Unable To Uninstall - Could'nt Open Instal Log File
Aug 27, 2005
I keep getting a message that says unable to uninstall when I am in
add or remove program. It says "could not open instal.log file".
I am totally confused. I recently had to do a system restore (lost my
CD burner??) so I could get it back. That is working fine now, but
now this problem.
Just few days ago this was working very well, now suddenly it has responding as mentioned below. When i try to open the swf file locally saved from IE 7. i get message box in IE telling as followed. Title: File Download. Do you want to open or save this file? with Open Save and Cancel options. And am unable to view any flash content online too.
I am trying to do a repair on IE 6.0 but I cannot get into windows add remove programs. I keep getting the error posted in the subject line. It tell me to contact the system admin. I am the Admin. I am running XP home with sp2 installed. The trouble seemed to start when I unistalled Mozilla Firefox!
After formatting my new 120-gig outboard hard drive to NFTS,I backed up my entire C: drive - and yes, it did take ten hours - and I now have a 20-gig Windows .bkf file.I'd like to be able to open the file and see - and perhaps use - the contents if I do something dumb. I tried opening it using the suggested XP backup utility, but while it does seem to be able to return the the backup to the C: drive, it apparently doesn't 'unzip' the file for examination
Hi,when I go to Control panel>add or remove programs>add/remove window components,I get an error message saying"setup was unable to open information file sidebar.inf"
A lot of my programs wont work for some reason saying i need to update .net frameworks or .net frameworks isnt working properly. dont know how it happened. so i tried to install the newest version and it wont install because theres old ones on there. but when i try uninstall it creates an error saying it cant access the files or something. It all started a while ago when i was getting an error because my video driver was feuding with frameworks. i have an on board ati radeon 200 series running on a compaq sr1720nx using sp2.
I have about8 exclaimation points under other devices in computer management while tring to instal win 2000 server. They are ethernet controller,3 pci device, pci serial port, usb controller, unknown device, video controller(vga compapible). i am trying to install this on a intel pentium 4 cpu at compatible
Recently I cannot install or uninstall any applications and have been unable to open certain websites. Alot of people seems to be posting these logs, so heres mine. Thx in advance.
when ever i start any video application it shows that something has gone wrong and prog is to be closed,and pror closes everything on desktop closes and disappear only to reappear again after some time.
I need help to uninstall Microsoft Net Framework 1.1 hotfix, (KB886904) please. I have WXP Pro SP2. When I try to uninstall the hotfix from add/rem. I get "The upgrade patch cannot be installed because program to be upgraded may be missing" . I have installed 'Windows install cleanup', and when I open it the hotfix is not listed. Prior to the hotfix being installed on my computer by Windows update, I had Microsoft Net Framework 1.1 listed twice in add/rem, but when I tried to uninstall it,it came up that it was not installed so it could not be uninstalled. I got rid of it with a 3rd party uninstaller. I have also Net Framework 2.0 installed by Windows Update. Windows update also tried to reinstall Net Framework 1.1 but failed. So I would appreciate if someone could tell me how to get rid of the hotfix.
Every program I attempt to uninstall gives me an error message, the most common being "Cannot open install.log" Obviously something has gone wrong - what to do? Running XP
Having heaps of problems, picked up virus nothing worked , so reinstalled windows xp home sp2 , now i have 2 boot sectors, how do i uninstall second installation saftly . Allready tried unistalling from add remove in control panel , but its not listed there.Then tried to remove from the hidden $NTServicePackUninstall$spuninstspuninst.exe , but nothing happened It came back and said the file can not be found. Im realy at a loss ,
I was having this problem on my old install of XP, which desperately needed a new install. In any case, I'm now using a freshly installed version of XP, and everything has been running perfectly for about 2 weeks. Suddenly, this one problem reappears: The File Open / Save As dialog box (aka Windows Common Control / comctl32.dll) takes forever to open (20 seconds to 60 seconds). I just did a chkdsk and defrag, and that did not solve the problem. Also, there are no network drives connected which could be slowing things down. This happens in both MS programs (such as Notepad) and 3rd party programs (such as Firefox).
Had problem for last week, installing and uninstalling any software.... ended up resorting to fresh win 2000 installation on fresh, newly formatted hard drive and still have same problems..I have only service pack 1 on my win 2000, and on trying to download SP4, it downloads, then stops on 'extracting files' says extraction failed, the system cannot find the file specified, and i have the same problem with any program or updates i try to download, which doesnt help me solve my problem.
Basically, i cannot install/uninstall anything, plus, i use Norton internet security, and for some reason, the liveupdate isn't working.... i get message saying failed to launch liveupdate, its not the only thing that has suddenly stopped working... Like i said, this is all a fresh installation on new hard drive, only 2 days ago, and these were same problems i had before this new installation? i cant understand how they're still there!!
Why can't I get XP to open every folder using the "Details" option? I do have it set so that it remembers (most of the time) to re-open that folder with the file view it was in when it was closed, but I want XP to open every new and old folder with the "file details" view. Seems like a simple thing, but I can't get XP to understand that's what I want.
I currently have XP SP3 V.3300 installed on my computer. My audio driver seems to be having problems with SP3 for some reason (*which I found from a bit of searching around on the internet). Consequently, I have been trying to uninstall it to re-install SP2, but I cant find the file to uninstall under add/remove.
I don't know where to put this topic. But alright so basically yesterday I started having this problem. When I go to anything that uses Java such as Geocities my computer starts making a chugging noise and the browser (IE or Firefox) crashes. It brings up one of those senseless error messages about something failing. I'd look now but it'd close this screen. I tried uninstalling Java but when I try uninstalling the JS2E Runtime Enviroment 5.0 Update 5 it won't let me uninstall either. It makes the same noise and freezes up the window. What in the hell do I do? I've never had a problem quite like this.
I have an Intel Network card in a fairly modern computer running Windows XP SP1. Unitil I uninstalled a VPN client I have had no trouble with it. However, after the uninstall, Win XP displays a yellow icon with an exclamation mark for the network card in the device manager and the info says "Code 31 Could not load the drivers for this device".I have tried uninstalling the network adapter (in order to be able to re-install it) but Win XP tells me that it "Failed to uninstall the device. The device may be required to boot up the computer".I have also tried upgrading the drivers for the adapter but the problem prevails.My guess is that the registry somewhere links my network card with a virtual driver that the VPN client used.
I am having terrible time getting rid of things on my computer.I have windows XP home, and have the following spyware and virus protection programs: Avira Antivir Personal, Comodo Firewall Pro, Spybot Search & Destroy The first time I ran them they picked a up a little here and there. But its very obvious the spyware is still there.
I cant install or uninstall any programs,when trying to uninstall iget the box that states,'' the windows installer service could not be accessed '' an so on.im not in safe mode.also i keep getting error 1068.and error 1607 error runtime script.i need some simple fixes and ones that worked i have tried several different ones with no succcess.
If you decide to uninstall IE 8 Beta 1 and revert back to IE 7, you will likely discover that its entry in the Add/Remove Programs list does not offer an uninstall option, especially if you installed the XP SP3 upgrade afterwards. This is how to uninstall it: Navigate to the C:WINDOWSIE8SPUNINST folder and then open it to expose its list of files. Double-click the SPUNINST.EXE file to start the uninstall process. Ignore the warning that uninstalling it may cause some of your installed programs not to work. Restart your computer when prompted to. When you start IE 7 for the first time, follow the directions to select your personal settings. Run a scan at the Windows Updates site.
I have Windows XP Home installed on my computer as my OS. Recently, I've been cleaning out my computer by uninstalling programs that I haven't used for a while. However, the uninstallation of some programs fails. For example, I have a software called JapaneseNow! (to learn Japanese) installed on my computer. However, trying to uninstall it pops up the error message that "Uninst.isu" cannot be found and therefore the uninstallation cannot continue. I already cleared off a software called SpanishNow! beforehand, which may have caused Uninst.isu to be cleared....
Last week I posted a question to this forum regarding the trouble I was having uninstalling Explorer Beta 2 (you can't install Beta 3 until you UNINSTALL beta 2). I got some very good suggestions -- system restore, trying REinstalling beta 2, etc. but none of them worked. Beta 2 won't reinstall unless you uninstall, restoring back to earlier times resurrected other demons and glitches I had solved, etc. What I believed happened is part of my overzealous file maintenance. I usually delete all those windows update Uninstall files that clutter up the Windows directory. Who knew that one of them was probably the uninstall file for Explorer Beta 2?
I have a problem with my Installshield engine, and so I am unable to install/uninstall programs. I am running Windows XP home on a pentium IV, 2.4 GHZ with 512 ram. I think the problem started when I was installing a program called eBay Blackthorne from a download. Now, any install/uninstall is affected. The error is "Internal error # 2738".
I am new to post on this site, in the past i've read many posts on it when i had computer problems, and found a solution, except this time so here it goes I updated SpySweeper to the newest version. My computer is now SLOW so i tried to uninstall it. I tried doing so through Add/Remove Programs. Also tried going through 'start,run'..then locating the file to uninstall. I get the following 'Cannot uninstall - Runtime Error (at 219.73) could not proc.'SO tried going through Safe Mode and then my computer started running CHKDSK, which came back with about 20+ unreadable file segments the just started back in Normal mode. I also tried ctrl alt&delete to stop spysweeper processes and that says "access is denied'.
I am having a driver problem, which i find to be very weird. I cannot install, or uninstall a driver, nor can i disable on from device manager. When i try to do any of these I get either a "run DLL as an App has enountered a problem and needs to close" or if trying to do something from device manager, I get Microsoft Management Console has enountered a problem and needs to close. In the first case I believe the file was sysag.api in the second the file causing an error is mmc.exe.
Am attempting to delete three old zip/unzip driver folders so I can install updated versions of the drivers, but every time I go to delete, a warning pops-up stating ...."nothing to do"......, then it slowly (crawls, actually) begins, stating..... "deleting from archive". The files are full, so there's obvious data that needs to be removed despite the warning that there's nothing to do. At the speed this thing is deleting, if at all, it will take days. My question is, why can't I do a conventional uninstall/deletion the way most files are deleted, and why is it requiring so much time? (FYI, once this process starts, the only way to stop it is to do a CTRL-ALT-DELETE- just canceling doesn't do a thing), I have to remove thes drivers before installing the new versions. Is there another method of removing these files