Sudden Freezing, And Apparent CPU Overload

Sep 26, 2006

My comnputer just started freezing randomly, and I cannot listen to music and do something else anymore. Any action that MS Word, or Firefox, or IE, etc, takes, and the music starts skipping. Same thing with videos. The computer has just become very uncooperative in general. And the "activity light" of the computer that normally blinks, sometimes stays on, without blinking, for minutes at a time, and I am not doing anything.

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Cpu Usage Overload 100%

Jan 11, 2006

xp sp2 I have a 3.2ghz processor 256mb graphics card nvidia 6200 and 1024 ram memeory the problem occured when i tried to open an avi movie file, i was moving the avi film from my downloads to shared folder but when i looked in shared folder it wasn't there so iwent back my downloads folder. when i tried to open or delete it a pop-up appearred saying the file was in use by another program, after a while i was able to delete it by dragging it to recycle bin. but 3 days on when i open a folder or firefox or an application the cpu usage goes from 7% to 100% and pf usage 550mb.

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With JavaScript Overload Seem To Be Filling Up

Sep 27, 2007

My temp files seem to be filling up with temporary Javascript files in a short amount of time. I have used CCleaner, Spybot S&D, MS Mal Removal Tool, I have, I have updated Sun Java and I unchecked Save Temp java files in Control Panel.This helped but the problem is growing again.

I was checking out web set linkware, one of the pages had a box pop up to click OK to run script. This was on a lot of other pages on the same site and worked with no problem. This time there was no java on the page. I am wondering if this caused the problem and how do I fix it? I'm attaching some of the CCleaner logs from today.

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Get The Computer Out Of Apparent Hibernation?

Sep 30, 2006

Would like to know how to get the computer out of apparent hibernation after my granddaughter logs off. I set up an account so she can have her own screen saver and other things kids like. But when she leaves and I log her off, the window goes totally black. The only way I have been able to get rid of it is to do a cold shutdown and I hate doing this.I cannot find out any info in the Help files as I always try to find the information first but know you all are so great at things, here I am asking help again.

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Overload Of Icons Hanging Up

Jun 2, 2010

When i boot up, it goes to the desk top fine but takes at least five minutes before icons show. I'm running Xp and have run all my virus checks, disc clean up and defrag. I don't have an overload of icons, just a few but just won't load.

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Overload? An Starts Running Loudly

Mar 18, 2008

I have a question for someone I know,, they are having trouble with their computer.when a couple site or programs are running the fan starts running loudly like its having trouble supporting all the programs that up. If she reboots, the fan sounds fine.

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Stuttering Overload - Take Control Of What Programs Can Run

Apr 23, 2006

I have a dell with win xp pro with sp2, 2gb or ram, 2.4ghz intel celleron, i run mcafee securietycenter. My primary use for a computer is internet, video editing, and listing to music. previously i was able to edit videos when some small programs were running, but lately my computer is spiking to 100% cpu usage. now i cant even run a single simple program like winamp or internet explorer with out spiking stuttering, let alone even thinking about opening my video editing program, or editing any video. it stutters and is very slow. It is now very slow to boot, when in the past was a lot faster. Programs are just barley slower in opening. This happens online and offline. and it doesnt seem to matter how long my computer has been on, it happens all the time. I've tryed ad-ware and spybot thinking it was spy ware slowing everything down. didnt help. Is there a program or software that will minimize all unnessary programs or take control of what programs can run?

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Omputer Freezes With No Apparent Pattern

Apr 19, 2006

My computer freezes with no apparent pattern. I can have everything that runs at start up running and it will freeze, or I can kill all the processes except for essential ones. It still hangs at random intervals.I don't really know what to do, it's interfering with my work and saving every 2 minutes gets kind of tedious.The one thing that I thought of which obviously isn't the problem now that I've tried it. I have a HDD from my previous computer in as well as the new one. I disabled the drive and it still ended up freezing. Sometimes it will freeze a minute after my computer boots, sometimes it will go for hours and hours.
Does anyone have any idea what might be doing this?

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Computer Freezes For No Apparent Reason

Sep 4, 2007

The problem i have been having is that my pc freezes and random moments and doesnt unfreeze.So basically after it freezes, which usually occurs when im gaming, chatting or listening to music,I have to actually turn the power off to get it going again.I dont get any error messages of any kind.

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Computer Shuts Down For No Apparent Reason

Jul 7, 2010

This has been an ongoing problem now for about a month. Every so often and usually when I'm playing a game, my computer will abruptly shut off. Because it seemed to happen while playing games, I assumed it was my EVGA GeForce 9800 card that was causing the shutdown. However, last night I was just mindlessly surfing and I had the same issue. When I tried to restart, it took a few times before it 'took' this has happend before in the past when the computer has abruptly crashed as for the GeForce, I've uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled.I've also checked to see if it's the fans, but they all seem to be working fine, no obstructions. Is it possible that with it being summer, the room might be getting too hot and in turn causing the computer to run hotter than usual? I don't keep the air on all the time in that room as it's a window unit and I'm conserving energy.

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Loss Of Internet Connectiity For No Apparent Reason?

Dec 12, 2007

LAN connectivity simply dies- I can't access the internet, but for some reason, my Google Talk still has connectivity. The other computer connected to my router still works, however. It is only the first computer that gets this problem. (The second computer never has connectivity problems, BTW.) The problem can always be rectified by simply logging off and back on.

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Stuttering Overload - Cant Run A Single Simple Program

Apr 23, 2006

I have a dell with win xp pro with sp2, 2gb or ram, 2.4ghz intel celleron, i run mcafee securiety center. My primary use for a computer is internet, video editing, and listing to music. previously i was able to edit videos when some small programs were running, but latley my computer is spiking to 100% cpu usage. now i cant even run a single simple program like winamp or internet explorer with out spiking and stuttering, let alone even thinking about opening my video edding program, or editing any video. it stutters and is very slow. i have a feeling it has something to do with how many back ground programs i am running that i dont know about. Is there a program or software that will minimize all unnessary programs or take controll of what programs can run?

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BSoD Overload - Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 18, 2008

To make a verrrrry long story short, I've been getting the "Blue Screen of Death" messages every time I try to run a program which requires 512MB RAM or more to run. I have 2GB of RAM.

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Running Windows XP / Occasional Freezes Blue Screens / Without Any Apparent Pattern In Program Or Usage

Jan 7, 2009

I would really appreciate some advice concerning a troublesome computer.A friend who was running Windows XP on a two-years old computer began to experience occasional freezes and blue screens without any apparent pattern in program or usage. It eventually got so bad that we removed most of his installed software other than the essential, but problems continued. We then made a repair installation of Windows XP from the Dell OS installation disk, after which the computer would fall over every time after initial boot up. With sinking heart (of course, he had no image, but had data backups) we then formatted the hard disk and executed a fresh installation of Windows XP.

Windows now boots but the Windows directories contain very few folders or files. The CD drive can only be read perhaps 50% of the time. Most program installation files refuse to run, but some do. One installation disk which will not run is his internet installation. The computer continues to display sporadic blue screens.Before it goes out the window can anyone suggest our next course of enquiry?

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Sudden Power Cut During Reinstallation

Aug 15, 2009

last time i was to format the hard drive of my hp laptop while files were copied through os cd all of sudden due to power cut the installation had to cancelled,when next time I tried to install the os my laptop screen showed a message "NTLDR IS MISSING..TO RESTART PRESS CTRL+ALT+DELETE" BUT EVEN TRYING TO RESTART IT COULD NOT

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Sudden Ntdll.dll Error

Jun 25, 2005

I am not sure I am in the correct forum, but I recently started having a problem with an application starting to load and then a message coming up stating that there was a problem with the "ntdll.dll" file.

I even located a copy to download, placed that in the WindowsSystem32 folder and each time I continue to attempt to launch this application, it partially starts up, then hangs and then gives me the error message.

Is there something I am not doing correctly? Any suggestions? It had been working just fine for the past year or so and about a month ago, BOOM, this error message came up.

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Sudden Very Slow Performance

Jun 4, 2006

I'm on WinXP. I have a 2.4GHz PC. It used to take just 40 seconds to boot up my computer. Now it takes at least 7 minutes and then if I try and open Outlook, another 5 minutes. It was working fine a week ago, and oddly enough, this sluggish performance seems to be at the same time I installed a bunch of Windows updates.

I try and run Norton to check for viruses, or burn a DVD, everything works okay until about 5 minutes into it, and then suddenly I can no longer move the mouse and everything seems to be hung up. I can't even do a ctrl-alt-delete.

I'm not sure how to proceed.If need be, I am willing to back up all my files and initialize the hard drive and start with a clean slate, but I'd prefer not to.

1) Should I re-install Windows? It says the version on my CD is older than what's on my computer, and I think it said I should back up my files.

2) Should I run hi-jack this? Never run that before but maybe someone can see something that doesn't look right.

3) Is there a good free utility out there that can help diagnose the performance issue?

4) I know I have too many processes running in the background at any given time, and I'm not entirely sure which ones are necessary. Maybe some process in the background is slowing everything down?

I haven't been able to run Norton or anti-spyware, because the computer just stalls several minutes into the scan. I'm just thinking now, maybe I should run in Safe Mode to see if I can run Norton or Ad Aware?

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Bookmarks All Of A Sudden Have Disappeared

Apr 30, 2005

My bookmarks all of a sudden have disappeared on me. I did nothing out of the ordinary last night, shut off my cpu, went to bed, woke up this morning andvoila

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Sudden Computer Slows To Down

Aug 7, 2010

All of a sudden my computer slows to down. When I open task manager there are 15-20 programs running. But all the programs just say task manager.I delete them all but they come back a few hours later. I have run a virus scan with my Norton program but nothing. What is causing all this?

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Computer Restarting All Of A Sudden

Jan 14, 2006

Hey, Recently my computer would just restart all of a sudden. I would be doing something and then all of a sudden the computer screen goes black and I hear the computer restarting

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Sudden Slow Down On Notebook

Sep 27, 2010

The problem I got is that suddenly my trusty notebook started taking 10 minutes to start up while it usually took it 30-50 seconds, I really hope this is not a hardware/RAM issue as I don't have the money right now to buy required parts to fix it and my job depends on working in my computer. And in case it's useful here is a logfile of hijack this I just did.after the 10 minutes it takes it to start, it works as smoothly as it have always done,

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Sudden Rash Of Hangups

Apr 15, 2006

Problem just started a day ago but it's really got me down. I'm freezing/hanging up in any graphic intensive program from Photoshop to games. PC will either freeze up needing a reset, or hang up then crash and restart Anyway, I've been through all the preliminary steps, did viral scan, spyware scan (CA AntiVirus and Ewido), cleaned the disks, defragged, etc. I updated my card drivers, made sure I'm up to date on all drivers actually. Still same problem. I tried even removing my antivirus program just to see if that was the problem (I just renewed it several days ago) but to no avail.The event viewer gives me no clues about what's going on. Hopefully someone can help me out, just started all of a sudden! Here's some system specs:

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Computer Slow After Sudden Reboot

Sep 3, 2007

I was playing world of warcraft while watching a video and chatting on msn. My character died, and then suddenly BOOM, my computer restarted for no reasons (I ever saw my light turning down in my room) Now, its all screwed up. It takes AGES just to open winamp, most of my applications just won't open or take too long.

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SP3 Sudden Shut-down - Asking For Activation After Reboot

Oct 4, 2010

So I reinstalled XP Home on an MPC Pentium 4 HT. After installing all the windows updates, including SP3, and some basic programs, I was up and running. The pc was running fast, and it was a joy to use. Then, just 1 week after the initial install, I'm on the computer playing a flash game, when it suddenly shuts down. I reboot, and instead of going to Welcome screen, then desktop with all my icons, it's showing the factory default resolution (you know, huge mouse cursor and all), and asking me to activate Windows, which I did about 6 days ago

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Sudden Case Of Missing NTLDR

Apr 2, 2006

Everything was fine last night when i was on my computer but when i woke up this morning and booted her up i recieved the "NTLDR is missing" error message with instructions to use control+alt+delete to restart and try again. I have not recently installed any new hardware or changed configurations and the only new software is Diablo2 and its expansion which has been on my computer for a week now (its run fine in the past and never caused any problems). I've been reading through the forums for most of the day and tried several different suggestions to fix my problem but to no avail. I've tried using a boot disk i made off of a friend's computer, rebuilding the boot record using the recovery console, and i even tried that NTLDR "fixer" disk that i downloaded from a link i frequently see posted. Nothing has worked. The only interesting thing is that when i use that fixer program (the one that gives you 10 boot options and you have to go through every one to find one that works) is that instead of getting a missing NTLDR message, i get a hal.dll error instead! So i go back into my XP cd and expand the hal.dll into the system32 folder on my drive and try again but now i'm back to the NTLDR error!

I really dont know what to do here and any help is appreciated! Also, i'm not tp sure how vital this is but my drive is labeled D: although it is the only HDD in my computer, when i try to use the recovery console i only have one option for an OS to explore and it is labeled C:. I'm not sure if how this happened is important to my current situation but i can explain it if necessary. Again, any suggestions here would be a big help and hope to hear from you soon. Oh, formating is also out of the quesion as i have no backups of my current papers, projects, and other data.

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Sudden Computer Started Hanging

Jul 26, 2008

My computer has been working fine. But all of a sudden my computer started hanging. Im sure it's not viruses or anything because I have ran many scans over and over.I have no clue what could be causing this. I've included my HJT log even though I've looked it over many a times and have found nothing.

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Prevent Computer From Sudden Shut Down

Jun 15, 2006

There's a very annoying program called dfg shutdown installed on my computer that shuuting down my computer at certain time.I can't uninstall that program.Is there a way to prevent my computer from shutting down?

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Sudden Goes To Blue Screen And Restarts

Sep 23, 2008

I'm having the same problem with my Acer Aspire all of a sudden goes to blue screen and restarts. It's never long enough to read the blue screen though.

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Weird "ding" Sound With No Apparent Cause

May 9, 2006

My computer (Toshiba notepad laptop) has recently started making a "ding" noise and it isn't correlated to any action I am taking (ie opening a new window, clicking my mouse, or any specific program). It happens at completely odd frequencies with no apparent cause. I've turned my sound scheme to "No Sounds". I've done a search for spyware (nothing unusual). I've uninstalled any programs that were recently installed (it's still there). I've searched for all .wav files on my computer's c: drive and can't even find the sound that I'm hearing when I play all of the files. Nothing matches it.

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Sudden Drop In Internet Speed In P2p Programs?

Aug 17, 2005

It's just happening in P2P programs, eg. Limewire, and .torrent files.It use to be somewhere around 55kb/s, and recently it dropped to about 1 kb/s.I ran lots of spyware/virus scans, but it didn't help, it's still downloading really slowly. If I download something straight of a link on a website, then it's really quick, still about 55kb/s.

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Sudden - Weird Keyboard - Mouse Behavior

Oct 10, 2008

Running WinXP Home edition (SP3)for years now with no problems. Recently I noticed weird behavior with my keyboard and mouse, mainly:1. When trying to type numbers the shifted characters for those buttons appear instead, for example, I type 123 but !@# appears in it's place. I try pressing on the Shift key hoping to get the opposite response but the unintended symbols keep appearing.1b. Sometimes the shift key automatically activates so I'm typing in caps "all of the sudden." Then I have to hit the Shift key to get the keyboard to type "normally" again.

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