So I have an XP home disk (better than nothing) that is pre SP1! I know.. Gay... Can I stream in XP2 without having to Stream SP1 into the disk and not have any problems?
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Every time I log on my web browser takes me to my hme page although it is set at 'About Blank' When I close this down it asks me if I want to disconnect. How can I stop this happening? Also, I am about to change from dial up (yep a bit slow) to broadband. Is it best to remove my old dial up programme? It also came with basic Norton security but I looked in Add/Remove progs to uninstall but can't find it anywhere?
When I start up my PC, the messenger table comes up on the screen straight away and blots out my normal homepage. I have noticed that the little messenger icon is at the bottom righ hand side of the screen in the start up section.Does any one know how to get rid of this. I want to keep messenger but I do not want it coming up on my screen every time I start the PC.
Apologies in advance for this being in the wrong place, etc. I'm just a little stuck, and not the most savvy person with computers.So, I have this laptop - Windows XP. Maybe a year old. Never had any problems with it before. But about two days ago, I turned it on and it just started repeating the letter 'j'. With irregular pauses. Even if there wasn't any programs running - straight from the start screen, when I went to type in my password - j. jjj. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. Though, y'know, it was just a series of dots, since it was in the password box. But.they were 'j's. It doesn't seem to matter whether there is actually anything like Word open, either. After getting rather annoyed at the computer, and button-mashing the entire keyboard, it stopped repeating 'j' and started on '`'. Not... not actually better.
when i log on to my laptop it begins to load up my desktop and it only gets as far as the wallpaper then it immediately logs me off again. so i cant get into my comp to try and fix it.
I have no idea why, but when i try to hibernate, the computer goes straight to BSOD and then resets, boots windows and its as if nothing ever happened. WTF Is going on?
i had a computer which had a pretty bad visus on it. i think i got the virus out but now it wont start.I tried to do a repair of windows with what i thought was the disc for the pc, turns out it was a different xp version than the one on the pc. So how i have the original corrupted windows, and the repair version of xp on the machine. Both of which will not even run.Its really important that i get the data of the pc, that was the whole point of what i am doing. the computer starts, then said it didnt load, i choose how i want to start the pc, safe mode...etc and then it freezes.Sometimes it just goes straight to a black screen, and i can no longer get it to boot from the windows disc.
I tried to slipstream XP w/sp1 with sp2 but when I run this command in command prompt: "xpsp2.exe -x:c:sp2 " the file begins to extract but then it says "file is corrupt" and stops. I have a sp2 disk directly from Microsoft and it's not scratched or anything, I even went to their site and downloaded the file KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe and it still came back saying "file is corrupt"
What i have done so far is copy the contents of my XP cd to a folder on my d: called XP-CD which contained a total of 12 files and folders. I then d/l XP-SP3 to a folder called XP-SP3 which had 1 file called windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe. I copied that file and pasted it into the XP-CD folder which now contains 13 files and folders. I then right clicked on windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe and selected extracted here. After that was done I still only had 13 files and folders in my XP-CD folder. The question I have is shouldn't I have seen more than 13 files and folders after I extracted the file windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe
I want to make a slipstreamed XP setup CD's using my XP Home and XP Pro SP1 CD's.
First question: I have to make separate CD's for XP Home and XP Pro, right? For example, If I only built the XP Pro CD, it wouldn't work with the CD key for my XP Home CD?
Second Question: My XP Home Install disk was pre SP1. So I have to include the SP1A, SP2, and SP3 downloads on it? For my XP Pro SP1, I include SP2 and SP3.
I have an XP version 2002 disk. To get all the updates on there do I have to slipstream all the service packs onto it up to SP3 or can I just do SP3?Also, does XP version 2002 even have SP1 on it?
I was doing a clean up with Ccleaner etc and in my haste I did not take note of what I was clicking. Spybot Search and Destroy flashed up and I clicked to allow, or not allow as the case may be, to do something to, from what I can remember, 'WLON' or something similarly named. In any case, what happens now is that I fire up the computer, enter my password, the desktop briefly flashes up for a split second(no icons) and then it immediately logs off and goes to password entry again.
i was told that one could create a 'slipstream' disc on which xp pro, sp2, and updates after are installed during installation. True? If so how? I reinstall my OS each year and it would be a blessing to install all at one time.
I could reformat their computers with Windows XP Pro. I have been thinking about this and have come up with 2 choices: use nLite or something similar and create a slip stream-type format, Format one and then create an image of the new format using Acronis or Ghost and use it on all the others. Opinions Also, they have 5 or 6 different types of computers. That is, there are eMachines, Dells, etc. I doubt they have original install discs with drivers
I read the article on how to slipstream SP2 into a new installation CD but is there any way to integrate up-to-date drivers (chipset, SATA, GPU) into it aswell?
I have heard before that you can make a disk that will incorperate both the original XP program & then SP2 using the slipstream procedure. Can this slipstream idea be taken further with XP? Like could you create a disk that would also have all of the other updates incorperated onto your backup disk as well Can slipstreaming be done with any other programs from other suppliers where there are lots of updates
A way to load a slipstreamed XP install onto a USB drive and still be bootable? The USB drive will be used to install a customized setup of XP onto a group of non-networked PCs that do not have an optical drive, but do have an open USB port. My hope was to not have to drag around the external optical drive, as well as the extension cord needed due to the lack of available power outlets near each PC.
Following the directions at: Using Roxio Creator 9 - Classic Here is my issue. This is the part on the instructions that isn't working. There, it shows the system files in the Project section. Here is my screen And, for your ease of helping me out, here are my settings.
Does anybody know if its possible to slipstream IE7 into and SP2 into an XP bootable CD. I suspect the genuine advantage download will make it not possible but I know its possible to install IE7 without Genuine Advantage installed. Its a lengthy workaround so figure slipstreaming impossible. I have a slipstream SP2 XP cd but it would be really useful if I could get IE7 on there as well. Don't even know if IE7 can be slipstreamed.
I have no problems creating a slipstream for SP2 and running it but i would like to find a way to customize the install a little bit more. I have about 120 clients that i need to push XP pro Sp2 too. We are going to be using an SMS server to do this. I have pushed service packs in the past with this and it works like a charm however all previous service packs did not include the firewall client. Slipstream a new version of SP2 or use another medium to accomplish this that will create a sp2 install without user interaction and without the firewall client enabled.
I am using ISObuster 1.9.1 (I notice in the tutorial paul uses 1.6) I choose the node bootable cd and can see the microsoft corparation img. and allows me to extract to a folder on my c: drive but when browsing the drive with the nero 6 program I do not find the ISO image in it's folder. If this needed to be a new thread rather than a but in.
I'm trying to create a bootable slipstreamed CD with Windows XP SP2. I have everything extracted and the update applied to the files. Files are on the hard drive. The problem is in burning the CD.I'm using Nero 7 Ultra. I choose Boot CD and check the box to enable expert features (according to instructions: ttp:// problem is that the box doesn't stay checked. Consequently, the CD doesn't boot. I've removed and reinstalled Nero and rebooted several times. No error messages, nothing. I check the box, click OK, go to Compilation Properties, and the box is unchecked