Overload? An Starts Running Loudly

Mar 18, 2008

I have a question for someone I know,, they are having trouble with their computer.when a couple site or programs are running the fan starts running loudly like its having trouble supporting all the programs that up. If she reboots, the fan sounds fine.

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CPU Running At 100% Fan Running Loudly

May 20, 2010

CPU usage is always at 100%, processes show 70, commit charge 957M/1479M. This is a Dell Dimension, total physical memory 52224, available 78124. I'm running McAfee, but my kids use this computer a LOT and that is what scares me.

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Svchost.exe Running At 98% When Computer Starts

Jul 23, 2008

Lately my computer has been running very crappy and I have noticed when it first boots up after everything loads up, the CPU usuage is at 100%. Main reason is due to one of the svchost.exe files are using 98% of it. After about 10 minutes this goes away. But what would this problem be related to? I can post a hijackthis log if necessary.

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Disable ScanDisk - Starts Running Up From Startup

Jul 28, 2005

Although I am running Windows ME I could not find a group listed for that OS so I assumed that for this problem XP is comparable(?). The problem is that for some reason on startup my computer wants the run scandisk. There seems o be a problem with scandisk because about three-quarters of the way throught the sacn it locks up. If I cancel the scandisk my computer seems to be acting OK but if I don't hover over the computer on startup I have to do a hard reboot

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IE6 Starts Up Close - Iexplore.exe Running Not Normal

Apr 15, 2008

I just noticed this problem, but I'm not sure how long it's been going on because I seldom use IE. When I start IE the process iexplore.exe starts up, which is normal, but when I close IE, iexplore.exe keeps running, which is not normal. If I start IE again it will start another iexplore.exe, so I can have several running and the only way to stop them is to kill them with task manager. Now another thing I have happening which is even weirder is I'll start IE, then kill iexplore.exe and IE keeps running like normal. I've run all the anti-virus and anti-spyware stuff I can think of and everything comes up clean. I'm current with all Windows updates?

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An Unspecified Error / Chkdsk Starts Running Automatically

Jun 26, 2005

Recently when my computer boots, chkdsk starts running automatically. Thats ok. It does step 1 0f 3, great, does 2 of 3, however when it is doing step 3 of 3 its freezes at some percent over 50% and gives the following error:

"An Unspecified error has occured"

NOw everytime i reeboot my computer chkdsk runs and the same error occurs. I need chksdsk to complete its check because i dont want chkdsk to run at the beggining of every reboot it takes to long.

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Wuauclt.exe Error: Running Application Starts Blinking & Turn Black?

Jan 2, 2006

When I run applications such as new games (swat 4, Dawn of war, AOE3, Silkroad, or play DVDs, my computer stars... "Blinking, that is, it turns black and then turns on again. For example, I click my pc, then monotor becomes black, and then turns on again, with the my pc window open. When I restart, an error message appear. Its always the 2 messages "Windows has recovereds from a serious error"-and-"Wuauclt.exe has encontered an error and must shut down"

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Cpu Usage Overload 100%

Jan 11, 2006

xp sp2 I have a 3.2ghz processor 256mb graphics card nvidia 6200 and 1024 ram memeory the problem occured when i tried to open an avi movie file, i was moving the avi film from my downloads to shared folder but when i looked in shared folder it wasn't there so iwent back my downloads folder. when i tried to open or delete it a pop-up appearred saying the file was in use by another program, after a while i was able to delete it by dragging it to recycle bin. but 3 days on when i open a folder or firefox or an application the cpu usage goes from 7% to 100% and pf usage 550mb.

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With JavaScript Overload Seem To Be Filling Up

Sep 27, 2007

My temp files seem to be filling up with temporary Javascript files in a short amount of time. I have used CCleaner, Spybot S&D, MS Mal Removal Tool, I have, I have updated Sun Java and I unchecked Save Temp java files in Control Panel.This helped but the problem is growing again.

I was checking out web set linkware, one of the pages had a box pop up to click OK to run script. This was on a lot of other pages on the same site and worked with no problem. This time there was no java on the page. I am wondering if this caused the problem and how do I fix it? I'm attaching some of the CCleaner logs from today.

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Overload Of Icons Hanging Up

Jun 2, 2010

When i boot up, it goes to the desk top fine but takes at least five minutes before icons show. I'm running Xp and have run all my virus checks, disc clean up and defrag. I don't have an overload of icons, just a few but just won't load.

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Scandisk Starts Running On Every Restart - Disable Scandisk?

Jan 2, 2007

Every time I restart the PC, scandisk starts running, inspite of a proper shutdown. I have a 200GB HDD which is partitioned into 2. Its the D drive (175 GB) which undergoes a scan everytime.

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Stuttering Overload - Take Control Of What Programs Can Run

Apr 23, 2006

I have a dell with win xp pro with sp2, 2gb or ram, 2.4ghz intel celleron, i run mcafee securietycenter. My primary use for a computer is internet, video editing, and listing to music. previously i was able to edit videos when some small programs were running, but lately my computer is spiking to 100% cpu usage. now i cant even run a single simple program like winamp or internet explorer with out spiking stuttering, let alone even thinking about opening my video editing program, or editing any video. it stutters and is very slow. It is now very slow to boot, when in the past was a lot faster. Programs are just barley slower in opening. This happens online and offline. and it doesnt seem to matter how long my computer has been on, it happens all the time. I've tryed ad-ware and spybot thinking it was spy ware slowing everything down. didnt help. Is there a program or software that will minimize all unnessary programs or take control of what programs can run?

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Sudden Freezing, And Apparent CPU Overload

Sep 26, 2006

My comnputer just started freezing randomly, and I cannot listen to music and do something else anymore. Any action that MS Word, or Firefox, or IE, etc, takes, and the music starts skipping. Same thing with videos. The computer has just become very uncooperative in general. And the "activity light" of the computer that normally blinks, sometimes stays on, without blinking, for minutes at a time, and I am not doing anything.

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Stuttering Overload - Cant Run A Single Simple Program

Apr 23, 2006

I have a dell with win xp pro with sp2, 2gb or ram, 2.4ghz intel celleron, i run mcafee securiety center. My primary use for a computer is internet, video editing, and listing to music. previously i was able to edit videos when some small programs were running, but latley my computer is spiking to 100% cpu usage. now i cant even run a single simple program like winamp or internet explorer with out spiking and stuttering, let alone even thinking about opening my video edding program, or editing any video. it stutters and is very slow. i have a feeling it has something to do with how many back ground programs i am running that i dont know about. Is there a program or software that will minimize all unnessary programs or take controll of what programs can run?

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BSoD Overload - Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 18, 2008

To make a verrrrry long story short, I've been getting the "Blue Screen of Death" messages every time I try to run a program which requires 512MB RAM or more to run. I have 2GB of RAM.

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Scheduled Script Running Stop An Application (File Maker Pro) From Running

Jul 24, 2005

I need to have a scheduled script running at certain time of the day to stop an application (File Maker Pro) from running; the backup the database and launch the application again. I know basics of command line scripting to re launch and do the copy of the data base. The only problem is to stop the application without damaging the database

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PC Running Slow (Running Processes): Removed Tracking Cookies?

Sep 23, 2005

I'm running XP. I did an Ad-Aware scan and removed some tracking cookies. It also stated that I had 29 running processes. How do I find what is running to help speed up my PC, and also; which are essential? I have dial-up AOL. It's running like a horse-drawn computer. How can I get it up to at least steam-powered.

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Running Processes: Program Running 120000k In Task Manager?

Feb 5, 2005

i'm having a lot of lockup probs while playing call of duty multi. xp2400 gigabyte nforce, 512 corsair,maxtor 80 gig 7200 rpm.in task manager processes i'm running almost 120,000k is that normal ? is there a way to post my task manager processes readout?my hijack log is clean, running spyware blaster, avast a/v, roboform, zone alarm. and a temp monitor.case is clean and all 4 fans are working. heatsink is clean.core temp normally runs around 113 f but saw it get up to around 150 once.

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66 Running Processes: Running Spyware & Virus Scan?

Feb 24, 2005

Does 66 running processes seem like a lot? I cannot seem to find a thread regarding this. (I'm sure there is, stopped looking after 45 minutes) It doesn't seem to slow my computer at all. I AM running quite a bit on here as far as spyware, virus scans, webshots, etc. It's also a media center 2004 computer with all the trim so there are quite a few windows processes on there. Even with AOL running, my computer is only using 430MB of RAM and I have 1GB.

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Slow Running Computer And DSL Running Slower Than Dial-up?

Feb 21, 2008

I had dial up 4 years, I finally got DSL a month agao, now instead of my computer running faster , it is running slower than dial up! I also get a message after I shut down a window, ( memory could not be read error ) sorry I forget the numbers but will copy them down when i log off. I have Windows XP Home Edition.

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Computer Running Slow - Running Though A Router Setup

May 27, 2006

We run Comcast high speed, two computers running though a router setup. My son "opened a port" to speed up his game play. My computer now crawls. Pages take too long to load, and I now sometimes get the server error message here, server not responding. Any idea what I can do. My son seems baffled, but I know he doesn't want to sacrifice his warp speed game play.

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Computer Running Very Slow Due To Programs Running In Background

Sep 5, 2005

Someone told me that my computer is running slow because I have too many programs running in the background. Could this be true and if so, how do I delete the unnecessary programs and more to the point, how do I recognize which programs are necessary and which are not?

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Slow Running / Hangs On Running Outlook

Jun 16, 2006

My computer all of a sudden slowed drastically. It hangs when I run outlook and when I try to clear my temp files in IE. I'm getting huge memory usage from "epmworker.exe", "Generic.exe", and "alg.exe" I have run spy sweeper and AVG and have found nothing.

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Computer Running Sloooow - Things Running In BG

Apr 7, 2008

My computer has been running so slooooow lately and its only seems to be getting worse. when i shut down my computer, it literally takes about 4 to 6 minutes to shut down and 2 little windows pop up while its shutting down, stating that the following programs are running and are attempting to close - one is "ccsvchst" and the other is "Ccapps" (i think). what are thay and can i remove them/shut them down so they arent in the way anymore?

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Computer Running Very Slow: Running Ad-aware Still Same?

Dec 24, 2006

I ran Ad Aware SE and later Spyawre Doctor and found nothing also clen temp. files on IE/Tools/temp folders then I ran %temp% and deleted all temp files but it gave me an Error File or Folder mon000 that says close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I don' know what file that is. there are two files that were not deleted: mon000.log and one named Dat.File pefib Perfdata Also ran ATF-cleaner

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Starts Up / Crashes Right Away

Oct 21, 2005

my system has been acting up today. I got home from class and tried to install my Microsoft Visual Studio, it asked me to restart after the installation. When I did, right when it got to the desktop it said something about a registry problem has been restored and the system has been recovered. Something along those lines. Getting back on the subject, 5 seconds after it reaches the desktop it crashes. Not a hard crash, just a restart, but it crashes none-the-less. Is there a way to get around this without reformatting?(I even tried running in Safe Mode, same problem.) I can't seem to find a way to fix it if I can't even get to my desktop.

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PC Starts Itself And Crashes XP

Apr 16, 2007

A couple of weeks ago I downloaded latest windows update and rebooted as instructed. Only the PC kept rebooting itself continuously. When I stopped it with F8 and set it not to restart on errors I got a critical windows error message. I reformatted drive and reinstalled windows, all was fine for a couple of days, then here is the really wierd thing. I heard the fan spinning but neither I nor Lady Walsh had turned the PC on. I once again found it rebooting itself in a continuous loop. Seems it turned itself on from standby and corrupted windows again. I totally wiped the disc, reformatted both partitions and reinstalled windows. Did a full Norton antivirus scan which came up clean. But the same happened again yesterday. Anyone heard of a virus that can start your PC up from standby and reinstall itself ? And that can survive a disc fomat and windows re-installation? I'm running XP Sp2 on an AMD64 with 1 Gb RAM 120 Gb disc.

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Computer Starts On Its Own

Dec 30, 2004

ever since I installed xp I've been having this problem .When I'm done useing my computer I shut it down and walk away.I saw it shut down I heard it shut down it is shut down.When I return into the room the computer is up and running and I've seen it turn on by it self.Is there something somewhere that i need to set?

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Everything Starts Up Except That The Yahoo And Msn

Apr 25, 2008

when my windows xp boots up...everything starts up except that the yahoo and msn messengers as well as the broadband connection dialin link doesnt works till like a minute or so after windows has got booted...it seems like the windows waits for something to load for about a minute and then after a minute the hard drive shows some activity and yahoo,msn and the broadband link comes up and i can only dial the link then...this 1 minute wait for the connection to be connected is really annoying me...from the task manager i c that 2 services imapi.exe,alg.exe and wmiserve.exe starts up after the freezing time of the windows and then net connection gets connected...if u want any more details i will let you know.

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Computer Has No Starts

Jan 23, 2006

I have a Computer problem i couldnt solve.When i push the power button on my case, the fans and the Bios beep are noticed. After that it just stops, it wont go past that point.

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PC Automatically Starts Up

Oct 17, 2006

My PC automatically starts up at exactly 12:00 every night. It starts up and shows the login window. Really annoying. Does anyone have an idea on how to turn this off?

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