Computer Is Slow And Lagging / After Malware Scans Then Trouble Started

Jun 4, 2007

Running an e6600 everything good, then I ran some malware scans then trouble started. Every minute or so, my computer will lag for 2-3 seconds. Example, 1. I click on a link nothing happens for 2-3 seconds or 2. I type address into my web browser, and letters don't show up for 2-3 seconds. Anyone know what's wrong? Possibly hard drive going to die?

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Slow, Lagging Computer

Feb 10, 2005

I just recently started having trouble with computer moving slow. When i boot up it seems fine. I have cable connection. When i go into websites like msn it takes forever for me to get into anything. I ran spybot and removed a BUNCH of stuff. But it is still happening. Do I need to stop stuff at start up? If so how do I know what to stop? How can I find out what's running in the background?I know nothing about computers other than mines slow all of a sudden.

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Lagging And Very Slow Computer

May 25, 2007

I'm not sure what's been happening lately, but my laptop has been running kind of laggy and slow. My specs are as follows:I initially thought that my computer would only slow after I started Trillian, but I tested this (by not starting Trillian), and it seems it will still slow a few minutes after a restart. Restarting my laptop seems to solve this problem temporarily.Keeping it in safe mode (I'm posting in Safe Mode w/ Networking right now) seems to also keep the problem at bay.

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Slow, Lagging, Freezing Computer

Apr 13, 2007

I have had my Windows XPfor 4 years. Now let me just says its Slow and always crashes and now the toolbar is freezing. How do i solve the problem? So far i have tried:But it’s still slow and crashes all the time. Any one know what the problem is? Also tried a system restore but it still goes slow.

* Ad Ware Check
* Spy Ware Check
* Virus Check
* Cleaning up the Hard drive
* Disk Defragmenter

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Computer Slow And Trouble To Delete Files

Oct 29, 2009

XP running slow and sometimes freezes sometimes have trouble deleting/uninstalling.

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Computer Just Started Running Very Slow?

Jan 2, 2005

i have a 2 year old compaq presario. runs xp pro sp2. intel pent lll 1133 mhz, 1.13 ghz, 348 ram. 16G HD, C drive -2G free, D drive - 6G free. I have installed and run Ad Ware (w/updated database) and Spy Bot search and destroy.I have deleted items in prefetch folder.
have run defrag, and disk cleanup (defrag took over 8 hours to complete used to run Mcafee AV pro, Firewall and Spamkiller, have removed all mcafee products.

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Computer Started To Slow Down: System Try Wont Appear?

Sep 25, 2006

recently i have noticed my computer has started to slow down, when i start the comp the system tray items used to apear immediately but now is soo firewall is off..i dont know if the slowness is a result of installing Music Match? but the computer has surely become slower on startup.i did however have some spyware on my comp which i removed, this was a result of installing a trial version of ZoneAlarm 6.5 WHICH IS SOOO UNSTABLE...

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Computer Has Started Booting Extremely Slow - Add Win Cleaner OneClick

Feb 8, 2007

my computer has been booting slower and slower.It is now taking 10-15 minutes to boot to a usable state. I haven't added any new programs in the last few months. I did add Win Cleaner OneClick Cleanup about 2 days ago thinking that it might help, but it did not. I know it must have to do with the number of start-up programs there are, but since this just started recently

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Malware Issues Lot Of Malware On My Computer

Nov 5, 2006

I have a lot of malware on my computer. I have run ad-aware, spybot, avg anti-spyware, and some others all in safe mode. Still I got lots of issues. Ran Kaspersky Anti-Virus and avg anti-virus, but like before lots of problems still.

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Website That Scans Computer For Viruses/worms/trojans ?

Apr 1, 2005

I mainly want to know if their is a site that can scan my computer to see if there are any trojans or worms. Any kind of stuff that a hacker could put onmy computer or anything that may have passed through my firewall.

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Computer Will No Shut Down - Virus Scans Turns Up Negative

Feb 14, 2006

After I have been running my computer for a half a day I try to power off and my computer will not power off. Sometimes it will take 5 minutes to shutdown or it will not shutdown at all. I have spyware and virus scans and it turns up negative. Do you think it is hardware problem or software

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Really Slow Netbook - Virus Or Malware

Nov 9, 2009

Niece's netbook (Asus EeePC) running Windows XP has rather suddenly slowed to a real crawl. Think 5 minutes for a right-click menu to open, for example, instead of a split second. Last night I summoned the patience to start up the already-installed AVG virus scanner, and while it took hours and hours, it found zero problems. Ran CCleaner, no change.The desktop, icons, etc. etc. look correct and nothing seems awry except for the intolerable lack of speed. I realize it could still be a virus or malware, although I'm thinking of other explanations as well

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Very Slow Boot Up - Spyware/malware/viruses

Jul 25, 2008

I get the Windows XP splash screen, then sometimes it takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes to boot up.
I checked the startup folder and the services/.exes running during bootup. Nothing out of the ordinary, but maybe i do not know what im looking for.I know that it is NOT spyware/malware/viruses....just recently it has become slow and i have no installed any software or anything

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Pictures Lagging Constantly: Internet Pages Loading Slow Too?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm getting this perpetual lag issue. Windows folders and internet pages load slowly load slowly, and the mouse cursor responds to clicks when it feels like it. I've checked the mouse, and that's not the problem. I checked Task Manager and downloaded Process Explorer, but I never see more than 15% usage at a time. I've also run AVG for viruses/malware, but nothing comes up. I've had similar problems before, when a piece of hardware died, but so far I can't find any conflicts.

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Slow Connection And Failure To Find Peripherals (Moved From Malware)

Nov 29, 2007

My laptop (HP Pavillion zd8000) running XP Home has been acting odd these past two weeks.* My internet connection runs very slow.* Pages fail to load a good 90% of the time.* Either they try to load for several minutes before timing out, or they may instantly open with a "page cannot be displayed" error.* If I hit refresh a few times the page may eventually load.* I've tried various browsers (IE, Firefox, Opera) all have the same problem.*

** Along with the hangs and load failures there have been other problems as well.* My printer and faxes folder is empty despite the fact that there should be several printers in there.* My computer cannot find my PDA when I connect it via USB.* When I do connect the devices there is an audible "found new hardware" noise, but it stutters and nothing happens.* I can't sync my devices and this is becoming obnoxious since before I could sync without issue.* Also, I tried to access my BIOS today and was prompted to enter a password, something I have never had to do in the past.* I ran through a few obvious options (such as admin, password, and the like) and was eventually locked out.* As if all that wasn't enough, my battery is perpetually recharging.* In my system tray for two weeks now my charging icon is displayed indicating that my battery is at 53% and climbing, but it always stays at 53%............

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Internet Started Moving Slow / Unable To Get Microsoft Updates

Dec 28, 2004

Could someone please review my HJT log. I am unable to download microsoft windows updates. This started about 2 weeks ago. Now the system is moving slow. I scanned using, Spywareblaster, Ad-Aware, Bazooka, and Spybot they found nothing.

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My Computer Is Lagging A Lot Lately

Oct 7, 2006

This svhost.exe process keeps using 99% of my computer.

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Computer Lagging A Little

Dec 12, 2005

Computer lagging a little hijackthis log is there anything running that shouldn't be there.

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Computer Lagging Every 30 Sec For 10 Sec

May 27, 2007

Ever since this morning my computer has been lagging on and off. It was working perfectly fine last night when I shut it down. I have tried everything I can think of I ran a system defrag, error check and virus/spyware scanners. It showed that I had no viruses and only a few tracking cookies on my computer.

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Computer Is Lagging Too Much

Jan 21, 2006

One again another virus, This time, I am having terrible program hanging and LAG!This really sucks. The other night, while on the internet, came left my computer alone, only, to come back to a 'hacker' using my cursor and accesing my programs, which gave me a hell-of-a-fright.I have updated all my anti-virus programs, and I have scanned and ELIMINATED all the visible buggers, yet I still have BAD lag.

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Computer Is Lagging Extremely Bad

Dec 27, 2006

Computer is lagging extremely bad, when you click on internet explorer or firefox it takes like 10 minutes to load a page, any program it does that too really, the internet is slow, half the time everything freezes and you have to hold the power button and shut it down, which is bad, control alt delete wont even come up when this happens, there were a few viruses when I scanned it,

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Computer Is Lagging Something Awful!

Aug 4, 2005

My computer is lagging something awful yesterday and today. I've done adaware, spyware blaster and spybot and nothing comes up. I also did a virus scan and came up okay there also.

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Computer Lagging Badly At Explorer Especially

Feb 16, 2005


Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.2
Scan saved at 8:38:49 πμ, on 16/2/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) ...

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Computer Lagging All The Time When Boot Up

Mar 4, 2006

When I click on a link or typing (it did it just then) it doesn't do anything for several seconds, up to a minute. It is slower than it once was. Could there be something running in the background? My system is a P4, 1.7 ghz with 512mb of ddr ram running XP Home with a dsl connection. I don't hink it should be that slow. Could you help me? Do I need to reformat and/or reinstall the OS? If so could you give me instructions on this procedure?

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Computer Lagging Up / Have Run Spybot And Ad Aware

Oct 3, 2006

My computer is lagging up to the point where I'm getting ready to format, just wondering if someone could take a peak at my HJT log and let me know of any baddies in there. I run spybot and Adaware all of the time and I use Avg Antivirus.

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Computer Lagging On Start Up Every Time

Oct 14, 2006

I just got this computer a week ago and it was working fine until now. when i start up the computer or restart it, everything is normal except for when it gets into windows and my desktop shows up, it hangs there and freezes for about 30 seconds.i thought maybe there was some program in the start up menu that was causing this but i checked and nothing looked out of the ordinary. i took a log in case something might be in there causing this problem.

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Computer Lagging At Opening A Program

Jan 3, 2010

I am having some problems with my computer and cant really pinpoint the problem.the computer is a Q6600 - but when opening a program, opening a file from a program, there is always a lag, it would freeze for 5 to 10 seconds before anything happens. I suspected adware/virus, but it's not. I tried installing a fresh copy of windows XP onto a new hard drive, but the lag/slow problem is still there, usually it takes no more than 30 minutes to install windows, but it took over 1hr 30 mins to install.I am thinking hard ware issue, I've tried replacing the RAMs, but still the same, now im thinking maybe the powersupply.

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Computer Lagging Really Bad Not Game Related

Feb 1, 2005

I thought it was this new game i installed, it would lag about every minute and a half, for about 10 seconds at a time. So i uninstalled the game. The only problem is now the computer seems to get bogged down much easier (running AIM and windows media player at the same time makes WMP songs slow), and enters 10 second "slow periods". This never used to happen.

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Win SP2 - Computer Lagging When Opening Some Folders

Apr 26, 2006

When I open certain folders in my computer, these folder tend to take ages to load. I checked the graph in the performance window (Ctrl+Alt+Del) but there was no suddeny increase of CPU usage. Others folder is normal, I double click and it show nicely. Just for certain folder. Is it because of the number of files in the folder? It dont happen when I open my C: drive but if i open that particular folder. The windows explorer just stop responding.. and i had to wait for it to come out. If i access a folder under it and hit back or up, again it will stuck there again n wait for it to load.

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Computer Lagging And Cannot Complete Scan

Apr 28, 2007

I have XP and I am lagging bad, pics won't load. I've tried to do bitdefender and my computer shuts down half way through every time.

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General Lagging - Computer Drivers

Nov 15, 2006

i'm running Windows XP Home Service Pack 2 Edition, with all the latest updates, all my drivers are up to date but when I preform general tasks such as web browsing my computer lags badly.It takes forever to log into Windows and takes even longer to load Firefox up. Sometimes I get the (Not Responding) appear in the title bar, and the whole computer will lock up only to suddenly come back to life in a minute or so.It's been doing this about a month after I got it, but when Windows is first installed after a format it runs as smooth as a whistle then after a hour or so it starts to lag. I doubt its the RAM as im running 1GB's worth and the computer isnt that old I only got it brand new last year.

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