Pro V Home - Servers Via The Internet

Sep 10, 2005

I would normally always specify machines with XP Pro on them. However we
need to buy some new laptops for some staff who work away from our office,
and the only spec as supplied is with XP HomeThese machines only occasionnaly have to physically connect to our network in the office, but will always have to PN into our servers via the Internet.I am not really sure what the difference were between XP Pro and XP Home.

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No Remote Servers

Sep 2, 2005

I am running Windows xp.I installed 'Remote desktop' on a windows 2000 computer on my network.When I try to connect, I get The Workgroup domain/workgroup does not contain any terminal servers'

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Activation Servers Down?

Aug 29, 2007

I can't activate any microsoft products today , i have tried on multiple machines at work seems the server is down anyone else having this problem?.

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Cannot Connect To Any Web Servers

Jun 22, 2005

I recently had to take my computer back to factory settings and now I cannot connect to any web servers eg. music planet.

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Unable To Connect To Any Servers

Aug 25, 2005

for a little while now i've been unable to connect to any servers, or at least thats what i think. I play lots of games online and so on. things were fine and then one day i recieved this error while trying to play 'halo' online. 'An error has occurred while trying to contact the gamespy master server'. after messing around with halo for a while i tried other games; doom3, quake3, counter strike and so on, but all with the same effect, i couldnt connect to a server. This was also the case when i tried to update Ad-aware, it freezes when i try to update. I've checked my firewall and individual programs but have come to no conclusion. have also tried 'system restores' but each time they fail?

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RAS Connection To Connect To Servers Via IP

Aug 2, 2007

I use Windows RAS connections to connect to servers via IP. Recently, they have "stopped working" the first time I connect, then every other time after that. The modem connects, I can log in just fine, it assigns me an IP address, but I can't ping the server. If I hang up and do it again, I can then ping the server. If I hang up and do it a 3rd time, it doesn't work. 4th time it does, etc, etc...I have dozens of servers I connect to and they all do this and it didn't do it a few weeks ago, so I know it's not the equipment. I have XP Pro verson 2002 Service Pack 2 and I'm current on all Microsoft updates. I have automatic updates setup and I do recall that my computer had reset (which means it did an update) a few days before I noticed the problem. I know Microsoft has had RAS issues in the past.

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TS Connection Error Connecting To Only 2 Of 5 Servers

Dec 5, 2008

We have one computer that is unable to connect via RDP to two servers. The system gives an error "The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server Licenses". We know that it is a computer issue because we can have that same user logon to another computer and they can use RDP to connect to all servers. This is a fresh install of XP Pro SP3. We have 5 different servers that users can logon to, 3 are Server 2000 and the other 2 are Server 2003.

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Firewall Blocking Access To IRC Servers

Jan 20, 2007

I use mIRC and I've given it full access in my Firewall Zone Alarm free edition settings, but whenever I try to join a server, GameSurge in this case, I get this error: This never used to happen with the older version of ZoneAlarm, but I'm assuming this version has bug fixes or improved stability over the older one so I'm reluctant to go back to it.

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Proxy Servers Make Screen More Secure

Dec 11, 2007

It has been suggested that using a proxy server will help to make my system more secure while I'm online. I looked at some of the suggested free proxy servers, but they seemed not to work well if at all. The explanations were well enough for me to follow but my system ran exceedingly slow or the sites I tried to access disallowed this. So I want to find a reliable site to buy one. I came across HIDE MY IP site and it looked easy to follow and was not overly expensive. My main thought was, how can I tell when a site which offers programs is actually not unscrupulous?

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Drive Letters Changed - Formated One Of My Servers

Nov 21, 2007

I just formated one of my servers to discover that local disk is not E: instead of C: , i tried to change it back, but it will not let me since it is the boot device?

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Internet On XP Home Stopped Working

Aug 24, 2007

My internet on XP Home stopped working today after (or during) installing the latest beta drivers that are recommended to play bioshock with. I did that and then rebooted and it came up with lots of 'found new hardware' wizards but I couldn't install any because I then found out I couldn't access the internet (im on broadband). when I go into firefox or explorer and go to a website it straight away says it can't connect to the server.But when i go into ubuntu which i dual boot the internet works fine!Ive tried a lot of things including reinstalling xp but it still doesnt work.

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Unable To Access The Internet After Installing Xp Home OEM?

Sep 15, 2008

i have just recovered from a very nasty virus on my machine i have reinstalled xp home oem i am able to access the internet using the IE but i am unable to access the internet when trying to activate xp the error is saying that i do not have a internet connection is there any help any one can give i have checked the connection and i am set up for a LAN this is what i have always done and it has worked in the past

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Open Internet Explorer Without Home Page

Oct 26, 2004

1. Create a shortcut to the Internet Explorer executable and place it on the desktop or quick launch area.

2. Right click the shortcut and select Properties.

3. Change the "target" value to "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome

Substitute C: for the drive letter Program Files is present on.Originally posted by simonize

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MDNSResponder.exe Trying To Access Internet Or Call Home

Sep 16, 2005

I upgraded iTunes a couple of days ago. Now all of a sudden my virus/firewall software is popping up messages the mDNSResponder is trying to access the net. The file is located in c:Program FilesBonjour along with some other new files. I tried to delete the Bonjour file, but it will not let me delete them. I know the program got on my computer is from updating iTunes and it is from Apple but I want to know how to get it off

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Reformat Home Slow Internet Connection

Jun 30, 2006

I posted this under the software thread as well, but maybe this is a more appropriate place.This is the deal. I got on here a while back because my parents suffered a lightening strike which rendered their computer worthless.After the great input on here, I replaced the PSU and the motherboard and blam, $140.00 later the computer started.However the internet connection (cable broad band) was so incredibly slow it would not open any web pages other than something simple like: or, etc. Click on a story or the weather and nothing. So I contact the internet provider (Insight Cable) and talk with their tech support that ran multiple tests. They seemed to think that there was a virus problem.

I ran the parents ZONE ALARM and it found 85 virus and 19 spy ware programs. It could not treat or fix the viruses.My parents are elderly and only use the computer to check email and cruise the net. They are completely computer illiterate. They may have inadvertently been cruising the net with Zone Alarm turned off.Today I loaded the Dell XP, OS, disk. I did not repair; I formatted the hard drive and loaded everything back onto the computer, i.e., drivers for video, sound, Ethernet, etc.I loaded the cable modem drivers and established a connection.

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Change Internet Explorer Home Page

Apr 13, 2006

I can not change my home page It's back to about:blank after I close the Internet Options. It is somewhere in my registry How do I change it?

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Home Networking - Computer Connects Directly To The Internet

Apr 10, 2008

I used to use the XP home netwroking to provide internet connection to my xbox 360 i used the "home or small office network" wizard and chosed the first option which says "This computer connects directly to the internet..." so it takes the internet connection from the wireless network , and provide it the xbox through the LAN connection and it was working without any problem for a long time but lately i couldn't connect to the internet in the xbox and i found that the error was in the IP address the laptop is not giving the xbox an IP address at all

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Cannot Close Internet Explorer - Win XP Home, Dell 4500S

Aug 16, 2006

I just reformatted a friends computer, win XP Home, Dell 4500S. Did all the normal driver installations from Dell Resource CD. Installed SP2 from a disc. And proceeded to do the rest of 'various' program installs, firewall, antivirus, antispyware and then windows updates. At some point I arrived at a state where I could not close Internet Explorer. Not via the ''X'' or File/close. I could min and max the window. I could open 'other' Internet Explorer windows and close them just fine. I finally used the task manager to close Internet Explorer. I did a google search and came across a KB884768 from 2004. Quite frankly, I didn't understand the KB. I did the steps to reproduce the problem. Was that supposed to fix the problem or do I still have a problem? And if I do still have a problem how do I fix it. Do I need to uninstall IE6 via the control panel and then reinstall same? Problem occured twice within about 3 hours. Computer seems to be working fine

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Can't Change Home Page - Can't Listen Audio On Internet

Jun 13, 2006

I can't change my homepage anymore it's stuck at this stupid video renting site and also i can't listen to any audio in web pages or any other program except windows media player and i've noticed when i'm on warcraft 3 i can't only hear background music and clicking sounds but no battling or speech audio that's really weird and i've set the proper volumes in the game already so i don't know what's going on also, i'm using symantec antivirus corporate edition and spyware doctor but they were both recently been unable to protect my computer in real time when b4 it was always ON and protecting my computer, now i can only scan computer with those programs (i have not changed the settings on these programs and it still says real time protection is enabled).

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Sharing Wireless Internet On Home And Professional Editions

Feb 20, 2006

I'm trying to help a mate set up a wireless network to share his new adsl connection between 2 desktop pc's in different parts of the house. He has a modem/router and a switch/wireless ap device, and a usb wireless dongle each machine. Have had all sorts of problems, solved one by one, but for this last one. One of the pc's works fine (Win XP Home), while the other one times out with any internet access attemp (Wn XP Pro sp2). He doesn't need the pc's to talk to each other, only to the internet. one is his and the other his wifes, and they both have work stuff on their machines and don't do lan parties etc. He just wants to get online at the same time. From the machine that doesn't work, I can ping the other pc, the AP, and the modem router fine, but it can't find anything beyond the modem.

If I ping a domain name rather than ip address, it can't even find a dns server to resolve the name. I have spent hours going over and over all the settings. Both machines are set up identically in every respect (relevant to the network that is) but for the fact that one is XP Home and the other XP Pro. Both use only Windows Firewall, and in fact for testing, I've disabled firewall completely on the recalcitrant machine. Both use the same AP, switch, router and modem, and get their IP from the same dhcp server in the modem. I can't figure out why one is working, and the other isn't. My last "long shot" is some difference between XP home and XP Pro. I've never used Pro before, but figured that there shouldn't be a difference for the simple stuff I need to achieve here. but hopefully, I might be wrong?

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Installed Internet Explorer 6: Unable To Get To Default Home Page?

Oct 24, 2006

Recently when starting Internet Explorer 6,instead of going straight to my Google Home Page,it instead go to;
A click on Critical Updates for IE6 at this page then starts trumpeting "Microsoft Update". Is Microsoft trying to get me to purchase something?

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Power Up Into Web Site: Launch Internet Explorer And Display The Home Page?

Sep 5, 2005

Is there any way that I can have my laptop, when powering up, automatically launch Internet Explorer and display the Home Page of my website on CD or from the Hard Drive?

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Home Network Unable To Connect With Home And Pro?

Sep 14, 2005

I am trying to set up a home network to connect my laptop (with xp pro) to my desktop (with xp home) i am using a 3com office conect router as a hub. With the fire walls on each machine switched off I can see each of the machines from each other.I can share files on the laptop with the desktop, but when I try to access the desktop from the laptop I get the following message : xxxxxxx is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource.
Login Failure : the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

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Home And Pro Not Playing Nice Together Via Home Wifi?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to share folders between two laptops set up on a home wifi workgroup. Currently, both laptops are "seeing" each other's share folders (as mapped network drives), and both laptops have full internet access I have allowed simple file sharing on the XP Pro system. I have also set the firewalls to allow access, and I'm using AVG firewall instead of Windows firewall.However, only one of the computers is allowing access to the other. The XP Pro computer can access the share folders on the XP Home computer, but not vice versa. When using the XP Home computer, I can map the shared folders on the XP Pro computer, but when I try to access them, I get denied access.

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Home VS. Dell Reinstallation CD Of Home

Aug 27, 2006

Is there a difference between buying Windows Xp Home from a store and using the reinstall cd that Dell provides with thier computers?

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Home Sp2 - Massive Icons - Home Sp2

Feb 27, 2008

Just got a new pc with windows xp home sp2... when I open up windows all the icons are really big! and when I go on the internet the pages are too big for the screen. this was not the case with my previous PC also with xp home sp2.

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What Is The Difference Between Home And Home With SP2?

Dec 15, 2005

I'm looking to buy a new PC and I see a good deal with one but it comes with SP2. What's the difference between XP Home and XP Home with SP2.

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Loss Of Internet Connection: Programs Requiring Internet Access Unable To Connect?

Nov 19, 2006

After long periods of my internet connection being idle (2+ hours usually), all programs requiring internet access are unable to connect. By idle I mean I leave to run some errands with no programs other than Zone Alarm running. My DSL modem still has all lights flashing and active. There are a couple other scenarios where this occurs as well. Ex. I'm playing WoW for extended periods but not using the internet through any other program, then upon alt-tabbing no other applications are able to connect to the internet even though WoW is still connected and functioning. Rebooting the router/modem doesn't fix it, but rebooting the comp does.

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Virus Preventing Internet Access - Installed Norton Internet Security

Aug 5, 2005

I think that I have a virus which is stopping me from 1) Installing Norton Internet Security 2005 properly, and 2) Stopping me from accessing all anti-virus related sites, for example -,,, and when i tried to download AVG 6.0 from another site which was unrelated to antivirus, I found that I could access the site but the download failed.

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Internet Explorer Cache Overflow/slow Internet Performance

Jul 18, 2005

C:WindowsTemporary Internet Filescontent.ie5, which i cannot seem to do. They say i should see a series of 4 or more random 8 character names like "ADOZMZS1", which again, I cannot figure this out. So if anyone could

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Slow Internet - Norton Internet Securities Wont Work

Sep 24, 2005

My computer is slow as well as the internet. some sites dont work where they work from another computer.

norton internet securities wont work, norton antivirus wont work.

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