CD Burning With Correct Speed

Jun 18, 2005

I own a WindowsXP computer. I am trying to learn how to burn CDs. I "seem" to be able to assemble my playlist, drag,drop, and pick a new playlist. I "seem" to be burning a new CD after installing a blank 52xmulti speed disc. My troubles begin after about 91% of the burning process is completed. The process will stop and inform me that the "write-speed" is incorrect! How does one go about changing to the correct speed? What is the proper sequence in CD burning so that I do it the same way every time?

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How Do I Increase My Burning Speed?

Dec 25, 2007

Not so much a *problem* I'm having, but wondering how I can improve my set-up.
Whenever I burn an audio or (much longer) data disc, it typically takes a good 20 mins for my laptop. (specs in my bio)
This eve. my friend's desktop burned a data disc in less than 2 minutes! I was shocked.
HOW do I increase my burning speed?? His pc was a few GBs, would I need to increase mine (started off w/80, have 37.6 free GB left) or upgrade my RAM?

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Find Processor Speed / RAM And Hard Drive Speed Configuration?

Sep 25, 2005

How do I find my processor speed, RAM, and hard drive speed/configuration?

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Move A USB Device From Low Speed Port To High Speed

Mar 22, 2009

I'm connecting my iphone to usb and get the "this device can perform faster...." message telling me to disconnect from the current port and connect to a hi speed port I know which is hi speed port, but cant figure out how to disconnect and then reconnect it

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Improve Internet Speed - Maximum Download Speed

Apr 16, 2008

I am using a DSL connection with a maximum download speed of upto 2MBPS but i usually recieve it for about 1-1.5MBPS. I have tried using Download Accelerator softwares to increase my speed but wuth those some spam also come into my computer so i am not using it anymore. Is there any way by which i can increase my internet speed by doing some changes in Windows internally. Also while using sharing sites my speed tends to fall to about 45KBPS.

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Boosting Up PC Speed And Downloading Speed

Apr 21, 2006

How can i Boost up my PC speed and downloading speed,Although i used some Optimizers but it also occupy my disks memory spaces and speed down the OS similarly for Booting Time.

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Getting Error While Burning To CD-R / CD-RW ?

Jun 24, 2005

I run Windows XP SP2 (Which is completely up-to-date) and have a Toshiba CD-RW and DVD-RW combi drive. I've used it store backups of my files and recently everytime I try to record to any type of CD an error message appears saying the disk is either full or unuseable and to try another disk which I have I've also tried disks from different manufacturers and changed the recording speed to minimum but the device still displays the error.

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Different DVD Burning Formats?

Sep 22, 2006

have a great aussie concert, but it's in australian format disk can copy it and burn it back to dvd, and aussies can watch it, but when I send copies to USA, they can't see it..can anyone tell me how to copy/ configure/ find a program that will make it viewable to o/seas watchers? I run DVD Express to view DVDs.LG burner, and Nero to copy/burn. it's frustrating as I have heaps of good aussie videos that Americans can't see I'd appreciate any guidance here.

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CD Burning Issues?

Feb 9, 2009

i can send files to the CD drive, but when I open an explorer window and try to use the "CD Writing tasks" on the left hand side (i.e Write these files to CD, Erase this CDRW etc...) nothing happens. The funny thing is, if I go back to "My Computer" and right click on the CD icon to perform a task, it appears to work.
Dragging files to an open CD explorer window also causes the window to close (although the temporary files are still copied across and a notification that there are files ready to be written to CD is displayed).
I am posotive the CDRWs and my CDRW drive are okay, as they work when using Nero. Its just an annoying problem I would like to sort out if anyone can help!? The probalem started before I installed Nero, so I dont think that has caused a problem.Some hardware specs below if they are needed:
Microsoft XP Home Edition
Version 2002
Service pack 3
HP Pavillion
Intel Celeron CPU 1.80GHz
1.25GHz of Ram
CD Drive:
CyberDrv CW058D CD-R/RW
Driver version 5.1.2535.0
Driver Date 01/07/2001

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Speed Up Lan Network Speed

Jan 25, 2007

i want to speed up my Network file transfer as fast as "whatever"is there any way that i can do using script or software or anythin Local area connections speed: 100 Mbps

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Burning Windows Xp Updated On CD ?

Sep 3, 2005

are windows XP updates available on to download and burn to CD ?

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No Temporary Burning Folder

Sep 11, 2005

When I copy to a CD it states files were copied to a temporary file folder. However, that folder no longer appears for me as it did previously. I had this problem earlier and received helpful resolution at this site but can no longer find my previous post.

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Burning Dvdrips To DVD-RW Disc

Jul 6, 2008

Could someone tell me how to burn a DVDRIP-DIVX file to a DVD-RW disc i've already tried and nothing happens i tried to burn the disc on the windows media player, and the realplayer beta, i've already put my disc into the compact disc rewritable device to burn and it keeps saying device D and Device E cannot be used to burn a DVD content it also says choose the device the options where video CD/ super video CD/ and DVD video.

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What Can Cause Computer To Reboot While Burning

Jul 13, 2005

I have observed this since i had my PC, while burning a CD, my computer would suddenly restart as is the reset button had been pushed,sometimes even while reading a CD (even tho i havent observed this in a while) and even sometimes as soon as i was in the BIOS (that was quite unconvenient for trying to reinstall Windows I admitt) The problem is that, since that problem appeared (that's indeed since i've had this homemade PC), i changed the CPU, the motherboard,the burner, the alimentation, the RAM, the graphical card, the modem, i mean, everything besides the floppy disk reader thing, i also installed another Windows XP (SP1 indeed, even tho it was badly burnt so whenever i install it there is dll's that won't be installed) and in spite of all these changes, i still get those reboots while burning, and that's quite annoying mostly that it kills your CD's. so what can it be due to? i'd really appreciate an answer from anyone who might have one, cuz i've had this problem for 2 years now and now that i'm getting out of room on my hard disk and need to back up lots of things on CD's.

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Newbie DVD Burning - Re-Writable CD's

Feb 24, 2006

I am fairly new to the world of WINDOWS XP but it is a small step away from the Mac Os Tiger in Simlplicity. I bought a barely HP DV1315cl (google the name for full specs) which by the way I am VERY happy with to replace my "vintage" Ibook 800mhz. You know how you can drag and drop data files in Windows Explorer for Writable and Re-Writable CD's? I was wondering if you can do the same thing with DVD's. Also when I pop-in a DVD +/- either or they are reconized as a CD with 0 bytes. Is there like a plugin or something included with software E.g. Nero to enable this

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NERO DVD Burning Issue

Oct 17, 2006

XP SP2 with Nero + Verbatim DVD-R: Used this to burn a DVD 3.9GB it burned fine. Data Verification completed successfully. I then checked the compilation using my computer and everything was dandy super BUT to double check I put the DVD in my laptop DVD drive nothing, disc was not even recognized.

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DVD Burning - DVD Dual Format

Jan 15, 2007

I have recently gotten a DVD Dual format and Dual Layer drive. I have been able to burn a DVD movie and a data disk, but since then I have not been able to do any more movies.Im using the Sony DVD RW DW-G120AFirmware is MYR5Driver is 5.1.2535.0 from Microsoft (windows xp pro drivers)Using Nero Vision 4.50.24It will transcode the movie and then go to burn but then it will tell me there isnt enough room on the media. Im using Memorex DVD rated for 16X speeds. I have tried using the default settings which auto sizes the video for the media size and it fails (the size meter says is just fits). I have tried using the "standard play" setting, which drops the size down to 300 megs less then the total DVD size and still nothing.

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Computer Slowing Down While Burning DVD-s With Nero?

Jun 16, 2008

When I'm burning DVD-s with nero the computer is very slow!I mean like the mouse even is lagging (i'm not sure if that is the right word ), when I click on an icon the indication (when it gets blue or something) is coming after a second or more.If winamp is playing a song, it starts drawling (the same happens when i click on thumbnail veiw of a movie on a dvd!)!

When i try to start a program, or open a folder the buffer (that nero shows) is at 100% and the folder opens after a 15-20s!When i open more than one program, the buffer drops to 50% and the computer is even slower!When the burning ends everything is ok..the computer is behaving normal!What could be the problem!I don't think it's from the hardware (1 GB Ram, Athlon 64 (3200+), 128MB Video)!Now i'm scanning with mcafee 2008 and after that i'll run ad-aware and spybot!

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Laptop Wont Recognize New CD/DVD For Burning?

Jun 23, 2006

I have a laptop with a DVD recorder with an annoying problem.It can read the first DVD or CD entered after start-up without a problem. But if I enter a new CD or DVD it can't read it anymore. When I open the explorer, it still shows the directory structure and files of the previous CD or DVD.The only solution is to reboot and then it can read the CD or DVD.

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Burning MP3 To Disk With Easy CD Creator?

Jun 24, 2005

I have Roxio Easy CD Creator but can't burn MP3s to a CD. The Roxio Drag and Drop always has the CD drive locked. I get an error in Easy Cd Creator about this. I can't find any way to turn off Drag and Drop.

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No Local Hard Drive CD Burning

Jul 26, 2005

We are in a "managed" environment and our 1000 users do not have access to their C: drive only LAN shares. The burning function in XP Pro wants C: to do some sort of caching thing.

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Causing Of Burning Power Supply

Aug 10, 2007

Back up Hard Drive into mine as he wanted to reformat and install OS. back up successfull, i took his hdd and put it back on his own motherboard to format and install an OS. As i on the switch, a burnt smell from the power supply reached my nose. the pc did not start at all.My PC's power supply is 450watt and my frend's PC's power supply that was burnt was 350 watt. Why did the power supply burn?

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Burning ISO Files - Make Cd With Each File

Apr 25, 2007

I have some ISO Files and would like to make a cd with each file. I also want then to be bootable. Do I just copy the ISO to the disk, or do I copy the contents of the ISO to a disk. How do I do that?

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Computer Freezing While Burning The CDs / Have To Turn Off?

Apr 14, 2007

One of the things we enjoy most about computer is burning music cd's. I have been burning cd's for over 10 years. I use Music Match, and I burn regular cd's as well as mp3 disks. (my husband is blind and it is very very nice for him not to have to change disks often).In the past week, when I try to burn a cd, the computer freezes about 80% of the way through, and I have to turn off machine, and start over. I have been working with technical support at Music Match and they have been extremely helpful, but I still cannot burn a cd. I think I have a computer problem.

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How To Enable CD Burning And Scanner Capabilities In XP?

Jul 25, 2005

I know normally you pop in a CDR and a window should pop up allowing you to burn it without any software but doesnt work for me. Also is there a function that allows me to scan without having to install S/W for that/

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Burning Photos To CD From My Pictures Folder

Jul 18, 2005

In "My Pictures" folder, I do not have the option of "Burn to CD" under "Picture Tasks". I was able to burn photos to CD, but I had to select "copy files" under "Files and folders" and then select my D Drive as the destination. Can someone please let me know why I don't have the "Burn to CD" option and how I can fix it.

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Burning Live Knoppix ISO Image On Cd

Jun 20, 2006

Burning live knoppix iso image on Nero was a snap! Live Knoppix OS CD.Totally awesome. A live operating system at your fingertips.I tried installing Red Hat but was todifficult to install on my Compaq Evo D500. I tried other linux OS but was not successful but with Live Knoppix cd, I was up and running in no time. I am using Konqueror browswer to send this message. All live on the Knoppix CD. Finally, an Linux OS that trully works.

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Pro - Partition / Correct GB Display

Nov 3, 2007

XP has now installed - and I want to now allocate a partition to the remaining space. I've read that you can give each drive 4 partitions. When I have the below sorted - I will be adding another 320GB drive as a slave.
(all ATA drives - not SATA) I have 5 questions;

1) Can you have 4 partitions - i.e. C: D: E: F: ?
2) Do you think from the info below, that XP is displaying the FULL space on the drive.
3) I'm confused why the whole of the Unallocated space is not shown because 27.99 GB is shown as Free space (of which I did not set up)
4) I seem to be missing 21.91 GB (see below)
5) If I can have 4 partitions on Disk 0 - can I then have 2 partitions on the slave drive - drive 1 (I'm guessing it would be number 1)...........

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Won't Hold Correct Time

Oct 29, 2008

I just noticed, that since the last 3 weeks my taskbar clock is always out by one hour. I reset it and shortly it jumps back to the incorrect time: I let Windows synchronize it, again it jumps back 1 hour. Doublechecked Time Zones and it is correct.We are still on daytime Savingstime until this weekend so that cannot be it.(I did unclick -autoadjust to daylight saving) makes no difference.Can anyone help? Laptop is `year old, I don't think it is a battery/

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Files Did Not Copy Correct

Aug 24, 2006

I have erased my hard drive and was reinstalling xp pro.when it is copying install files i keep getting messages that certain files did not copy correct, and I can skip them but xp probably won't work.After several attempts, I just started skipping all the files and xp was on the hard drive, but when logged on it would crash.I have tried using different copies but i get same message about files aren't being copied correct.

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Slow Burning Of Data:dvd Has Taken 7 Hours To Burn?

Apr 16, 2008

Ive got some burning software by the name of MySonicDVD on the PC but when trying to load it up comes up DMA disabled, well ive done everything to enable it no joy so thought ive got Nero 5 somewhere, dug that out installed it and tried to use that, but it first came up couldnt be used as not correct bundle package (or something similiar), then manage to get sort of somewhere but it didnt like the fact it was an .avi.Now nearly 7 hours to burn a dvd hmmmm, ive not got much of a life but a little bit of one to not waste 7 hours a time.

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