A few weeks ago, I had a malware problem, which I fixed.Since then, whenever I want to shut down, my computer will not. I have to use the big blue button on the front of the CPU to shut it down for the night. The normal cycle does not function to do so.Do I need to reload Windows to correct this, or is there another easier, faster way to diagnose and fix this problem?
A few days ago my pc wouldnt start. it started to load on the XP logo screen - progress bar moves across - then stops. so I use the power button to restart, which gives the option for safe mode etc. Ive tried system restore, scanning, starting up using boot disk. still not happening. Question I have is if I use the utility to reload the pc "as I bought it". will I get the same problem? I dont want to go to the trouble of reloading windows, software etc. (I only made a boot disk after this problem begun; will this have any bearing on reloading windows?)
My Uncle just got a Dell computer and installed a dsl modem, and after a couple of days the computer was running super slow, and a popup appeared a few minutes after startup with a 60 second timer saying that windows was going to shut down. I thought that it was Spyware/adware so I installed and ran Adaware, and I deleted over 380 infected files, and ran AVG 7 virus scan and detected trojan viruses. I saw that his internet security settings were set at the minimum level and the firewall was disabled, so I enabled the firewall and raised the bars on the security levels, but there's still a major problem.
I have windows xp home edition oem version on compaq presario desk top with sp 2. When I try to shut down and it gets to the "windows is shutting down" it just stays there until I turn computer off with switch. I only use that computer occasionally as a back-up but would really like to fix it. The bios was last updated in 2004 and the power settings of bios are set to default so I believe it is a windows problem. The computer is loaded with pre-installed junk software from a recent restore using the restore cd. I am also open for suggestions on how to uninstall all the junk without causing other problems with the oem windows xp. The computer has 2.8 celeron and 500 mb memory. I would greatly appreciate any help
I use cable modem and for some reason if I haven't used my computer for a hour or so Windows XP will shut down my email and browser. This just started to occur within the last week or so
I turned my computer on and after rebooting once, I pressed the F8 key and chose "disable reboot after system failure" and the blue screen said: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen,restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated.Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, then restart your computer. STOP: 0X0000007B (0xF7B70528, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) I tried running it in safe mode but it never made it to the windows log-in
Everytime I turn off my computer by clicking on "turn off computer," I receive an error message popup that states "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to be closed." After that pop-up message, the computer freezes for about a minute and goes back to its normal format (desktop) and the computer DOES NOT TURN OFF. How do I turn off my computer without unplugging the computer? I try "ctrl+alt+del" to go to the windows task manager to "shut down" the computer but..the computer restarts again and doesnt turn off. Do I have a virus or a windows explorer problem? and how do i fix it?
I am facing problem is starting my laptop.I get a blue screen saying windows have been shut down to avoid damage.And then it says 'UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME'and says this is caused due to new software or hardware installed. I have not installed any such application/software or hardware. So I dont know whats causing this problem.Can someone please help me at the earliest I am stuck badly.I need to work from home but my laptop is not working.
My Windows XP laptop has no back up discs and I had to reloaded the operating system. Cannot connect to the internet via a D-Link wireless, can't reload drivers. Don't know where to get or how to load new drivers.
My daughters viao crashed and would not reboot. It has xp home loaded.She had no back-up discs to reload.I loaded ubuntu into the computer. It works and looks great.Now the problem is, when I bring up the computer, it gives me the choice of ubuntu or windows. When I choose windows it takes me to factory restore and says part 1 and 2 of restore and it will shut down and restart and finish part 3 and 4. Problem is, it restarts in umbutu, because that is the first choice on the startup menu.
Older comp 9.2 gig hd divided into C 2.5 D 6.5. How do I format just the C drive so I can do a clean install. There isn't enough space to do a reinstall and windows won't let me format the boot drive from within.
For some time I have been having problems booting up with XP; I don't get a BSOD but a page full of print asking which of 5 options it should use with Start Windows normally highlighted. None of the options worked and would just keep going round in a circle. I discovered that occassionally windows booted up and would madly do as much work as I could as well as running all my security programs. However these times have ceased and after a week of no Windows I decided to use the Reload disc to recover the system to factory mode. To my horror I now have exactly the same thing happening . Can someone tell me what is likely to be wrong with my system?
I frequently use the MSconfig file to uncheck programs to keep them from starting up automatically at windows boot up. However, its not too long before the programs reload themselves and start up again on boot up. Im guessing that using these programs for some reason they load themselves up at startup. Most notably is the yahoo messenger and quicktime programs. I dont want them loading at start up but everytime i do use them, they put themselves back in the start up routine. Is there anyway to stop them from doing this?
It keeps doing strange things. If you click on recent documents, it says they aren't there, but they are. If you click on a file, the program comes up, but the file won't open until you click it again. That's only a couple of examples. I've reloaded office and it didn't help. So I decided to reload XP. It says I have a newer version on my computer that what is on the disk and if I load it, I will lose files and programs. I'm assuming it's a newer version becuase of all the windows updates. I also keep getting SYS32 ? errors, plus run time errors.
I have PC which has Windows XP media Center 2005 edition, which I have a key for but I need to wipe it and reload it. However I don't have a disk for this but I do have one for XP home edition one, would this key be compatible?
system was constantly returning "this tab has been restored and "windows has experienced a problem and needs to shut down" messsages. I couldn't open any applications. Rebooting didn't help. Restoring last good config. didn't help and restoring to an earlier date didn't work so I decided to reload from the original disk. It isn't working. It goes through the Collecting Data, Dynamic Updating and Preparing Installation but dies on Installing
I will start from the beginning, two weeks ago when my 6 month old computer ( a Compaq Presario, 120 GB HD, 512 RAM, Pentium 4, 2.4GH Processor) had a black screen showing disk boot failure one morning when I got up. I had left it on overnight, and it was fine when I went to bed. My brother feels certain it was hard drive failure, as it was making clicking noises, speeding up and slowing down, and finally quit. a Western Digital 120 GB, and he installed it for me. We installed the 7 recovery disks with Windows XP that is the original disks to the system. Windows booted and I proceeded to install Norton which came on the system, went online to get updates, and the computer locked up completely while getting updates.
PC apparently crashed while I was gone. Black screen, says need to reload missing or corrupt hal.dll Cannot reboot into safe mode, no last known good point to return to. This is the only screen I can get, other than setup for bios - which can still see the hard drive and installed peripherals. Don't have a floppy drive, although I'll be getting one soon, in order to try a boot to that.
Everytime I initiates my Windows, a message appears on the screen telling that Windows recovered himself from a problem at the registry by using a backup copy... But it always appears
A computer game she loaded it played it for awhile saved it closed it now it won't reload it shows the start up video and loads the features then goes back to the desk top no error message is shown it just shuts down i went to check my disk space and under drive c: it shows 5.69 gb used 3.71 gb available under drive d: it shows a color scheme for used and available disk space and according to that it's full So my question is do i need to buy more disk space, a new disk driver, an additional driver or how can i free up the disk space under drive d: i have already gotten rid of everything i can ran the disk clean up defragmented even went into hidden files and got rid of things in there nothing worked please help me.
XP has now installed - and I want to now allocate a partition to the remaining space. I've read that you can give each drive 4 partitions. When I have the below sorted - I will be adding another 320GB drive as a slave. (all ATA drives - not SATA) I have 5 questions;
1) Can you have 4 partitions - i.e. C: D: E: F: ? 2) Do you think from the info below, that XP is displaying the FULL space on the drive. 3) I'm confused why the whole of the Unallocated space is not shown because 27.99 GB is shown as Free space (of which I did not set up) 4) I seem to be missing 21.91 GB (see below) 5) If I can have 4 partitions on Disk 0 - can I then have 2 partitions on the slave drive - drive 1 (I'm guessing it would be number 1)...........
I just noticed, that since the last 3 weeks my taskbar clock is always out by one hour. I reset it and shortly it jumps back to the incorrect time: I let Windows synchronize it, again it jumps back 1 hour. Doublechecked Time Zones and it is correct.We are still on daytime Savingstime until this weekend so that cannot be it.(I did unclick -autoadjust to daylight saving) makes no difference.Can anyone help? Laptop is `year old, I don't think it is a battery/
I own a WindowsXP computer. I am trying to learn how to burn CDs. I "seem" to be able to assemble my playlist, drag,drop, and pick a new playlist. I "seem" to be burning a new CD after installing a blank 52xmulti speed disc. My troubles begin after about 91% of the burning process is completed. The process will stop and inform me that the "write-speed" is incorrect! How does one go about changing to the correct speed? What is the proper sequence in CD burning so that I do it the same way every time?
I have erased my hard drive and was reinstalling xp pro.when it is copying install files i keep getting messages that certain files did not copy correct, and I can skip them but xp probably won't work.After several attempts, I just started skipping all the files and xp was on the hard drive, but when logged on it would crash.I have tried using different copies but i get same message about files aren't being copied correct.
I move to another screen/application and then back, say to Outlook, the first key I strike is not what its supposed to be, but the second key and what follows is correct. It just seems to be the very first key I hit generates a random character. This issue doesn't just happen in Outlook either but other programs as well. I might have thought this was limited to my laptop since I use this 90% of the time, but my desktop also has this problem. I've run a deep scan using ZA Extreme Security and come up with no viruses.
I keep getting the message that my copy of Windows XP Pro is an illegal copy. This is not true and how do I correct it. The program came with the computer from ACER installed at factory.
I have tested it on more then 5 computers with Windows XP Professional on it, with different applications on it. I got every time the same result. What I do: I select 2 or more files in the explorer by holding the CTRL or shift key. These files are all from the same type. Then do a right mouse click and select "Open With" What I get: I get at first for the first selected file a folder selection window with the headline MOVE. I cancel this action, then I get a 2nd folder selection window now with the headline COPY. I cancel this window again. Then I get the Program Selection Window I expect. I select for example Paint Shop Pro. Any other program has the same outcome. The program will start like expected. But now I must handle this procedure for any file I have previous selected inside the explorer. And the program will start again and again.
i just installed a 512 meg stick of memory in my laptop that should have given me 768 meg but in "my computer" it only shows i have 736 megs of memory. is this normal? it is a toshiba satellite with windows xp.
I have a few files mostly images where the file extension seems to be wrong. sometimes just renaming the extension to .jpg or .gif or .bmp works, But it's trial & error. Is there some kind of utility that'll open files and identify what type they really are, and rename them accordingly?