Outlook Files Corrupt / Defrag Won't Run

Feb 28, 2005

I am running a disk defrag and I get the message that not all the files could be defragmented.I ran chkdsk and repaired the errors but I would get the same message.I then copied the disk to a brand new hard drive and I get the same message form the defrag. When I go to details it refers to outlook.pst and archive.pst being the problem.I ran scanpst.exe on both files and it repaired errors.I run it again and it says no errors are found yet it still holds up defrag.What is wrong with these files and what can I do to repair them?

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Defrag Process Defrag All Files

Dec 16, 2007

Win xp pro, pen 4, norton antivirus, Win firewall. After I downloaded and installed Windows Live Messenger the defrag process wouldn't defrag all the files. I reformatted my computer without WLM and defragging was not a problem, worked like a charm. So, I downloaded and installed WLM again, and lo and behold the same problem occurred, the defrag program would not defrag all the files. I uninstalled WLM and defrag process still wouldn't defrag all the files. How do I solve this problem of not being able to defrag all of my files without reformatting my computer.

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Import Outlook Express Files (DBX) Into Outlook?

Oct 25, 2006

How do I import Outlook Express files (DBX format) into Outlook. I only have Outlook installed on this machine.

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Huge Files Of Games Defrag

May 8, 2008

For a while now i had a few HUGE files for these games i have and i can't seem to defrag them. does anyone no why or if its even a that much of a big deal.

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Deleted Some Files - Cannot Defrag Disk

Jul 5, 2004

I've switched from Windows XP to Windows 2000, because of the fact that I had problems with the GIS program I was working with. Everything went well for a month now, until today. I've uninstalled several programs (not major ones - just mapviewers) to gain more space on the c-drive. I wanted to defrag the c-drive and it gave me an error message "drfgntfs.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You have to restart the program. An error log is being created." I then close defrag and another error message appears "mmc.exe has generated error " the same as above. What am I suppose to do in order to "correct" this?

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Fragmented Files Won't Defrag / Only Getting Invalid Folder?

Nov 4, 2005

Tried to defrag hard drive and after action report shows 14.05 GB file that cannot be defragged. Searched for file Documents and Settings Default User Application Data Microsoft ProtectS-1-5-21-676439804-2044662667-630 and got an invalid folder message. Report on volume fragmentation:Total fragmentation=25%
File fragmentation=50% Free space fragmentation=0%

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Defrag Freezes - Defrag In Safe Mode

Jan 19, 2005

Defrag runs for 2-3 minutes maybe and the computer freezes or defrag stalls. I have checked for viruses. I have run defrag in safe mode.

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C:Drive Completely Full Of Fragmented Files, Unable To Defrag ?

Mar 18, 2007

C: Drive and it just filled up fragmented files to 95%. I've moved the pagefile to its own drive and added 4gigs more to almost 20 gigs on C. Here's what I did that may or may not have something to do with it. Yesterday I resized the drive that C is on and made four partitions each one for a particular person so that the files didn't get mixed.I used Norton Partition Magic and at the end of each task a window would pop up stating that I should make a new rescue disk

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Files Deleted Or Corrupt

Dec 4, 2004

I'm running XP Home SP2 on an IBM desktop OEM install. I think one of my kids may have delete some criticle files.i found a bunch of family jpegs and 2 cab files in the recycle bin. I restored all the files but have been having slow performance. I am unable to send large emails without getting memory errors if i try to access Device Manager i get the following error:MMC cannot open the file c:windowssystem32devmgmnt.msc. This may because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This may also be because you do not have sufficient access rights to the file. I have adminstrator rights and have tried logging in as another admiinistrator. I've reinstalled SP2 but that didn't help. Short of reinstalling XP (which would be a PITA)

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Downloaded Files Getting Corrupt

May 9, 2010

every file i download is corrupt in xp

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Very Slow Computer - Get Rid Of Corrupt Files

Aug 7, 2006

I used WipeDrive to delete everything from my harddrive last night. My computer was so slow and I had restored it about a month ago but it never got rid of all the files so then it is worse than ever. Anyways, when I used the wipedrive and then reinstalled Windows XP instead of putting Windows XP into my C drive it put it into I drive. Why would it have done that and how can I get it back to the C drive?

I have a Dell computer using Windows XP Media Edition. Any other information you need please just ask and I will try to get it for you as best I can.

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Could Not Start - Files Is Missing Or Corrupt

Feb 12, 2009

This happens every time.Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMWhen I say every time, I mean every time.I just bought a new hard drive, so I know it works.When I try to install xp (full install), I go through the select drive and partition to installEverything looks good so far. Windows starts copying the installer files to the drive.
After its done, it reboots. I don't push a button because I know its going to start xp setup now.

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Outlook Pst File Corrupt / Errors Have Been Detected In The File File Path

Oct 7, 2009

when I start my ms outlook 2007 I get this error. "Errors have been detected in the file 'file_path'. Quit all mail-enabled applications, and then use the Inbox Repair Tool." I tried to scan with scanpst.exe but it went in vain.I tried it with other applications it worked fine.But,the problem is they all are demo versions and I gets back only 5 to 6 mails for more mails i have to buy that applications. Do we have any free tool that can fix my problem or any other way to fix this.

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Certain Large .pst Files From Outlook Were Not Def-rag

Aug 24, 2005

when using Defragment (programs-accessories-system tools-defragment) in Windows XP, after defragmenting C drive, report shows that certain large .pst files from Outlook were not defrag.this is unfortunate since these are the "gummiest" files on my computer. is there any way to defrag these files safely? perhaps and update to defrag program which will enable this? or a workaround? or a third party program which will defrag these files? a way to defrag .pst files within Outlook?

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Cannot Access My Outlook .pst Files

Dec 14, 2006

I have Windows XP Home edition. I was going to copy Outlook contact information and saved e-mails, so I (I thought) followed the instructions. Now this info is in my documents and whatever I do I get one of two messages as follows:You are attempting to open a file of office type 'Office Data File' (.pst) if you want to open this, File access is denied. You do not have the permission required to access the file. I am signed on as administrator.

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.SIF Files Corrupt Or Missing During Windows XP Install

Mar 8, 2006

When trying to install Windows XP Home I get an error saying

The following value in the .SIF files is missing or corrupt.
Value 0 on the line in the section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "SP2.cab."

What is this?

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Repair: Abp480n5.sys Is Corrupt - Recovery Of Files

Jan 7, 2009

I'm trying to repair XP after a virus problem but I keep getting the message:
abp480n5.sys is corrupt unable to continueCan I get the file from anywhere? What else can I do? Can I repair XP another way?

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Recurring Missing Or Corrupt Windows Files

Mar 19, 2006

I jus put together my own system. I bought a P4 511 processor and an ASUS P5P800-MX motherboard and two 512 MB sticks of RAM I'm using my old 40 GB harddrive from my previous computer. I had installed Windows XP Professional with SP2 and it all worked fine. I then turned my computer off for the night and the next day when I started the computer it would not boot into windows it showed the error message "The following Windows file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM". I booted from the windows XP cd and went into the recovery console and used CHKDSK /R and when that finished Windows booted up fine. However everytime i turn the PC off the error occurs again. Any ideas how to fix this problem permanantly instead of jus until the next reboot?

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Corrupt Operating System - Files Are Messing Up

Feb 10, 2007

So I deleted my windows partition and formatted(full not quick) my hard drive so I could start fresh for Windows since I just got a new motherboard! So I went to reinstall Windows XP Pro Corporate Ed. and when I do is says that certain files like drmclien.dll was not copied correctly. There are other files that dont copy right either(most of them are .dll but some are .sys files). My Windows disc is completely scratch free and what not and its a legit copy...I just dont know why the files are messing up like this

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Outlook Express Files Are Located Where

Sep 8, 2005

I'm trying to take a shortcut in Outlook Express using it's mail modification security feature to filter out spam emails. I would like to be able to copy and paste all of my "spam rules" from my computer onto the system of other family members using a USB storage device. This would end up saving considerable time by avoiding the input of over 150 words (this amount is always growing), one at a time, into each computers OE mail modification security feature. I've look in the WINOWS folder and can't find where the OE files are all kept, and specifically, the spam rules. I've been to the OE folder before but can't remember for the life of me what the address is.

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Disk Errors, Blue Screen, Corrupt Files

Sep 4, 2005

I frequently get a blue screen when using my computer, often when playing a high memory game (specifically WoW) and running other programs such as ventrilo. Occasionally, it says kernal memory dump...etc. But usually its just a blank blue screen. When I load windows, pressing delete does not enter me into setup mode, and my windows CD will not load up on restart either. I tried to uninstall my hard drive driver, and it worked, and it seems to have reloaded on restart I thought it might be corrupt but now whenever I go into device manager, it asks me if I want to restart to enable these changes, even though I havent changed everything.

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Deleted Corrupt Files - System Wont Stsrts Now

Dec 27, 2003

Ok I have run into a major problem. First of all I entered 256 DIMM RAM into my motherboard recently and when I booted up, It said "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

I tried taking the RAM out and the same happens. One source said it could be the PSU, power, but this is doubtful because I unplugged all the extra stuff I could but the same happens.

Taking advice from another source, I took my XP Disc and Booted from it in hope to repair missing/corrupt files. This did no good, It deleted the "corrupt" files, and couldn't find the same files (such as dplayx.dll, dosx.exe. dos869.fon, dmdskmgr.dll, etc.) So now I think these files are gone so when I tried to boot up after this it restarts or shuts down when it reaches the Windows XP loading screen. I tried booting from the CD once again but this time an error message appeared saying:

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Config System Temp Files Corrupt And Unreadable?

Jul 24, 2009

my daughters laptop has come up with a problem and has a lot of pictures ect on it that we can no longer access, the pictures ect are poss still there as the hard drive space is still the same as before. the problem is in the system 32 area. computer states system32configsystemprofile is corrupted and unreadable have run a checkdisc but i cant seem to be able to run a checkdisc repair on it??????is there anything i can do or is there a program i can download to help do it????

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Bsod Error 0x00000024 - Bad RAM Corrupt Ntsf Files

Aug 28, 2009

I bought a bare bones computer kit (2,actually-- the other one is working fine) and have been running up against 2 diff bsod errors. The first error I encountered was 0x00000050. Symptoms: Computer stopped working, flashed bsod, couldn't reboot. It would appear to start, lights would come on, but screen would remain black and wouldn't get that reassuring little beep. If I turned off computer and waited 20 min or so, then it would start up again and work for a short while before getting bsod again. I tried reseating everything, making sure plugs were plugged. I pulled out one of the RAM then reinstalled windows xp after reformatting drive. Everything seemed to be working great!

To test and see if it was the RAM, I pulled out the working RAM and replaced it with the other one. I booted up and immediately got BSOD with different error message--the 0x00000024 one. It would restart, start me on the screen saying it encountered an error and which mode did I want to start in. No matter what I selected, I would get the bsod error. I put in the 'good' RAM. No change. I put in the other RAM so now both were in. No change. I put in the Windows XP disk and selected repair. It is now running chkdsk /r. did putting in the 'bad' RAM cause the disk error? It's a little late now to pull out the second RAM, but I'm worried that I'll still end up with an issue because I have both in there. After running this, should I run it again with the 'good' RAM only? or is there a different issue entirely going on that I should check?

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Lost .dbx Files Outlook Express - No Folders?

Feb 14, 2009

Old system had many .dbx files but zero .pst files - no export/backup had ever been done on it. Tried to copy over the .dbx files, and appeared to work, but then somehow outlook clobbered old and copied .dbx files, or rendered them invisible.

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Unable To Open .pps Files In Outlook Express 6.0?

Mar 3, 2006

I have powerpoint viewer 2003 which will open .pps and .ppt files on my hard-drive, but will not open them as e-mail attachments received in OE6. This is very inconvenient, and I want to remedy the problem. I do not have MS office 2003, but the stand-alone MS powerpoint viewer 2003. I am using WinXP Media Center Edition, version 2002, with SP2 installed.

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Corrupt Registry Files: Wont Move Desktop Icons?

Dec 23, 2004

I was running CyberScrub the other day, which is a program that cleans out internet cache and deletes files beyond recovery. After it was done with the procedure, the computer restarted and chdisk began to run before my Windows XP booted up. After Windows was done doing chdisk, it started doing some wierd stuff I've never seen before.It was scrolling down with the same line but with the number increasing into the thousands. I thought maybe it was just doing a routine check but when I when my desktop came up I started to notice all kinds of wierd errors now. Here are just some examples: My taskbar disappeared and there's no way to conventionally fix it (Start doesn't come up when I press the windows key on my keyboard). My soundcard is undetectable. I can't copy and paste from and to my browsers. Can't find my RPC server. I can't move my desktop icons, etc.

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Missing/corrupt File - Can't Boot - Need To Save Personal Files

Sep 26, 2005

I'm getting a WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM message all of a sudden!DESPERATELY need to copy some personal files somewhere before trying to restore / reformat

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Lost Outlook Express Folders- Ended Up With DBX Files On Sp3?

Oct 8, 2010

I have ended up with DBX files on"Windows XP service pack 3"but cannot read them or change them. Is there a way to save them elsewhere on my hard drive

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Attachments In Outlook Express - How Can Read The Attached Files?

Apr 20, 2007

when Outlook Express removed all my attached files in my email by claiming that the attachments were unsafe. May I know how to stop Outlook Express from doing so in order that I can read the attached files

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Outlook Express - Open PDF Files Doesnt Work

Feb 25, 2007

I have had a slightly annoying problem with Outlook Express which I use as my default mail client. Everything seems to work fine apart from when I try to open PDF files directly from OE, it tries to open them with notepad, which obviously doesn't work. I can save them anywhere else on my computer, my documents for example, and opening them from there works fine. I have the latest Adobe Reader. I can't find anyway to tell OE to open these attachments using Adobe Reader.

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