Resulting In A Reset - Explorer.exe Crashed

Sep 2, 2006

Edit: I noticed alot of (no file) entries in the hijackthis report.I have some problems that might be related to eachother. -Winlogon and Explorer.exe both crashed a couple of times last few days. Winlogon crashed when I signed off one ofthe accounts (resulting in a reset), explorer.exe crashed while signing i(resulting in a manual reset while frozen). -Today I noticed in the configuration screen, doubleclicking on something there tells me I cannot open it because some other program has it in use. Translated to english, the error msg would be something like: This file is currently in use by another program. As a result I cannot open anything in the configuration menu

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IE 7, Don't Have .. Reset Internet Explorer Settings

Nov 26, 2006

the ...'Reset Internet Explorer Settings'... button, (in the advanced box)

have sp2

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Reset Explorer File Folder To Default

Mar 7, 2008

First things first: WinXP Pro, SP2 fully up to date but system restore is turned off.Trying to get Windows Explorer to export a directory tree to a text file the other day instead of doing it via command line, I messed something up and can't get it back. In Explorer, this is where I was: Tools >> Folder Options >> File Types >> File Folder >>I managed to insert the script that I wanted, but somewhere along the way I made a mistake and set it to Default. Now, whenever I click on an folder in Explorer it runs whatever is set as default. I can "Default" a lot of things (enqueue in Winamp, play in VLC Media Player, Find, etc) but none of them is the simple "Open" command. I looked around at a couple other things (namely "Folder" and Firefox) in the File Types box, and while they both have Open commands included, I can't "Edit" them to see what kind of command they are running.

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Explorer Crashed With An Odd Error Message

Nov 25, 2006

For a good while my HDD has been making really unhappy noises when cold booting. It sounds fine the rest of the time, including restarts and even reboots from off if the PC hasn't been switched off very long. Yet no major problems flagged in HDDLife or Event Manager. Then a couple of months ago my PC fell rather uniquely ill. Not only was there increased thrashing in explorer.exe, but direct-accessing drives and folders (either double-clicking or choosing the FIRST option in the right-click menu, regardless of what it was) caused an instant CTD as explorer crashed with an odd error message.

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Failed To Boot - Resulting In Only A Flashing Underscore

Jun 24, 2008

The unit has an HP mainboard 800mhz, a P4 2.6Ghz processor, 300Watt PSU, and all was well until until I actually attached a known good XP HDD to the otherwise completed system. It failed to boot, resulting in only a flashing underscore after the HP/P4 boot screen, no beeps. Same thing happens if I try to boot from an XP CD

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Internet Explorer 8 Crashed And Computer Won't Start Up

Nov 29, 2009

I was on Firefox, which didn't have flash, so i decided to switch to Internet explorer, when i opened the program, my screen froze and i could not click on anything, it began to flash randomly, I couldn't do anything so i shut down the computer by the power button. I restarted the computer everything still working, and went back into Internet explorer 8 to see if it was still doing it. Yet again it happened and I powered down. When i started it again, the bios screen had small faint lines going though it in some places it continued to boot and got to a blue screen, and then nothing happens.

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Random Freezing Of Screen Resulting In Hard Shut Down From Power Button

Jul 14, 2008

I have just had a mate of mine build a pc for me, from scratch, with all new parts. However, for some reason I get a random freezing of the screen resulting in a hard shut down from the Power button. This has happened a few times now, more than twice while in IE6 and once on the desktop. I originally thought it might be IE6 so I have installed IE7 and firefox just to be sure, then it froze while on the desktop straight after i logged in. The PC isn't running hot at all, as I said it froze after I logged in and there is definately no spyware or anything as its a new PC and the only thing i've installed on it is AVG & IE7.

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The Connection Has Been Reset?

Aug 21, 2006

I use a dial up modem to go online. Recently I started having probs. Sometime pages wouldn't load n the dollowing message would be shown (i use firefox) "the connection was reset". When i try downloading it some times tells that the source file couldnt be read. N sumtimes my firewall: kerio which is upposed to startup with my windows displays n error message about some udp socket n terminates. What xatly is the prob? is it sumthin to do with the phone line? Or is somethin wrong with my settings?

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How To Reset Dual Monitors?

May 29, 2005

I'm using a HP laptop with a second monitor. When I disconnect the extra monitor, programs still "load" on that system. How do I move them back to the laptop display.

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Reset The Welcome - Boot Screen

Oct 21, 2005

I set a new Boot Screen and Welcome Screen for Windows XP, then I uninstalled the program I used to set the new screens, and now I'm left with the new Windows XP Welcome Screen and the Boot Screen. How do I reset the Welcome and Boot Screen back into there origional state they were in ?

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Keep Having To Reset Password - Incorrect

Mar 31, 2007

In the last week I have three times tried to log on to my Windows XP Home system and been told after multiple tries that my password was incorrect (no, Caps lock wasn't on). Each time I was forced to log on to my wife's account and reset my password through the control panel. I was then able to log on but by the next day, I was seeing the same problem. I have now had to reset my password three times. This problem has never occurred before in 4 years with the system. My wife has reported the same problem, but claims that rebooting fixed it. I rebooted and was still unable to log on. I strongly suspect a virus, but I have VirusScan Professional on my work license and it updates the .dat files every day. I checked the logs and nothing found. I know about creating and using a password reset disk, but that doesn't fix the problem I'm having.

One option is that somebody else is messing with my password, but my son is off at college and my wife would not know how to do it. I asked my daughter about it and she says she didn't do it, and she is very trustworthy It has happened again since last night without her being on the computer, anyway. I am a very experienced computer user (20+ years) and type in dozens of passwords a day, so I know it's not a problem with my typing.

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How To Reset Administrator Password

Sep 5, 2005

I need to remove sotware from my computer but I don't have the Administrator password and that's the only Admin that I have. How can I reset the Admin password?

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How To Reset The Forgotten Password

Apr 22, 2005

I had forgot the password I use to log into windows and now I can't access my computer. Is there a way to reset it?

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Have To Reset Time And Date

Oct 31, 2007

i turn pc on it takes me to energy screen i have to put in the time and date doesn`t do it automatically it used too don`t know what i have done.

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Tcp/ip Reset Option In System

Dec 7, 2005

I was given a computer how do I reset the TCP IP.

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Reset The System Password

Jan 31, 2005

Installed an antivirus on the machine and when it restarted it was asking for a password. employee B gave it the password and the computer acted like it was going to start, but instead he said it did some strange things and now the password does not work. how can i reset the password if it does not get to where windows is running.

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How To Reset Administrator Policies?

Oct 28, 2009

I am having a problem when trying to install any program, even Microsoft updates. A box appears entitled WINDOWS INSTALLER with the message The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation. OR in the case of Windows updates: Another box with Some updates could not be installed

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 Security Update for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2 (KB953297) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86 I am always automatically signed in as the administrator. how to reset administrator policies?

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Able To Reset Password Prompt Popup

Aug 15, 2007

I want to be able to reset the password promt pop-up. I clicked on don't remember anymore passwords and I don't know how to find this prompter to let it remember passwords.

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Dialup 56K Modem Reset Problem

Sep 4, 2007

Due to frequent travel I still use a dialup connection on Guam, to save ISP fees for broadband.
After booting up and logging in to my ISP, Eudora and Firefox both work fine.

If I Disconnect from the ISP, and close the software.I cannot check email and Firefox cannot see any server.
So I have to reboot as I only have one phone line and need to keep the line clear...this is very annoying.

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Touchpad Settings Reset After Restart

Nov 30, 2006

I have a pavilion dv9000 notebook running XP and every time I change the pointer speed for the touchpad to its fastest setting it will reset itself to the default setting after I shutdown and reboot. I need the touchpad on its fastest setting because of the wide screen and the fact that I don't always have my wireless mouse w/ me. is having a Logitech wireless mouse installed. The setpoint.exe program for the wireless mouse runs in the background whether or not the mouse is connected.

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I Reset My Memory Cards For A Start

May 21, 2008

I was having problems due to SP3 but I didn't know it. I haven't seen any posts on it here but there's a big hubub over at the microsoft technet forum.) Ran a dell diagnostic and had many system memory failures come up. So, I decided to reseat my memory cards for a start. It was the first time I opened up my Dell Dimension 8400 (which I purchased about 4 years ago...I hope that gives some help as to what is in it because I really don't know besides that it has an intel pentium 4 inside). It was VERY dusty so we bought some canned air and went about cleaning it. I did use a vacuum on the inside cover but I was careful not to touch any of the componenets inside. I followed all of the instructions. We did blow air into the fan (something I didn't know wasn't good, per another site I went to later that said you shouldn't)! When we plugged everything back in it worked it's way up to a very loud whirring noise (I thought the fan was going to just break off and fly around the room!). Could be I just had never heard it run outside of the cupboard on my desk (which I now know I shouldn't have had it in)! But, the worst part is, my monitor does not come up with the computer (doesn't matter how many times I press the on/off on the monitor) and not even the lights on the keyboard light up

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How To Reset All File Sharing Permissions

Dec 2, 2006

I am running WINXP Pro after having to do a clean install (Network card failed and corrupted something?) I have a bunch of files that I could not access, figured out I had to take permission of them as individual files (I could see in the folders, just not the open the files) I've had to keep doing this every time I move a hard drive to another PC. My question is how do I reset all the file sharing permissions so that anybody on any network/pc can access the files?

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Way To Reset Way Browsers Display Popups

Sep 25, 2007

Whenever I open a popup window, especially in Firefox, it always opens in a skinny window that's too small for the content. Sometimes I can resize it, but other times I can't, so I'm unable to see the content I wanted to see. Is there a way to reset the way browsers display popups so that they appear the way they were intended by the site's creator?

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Black Screen - Reset The CMOS

Oct 10, 2007

my pc today decided to go black screen right after the Win XP loading screen the one with the blue dots crossing the screen. right when Windows User select screen WOULD load the screen goes black, still on because the monitor never sleeps but black. Safemode and last known config work either, safe mode fails at the loading of .sys files. I have reset the CMOS, tried a new gfx card, and diff things no luck sill.

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Does Resetting Password Reset An Account?

May 25, 2005

I reset an account password by typing in "control userpasswords2 " in the Run command and clicking on an account and clicking reset password. When I came back to that account on which I reset the password on, some of the things are reset. I noticed that one thing that is reset is the MSN Messenger background images. For the Background of MSN Messenger, I had other downloaded background pictures in the Backgrounds tab, but now I don't. There only saved in my folder.

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Reset User Account - Admin

May 19, 2005

My XP now consists of multiple accounts. I want to make it to be just one without any passwords whatsoever ( I am the admin). So I just delete all accounts leaving the admin one or is there any way to reset everything?

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Standard Account Getting Reset Whenever Unused?

Aug 2, 2010

OS: Windows XP SP3
Realtime Security Software: Avast!, ThreatFire,
Non-Realtime: Spyware Blaster, SuperAntispyware Scanner (Free Edition), Malwarebytes' Scanner
Firewall: COMODO Firewall Only

My Standard Account got reset for the 2nd time. Firstly, when I didn't use my account for 4 days once I came to log on I realised that 'Personalized Settings' was showing up at the top left hand corner. This came again after I didn't use the account for one day. By reset I mean, the background wallpaper reset to default and the desktop folders not showing up. But when I went into 'Documents and Settings' in my administrator account (which didn't get reset), all the folders were showing up in my C Drive/Documents and Settings/ folder. Once I right-clicked on a folder on my system when this happened for the first time, my system froze. The system also froze when opening any file. This started happening a few weeks after I had installed COMODO Firewall which might be a coincidence even though I don't think it is but all these error messages/dialog box popped up on my account, roughly like 'Invalid or corrupt jarfile...' but on the administrator account none of these errors showed up when this happened on my account. In addition, this issue also happened when I changed my account from Standard to Administrator but this didn't change anything. When this happened for the first time, to solve the issue I made a new account and then copied all my files/folders over from my old account to the new one but because this problem has happened again, I predict that this will keep on happening again on every new account I make. I have also run malware scans which didn't detect any viruses.

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NT Kernal Password Reset - Blank

Oct 10, 2009

My Dell crashed and I lost all pictures. Now I can't get in to my HP Pavilion 6645C Windows 2000 because it says I don't have correct password. I didn't think it had one when I quit using it. Friend gave me NT Kernal Password Reset but it is blank!

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Administrator Password Reset On Laptop

Aug 25, 2008

then I reset it, and I'm on a high right now. Feelin' like a criminal. Even though the only password I reset was on my own laptop.

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Password Reset Windows 2000 - Cant Log In

Mar 23, 2007

i forgot my pasword dats anyone nkow how can i reset? i cant log in

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Reset And Change The Administrator Password

Jun 24, 2005

I purchased a computer at a garage sale and I do not have the administrator password to download and update my computer. When I do so under my user name, it does not let me and states "you need administrator privileges". How can I reset and change the administrator password?

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