Formatting To Reload Win 2000

Nov 26, 2007

Older comp 9.2 gig hd divided into C 2.5 D 6.5. How do I format just the C drive so I can do a clean install. There isn't enough space to do a reinstall and windows won't let me format the boot drive from within.

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Want To Uninstall Win 2000 With Formatting

May 8, 2007

Today I have installed Win xp in my desktop. The desktop already has 2000 pro SP4 installed in it. I did a clean installation. So now i have dual boot in my computer.I have installed both OS s in a single partition. ie. C: And another worst thing is that i have used NTFS for XP and FAT32 for 2000. Both are in single partition.Now I want to uninstall win 2000 with formatting.

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Password Expired: Reload XP?

Aug 7, 2009

The password w/XP expired. If I have to reload XP, will my folders and desktop be intact?

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Can't Reload Drivers Via Internet

Aug 2, 2009

My Windows XP laptop has no back up discs and I had to reloaded the operating system. Cannot connect to the internet via a D-Link wireless, can't reload drivers. Don't know where to get or how to load new drivers.

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No Back-up Discs To Reload

May 31, 2010

My daughters viao crashed and would not reboot. It has xp home loaded.She had no back-up discs to reload.I loaded ubuntu into the computer. It works and looks great.Now the problem is, when I bring up the computer, it gives me the choice
of ubuntu or windows. When I choose windows it takes me to factory
restore and says part 1 and 2 of restore and it will shut down and restart and finish part 3 and 4. Problem is, it restarts in umbutu, because that is the first choice on the startup menu.

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Reload Disc Not Fix Problem

Nov 5, 2007

For some time I have been having problems booting up with XP; I don't get a BSOD but a page full of print asking which of 5 options it should use with Start Windows normally highlighted. None of the options worked and would just keep going round in a circle. I discovered that occassionally windows booted up and would madly do as much work as I could as well as running all my security programs. However these times have ceased and after a week of no Windows I decided to use the Reload disc to recover the system to factory mode. To my horror I now have exactly the same thing happening . Can someone tell me what is likely to be wrong with my system?

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Programs Reload Themselves And Start Up Again On Boot Up

Dec 8, 2005

I frequently use the MSconfig file to uncheck programs to keep them from starting up automatically at windows boot up. However, its not too long before the programs reload themselves and start up again on boot up. Im guessing that using these programs for some reason they load themselves up at startup. Most notably is the yahoo messenger and quicktime programs. I dont want them loading at start up but everytime i do use them, they put themselves back in the start up routine. Is there anyway to stop them from doing this?

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Idea To Reload Audio Drive

Oct 10, 2010

please give me idea to reload audio drive.

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Computer Acting Squinter Want To Reload

Aug 13, 2005

It keeps doing strange things. If you click on recent documents, it says they aren't there, but they are. If you click on a file, the program comes up, but the file won't open until you click it again. That's only a couple of examples. I've reloaded office and it didn't help. So I decided to reload XP. It says I have a newer version on my computer that what is on the disk and if I load it, I will lose files and programs. I'm assuming it's a newer version becuase of all the windows updates. I also keep getting SYS32 ? errors, plus run time errors.

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Reload Windows To Correct Shut Down?

Nov 6, 2009

A few weeks ago, I had a malware problem, which I fixed.Since then, whenever I want to shut down, my computer will not. I have to use the big blue button on the front of the CPU to shut it down for the night. The normal cycle does not function to do so.Do I need to reload Windows to correct this, or is there another easier, faster way to diagnose and fix this problem?

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Operating System Key Wipe And Reload

Mar 22, 2010

I have PC which has Windows XP media Center 2005 edition, which I have a key for but I need to wipe it and reload it. However I don't have a disk for this but I do have one for XP home edition one, would this key be compatible?

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Wont Start Reload Windows Will Encounter?

Sep 15, 2005

A few days ago my pc wouldnt start. it started to load on the XP logo screen - progress bar moves across - then stops. so I use the power button to restart, which gives the option for safe mode etc. Ive tried system restore, scanning, starting up using boot disk. still not happening. Question I have is if I use the utility to reload the pc "as I bought it". will I get the same problem? I dont want to go to the trouble of reloading windows, software etc. (I only made a boot disk after this problem begun; will this have any bearing on reloading windows?)

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Registry Error After Fresh Reload On New Harddrive

Feb 16, 2005

I will start from the beginning, two weeks ago when my 6 month old computer ( a Compaq Presario, 120 GB HD, 512 RAM, Pentium 4, 2.4GH Processor) had a black screen showing disk boot failure one morning when I got up. I had left it on overnight, and it was fine when I went to bed. My brother feels certain it was hard drive failure, as it was making clicking noises, speeding up and slowing down, and finally quit. a Western Digital 120 GB, and he installed it for me. We installed the 7 recovery disks with Windows XP that is the original disks to the system. Windows booted and I proceeded to install Norton which came on the system, went online to get updates, and the computer locked up completely while getting updates.

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Black Screen - Reload Missing Or Corrupt Hal.dll?

Sep 13, 2005

PC apparently crashed while I was gone. Black screen, says need to reload missing or corrupt hal.dll Cannot reboot into safe mode, no last known good point to return to. This is the only screen I can get, other than setup for bios - which can still see the hard drive and installed peripherals. Don't have a floppy drive,
although I'll be getting one soon, in order to try a boot to that.

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Registry Error After Fresh Reload On New Harddrive

Dec 24, 2005

Everytime I initiates my Windows, a message appears on the screen telling that Windows recovered himself from a problem at the registry by using a backup copy... But it always appears

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Drivers Needed / A Game Won't Reload It Shows The Start Up

Dec 29, 2004

A computer game she loaded it played it for awhile saved it closed it now it won't reload it shows the start up video and loads the features then goes back to the desk top no error message is shown it just shuts down i went to check my disk space and under drive c: it shows 5.69 gb used 3.71 gb available under drive d: it shows a color scheme for used and available disk space and according to that it's full So my question is do i need to buy more disk space, a new disk driver, an additional driver or how can i free up the disk space under drive d: i have already gotten rid of everything i can ran the disk clean up defragmented even went into hidden files and got rid of things in there nothing worked please help me.

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KB890923-2000-XP / Cannot Install On 2000

Jun 3, 2005

Im installing a brand new pc and I just downloaded all the latest fixes and patches for the OS and the Browser.except one, KB890923. Everytime I try to launch through Windows Update it says it cant do it. SO I attempted to download and run it manually and it states that the program is not a valid Win32 application.

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2000 Professional And 2000 Server

Aug 17, 2007

Am I right in thinking that they are both pretty similar except that server has support for multiple processors and extra network related tools and facilities. The reason I ask is that if a piece of software works on Windows 2000 server, is it extremely likely that it will work on Windows 2000 professional too? As a bit of background information: I work for a small company which supplies temperature monitoring equipment which needs to be networked. I've been told that it has been tested on Windows 2000 server but not on Window 2000 professional.

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Root Error: File Is Missing Or Corrupt/ Reload The File?

Nov 23, 2007

When I turn my laptop on I get the following message The following file is missing or corrupt - please reload the file <windows root>system32hal.dall

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How Can I Reload From The Hardrive With No Recovery Disc Or Disc?

Nov 4, 2006

My packard bell notebook model (easynote) E-3242 running windows XP. After installing SP2, XP wont load, even in safe mode. I already used cd-bootable Knoppix to copy all documents i needed to rescue. At this point a complete Re-install would be great, but alas, no install disk came with this notebook, And i lost the recovery discs i made. I do NOT have any XP disc available.How can I begin a re-install or similiar from the Hardisk with no Discs?

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Formatting Using F11

Jan 18, 2008

Future Shop seems to have decided last time when i brought my computer in that they would keep my XP CD for themselves, and now its been too long to go back and get it.I want to format my computer using the F11 key, i've heard that this is possible.

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Formatting MY HD Completely

Mar 8, 2006

My pc is running a bit slow lately, got lots of stuff, too much on it.So I'd like to restore my pc back to factory settings. I have around 110 gig of stuff and I don't want to lose it. So I bought a firewire drive to back it all up on. My plan is, transfer all my data to the external hd. Then formatting my hd completley and rebooting as new, then transferring my needed data abck on to my pc.

I've never formatted before so not to sure how. My main worry is the pc not restarting. I have a start up cd that came with my pc but i have no windows xp cd it came pre installed.

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Re-formatting - SATA HDD

Jan 15, 2009

Well, as the title suggests, i'm the latest in what is seemingly a long line of people having trouble attempting to perform the same task - reformatting a laptop running on Windows XP to run on a fresh, clean, smooth, lovely version of XP SP2.

I have read through every single topic with reference to what I am trying to do, and am still COMPLETELY lost. I have tried absolutely everything I can think of, my friend can think of, everything that has been suggested on various websites to no avail. I must just be doing things wrong.

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During Re Formatting Cpu Crashed

Jul 1, 2005

My cpu kept crashing at random times so i decided to reformat , during re-formatting my cpu crashed now when i turn my cpu on it says and everything loads just before i can go on desktop it says winodws restarting and restarts my cpu ! and when i try and reformat it begins to reformat then minutes later says Error:missing files.

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Formatting Stopped At 48%

Jun 19, 2008

My computer hp laptop will not format passed 48% what could be the problem and how could u solve with with out buying a new hard drive?

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Formatting HD After Xp Installation

Jun 28, 2010

have to internal HD's. One has several large important files on it, including the OS XP, the other, I am going to format and install XP on this. I am switching HD's OS, for my own reasons. Ok, so my problem is, I need to leave these big files on this drive with the current OS loaded, so I won't loose them and when I go to boot windows from the new, fresh XP, I plan to unplug the other drive, which has windows on it, so it will not attempt to boot from 2 operating systems. Can I then, after XP has booted, plug in the old XP loaded HD, to then be able to xfer the big files from that to the other, without it having a conflict? If so, then I can format that drive and I'll be set. I don't have any other way of storing these file, during this transition. (no thumb drive or anything) Sorry if i have not explain well enough.

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Formatting CD With Dvd/cd Writer

Sep 6, 2005

How do I format (or erase?) cd's that have info on them using XP? The help screens do not seem to cover this. My cmputer has a dvd-rom and a dvd/cd writer.

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How To Uninstall Xp Without Formatting

Jan 28, 2006

I was wondering if there was any way of uninstalling Windows XP WITHOUT reformatting my hard drive. I have Pro and Home on my drive, and I only installed the Home because there was something wrong with my Pro, and so I installed Home to see if I could fix the problem that way. It didn't work , so I just want to get Home off of there before I do any more damage with it.

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Reinstall On Same HD Without Formatting

Aug 18, 2008

I wanted to know if it was possible to reinstall the OS on the same partition on which it was formerly installed without uninstalling the first instance and still be able to use my programs. I know it is possible to have 2 instances of XP on the same partition. I just don't know if the programs of the first instance is accessible through the second. If not, how do I make it accessible?

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Formatting And Reinstalling XP

Aug 26, 2008

I've backed up everything I need (tell me if something's missing: personal notes, favorites, saved games, personal projects, software settings, software and games installations, music)Now it's time to format and install.I've read a guide about how to install XP.And I honestly don't know what comes after that.Drivers? Which drivers? Windows update? Internet connection? DX? Can you list the actions needed to be done after installing XP, sorted chronologically?

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Formatting XP - Dell Recovery Cd

Dec 19, 2004

i'm haveing tonz of probleums with XP and i'm not really sure what to do, i don't have much space left and i would like to just start over i have formatted it twice before, and fixed all the probleums. now if i do it from that will i still need the windows XP cd and such, i also have my dell recovery cd if this helps? Thankz for any help!

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