When I run applications such as new games (swat 4, Dawn of war, AOE3, Silkroad, or play DVDs, my computer stars... "Blinking, that is, it turns black and then turns on again. For example, I click my pc, then monotor becomes black, and then turns on again, with the my pc window open. When I restart, an error message appear. Its always the 2 messages "Windows has recovereds from a serious error"-and-"Wuauclt.exe has encontered an error and must shut down"
Recently when my computer boots, chkdsk starts running automatically. Thats ok. It does step 1 0f 3, great, does 2 of 3, however when it is doing step 3 of 3 its freezes at some percent over 50% and gives the following error:
"An Unspecified error has occured"
NOw everytime i reeboot my computer chkdsk runs and the same error occurs. I need chksdsk to complete its check because i dont want chkdsk to run at the beggining of every reboot it takes to long.
Okay well I recently restarted my computer and was stuck with a black screen with a blinking after my video card bios popped up.So I kinda freaked out and restarted it again trying to get into safe mode, did not work at all so I restarted it again and left it on.. nothing happened so I walked upstairs to go on my laptop to think of some stuff that went wrong.. I probably left for a good 25minutes.I figured my harddrive died/my windows OS got corrupted because nothing was booting. Came back downstairs and restarted it again and now it is properly working. my problem is I'm kinda afraid to restart it again and have it not properly work.is there anything I can do to backup my data like move to somewhere safe on my hd if i wanted to reinstall windows?
I have an HP desktop. I accidentally hit the standby button on the keyboard. It started to put my computer into standby but seems to have completely powered it down. I couldn't turn it back on at all. I've tried hitting the power button and unplugging the computer. Nothing works. There is a green light near the power cord in the back blinking and that's it. I've tried unplugging all peripherals before plugging the power back in. I've also tried unplugging it and pressing the power button a few times before plugging it back in. I just can't get it to turn back on.
When I try and boot up my computer it gets through the dell boot screen. But when it starts trys to boot up windows I just get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top rigth hand corner. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary? I updated my internet explorer to IE7, and I updated my I-Tunes. I don't know what could have done it or what I have done. I don't get any error message or anything.
My Dell Inspiron 5150 is having issues installing XP. I am able to boot from the CD, copy over the installation files with no problem, but when I reboot after I choose not to boot from the CD again rather than start XP it just comes up with a black screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left hand corner.
I had alot of processes running on my laptop so I went under msconfig under the Run option and a window popped up and gave me the option under the Startup tab to end processes. I disabled all of it and then I restarted my computer and now windows is not loading and all i see is a black screen with a cursor blinking.
I was working on a computer switching out parts and I put an old motherboard/processor from gateway into a compaq presario computer but it does not accept the Hard disk that came with the compaq. When I power up it loads up the gateway sign and just goes to a black screen and has a blinking cursor. But when I put the Hard Disk that came with the gateway it worked.
When I try to install updates from Microsoft's site I get an error saying "Updates were not successfully installed." This happens during both manual and automatic updating. I search google.com high and low and cannot find a fix that works. This is the specific error from the WindowsUpdate.log FATAL: Error: 0x80070005. wuauclt handler: failed to spawn COM server FATAL: 0x80070005: ERROR: Remote update handler container process created (PID: 1656), but exited before signaling event
I had a copy of windows xp home addition i think. I have a copy of Professional i was going to put on the computer. It was doing the normal load that i have seen window do before when loading on other computers. Then it came to a blue screen that said something to the affect of Windows startup is installing. It used to go to the loading screen then shut itself off and start again. I went to bios trying to figure out why it doesn't load. Now after the blue screen saying it is restarting setup it now goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor that i can move.
My computer crashed the other day and went to a blue screen and said something about dumping physical memory up to 100%. Then it turned off and i restarted it only to end up with a black screen after the bios start up. This has happened before and I fixed it by using a windows xp install disk and reinstalling windows xp. When i tried to do this this time and i chose install my computer says that it cant read the disk. Its not anything to do with the actual disk reader but more of a comp problem that i know can be fixed because my friends dad fixed the same problem for me a long time ago.
i have a ms 6337 lite mother board with a p3 i haven't used this MB for about 6 months.my son is here now and i don't want him on my soooo i bought a new hard drive maxtor 40 g diamondmax plus 8installed windows xp.the MB posts, i can get in the bio's.but it will not load in to windows i get a black screen or a black screen with a blinking sensor and i cant do nothing form therethis same hard drive will boot on my other pc and load in to windows.i am running windows 98se on it. i put the disk with windows 98 on the ms mb and it will not load in to windows. only to the logo screen and freezes up. also when i try to use the boot disk it get to the point " starting your computer now and freezes
I built a decent computer system for myself a little a year ago. a few weeks ago, I wanted to have to use two monitors with ATI Radeon 9250, so I bought a DVI/VGA adapter. But I couldn't get both monitors working at at the same time. Since I have a brand new ASUS EAX1300HM512 video card, I figured I'd install and that would do the trick. Well that did not work. Then I tried adding both cards on the MOBO, I could not get both monitors working (I'm sure it was user error). Then I removed the EAX1300One, reboot...from that point on the computer kept rebooting after I logon to Windows. I was able to access the computer through safe mode. After several weeks of using my backup pc, I thought I would try to resolve this problem. I removed the MOBO's battery then put it back. Now the computer powers on and posts, I am able to see the bios but after that i just get a black screen with a blinking cursor.
I believe I got a virus it was stuck on a warning screen. I tried to reinstall window XP now it goes to choose Window XP Professional or Home on Black screen white lettering. It will not let you choose XP is highlighted. Then it goes to black screen with cursor in left hand corner.
I have a Dell Optiplex 210L and if I leave the computer running in Windows XP and come back to it lets say the next day. I have to hold the power button in until it forces a shutdown and then turn it back on to get the computer working. It then works fine until it happens all over again.Computer is running Windows XP SP2.
i have a HP 522N and for some reason the computer is not turning on. when i plug in the power plug the green light lits on in the back, and then i push the on button in the front the button turns orange (isnt' it suppose to be green?) and the fan starts but the computer is not on, i can not see anything on the monitor. what's happening?
A while ago i maximized console window while it was running, and it just stayed that way.Now whenever any programs run any console commands, my whole screen starts blinking since the windows are opened and closed, forcing my monitor to switch between resolutions at a really high speed
hi folks,having a problem with a continous pop up error wuauclt.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close .we are sorry for the inconvenience. i then send the error report to microsoft and this stillcomes up.any hellp would be appreicated ihave a dell dimeson 2400 and running xp home edition 2002 service pack 3
Upon start-up, and after selecting a user..usually Christine, my wife [there are 4 users set-up] at the desktop screen I immediately get a pop-up error box that reads WUAUCLT.exe encountered an error and needs to close. It also goes on to read...if you want to send this message to Microsoft click this and then, of course, there is the Don't Send option as well. I usually click the don't send option....10 seconds later the box pops back up...I went to Task Mgr a few times and saw it [wuauclt.exe] running in Processes and was able to stop it from running. However, it is not always in Task Mgr to stop!
Like when I go to start an application the wrong one starts, or shortcuts taking you to the wrong file??? This has happened to me a few times in the last couple of days? I got a XP tweak tool from TotalIdea, haven't really tweaked much with it, just a few visual, speed related tweaks. Nothing that cant be done without the 'TweakXP' program, but I was just trying it out??? It seems that this caused the weirdness with the shortcuts???? Another strange thing when I start the Tweaker it tries to start an installer for a antispyware app?? Tries twice, both times I tell it to cancel, then starts up normally. Probably just uninstall, but I thought Id run it through the TSG mill, and see if any others have similar experience? BTW I have run Regmech, Adaware SE, And my System Mech5 cleaners, but prob still there???
I need to have a scheduled script running at certain time of the day to stop an application (File Maker Pro) from running; the backup the database and launch the application again. I know basics of command line scripting to re launch and do the copy of the data base. The only problem is to stop the application without damaging the database
I have a friend who is using windows xp.When they boot the computer up.They encounter a black screen with some wording.He tells me that the wording is to do with ms dos.Then the screen goes black,with just the cusor showing in the top hand left corner. I have an idea of what the problem is,and think that someone has gone into his settings and asked the machine to boot up in dos.
I have Microsoft Windows XP and once I turn it on it appears as it is restarting but as soon as it starts up after the black screen that says Microsoft Windows XP the screen goes black and says monitor going to sleep and then it restarts over and over and over!
So My roommate's computer just decided to up and die on us today. She's been running XP all along, and then today she woke up, tried to start it up, and it just stopped working.The PC starts, goes to the black startup screen where I can hit del. to enter setup then to another black screen that cycles through the list and the last thing is says is 'verifying dmi pool data' Then the little white bar scrolls across the bottom from left to right Then the Windows screen comes up and the little blue progress dots cycle through
Yesterday while surfing on my mother's laptop all of a sudden it just froze. I just turned it off because after hitting control/alt/delete nothing happened. I was stuck. Then I restarted the laptop - the windows logo came on along with sound and then it went to a black screen with just a blinking cursor at the upper top left. It will not take me to her desktop.
This morning I was on the internet on my Gateway MP8708 notebook when internet explorer started acting weird. It sounded like it was constantly trying to reload a page over and over. So I closed IE and upon trying to reopen it would immediately shut down (Firefox wouldnt even open at this point). I did some searches around the net and after running Malwarebytes anti malware and removing a few items, IE still wouldnt stay open. I found a posting on the net saying that if you go into Internet Options and uncheck "enable third party browser extensions", which I did. IE seemed to stay open after this but would not load the home page. Also my PC seemed a bit laggy, so I did a restart. This is where the system took a dump. It loads up past the bios screen, and the windows obligatory splash screen then just loads to a black screen with the mouse cursor and stays that way. I tried booting in safe mode (with command prompt, with networking, and without) all I get is the safe mode information on the top and bottom of the black screen, along with the cursor, but nothing else. Tried last good configuration, but still a no go. It seems to me that windows was somehow corrupted by whatever infected me
Just switched of pc,Switched it back on and I get a page with,safe mode etc and to choose a setting.Which ever setting I pick the computer goes to the widows xp window then goes back to the black screen then to the xp startup screen again.It does this all the time.It was all working well until switching off.I am on laptop now as unable to access pc.
A few weeks ago it started freezing and restarting randomly. Sometimes, on restarting, I would get the "Serious error" pop-up, which I always sent, and always got different results. Sometimes it would say it was an unknown driver error, sometimes an anti-virus error, once a RAM error. I had just upgraded the RAM when this started, so I ran the M$ testing tool several times, no errors. I also removed the new RAM, which didn't solve the problem, and put it back in
Well i am trying to install a fresh copy of XP and the CD is bootable and the CD drives all work ok, i have tried 3 different CD Drives but when i goto start the boot sequence i get an message saying:
Searching boot device No emulation
Press any key to boot from CDrom....
I press a key and the cd drive starts off but the screen stays black and does not do anything.
I have never seen the message No Emulation under searching boot device before
As I try to load XP it gets past a couple of screens and then just stays with this black one and the cursor blinking in the top left hand corner.Now ive had this problem once b4 but a mate of mine fixed it up and said if it ever happens again to put this floppy in and fix it. Now its happened again and i dont know what he did with that floppy (he is overseas atm).
My pc screen turn black after restart/reboot.the only thing i can see is the white cursor arrow.very bad for me.i try to repair with my windows xp cd without sucess.if i reformat i lost my work(pictures,music,etc.