Sudden Computer Started Hanging

Jul 26, 2008

My computer has been working fine. But all of a sudden my computer started hanging. Im sure it's not viruses or anything because I have ran many scans over and over.I have no clue what could be causing this. I've included my HJT log even though I've looked it over many a times and have found nothing.

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Computer Started Hanging During Startup?

Apr 10, 2005

My PC has recently started hanging during startup. It usually happens before the Windows XP logo appears. The startup process just stops, the screen stays black, the hard disk drive goes quiet and the activity light stays on (rather than the normal flickering).All I can do when this happens is hold down the power button until the power goes off.Also, when it does startup properly, after logging into XP it takes an unusually long time to load the settings,startup programs, etc and sometimes some of the normal system tray icons dont appear at all

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Sudden Computer Slows To Down

Aug 7, 2010

All of a sudden my computer slows to down. When I open task manager there are 15-20 programs running. But all the programs just say task manager.I delete them all but they come back a few hours later. I have run a virus scan with my Norton program but nothing. What is causing all this?

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Computer Restarting All Of A Sudden

Jan 14, 2006

Hey, Recently my computer would just restart all of a sudden. I would be doing something and then all of a sudden the computer screen goes black and I hear the computer restarting

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Computer Slow After Sudden Reboot

Sep 3, 2007

I was playing world of warcraft while watching a video and chatting on msn. My character died, and then suddenly BOOM, my computer restarted for no reasons (I ever saw my light turning down in my room) Now, its all screwed up. It takes AGES just to open winamp, most of my applications just won't open or take too long.

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Prevent Computer From Sudden Shut Down

Jun 15, 2006

There's a very annoying program called dfg shutdown installed on my computer that shuuting down my computer at certain time.I can't uninstall that program.Is there a way to prevent my computer from shutting down?

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Computer To Be Hanging ?

Aug 13, 2009

I can't place exactly when this started, but I'd say maybe 2-3 months ago. The computer just seems to be hanging all the time: windows sometimes take a long time to open, programs hang, frequent "sorry, gotta close this program" messages, etc, etc.
I don't know the exact time sequence, but it does seem that installing IE8 didn't help the situation; I get constant hangs and windows taking forever to open, having to shut down, etc.
I have XP pro.

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Computer Has Started To Tick Lately

Sep 12, 2008

My computer has started to tick lately. I clicked the fans in the back of the computer and ran all spyware everything OK.Sometimes a screen comes up saying physcial memory dump taking place, and then suggesting perhaps i've installed or uninstalled a program incorrectly.I don't know what else to do my hard drive kicking the bucket?

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Computer Hanging On Startup

May 6, 2006

Please help. I have upgraded a machine from 98 to XP pro. Now on start up, the pc hangs/freezes on the windows XP screen, the one with the blue scrollong bar at the bottom.

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Working Computer Normally Without Hanging Up

Jan 16, 2005

When I start my computer, instead of the "Welcome to Windows" dialog box coming up, my computer just hangs at the blue screen. It never did this before. What's the problem? BTW, XP Pro SP2 and I use the CTRL+ALT+DEL to get into my computer instead of the other thing. Everything works fine in safe mode.

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Computer Just Started Running Very Slow?

Jan 2, 2005

i have a 2 year old compaq presario. runs xp pro sp2. intel pent lll 1133 mhz, 1.13 ghz, 348 ram. 16G HD, C drive -2G free, D drive - 6G free. I have installed and run Ad Ware (w/updated database) and Spy Bot search and destroy.I have deleted items in prefetch folder.
have run defrag, and disk cleanup (defrag took over 8 hours to complete used to run Mcafee AV pro, Firewall and Spamkiller, have removed all mcafee products.

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Computer Being Started By Schedule From Hibernate?

Sep 15, 2005

computer running XP is turning itself on at 1:00PM after being placed in hibernate. The scheduler had items for this time (which I am now changing). Isn't the computer completely OFF when hibernated? What mechanism does it have for turning itself on if the CPU supposedly is powered down?

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Computer Rebooting Itself: Services Not Started?

Oct 29, 2007

I don't have an easy way of backing up all the data, as I can't move and copy files, and the largest USB key/SD card I have right now is 512MB. I can't directly move files, the way I've found to work around this problem is to put all the files I want in a zip file and then extract it into the location I want.

So she doesn't want to format if possible, and I would really like to know what caused this problem, although it seems like 1 problem that spawned into many, as if someone took control of the computer and started disabling things. Any ideas would very much be appreciated

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Installed Sp2 Results In Hanging Up The Computer?

May 29, 2006

I have been trying for quite a while to load a new xp pro with service pack 2 .As soon as the files are loaded and the pc restarts the pc hangs. After trying this for about 20 times I decided to try something else.The PC had win98 on it so it was working .i loaded the pc with winxp pro but an older edition.It does not include any service packs .and seems to be running fine.Then I loaded servicepack one and still no problems with XP After loading the second service pack the pc hanged again at the startup.

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Hanging/delayed Computer Response

Jun 18, 2008

I've run a number of anti-virus programs including Kaspersky, Avira and Avast. I've used Spyware Terminator, Super Anti-Spyware and Ad-Ware. Numerous runs of these programs has not solved the problem. I have not added any new hardware or other programs (besides the spyware and anti-virus). I've tried disabling the resident antivirus program, Avast but that doesn't seem to improve the situation. I am Any ideas about how to proceed from here?

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Computer Keeps On Hanging Within 5 Min Of Complete Boot?

Sep 21, 2008

i am running xp sp3 & vista in dual boot with xp set as default.Just yesterday while working in xp my system hanged.Now when i try to boot all app loaded desktop appears normal then within 5 min the system hangs i am unable to run any apps or call taskmanager, or even shutdown.,My computer opens but gives a NotResponding message.

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Computer Hanging, Not Keeping Time, Other

Nov 11, 2006

the computer will "hang". It stops keeping time and will not shut down via the on-screen start button. If you try to shut the puter off with the on/off button on the tower, it is very difficult to get it to turn back on that way...the computer comes on, but never boots up...monitor and keyboard/mouse never come on. I've found that unplugging the power cord from the back of the tower while the computer has power, and then plugging the power cord back in usually works to bring the puter back on and up without using the on/off button. Once the puter is back on, it keeps time again (but it has to be reset to current time). Once in a while, some settings are lost such as IE options. But in the past, settings were so messed up from this problem that it couldn't copy to CD and other such annoying things.

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Computer Started To Slow Down: System Try Wont Appear?

Sep 25, 2006

recently i have noticed my computer has started to slow down, when i start the comp the system tray items used to apear immediately but now is soo firewall is off..i dont know if the slowness is a result of installing Music Match? but the computer has surely become slower on startup.i did however have some spyware on my comp which i removed, this was a result of installing a trial version of ZoneAlarm 6.5 WHICH IS SOOO UNSTABLE...

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Computer Slow Or Hanging: Repaired Hijack Log?

Oct 13, 2006

I tired doing a windows update yesterday, computer would not let me perfom the action.
The error message read: Network policy settings prevent you from using Windows Update to download and install updates. This error may occur if the Remove access to use all Windows Update features group policy has been enabled by your system administrator and comes up with a windows error 0x8DDD0003 and have done a lot of the recommended fixes but nothing has worked.

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Computer Slowing Down - Hanging Up Task Manger

Sep 6, 2008

My computer seems to be slowing down and hanging up every so often. When I start XP I go into task manager and see bunches of programs runnings. A lot of *.exe files. How do I get rid of them?? How do I know which ones to get rid of? They may be virous, extra junk form previous installs? I do run Nortons anti-virous program. I don't want to reformat and reinstall XP but I may need to.

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Computer Hanging - Crashing - Failing To Start

Jan 2, 2007

lately my computer has been having these symtoms:- Hanging while left on and not used- Crashing Randomly, maybe 5 Minites into startup- Failing to start with a black screen where i should reach the login screen but i dont- Failing to start with the message "A Disk Read Error Has OccuredThe only way i have found around these problems, was taking the case off and disconnecting wires to the hard drive or the mother board and then putting them back in, even then i may have to restart it once or twice.

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Computer Started Freezing After Loading - Ventilation Holes

Dec 6, 2008

computer started freezing after loading,now wont even start up,after switching on it goes to the grey packard bell screen and stops, have no idea what to do, i read that if the cpu gets full of dust it overheats and the dust stops the cooling fan,found dust at back covering the ventilation holes so hoovered & it seemed to help but not for long,i think it might be a problem with memlory as it is used by the whole family,however i dont know how much ram i have,

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Computer Started Randomly - Internet Connection Drops

Jan 19, 2005

My computer recently started randomly having this window come up. I took a couple of print screens.There is also one to do with System32. I don't know what it means and why it's popping up! My computer has been running very slow since this has started to happen, and my virus scanner comes up clean. My internet connection also randomly drops.

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Started Computer Application Failed - Missing Services.exe

Apr 17, 2008

I recently started up my computer and it said: ' This application has failed to start because MSVCP60.dll was not found. Re-installing this application may fix this problem.' I have tried chkdsk /r and safe mode but nothing.

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The Terminal Services On Local Computer Started And Then Stopped?

Jan 14, 2009

I'm running XP SP2 and I can't launch the Terminal Services service.Anytime I start it, it immediately stops with a message "The terminal services service on local computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance logs and alerts services."

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Slow Hanging Operation On A Computer With Fast Specs

Jan 3, 2005

Computer: 2004 Presario, 2.6 Gig Processor, 512 MB RAM, 120 Gig HD, under warranty.Operating System: XP SP1.Comments: Runs like a 286; very slow moving from program to program; slow when shutting down. Complete disk wipe system recovery has been done; non-disk wipe system recovery has been done; Ad-Awre SE installed, Current Noron anti-virus installed and updated. Sytem set for "fastest operation".

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Computer Running Slow And Hanging - Hijack This Log Included

Sep 21, 2005

Would someone mind taking a look at my hijack this log and let me know if there's a problem. My computer has been running awfully slow and hanging quite a bit lately.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 1:07:36 PM, on 9/21/2005

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Computer Hanging And Showing Black Screen At Every Startup?

Feb 10, 2006

my windows xp home edition hung and now shows a black screen everytime i start the computer. how do i cancel installation? do i have to access and the bios, and if so how do i do this

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Using Ntune Results In Hanging Up Computer And Getting Black Screen?

Aug 5, 2007

I got my new system.. its been working like a dream, a proper gaming behemoth!Having got my 22" monitor on friday, I decided that now was the time to give it an overclock and see how it would do I used Ntune (I know I know!) and it hung a couple of times during its mucking about with clock speeds, etc I went out to sort something out in the garden, came back in and the screen had gone black during another hang.I reset the computer and on boot up windows would start up with the same black screen.

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Computer Has Started Booting Extremely Slow - Add Win Cleaner OneClick

Feb 8, 2007

my computer has been booting slower and slower.It is now taking 10-15 minutes to boot to a usable state. I haven't added any new programs in the last few months. I did add Win Cleaner OneClick Cleanup about 2 days ago thinking that it might help, but it did not. I know it must have to do with the number of start-up programs there are, but since this just started recently

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Computer Is Slow And Lagging / After Malware Scans Then Trouble Started

Jun 4, 2007

Running an e6600 everything good, then I ran some malware scans then trouble started. Every minute or so, my computer will lag for 2-3 seconds. Example, 1. I click on a link nothing happens for 2-3 seconds or 2. I type address into my web browser, and letters don't show up for 2-3 seconds. Anyone know what's wrong? Possibly hard drive going to die?

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