First things first: WinXP Pro, SP2 fully up to date but system restore is turned off.Trying to get Windows Explorer to export a directory tree to a text file the other day instead of doing it via command line, I messed something up and can't get it back. In Explorer, this is where I was: Tools >> Folder Options >> File Types >> File Folder >>I managed to insert the script that I wanted, but somewhere along the way I made a mistake and set it to Default. Now, whenever I click on an folder in Explorer it runs whatever is set as default. I can "Default" a lot of things (enqueue in Winamp, play in VLC Media Player, Find, etc) but none of them is the simple "Open" command. I looked around at a couple other things (namely "Folder" and Firefox) in the File Types box, and while they both have Open commands included, I can't "Edit" them to see what kind of command they are running.
When I right click on Start and choose Explore, the default folder is C:..bla blaStart Menu.I want to change that so the default folder that opens is my network drive. I have found how to change the target folder when I go to Programs>Accessories>Windows Explorer (change the Target in Properties), but that change did not affect the window that opens up when I right click on the Start menu and choose Explore.
And of course you can go in and change it to sort by "Type" or view as "Icons" or "Thumbnails" but as so as you close it it reverts, and the next time you open it it will be back to "List" view, arranged by "Name."Having it sorted by name is acceptable, so as i said it never really bothered me, but now one of my computers is sorting by "Modified" which is just not working for me.So basically I'm trying to find out if there is a way to change the default folder/file view in these basic Open, Save, Save As, etc dialog box's.
I managed to completely mess myself up with one mouse click. D'oh. Essentially, some joker put a theme which set EVERYTHING to black windows, text fields, text, background, everything in my theme file and I accidentally hamfistedly clicked it. This means I can't see a danged thing. I can't see the window if I right click, I can't see what I'm doing to change the theme back to something viewable. So essentially my question is this. is there a way to *force* the theme/colour of your desktop and windows to revert to Windows default BEFORE you finish the boot process i.e. bios, etc. or from the cmd line alone? (No regedit - I can type in command line but not in regedit.)I'd rather not have to do a system restore, I'd lose a bunch of stuff I really don't want to lose!
I just bought a new Dell Inspiron 530 with WinXP Home. Everything is working fine ACCEPT, every time I do a cold restart of my computer the Display setting return to 'Windows XP Style'. I keep setting it to 'Windows Classic Style' with a green background and green title bar is individual windows. In addition, I have the sound set to 'No Sound' so all the beep and bells are shut off, that also reset itself to the default of endless annoying beep and whistles. I tried creating my own display Theme called 'Green-1'. When the computer does a power-up Start, the Themes display still says 'Green-1' but the display has been reset to 'Win XP Style'. However, the Start Menu and the background color remain as I set them (classic and green respectively).A warm power-on Restart some will maintain the setting and sometimes will not.
I have a recurring problem on Folder Views / Folder Types that has been bugging me for a long time. You can customize a folder with a "folder type" - Documents, Pictures, Music, Video, etc - which comes with a default view and a list of default attributes most relevant to the type (artist and album title for music, dimension for video, etc). You can also setup so that the settings are "memorized". However, the memory seems to be quite short term for some of my folders. They tend to randomly reset themselves and there seems to be a consistent but unrecognizable pattern. For example, my "My Documents" folder is always changed to a pictures folder, while some of my music folders are changed to video
I have a laptop running Windows XP Home Edition. I just got into a little trouble with my explorer. Whenever I double-click on a folder, it opens in a new window, not in the same one. I even changed "folder option>>general>>open each folder in same window" but with no result. I was actually trying to change the icon for the 'file folder' and I dont really know what I did (went to 'folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced>>change icon....but I changed the icon back to the original icon again) , but from that time, I am unable to change it back to open folders in the same window. In the 'actions' (folder options>>file types>>file folder>>advanced) section (after i changed the icon) all I could see was a 'find' option. It was opening 'search' window every time I double clicked on a folder, so I created a new action called open and selected 'explorer' as the application to use and then set this 'open' as default. Although it solved the initial problem of opening the 'search' window, it still opens every folder in a new window.
Edit: I noticed alot of (no file) entries in the hijackthis report.I have some problems that might be related to eachother. -Winlogon and Explorer.exe both crashed a couple of times last few days. Winlogon crashed when I signed off one ofthe accounts (resulting in a reset), explorer.exe crashed while signing i(resulting in a manual reset while frozen). -Today I noticed in the configuration screen, doubleclicking on something there tells me I cannot open it because some other program has it in use. Translated to english, the error msg would be something like: This file is currently in use by another program. As a result I cannot open anything in the configuration menu
I am running WINXP Pro after having to do a clean install (Network card failed and corrupted something?) I have a bunch of files that I could not access, figured out I had to take permission of them as individual files (I could see in the folders, just not the open the files) I've had to keep doing this every time I move a hard drive to another PC. My question is how do I reset all the file sharing permissions so that anybody on any network/pc can access the files?
hi guys,i,m having a problem changing my pagefile.i have it set to 1536 and when i restart the pc it says currently allocated is can i reset to 1536mb.i have 512 memory and a amd xp 2600 hp.
WinXP uses Documents & Settings as the default folder to store downloads, Word files, etc. How can I make another folder the default, so that when I start to download a file, it automatically opens MyDocs New. I know I can change the defaults on Word, Excel. but I want to change WinXP.
Windows Explorer used to open with the C: drive expanded and the display positioned roughly halfway down the list. Now it's opening with My Documents expanded. Is it possible to change the default display? I prefer the C drive display.(WinXP Home SP2)
If I double-click a file (or folder) in Windows Explorer, by default the computer opens the file or folder in another program (Virus Scan) and begins to scan it. Obviously, I don't want this. Normally, I should be able to hit ENTER, double-click, or right-click and select the first option, which should be open the folder or file in Explorer. However, this is not so, and I can't figure out what Default setting I changed in order to change the Default operation for any files or folders I select. I've poked around in the File Types tab of Folder Options (for Explorer) but this doesn't work
When you try to save an image in Microsoft Internet Explorer, the image will only save by the default bmp only. For example, when you right-click an image on a Web page, and then click Save Picture As, the file name that appears is Untitled, and the file type that appears is .bmp, instead of the right file name and type.This behavior occurs when a Damaged or Unknown program file (active or java) is downloaded to the downloaded program files folder. To troubleshoot and resolve this, empty the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder, and then delete any files in the Downloaded Program Files folder that are listed as either Unknown or Damaged.
Has anyone figured out a way to remove bing as the default search engine when using IE Explorer 6? I know MS fixed this problem with IE Explorer 7 & 8 but I can't find anything on the removal in IE 6?
Internet explorer default pages for events such as navigation canceled, navigation failed, offline information, and blank page are stored in the registry. You can replace these pages with your own if you would like to customize Internet Explorer. Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerAboutURLs Modify the key values to the full path on the hard drive. C:page.htm
In Regedit go to:HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerChange the value of the string "Download Directory" to the new path you want to assign as IE's Default Download directory i.e. "D:" has been assigned as my new download directory.
Recently when starting Internet Explorer 6,instead of going straight to my Google Home Page,it instead go to; A click on Critical Updates for IE6 at this page then starts trumpeting "Microsoft Update". Is Microsoft trying to get me to purchase something?
I am trying to copy my Quicken files and it states it automatically copies them in the Windows XP's temporary CD burning folder. How do I find this folder to copy these files onto a CD or DVD.
I'm played with the folder options over and over and for some reason ever though I have clicked open folder in same window and "launch folder window in a separate process" is NOT clicked, for some reason when I double click to open a folder it still opens it with a new window. Also, under file types it won't let me edit or remove the commands for folder, drive, and file folder.
How do I set it up so that when I boot up I automatically open in the root directory (C:). That is, I don't want to have to click on My Computer, C: each time I boot up.
I just added a "Directory List Print" to my right click options and somehow the default choice (highlighted at the top of the list) changed from "open" to "search".
Apparently the default selection governs what happens when you left click. I want to restore "open" as the default choice, but can't figure out how. Does it require a reg edit or a utility program or what? TIA
seems like with every new update done to Windows XP Home (SP2 + all current updates), I develop a new little annoyance.A few updates back, I noticed that when I change file associations to a specific program opening up my .jpgs, .tifs, and .gifs, from the default (Windows Picture & Fax Viewer), the newly-associated file does open the file, but the icons for those files remains as the default Windows Picture & Fax Viewer.(I suspect at the bottom of many of problems MAY be the installation of my Lexmark printer -- but then, it's a convenient scapegoat for everything!