so I suppose I could just create that, however, Spy Sweeper is a head scratcher.Should the application be uninstalled and reinstall under All Users? How do you install an application to allow All Users to use it?I have already tried to use the "Run As" right-click Properties w/Shift key approach and that does not work.Is there an approach with regard to local security policy that would do what I want to do? How is that done? Or, is Access Control List the way to go?
as soon as i log in instead of welcome screen to choose logins i go to a dialog box where i have to give my password and usernam... i tried to change this by going to control panel and user accounts. as soon as i clicked on "change the way user logs in or logs off" i get a error as 'A recently installed program has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching . to restore these features , you must uninstall the program. the following name might help you identify the program that made the change - KLGina.dll"
so i tried to delete i couldnt ... eventually it got deleted by software "unlocker" but as i log in again an error as "please contact system administrator as klgina.dll is missing'.. i got that back again by system restore..
im on a rented Dell laptop and when I try to go into a java chat room the screen loads but there is no users list it is all one screen...I also can't load yahoo games.I know there is java sun loaded on this thing.
I need some links to some sites that will provide information and also fixes for blue screen errors in Win NT/2000/XP. I will be using them on my website, which in turn will be used at my workplace. Thanks for any help that you can offer.
Dell inspiron 510 laptop starts with dell logo XP logo and moving bar below then grey blank screen instead of users names only blank screen with moveable cursir used yesterday as normal except i did defrag
My Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop on boot-up consistently gives a blue screen with ERROR (0X000000ED (0X81ACA988, 0XC0000006,0X00000000,0X00000000). I have read most of your fixes BUT in my case no matter what I do it ALWAYS boots to this screen. Trying to boot to Safe Mode results in a list of drivers prefixed by ?multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)c:windowsdriver.sys etc The machine will not boot from Floppy or CD and I?ve tried every combination of boot sequence under the F12 menu. In the BIOS it will not allow me to change any relevant settings, only the ?system date?, ?system time? and ?quiet boot?.and I cannot select the dropdown menu items either. Booting under Normal Startup, I see the Windows Logo and all that, but then the blue screen appears. I?ve tried removing the hard disk to get it to boot to floppy, removing the battery (which is totally dead), memory module, etc. Only thing left I think is to sling it in the Caribbean Ocean and go drink a bottle of rum.
so every time i boot the computer i get that good ol' blue screen of death right where windows should open to my desktop.. instead it says "welcome" with the light blue background.. the screen goes black and then comes back with the blue screen.. the message on the screen says:
stop: 0x0000007a (0xe16dac70, 0xc0000185, 0xbf985c66, 0x20e18860) win32k.sys - address bf985c66 base at bf800000, datestamp 41107f7a
beginning dump of physical memory dumping physical memory to disk: and counts up to 100 then the computer restarts. i was able to get into safe mode to try a system restore but when the computer restarted it never finished the install (it actually gave me the confirmation that the restore was successful while i was doing a repair install later on) i have tried going through the windows install disc repair utility and doing a chkdsk /p and a chkdsk /r upon doing /r it froze at 53 percent and did not move (i left it for a good 4 hours the first time before restarting it.. and then over night the second time.. and both times it never passed 53 percent............
Under Windows 2000, when I reformat the computer, I add administrator user as a network user in the install process. Then, I go in and add local users to the computer. Later on when I want to add network users, it won't let me, the computer just hangs.