CPU Running At 100% Fan Running Loudly

May 20, 2010

CPU usage is always at 100%, processes show 70, commit charge 957M/1479M. This is a Dell Dimension, total physical memory 52224, available 78124. I'm running McAfee, but my kids use this computer a LOT and that is what scares me.

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Overload? An Starts Running Loudly

Mar 18, 2008

I have a question for someone I know,, they are having trouble with their computer.when a couple site or programs are running the fan starts running loudly like its having trouble supporting all the programs that up. If she reboots, the fan sounds fine.

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Scheduled Script Running Stop An Application (File Maker Pro) From Running

Jul 24, 2005

I need to have a scheduled script running at certain time of the day to stop an application (File Maker Pro) from running; the backup the database and launch the application again. I know basics of command line scripting to re launch and do the copy of the data base. The only problem is to stop the application without damaging the database

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PC Running Slow (Running Processes): Removed Tracking Cookies?

Sep 23, 2005

I'm running XP. I did an Ad-Aware scan and removed some tracking cookies. It also stated that I had 29 running processes. How do I find what is running to help speed up my PC, and also; which are essential? I have dial-up AOL. It's running like a horse-drawn computer. How can I get it up to at least steam-powered.

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Running Processes: Program Running 120000k In Task Manager?

Feb 5, 2005

i'm having a lot of lockup probs while playing call of duty multi. xp2400 gigabyte nforce, 512 corsair,maxtor 80 gig 7200 rpm.in task manager processes i'm running almost 120,000k is that normal ? is there a way to post my task manager processes readout?my hijack log is clean, running spyware blaster, avast a/v, roboform, zone alarm. and a temp monitor.case is clean and all 4 fans are working. heatsink is clean.core temp normally runs around 113 f but saw it get up to around 150 once.

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66 Running Processes: Running Spyware & Virus Scan?

Feb 24, 2005

Does 66 running processes seem like a lot? I cannot seem to find a thread regarding this. (I'm sure there is, stopped looking after 45 minutes) It doesn't seem to slow my computer at all. I AM running quite a bit on here as far as spyware, virus scans, webshots, etc. It's also a media center 2004 computer with all the trim so there are quite a few windows processes on there. Even with AOL running, my computer is only using 430MB of RAM and I have 1GB.

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Slow Running Computer And DSL Running Slower Than Dial-up?

Feb 21, 2008

I had dial up 4 years, I finally got DSL a month agao, now instead of my computer running faster , it is running slower than dial up! I also get a message after I shut down a window, ( memory could not be read error ) sorry I forget the numbers but will copy them down when i log off. I have Windows XP Home Edition.

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Computer Running Slow - Running Though A Router Setup

May 27, 2006

We run Comcast high speed, two computers running though a router setup. My son "opened a port" to speed up his game play. My computer now crawls. Pages take too long to load, and I now sometimes get the server error message here, server not responding. Any idea what I can do. My son seems baffled, but I know he doesn't want to sacrifice his warp speed game play.

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Computer Running Very Slow Due To Programs Running In Background

Sep 5, 2005

Someone told me that my computer is running slow because I have too many programs running in the background. Could this be true and if so, how do I delete the unnecessary programs and more to the point, how do I recognize which programs are necessary and which are not?

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Slow Running / Hangs On Running Outlook

Jun 16, 2006

My computer all of a sudden slowed drastically. It hangs when I run outlook and when I try to clear my temp files in IE. I'm getting huge memory usage from "epmworker.exe", "Generic.exe", and "alg.exe" I have run spy sweeper and AVG and have found nothing.

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Computer Running Sloooow - Things Running In BG

Apr 7, 2008

My computer has been running so slooooow lately and its only seems to be getting worse. when i shut down my computer, it literally takes about 4 to 6 minutes to shut down and 2 little windows pop up while its shutting down, stating that the following programs are running and are attempting to close - one is "ccsvchst" and the other is "Ccapps" (i think). what are thay and can i remove them/shut them down so they arent in the way anymore?

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Computer Running Very Slow: Running Ad-aware Still Same?

Dec 24, 2006

I ran Ad Aware SE and later Spyawre Doctor and found nothing also clen temp. files on IE/Tools/temp folders then I ran %temp% and deleted all temp files but it gave me an Error File or Folder mon000 that says close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I don' know what file that is. there are two files that were not deleted: mon000.log and one named Dat.File pefib Perfdata Also ran ATF-cleaner

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Slow Running / Something Is Running In The Background

Aug 3, 2005

I am running windows XP home ed. SP2 on my wireless hp pavillion Zx5000 laptop.It is running somewhat slower than it was a few weeks ago.It acts as if something is running in the background.I have defraged,scan disc,virus scan.Should i check resource's and start up programs running and if so how?

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Running Processes: Computer Running Very Slow / Removing Processes?

May 20, 2008

How can I tell which processes don't need to be running on my machine? I think that may be some of what is slowing down my comptuer.

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Running Processes In The Background: Running Server In Background?

Jun 25, 2005

I'm running a server and i was wondering if/how i can run it as a background process, the console screen is really annoying when minimised to the taskbar.

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Running Out Of RAM?

Nov 25, 2008

When downloading a lot of images, I get to the point where I can no longer pull up the "save image as" menu.
I then have to close other programs and I can continue to download for a short time. This problem persists until I have closed all non-essential programs and I appear to have run out of RAM? The only solution to this is to restart.Then I can download again for a while and the cycle starts all over again. This appears to happen only when saving images [which I presume the PC is storingf somewhere in a temp folder that's filled to the brim until I restart].

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Cpu Running At Nearly 100% Even When Do Nothing

Jun 11, 2006

my computer had crashed last week and windeows wouldnt reload anymore because of a corupt file so i wiped out the hard drive and tried to reinstall windows after severl tries i finally got windows xp to intall back on there adn it took almost 2 days yeah thats wat i thought so here i am finally with windows back and now it is takin forever to load it it took almost 15 minutes jsu for windows to start now i have a 1 gig cpu and 512 mb of ram so im sailin pretty descent or should be at least but here i am with the whole thing running extremly slow then i opened up taskmanager and noticed that my processor was running at nearly 100 % when nothing was goin on except jsu normal running processes lets say about 65- to 85 percent jsu doin nothing then if i moved the mouse or tried anything it shot to 100% and everything bogged down im extremly confussed and well a tad aggitated can anyone plz give me sum feed back on this

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Windows Not Running Normally

Jun 16, 2005

When starting win. xp home I get a normal start up sequence until I get to the windows logo page and then the system searches sometimes for 5 minutes or longer before psoceeding. Often I reboot which seems to expidite the process. But would like to repair the process to function correctly.

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System Is Running W32 Bit Or W64 Bit?

Sep 19, 2009

Some software downloads ask whether my operating system is Windows 32 bit or Windows 64 bit. How do I tell? I've look in the system information folder but see nothing there.

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Running The Defragger Does Next To Nothing

Jun 7, 2005

We have a server that will almost completely lockup occationally and will refuse any connections to it. In my research it seems that the problem could be because of a lot of disk fragmentation. So I try to defrag, of course, but there is a problem.

When I open the defragger and analyse the C: disk it says that there is about 22% free. But to look at the display below it you would think we had less than 5% free. It is almost all red (heavily fragmented) and running the defragger does next to nothing.

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Three Processes Of The Same Name Running?

Aug 5, 2005

Checking in Windows Task Manager/Processes I have three entries for SVCHOST.EXE - all three under User Name are shown as SYSTEM Is this correct and if not, what should I do about them?

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Running Old 16-bit Programs In Win XP-SP3

Nov 13, 2008

Played the game with no problems until recently. The computer's OS was a mess, so I destroyed the C: partition, reinstalled Win XP and updated it to SP-3, reloaded all the programs and restored her backed-up working files. The computer now runs like a screamin' mini, with no OS problems -- save one. Can't even run setup.exe to install it. After ending that attempt and removing the CD, Task Manager still shows setup.exe and wowexec.exe running. When I 'end task', I get "The request to end the selected 16 bit task has timed out. Win 16 bit subsystems may be unstable." tried to lead my friend through the Program Compatibility Wizard, but it still does not run.

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IE.exe Running - Can't Open Cmd

Nov 9, 2008

I am running a up-to-date version of winXP with AVG antivirus on it. Months ago i updated with the SP2 and tried to run an old Flash movie which had some batch files running PDF files from a folder. Suddenly a popup window came up with "10 seconds to shutdown" message and eventually the system shutdown. After that I am unable to run "cmd" from the run or whenever i try running the command window form any other application or uninstallation process my PC goes off. The installation stopped saying that there are two instances of iexplore.exe running in the processes. I tried to kill the process but it starts again. Two iexplore.exe is still running in the process window. When ever i try to shutdown the PC a "End Now" message will popup to end running "iexplore.exe", then shuts down.

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EXE Files Not Running At All

Sep 10, 2008

I've recently reformatted and re-installed Windows on my computer. Now, some exe files won't run properly. By not running properly, I mean they are not running at all. I'll double click on an icon, the file flashes up in task manager for a second and then vanishes.

This problem is apparent with IE, RPG Maker XP install files and others. I do have AV's on my comp, and they do scan regularly.

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HP Pavillion Running XP Pro

Feb 19, 2008

I have a HP Pavillion running XP Pro. After a Microsoft Auto update IE7 refuses to display any webpage. I have tried restoring to an earlier date but none of the restore points work. I downloaded Mozilla Firefox on my Acer laptop and installed the downloaded file onto the Pavillion. Firefox took all of it's settings from IE7, and works the perfectly. When I shut down my laptop the same Microsoft auto update occurred and promptly killed IE7 on the laptop. I tried removing the updates and have completely removed IE7, downloaded a fresh version from Microsoft and re-installed it but the problem remains the same neither the Pavillion or the Laptop will display a webpage using IE7, but Firefox works perfectly on both. I have also tried turning off the firewall. I am using Kaspersky Internet Security suit.I like Firefox better than IE7 but I want to fix the problem as a matter of principle, any help would be much appreciated.

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Too Much Running At Startup

Sep 11, 2006

My PC seems to be slow starting up so this is what MSCONFIG shows in startup. Are there any that can safely be 'unchecked' ? Is that the correct way to stop them runing at startup?

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Running Repair On XP

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to run a repair on windows xp, using the installation disk. I get to the point where I am suppose to choose the operation system that I want to repair but it is not there. It gives me the correct drive but there is no indication of the operating system. Since it is not there I can not choose "r" to repair. My only option is to install of quit. I'm guessing something happened when I originally installed xp.

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D Drive Not Running

Jul 14, 2006

My laptop has won't run either my D drive nor my external CD reader/writer when I put a CD into the drive(s).I recently had to free up some space on my hard-disk and deleted quite a lot of files but can't seem to restore them. Now I can't load some new software from a CD-Rom I have just acquired.Neither the D drive or external E drive are recognized when I pull up Windows Explorer. I think I must have wiped out a vital piece of driver software when I deleted. (A pop-up appears saying "file needed hpzcom05.dll" but I can't seen to find that either.)In C drive 'Properties' it states "Driver might be missing or corrupted (code 39)" but how, please do I rectify this fault?

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Scannow Sfc Running And No CD

Jan 24, 2009

I'm in the middle of troubleshooting an issue with an external hard drive, and someone sent me to an article about scannow sfc. The instructions made it sound like it's just another scan, but now it appears that if I don't have a CD ready I'm stuck in some process I can only safely get out of if I somehow find the proper CD. The process didn't get very far before it asked for a CD to copy files to the DLL Cache. I tried to cancel, but I get a warning that I'll need the CD later, and if I want to skip that step. I have no idea how and when I'll be able to get my hands on a CD for XP Pro SP2 (most of my friends prefer Mac). There must be some way to shut down this process.And could someone tell me if it's okay to at least unplug the external hard drive, so I can turn it off for the night, or is it also involved in this process?

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Xp Running Out Of Resources

Aug 16, 2007

running xp sp2 on a dell inspiron 9300, xp sometimes starts to lose resources, failing to open new applications, new explorer windows or lacking parts of guis in applications, such as explorer button bars or parts of menues. but if i then close an already open application to free some ressources and repeat the action that failed (e.g. opening a new explorer window) xp might be able to do it properly. i can repeat this a couple of times, until i'm down at only a minimal number of windows/apps and will have to reboot. after reboot, everything is normal again.

here's some more examples of strange things i've seen:

- explorer windows won't open at all, no error msg, system sometimes 'beeps'

- an explorer window might not display the buttons-area under the menu, but only a windows-logo in the center.

- an explorer window might display without the task area (blue area) that's usually on the left side

- whole applications won't start, sometimes giving error messages, sometimes not

there is no consistant error message that would identify which resource type the system is running out on. the system is constantly scanned for viruses, trojans, et. al. using symantec antivirus and hijackthis. there is more than enough memory (2gig) and taskman will display enough free memory when i encounter those situations. the system is used daily (sleep mode at night, no hibernation) and the problem might show up after 3 days or only after 3 weeks.i first suspected photoshop and dreamweaver to mess up something when running in parallel, because the problem always showed up shortly after those two apps had been run together. i stopped doing that, and found that it still happens, but it will just take longer.

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Something Running In Background

Jul 7, 2005

On my task bar a program starts to run. It only stays in the taskbar for 1 second and there are no words or icon. When I am playing a game this stops the game. How can I find out what this is? I have run virus check, spybot,adaware, and scan disk and defragmented.

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