Every time I log on my web browser takes me to my hme page although it is set at 'About Blank' When I close this down it asks me if I want to disconnect. How can I stop this happening? Also, I am about to change from dial up (yep a bit slow) to broadband. Is it best to remove my old dial up programme? It also came with basic Norton security but I looked in Add/Remove progs to uninstall but can't find it anywhere?
So I have an XP home disk (better than nothing) that is pre SP1! I know.. Gay... Can I stream in XP2 without having to Stream SP1 into the disk and not have any problems?
<font color=red>"Battling Gimps and Dimbulbs HERE at THGC"</font color=red>
When I start up my PC, the messenger table comes up on the screen straight away and blots out my normal homepage. I have noticed that the little messenger icon is at the bottom righ hand side of the screen in the start up section.Does any one know how to get rid of this. I want to keep messenger but I do not want it coming up on my screen every time I start the PC.
Apologies in advance for this being in the wrong place, etc. I'm just a little stuck, and not the most savvy person with computers.So, I have this laptop - Windows XP. Maybe a year old. Never had any problems with it before. But about two days ago, I turned it on and it just started repeating the letter 'j'. With irregular pauses. Even if there wasn't any programs running - straight from the start screen, when I went to type in my password - j. jjj. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Though, y'know, it was just a series of dots, since it was in the password box. But.they were 'j's. It doesn't seem to matter whether there is actually anything like Word open, either. After getting rather annoyed at the computer, and button-mashing the entire keyboard, it stopped repeating 'j' and started on '`'. Not... not actually better.
when i log on to my laptop it begins to load up my desktop and it only gets as far as the wallpaper then it immediately logs me off again. so i cant get into my comp to try and fix it.
I have no idea why, but when i try to hibernate, the computer goes straight to BSOD and then resets, boots windows and its as if nothing ever happened. WTF Is going on?
I use windows xp professinal edition. Now I got a problem that I can't not set homepage in it. when I try the input a http address in homepage setting box, it will be come back to about blank status. I have try to edit windows registry to solve the problem, but I don't know which entry I should edit it.I only know that under Current user software Microsoft internet explorer main home page to set a new homepage entry. But it doesn't work after.I close the registry editor. It seems I cann't change homepage setting. Can someone can tell me in which location I should modify the registry key so that I can set homepage.
I was playing around with IE one day and I found out that you can override any homepage setting in Internet Options. If you have spyware, or come accross it frequently, then this is a very good tweak for you. 1. Right-click on the IE icon on your desktop. 2. Select Properties3. Now in the "Target" box you will see "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" Now by adding the url of the site to the end of this it overrides any Homepage setting in internet options. ex: "C:Program FilesInternet xplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" www.sdgamerz.tk Editor's note: This works only with a custom shortcut to Internet Explorer not the default one that opens Internet Options when you choose "properties".
I'm a regular FF user, but lately just for kicks I have been using IE. Now for some reason, no matter what I set my home page to(blank, default, Google.com), And all I see is a blank blue page, with a title bar of "Customize Your Settings".
I just bout a new IBM/Lenovo X40. It has winxp pro and internet explorer 6.0. The default homepage is msn.com. Everytime I change it to something else it will change right back to msn.com when I reboot.
i had a computer which had a pretty bad visus on it. i think i got the virus out but now it wont start.I tried to do a repair of windows with what i thought was the disc for the pc, turns out it was a different xp version than the one on the pc. So how i have the original corrupted windows, and the repair version of xp on the machine. Both of which will not even run.Its really important that i get the data of the pc, that was the whole point of what i am doing. the computer starts, then said it didnt load, i choose how i want to start the pc, safe mode...etc and then it freezes.Sometimes it just goes straight to a black screen, and i can no longer get it to boot from the windows disc.
When i try to log in i get error message 80048820 i have tried EVERYTHING, i have looked on websites and tried all the things they suggested for this problem, but it still ceases to wAlso since this problem has been occuring, internet explorer keeps setting the hompage to http://www.messengersite.net/forum/portal.htm and whenever i reset it to bbc.co.uk, it goes back the next time i open a new explorer window, i think these two might be linked somehow, any suggestions lads
When trying to check "my account" on a webpage it doesn't let me navigate, it boots me out back to the sign in page. I can sign in and see the welcome page (it says "Welcome and my name") but when I try to go to another page in the site (for example "my account") it won't let me go. Also my internet homepage is Yahoo, when I refresh or open to the homepage Yahoo never loads ... I have to click "GO" to get the page to load. Are these two problems related somehow? Anyone?
Ok my homepage is set to Yahoo.com and in the bar where you search , whenever you type a letter similar to something typed earlier it shows a list of all items searched with that letter or word. How can I stop it from doing this? I don't want to see list of all items searched
A friend has windows xp professional and is having problems setting up a home page. He has tried going to control panel and it seems that it just will not take it.
i took my computer to pc world to have a new driver fitted and now when i click on internet icon to connect it connects up ok but wont open my home page. it just stays on my desk top. i have to double click on the icon again to open it up. not a big problem but i just want it back to how it was.
Internet Explorer/Internet Options/Homepage has a lot of addresses for Homepage options that are sites I've visited but never used for my homepage, and I can't get rid of them. Delete doesn't work, control/delete doesn't work.
When I use Juno on my HP it stops responding while loading its homepage. I can end the program now. Click on Internet Explorer and continue in the Internet. But then come the problem. About a half hour after I close the Internet Explorer. My machine freezes. I pull the plug plug it back in and it boots up like nothing happens. I have a dual boot on this machine. Just put in Linspire about two weeks ago because of this problem. Juno works fine under Linspire. So I know it is not Juno nor HP so it has to be with Windows XP.
I was doing a clean up with Ccleaner etc and in my haste I did not take note of what I was clicking. Spybot Search and Destroy flashed up and I clicked to allow, or not allow as the case may be, to do something to, from what I can remember, 'WLON' or something similarly named. In any case, what happens now is that I fire up the computer, enter my password, the desktop briefly flashes up for a split second(no icons) and then it immediately logs off and goes to password entry again.