Sort Error : Change The File "ExtraWork0507.xls"

Jul 19, 2005

I've noticed an error in the sorting of files in Windows Explorer. It
appears that after the filename gets to be a certain size, it no longer uses
just the actual sorting of the filename, but starts to consider the size of
the filename.

Example - These files get sorted in this order:


If you change the file "ExtraWork0507.xls" to be named "ExtraWork05071.xls", it shows after "ExtraWork05052-050601.xls" file as expected (but maybe if this bug was consistent, these two would show in the reverse order). If you change the "ExtraWork05041.xls" file to be named "ExtraWork0504.xls", it shows above the "ExtraWork0507.xls" file.Haven't tested enough to see at what file name length this behaviour occurs.
I'll leave it up to Microsoft to do the extensive testing on this, but we have a couple applications that process the files in a directory, expecting them to be in alphabetical order, and this may affect others with similar applications as well.

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Particular Dll File - Sort Of Reg Cure

Dec 19, 2008

For weeks now I've been getting an RUNDLL error message that pops up after i restart my XP machine.It says "Error loading C:WINDOWSsystem32urmonsag.dll" Now I'm pretty sure that this has been thrown up by some sort of virus that has done a bit of damage in the past but for whatever reason I can't get rid of it.Has anyone come across this particular dll file or can anyone tell me a way of sorting it without having to download some sort of "Reg Cure" style program? I'm sure there must be a manual fix.

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Folder Sort : Reverse The Folder Sort From A To Z With Subfolders Up Front

Jun 16, 2006

In using Windows XP Explorer seaching for files Win XP is sorting the files alphbetically..z to A with subfolders at the end. How do I reverse the Folder Sort from A to Z with subfolders up front?

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Any Sort Of Scandisk?

Sep 8, 2005

is there any sort of scandisk on windows xp

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Sort Out In Alphabetical Order

Mar 22, 2008

I'm looking for a way to sort out a list of stuff into alphabetical order.The list is in notepad, but i could put it in RTF if that would help.Or into wordpad.

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Weird Mouse Glitch - Sort By Name

Oct 30, 2006

here's one that has me stumped. My right click option on one particular thing doesn't work. That particular thing being when I choose All Programs and then try to access a program by right clicking on it nothing happens. How I found this was I was going to "Sort by name" and get the programs in alphabetical order but I can't. In every other aspect the right click option works fine.

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Fixboot Command Doesnot Sort Out The Partition

Sep 21, 2008

After a catalogue of other mistakes and errors, I've found myself in the following situation which I'm hoping one of you might be able to help with... I somehow managed to mess up my partitions so that when I used the Windows XP boot CD, it seemed to think there were two partitions, one which was unpartitioned space and another which was available. The unpartitioned space was actually my main XP partition with my current windows installation and all my files on it etc.

So - and this may have been a very silly thing to do - I went into recovery console and issued a 'fixboot' command. It succesfully did the fixboot, but then it didn't sort out my partitions. Now when I try to boot my computer, it keeps giving me the NTLDR Missing message.

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Sort Start Menu In Alphabetical Order

Aug 12, 2002

When you move programs around in your WindowsXP start menu, the OS will stop arranging it when you add new software. This happens when you move items from your user start menu to the all users start menu. Here is the fix:1. Open regedit (Start -> Run. Type regedit)2. Navigate to Remove the order key by right clicking and going to delete.4. Log out then back in.I wish they would include a feature that was in Windows 2000 that let you resort the start menu!

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Recycle Bin Details View Does Not Correctly Sort

Mar 14, 2006

My "Recycle Bin" will not display the files within it with the correct filters while in the "Details" view.For example, I have the "View" set to "Details", and the two columns I have showing are "Name" and "Type", with "Name" selected as the preferred sort order.With those settings in place, the "Recycle Bin" is not displaying the files in the correct order.I am not sure of the order that it is displaying them, as I can't pick-up on any pattern.

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Abetterinternet - Aurora - Sort Of Adware Or Spyware

Feb 7, 2006

I'm trying to get rid of abetterinternet.aurora which I believe to be some sort of adware or spyware. I get appeox123 problems from it everytime I run Spybot. Spybot get rid of the problems but they keep coming back

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Sort The PINNED Items In Start Menu - Rearrange Dragging

Jan 27, 2006

I want to "sort by name" the PINNED items in the XP start menu. I know I can rearrange by dragging, but this is cumbersome. How can i quickly sort them?

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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Can Change File Extension?

Nov 11, 2005

I have a folder full of pictures of my greatgrandson who passed away last month. The extension on each picture is .jpg. I sent the folder to my daughter and she couldn't open it because the extension on the folder is .ink.

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Cannot Delete File: File System Error(1148), WIN2K

Apr 16, 2005

I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.

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Cannot Copy File - Error Read From Source File Or Disk

Aug 27, 2005

I usually backup my weeks work on Friday afternoons. What I do is run a "search" for all files created or modified within the last 7 days and then "copy" all relevant files to a folder on an external hard drive, and then burn a CD.

Everynow and then, I get the following message. "Cannot Copy File: Cannot Read From the Source File or Disk"

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Root Error: File Is Missing Or Corrupt/ Reload The File?

Nov 23, 2007

When I turn my laptop on I get the following message The following file is missing or corrupt - please reload the file <windows root>system32hal.dall

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How To Change File System - Fat32

Jan 21, 2009

My OS is windowXP pro sp2. My hard disk has two partitions c: and D:. they are all in NTFS file-system. Now I want to change D: into Fat32 file-system

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How Do Change File Extension From GIF To JPEG?

Dec 16, 2006

How do I change a file extension from GIF to JPEG? I want to change a picture from GIF to JPEG. Is there a way to do this. I scanned the pictures into my computer. I want to upload them to Shutterfly, but they do not accept GIF.

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Cannot Change Folder & File Attributes?

Apr 19, 2008

The problem is that when I try to change folder/file attributes, I click on Apply and OK. Once that is done, the attributes reset back to what it was before.I've tried to unset "Read-Only" for a folder, but it stays Read-Only. Any way to fix this?

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Change To Audio File When Confirm Login

Apr 27, 2008

does anybody know how to change to audio file when i confirm my login, you know that little sound it produces. Can i change that?

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Outlook Express - .dbx File - How To Change Pathway

Jun 23, 2008

I moved an inbox file (inbox (2).dbx) from one computer to another. I want Outlook Express on the second computer to open that folder when I click on the the "Inbox" folder in the list of folders, but instead, it creates a new (and empty) inbox.dbx folder rather that opening the inbox (2).dbx file. On the originating computer, the Inbox folder in the list of folders has a path to the inbox (2).dbx file, while on the newer computer, the path is to a non-existent inbox.dbx file (which Outlook Express creates anew each time I open it on the second computer). I would like to be able to change the path of the Inbox folder in Outlook Express on the second computer so that it opens the inbox (2).dbx file and does not create another inbox.dbx instead.

I want this so that I can synchronize my email account between the two computers (without having to change the name of the inbox (2).dbx to inbox.dbx every time. I can find no way to alter the path of the Inbox
folder so that it opens the inbox (2).dbx file on the second computer. And if I click on the inbox (2).dbx file and tell Windows to open it in Outlook Express, it opens Outlook Express, but still there is no folder containing the contents of the inbox (2).dbx file visible in Outlook Express! How do I change the pathway so that the Inbox folder in Outlook Express opens the inbox (2).dbx file?

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Change The File Location For Save Target As

May 20, 2010

I routinely download the latest set of filters for my anti-spam program, and Windows routinely wants to save them in My Documents, by default. I ALAWYS save the file (filters.txt) to the following location (by Right-clicking the file):C:Documents and SettingsMickApplication DataMailWasherPro, Is there any way that that I can: Save this particular file to the abovementioned Path, by default? Without disturbing Windows current, Save In My Documents setting? I am using WinXP Professional SP3 (fully updated).

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Change The Default Folder / File View

Nov 16, 2007

And of course you can go in and change it to sort by "Type" or view as "Icons" or "Thumbnails" but as so as you close it it reverts, and the next time you open it it will be back to "List" view, arranged by "Name."Having it sorted by name is acceptable, so as i said it never really bothered me, but now one of my computers is sorting by "Modified" which is just not working for me.So basically I'm trying to find out if there is a way to change the default folder/file view in these basic Open, Save, Save As, etc dialog box's.

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Unable To Change WinPaging File Size

May 2, 2005

On my Dell Desktop, I reformatted and reinstalled Windows XP SP2 4 months ago. Today, I tried to adjust the Paging File size but could not. The machine will go through the motions of allowing a change then call for the required reboot when I changed the file size, but after reboot, the old file size is unchanged. I cannot change it to having the system manage the file, nor can I change the custom file size.

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Explorer - Change The Icon For The File Folder

Nov 6, 2007

I have a laptop running Windows XP Home Edition. I just got into a little trouble with my explorer. Whenever I double-click on a folder, it opens in a new window, not in the same one. I even changed "folder option>>general>>open each folder in same window" but with no result. I was actually trying to change the icon for the 'file folder' and I dont really know what I did (went to 'folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced>>change icon....but I changed the icon back to the original icon again) , but from that time, I am unable to change it back to open folders in the same window. In the 'actions' (folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced) section (after i changed the icon) all I could see was a 'find' option. It was opening 'search' window every time I double clicked on a folder, so I created a new action called open and selected 'explorer' as the application to use and then set this 'open' as default. Although it solved the initial problem of opening the 'search' window, it still opens every folder in a new window.

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Every Downloaded File Gets CRC Error (Corrupted File)?

Oct 12, 2009

I have had this problem for quite a time now. Everytime I try to download a file it is corrupt.For instance, I tried downloading a movie clip off rapidshare and although its only 3 files and 300MB, it always came as CRC error check failed. I tried downloading it from multiple servers of rapidshare but had no success. I also tried downloading other files yet I am having no success downloading anything.

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Folder Icons Lost- File Extensions To Change

Aug 12, 2005

Go to control panel, folder options. Click on the File Types tab. Scroll to the file extensions you want to change and click change. Select the program you want. But it will not let me apply it as the apply button is grayed out.

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Page File Size Change - Corrupted Registry

Oct 3, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension 5100 with Winxp pro sp3 1 Meg of RAM and extra 500 gig hd:
I changed (increaded) the Page File zise (Virtual Memory) on both drives and it corrupted the Registry. Now it does not even let me re-install winxp on that drive. Towards the end of the installation I get a message that it cannot copy certain files. The file names varies according to the SP version on the winxp pro cd.
Also, I lost the original OS disk from DELL.

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Cannot Change Temp Internet File Cache Size?

Jul 25, 2005

I can not change the size of the Internet Temp File cache. The slide bar moves, but the size of the file remains the same. No matter what size I select, 10, 15, or 20mb, the error message "Set size to 1 or 0" appears. If I set the size to 1, I get the same error msg. This is causing no end of problems with my e-mail. It takes upwards of 45 seconds to open each e-mail. And in most cases I can not go to any ref'ed URL mentioned in an e-mail.

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Managing Change Settings - Recognise File Type

Sep 17, 2007

Just one very quick and propably simple question. somehow i managed to change a setting somewhere that has made all the files on my computer have the file type e.g. .jpg or .bmp at the end of every file name, how can i change this so it goes back to normall.for example i have; picture.jpg istead of just picture as the file name

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Change File Ownership In Home In Non Safe Mode?

Sep 19, 2005

Is there a way to change file/folder ownership in windows XP home edition without booting into safe mode to access the security tab

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