Computer Freezing While Burning The CDs / Have To Turn Off?

Apr 14, 2007

One of the things we enjoy most about computer is burning music cd's. I have been burning cd's for over 10 years. I use Music Match, and I burn regular cd's as well as mp3 disks. (my husband is blind and it is very very nice for him not to have to change disks often).In the past week, when I try to burn a cd, the computer freezes about 80% of the way through, and I have to turn off machine, and start over. I have been working with technical support at Music Match and they have been extremely helpful, but I still cannot burn a cd. I think I have a computer problem.

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Downloaded Some Windows Updates / Go To Turn Off Computer / Turn Off Button Has Changed

Apr 6, 2007

I downloaded some windows updates but not all of them installed. When I go to Turn Off Computer, the "Turn Off" button has changed, indicating that when I hit it, it will install the updates. There's also a field I can click which will Turn Off without installing the updates. When I click the Turn Off buttion, it attempts to install two updates. It doesn't appear to be successful. Every time I Turn Off Computer it apparently tries to install the same two updates. I can reboot and do this over and over and they don't "take".There's nothing in Event Viewer to indicate what's going on. I couldn't find any installation logs though I'm not sure where to look.

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What Can Cause Computer To Reboot While Burning

Jul 13, 2005

I have observed this since i had my PC, while burning a CD, my computer would suddenly restart as is the reset button had been pushed,sometimes even while reading a CD (even tho i havent observed this in a while) and even sometimes as soon as i was in the BIOS (that was quite unconvenient for trying to reinstall Windows I admitt) The problem is that, since that problem appeared (that's indeed since i've had this homemade PC), i changed the CPU, the motherboard,the burner, the alimentation, the RAM, the graphical card, the modem, i mean, everything besides the floppy disk reader thing, i also installed another Windows XP (SP1 indeed, even tho it was badly burnt so whenever i install it there is dll's that won't be installed) and in spite of all these changes, i still get those reboots while burning, and that's quite annoying mostly that it kills your CD's. so what can it be due to? i'd really appreciate an answer from anyone who might have one, cuz i've had this problem for 2 years now and now that i'm getting out of room on my hard disk and need to back up lots of things on CD's.

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Computer Slowing Down While Burning DVD-s With Nero?

Jun 16, 2008

When I'm burning DVD-s with nero the computer is very slow!I mean like the mouse even is lagging (i'm not sure if that is the right word ), when I click on an icon the indication (when it gets blue or something) is coming after a second or more.If winamp is playing a song, it starts drawling (the same happens when i click on thumbnail veiw of a movie on a dvd!)!

When i try to start a program, or open a folder the buffer (that nero shows) is at 100% and the folder opens after a 15-20s!When i open more than one program, the buffer drops to 50% and the computer is even slower!When the burning ends everything is ok..the computer is behaving normal!What could be the problem!I don't think it's from the hardware (1 GB Ram, Athlon 64 (3200+), 128MB Video)!Now i'm scanning with mcafee 2008 and after that i'll run ad-aware and spybot!

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Computer Screen Keeps Freezing: Keep Turning The Computer On And Off?

Mar 13, 2008

In recent weeks the computer screen keeps freezing with the cursor being replaced by the hour glass symbol. This usually happens after several hours computer usage - but sometimes it occurs soon after the computer is turned on.When this happens, I am unable to log off; the computer on/off button does not work when the screen freezes and I have to turn the computer off at the mains.In order to be able to log back into my broadband internet connection I have to turn the computer and and off twice and then on again Sometimes when the computer screen image freezes a message box appears always saying "End programme" (i.e. "End programme - CiceroUIWndFrame" or "End programme - mixer").

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Computer Freezing

Dec 28, 2005

Hi! I just recently installed 256 MB of RAM and Windows XP. My computer has started freezing a lot lately. I have to turn computer off and back on. Help.

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Computer Freezing And Beeping

Aug 9, 2007

I've been away at University and have since come back and my parents are having some problems with one of the computers at home.Basically when using the computer Windows will just completely freeze up randomly, the mouse will stop moving, the keyboard will stop moving, and the clock will stop. As this happens, a noise comes from the computer which sounds the same as one of the noises when I turn the computer on, but it repeats a couple of times. It's a more mechanical whirring noise rather than an electronic beep or anything like that. It's very hard to explain - sort of like a build up of 'whirring-ness' and then a click (x I was wondering if this could be a hard drive problem for one - although I have done some diagnostics on the drive with SpeedFan and everything seems to look fine.

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Computer Freezing For 2 Secs Then Ok

Oct 11, 2005

I reformatted my C: drive today and installed win xp pro fresh and now its doing this.

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Computer Crashing And Freezing

Mar 25, 2007

My computer keeps crashing and restarting itself all the time. it also keeps freezing when i am using programs. it doesnt happen with just one program, it happens when i am on the internet too. i have run AVG, spybot search and destroy and spyware blaster but there is nothing coming up as abnormal.

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Computer Freezing And Crashing

Mar 29, 2006

My computer is freezing and crashing can someone help me I'm bout to download hijackthis so I will return with a log in a few mints.

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Computer Freezing Up Every 10 Seconds

Mar 20, 2005

my computer keeps freezin every 10 seconds then stops then again every 10 seconds, and i dont know why i checked task manager and was able to find out every 10 seconds this new thing shows up called and it dissapears right after the freezing is done which last for like less then a second.i tried scanning and deleting the spyware but still it keeps coming.i am using Windows Xp Professional, and also this is a pretty old PC.

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No Response From My Computer - Freezing

Mar 27, 2006

I have issues over here. I can log on, i get my welcome screen and choose my profile and then i freeze, i can't run anything. I can see my icons but my profile freezes, when i choose another profile, it lets you choose a program, and then that freezes

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Computer Freezing All The Time

Mar 29, 2005

I have the most current hijack this version and I have run Norton, Microsoft antispyware, spybot search and destroy, ad aware etc, and my computer keeps freezing. I thought it was Win amp or AOL instant messenger but it still does it when these programs aren't running.

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Computer Is Freezing Up And Restarting By Itself?

Jul 25, 2007

I have a HP Pavilion 554E. Windows XP. It has been running really slow for awhile. And for the past week and a half it has been freezing up and restarting itself. I'll be surprised if i get this finished before it does it again. Also I have tried 4 different browzers and each one is working for a bit then just closing on me. It is driving me crazy. I can't get it to stay on long enough to burn any of my stuff to a disk.

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Computer Keeps Restarting Itself - Freezing Up

May 16, 2006

It just started happening this morning. It keeps restarting itself and I dont know why It has freezed up a couple times and restarted 6-7 times. What happens is once I turn it on and all the programs load I will try to do something and then it just boots up again. Anyone know what is going on? I tried a system restore to 3 days back before it restarted on me but I am still having problems. I was also able to run quick scan with Windows Defender and nothing showed up.

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Computer Freezing Constantly

Dec 15, 2005

My PC is freezing alot mainly after internet activity and especially after e-mails are sent.

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Computer Too Slow And Freezing

Aug 7, 2010

I am staying with my sister in law for a few days and have tried to clean and update her computer for her but have had only limited success so far. I have run a HiJack This scan and attach it below. Itt would be appreciated if someone could have a look at it and see if there is anything else I can do.

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Computer Is Freezing Up Not Working

Jan 24, 2005

I am in need of some help.I friend of mine has WIN 98,she upgraded her business program which requires at least WIN 2000.So her computer is freezing up and she can't work on it at all.If she upgraded to WIN 2000 will it run ok if she doesn't do a clean install.

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Computer Graphics Freezing And Not Starting

Jul 15, 2008

my computer graphics started freezing and going distorted. and now some times my computer will only show a black screen when turned on . i bought a new graphics card and it will not work either and after that i tried my old graphics card that also stoped working in a few hours. all this started happening after i added 1 gb of ram but even without it my graphics cards are still not working. when the computer starts up some times there is all distorted sysmbols over the screen then everything goes fuzzy and the computer freezes or restarts. When the graphics do work as soon as it gets past the loading xp part the screen goes black and i cant get to the part to log on.

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Computer Games Freezing Up During Gameplay?

Jun 4, 2006

Ok most of my games are freezing up during gameplay such as Everquest freezes up for no reason or same for Guild Wars. I think its something wrong with my computer (but no sure the problem) or it might be something wrong with the graphic card. I can telll the difference between lag of a game and the game just freezing up for no apparent reason.

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Computer Stalling / Frequently Freezing?

Aug 29, 2005

Well, quite recently this computer's been acting up and going all slugish, frequently freezing up.I'm really not much use when it comes to computers but A friend of mine recommended I get Hijackthis and checked but wont find any problem there

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Genuine Validation - Computer Freezing Up

Jul 13, 2009

I was having problems with my old computer freezing up,being slow,etc...A freind gave me an xp gold cd and said it would fix my problems so I installed it and it works fine but now my windows genuine validation is telling me that my copy of windows is not genuine.

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Computer's Been Freezing Up - Running Slow

Nov 24, 2007

My computer has been hanging, freezing up completely, and generally driving me crazy. Web pages don't respond, they stay open for hours after I try to close them.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0

Scan saved at 7:45:22 AM, on 11/24/2007

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)

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Slow, Lagging, Freezing Computer

Apr 13, 2007

I have had my Windows XPfor 4 years. Now let me just says its Slow and always crashes and now the toolbar is freezing. How do i solve the problem? So far i have tried:But it’s still slow and crashes all the time. Any one know what the problem is? Also tried a system restore but it still goes slow.

* Ad Ware Check
* Spy Ware Check
* Virus Check
* Cleaning up the Hard drive
* Disk Defragmenter

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Computer Has Been Freezing And Moving Very Slowly

Oct 22, 2007

Recently my computer has been freezing and moving very slowly, my pc fan runs for an unusually long time, a lot more then it used to, and i get a black screen before my administration sign in page to log into the desktop, and then, the desktop takes another 2 minutes to fully load. I've tried uniblue registrybooster 2 and that didnt really help much even though it seemed to "fix" 630 errors i had on my computer. i posted a hijack log a week or so back and never got any replies or help so i tried to take matters into my own hand and now i seem to have made it worse.

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Computer Is Crashing, Freezing OH NOES

Jul 25, 2007

it all started a few weeks ago with crashing, which i was told after looking at event logs that it was graphic card related, so i reinstalled drives and wulah! but then immediatly i started getting freezes again, then i kept getting crashes and such and now im getting this error Error code 1000007f, parameter1 00000008, parameter2 bab50d70, parameter3 00000000, parameter4 00000000.i seem to always crash or freeze when playing a game, it is undescriminate to which game i dont know what to do and hope this can be solved without reformating,also i heard it could be related to RAM, which mine is designed to be overclocked to 1150MHZ so should i reset it back to stock bus speeds?

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Computer Freezing At Random Times

Jan 29, 2006

For odd reasons, my computer likes to freeze when I'm doing anything. I'm using a new eMachines, and it has an AMD 64-bit processer. I have lots of memory too. 512 mb. So if anyone knows of any fixes, please let me know.

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Computer Slow Constantly Freezing

Aug 31, 2005

My computer is so slow and constantly freezing...I constantly get a pop up warning about virtual minimum being too low, i went in and checked and the min was like 256 and the max was 5hundred something....I have scanned with avg, and housecall...nothing, I scanned with spybot, ad-aware, and Microsoft anti spyware...NOTHING...which i find it hard to believe im not accumulating any spyware but whatever... so 9i upgraded to high speed...No difference whatsoever... I am ready to throw this thing out the window... I was thinking of reformatting, but my mom sent me here instead....

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Service Pack 2: Computer Is Freezing Up

May 22, 2008

Computer started freezing up while e-mail but when i am doing other things also. I thought maybe it was a driver for the graphics card but I got the newest driver and it still does it. Can anyone give me some hints as far as what I could try or check or anything?

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Reformatting Computer Freezing At 20% / Getting Error?

May 6, 2006

I started reformating by brother's computer, and in the reformat phase, it froze at 20%. I restarted the computer and I kept getting the message, "The file I386/Ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. The error code is 7".I searched on google and found the Microsoft Knoledge Base article on it. I followed the solution but still got the same error.

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Computer Freezing Up And Checked Under Spybot?

Aug 25, 2005

My pc keeps freezing up, i have run spybot ect but that has not helped.

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