I am helping a friend with her PC, she is recieving an error message reading "0x8024502D" We have tried every thing we can get our hands on to get rid of it. I have read that it has something to do with Windows XP's update program and it locks you out of most web sites requiring secure traffic. Are there any hopes of recovery? In the time we have spent today we could have reloaded XP!
receiving an error message box when I close any site The error, It says below debug then send report and don't send report. Sometimes this happens but rarely when I am surfing the site.
The Application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000006). Click on OK to terminate the application.After I click ok, I then receive the 1st error again, I click ok, receive 1st error again, I click ok, receive the 2nd error, click ok, receive the 3rd error again, click ok, receive the 4th error, click ok, receive the 5th error, click ok, receive the 1st error, click ok and then it takes me to my desktop. However after all that, my system is running slow. I am not sure what to do at this point
Gateway E-3600, MoBo Intel D845PT, XP Home, SP3, I made same mistake as many others, I attempted to update my BIOS with Intel PAP08EB (not knowing that I should have used the Gateway BIOS update)( or better yet, not updated the BIOS at all). Everytime I start my computer the Intel BIOS update program comes up. I have figured out a work around so that I can start and use my computer, but it takes a lot of time and annoys me. I hit F1 to start the program (because nothing else works), then I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL (which kills the program) and tap F8 continuously until the emergency start program comes up.
I recently installed and then uninstalled Symantec PC Anywhere. However, when I start windows now I get an error message from Symantec PCAnywhere Update utility telling me that the program is not installed locally so the updater won't run.How do I remove this updater and stop it from trying to run at Windows startup? I've heard of running MSCONFIG from Start -> Run... but that doesn't seem to work on XP.
i can recieve sound on music,movies,etc.. cannot hear sound effects when opening a program,emptying trash,maximizing,minimizing,etc. using oem dell home xp version of windows. when i enter sounds in the control panel, i can hear the selected sound when i test it, but the sounds do not occur when the events are executed
I was on my computer then after i went to the sony site to check the forums my ps2 just stopped responding.None of my programs are responding without taking 5 minutes to load even hijack this took about 5 minutes
I have an infection that I haven't been able to rid on my own. I am receiving popups on the lower right claiming to be from the Windows Security Center with titles like:
Alert! You are receiving Spyware! Warning! Your security and privacy are at risk!
The window has the name "Project1" in the task manager, and it has overridden my ability to end processes in the task manager.
Repeatedly receiving access violation error and kernal32 dll errors. Als0 unable to open any help files and computer hangs frequently. There are periods on nonresponsiveness with a sudden return to commands. I am running AVG 7.5 Suite, Counterspy, Threatfire, and do frequent scans with other antivirus and malware tools.
My problem is.when receiving an attachment with E mail Outlook Express,at times I cannot open it.A message comes up.create an association in Folder Options. Apparently i need to do this to be able to open the attachment.I am using Windows XP system.Can any one help please and tell me what to do.
I admit to being a cheap SOB and have bought second han Dell Latitude D610 from work. For security they have COMPLETLY wiped hard drive and only reloaded original Window XP. I have neen working through all sorts of issues in loading all the drivers etc for a week of nights and have almost made it but I am having an issue in loading the MS update. I get the following message in automatic Updates window. "The following updates were not installed Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5SP1 and .NET Frammework 2.0 SP@ Update for Windows Server and Windows XP x86 (KB982524)"Are they important. I think I need them to get the Dell Program Manager to work to download all the drivers (I have done most by transferring to stick from desktop.)
As of recently, I have reinstalled windows XP with service pack 1(Repair Installation) over my previous installation of XP with sp2. After doing so, I promptly attempted to download Service Pack 2 from Windows Update but all that happens when I access the Windows Update site is that it keeps asking me to download their "new software" and after it does so and registers the software the following message is displayed: "[Error number: 0x80070005]
I was wondering if someone could help me with a little problem I have. When I install service pack 2 or anything past sp2, it does something with my video card. Normally everything runs fine until I try to play one of my PC games (for instance Half Life 2) then either the computer freezes up, or the monitor goes black and stops receiving a signal from the video card. I know that it's not a hardware issue because running off of a fresh windows install with no updates and sp1 everything's fine, but sp2 or later causes problems with my video card, I've tried updating everything (windows, hardware etc....) nothing works except running it with no updates and sp1, and as you know you cannot run much without sp2 at least. Any help would be appreciated, I've also attached a .txt with my specs from dxdiag.
Files required to use Windows Update are no longer registered or installed on your computer. To continue: Register or reinstall the files for me now (Recommended) Let me read about more steps that might be required to solve the problem ..I do all the necessary ..Hijack the FilesScan the PC do the .dll and follow the other forums post abt the deleted and install .net and all the important files.. still cannot UPDATE Show the error again and again..Files required to use Windows Update are no longer registered or installed on your computer. :
I'm getting an error number: 0x80072EE7. This workstation has windows xp pro 64bit installed. It's a brand new dell precision 670 and i just turned it on and i'm getting this windows update error. We do have an Intranet in place and windows 2003 server. No proxy server and it should be open. So, my question is, is there some kind of compatibility problem here between windows xp 64bit and windows update? Or, perhaps windows 2003.
I go to Windows Update and get Error 0x8024402c. It seems this has something to do with a proxy setting. Since I am using DSL to get to MSN ISP, there are no proxy settings. Tried the Run CMD things that are suggested, and they are not recognized. Dug around with Google, and nothing there worked. Turned off McAfee Firewall, and it worked. Turned on firewall, and it would not let me in. This has never happened before. Had this firewall for years. Do not like to go on the web without a firewall, so I would appreciate any help with this.
My computer won't reboot. It started when I tried to update windows to sp2 and it had an error so it couldn't finish the update so it uninstalled whatever it installed. I rebooted and it goes into a loop, first the manufacture logo, the windows xp logo and it goes right back to the manufacture logo and starts that process again. I tried to go into safe mode and even the last best configuration to start and it still goes into this loop. What should I do? I don't want to reformat if I don't have too.
Get following message from Windows Update:change your Internet Explorer security settings To save changes to your settings for this website, you need to enable userdata persistence for Internet Explorer. Complete the steps below, and then click Change settings to the left and try saving your changes again. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Click the Security tab, click the Internet security zone icon, and then click Custom Level. In the Settings dialog box, scroll to the Miscellaneous section. Under Userdata persistence , select Enable. Click OK and when the security warning dialog box appears, click Yes.
When I turn on computer it takes quite a while for MSN page to load and then allot of the times it times out, I refresh and it still wont download. I then power off and try again. Am also having problems downloading my updates, I got error 0x800c008 today
While looking through c drive to locate the cookies folder, I went into the windows folder and I found a stack of notebook entries all very similar.The title is copied and pasted from the last line in one of the notepad texts.I looked at some of the others and they are all alike.I have no iea what this is.Can anybody shed some light on this please?
I get the error message "Installation failure. Error code 0x643" when trying to install updates for the Malware removal tool. I have automatic updates on my computer also Windows genuine advantage validation.
I'm slowly going out of my mind with my ageing laptop...! Im running windows xp home and recently upgraded to sp3. Im not sure if the update caused it but since since then I cant:
1) Install any updates from microsoft either singularly or multiple... 2) Log into messenger.... keep getting error code 800706ba scoured the net for solution and tried most of them..(install-uninstall-cleard/deleted cache etc) 3)Some weird display characters/lines. on startup a lot of characters have been replaced with others.... 4) Word documents start with a warning that document could not be registered
Im running zone alarm security suite v8.0.059.000 up to date Not sure if this helps but.... on my search for answers, I have found a number of issues my windows installer was not correctly installed (trying to sort out updates when I found this out) so is now fixed dcom server process launcher is missing presumed lost in Services.msc
XP Pro sp3. installed windows defender yesterday, but when i try to get update, i get that error..I did a forum search here, followed the instruction there in, but still cannot update defender. I can connect to the update site, and download updates, so i know its not a problem with connecting with the microsoft site.
So earlier I was installing a update for my MS Office and one of them was Office XP Service Pack 3 and during the installation, my computer crashed so I had to reboot and when I logged back into Windows, the updates came up again. I installed them fine and then afterwards when I tried starting up Microsoft Word, it gave me an error and says ''Error 2771. An internal error has occurred. RemoveOPSExtensionFeature) Contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) for assistance. For information about how to contact PSS, see C:ProgramFilesMicrosoftOfficeOffice101033PSS10R.CHM.'' I have tried re-installing, uninstalling and I keep on getting the same error.
Feel better now, Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 2 (build 2600)is installed on my computer, I am aware that update (KB930494), is critical and necessary to maintain security integrity within my system yet it will not load regardless of what I do, (disabled all virus protection; spyware protection...etc) and any other installed program that may interfere, still I cannot load this update and only this update. I have a detailed analysis of my system (BeLarc), every KB****** (windows update) is installed per the 08/14/2007 Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary and functioning beautifully except for this one. It will not load and does not give a detailed sheet message either. It simply states that that KB930494 was an unsuccessful update....
I have a legit edition of XP po and since installing IE7 I keep getting the message "The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem Error number: 0x80004005" I have searched evrywhere for a solution and am stumped.
i just recently bought a new ipod and i need to install itunes but first I have to update my windows xp to service pack 2 or higher everytime I try i get the install halfway then the access denied message pops up. I tried the various solutions i found on google and its still doing it, I even d/led registry mechanic and clean and repair all my registry and its still doing access denied error.
I'm running Win XP Pro on a Dell Inspiron 8100. The hard drive is partitioned into 2 drives: C and D. C has some Dell stuff, but everything else, including Windows, is on D. When I tried to install an update for SP2, I got an error message that the drive needs 1 more MB of free space. There's only 732KB free on C, but 14GB free on D, so I suspect the update is trying to go to C. Is there any way I can direct updates to D? Or, can the HDD be re-partitioned without losing what's on it?
XP reinstall won't validate so that I can get updates. It is a legal copy and I had no problem activating windows. However when I tried to validate it for updates it keeps telling me there is an unknown error and validation could not be completed.