Opening Picture Got From Msn Messenger Results In Freezing PC?
Sep 25, 2007
On Msn Messenger, a friend sent me a file containing pictures. when i opened the file, my computer froze up, and than sent the file to everybody that was loggen in to msn. After running Multiple scans , Norton Antivirus coulnd find anything wrong. But my computer constantly freezes and send a file containng a virus to everybody online. I was told i might have a worm.
You can replace the background picture in Messenger with any image you like.Just go to C:Program Files Messenger and replace the file lvback.gif.If you use the MSN add-in, you can change that icon as well.It's simply called icon.gif .
A friend of mine clicked a link in an AIM message that gave me a virus, haven't been able to get rid of it. Hijackthis log is attached. If I don't figure this out soon, I'll have to buy a new HD so when I format I won't lose everything.
I have just removed Vista from my PC and re-formatted my hard drive, before installing XP. When I try to playback any video, it opens the player, tried both mediaplayer and nero showtime, then freezes the entire PC. Have loaded all the usual codecs but still no joy
I am running Windows XP Home with all the latest updates. The computer started normal today. Then within a couple of minutes it rebooted itself. When I went to open certain programs the picture and fax viewer screen comes up saying "No Preview Available." I am unable to get into my Nortons Anti-Virus, System Restore, certain parts of my control panel, etc. I keep getting the same screen as if all programs are now being viewed by the "Viewer" before they can be opened. Some of the programs will open.
I currently use Adobe Photoshop for much of my work, I require various specialized fonts, such as the ones done specifically for films, TV and Bands alike. Whenever I click to go into my fonts folder, you know c:windowsfonts, it freezes,it just gets stuck there, an I need access.When this was working, downloaded fonts only worked at the time i placed them in.The .ttf file stayed in the fonts folder, but when I came logged on at another time after logging off/shuting down, the font was no longer in the drop down lists in the Microsoft programs/photoshop, and like i said was still in the fonts folder.
Tried 4 times in a row to open MSN Messenger and got no response. Windows task manager showed only one other program that I had open at the time. So I decided to reboot and see if that helped. While shutting down I got "end program" 4 times in a row. Not sure if this is a big deal. Is something lurking somewhere that might be causing this?
The problem is that when I access certain sites IE/Firefox just shuts down, no error message, no warning just snaps shut. Any time I access EZ board chat rooms or any page but the home page from the Fort Worth Rowing Club I have had it happen on other sites but I don't remember the names.
I willl start with the most important one. Outlet Express. I open it and it cl;oses on its own before a message can even be selected. Just started doing this this morning. I rebooted and no change.
When I open the Computer Management...Computer Management System tool Shared Folders Open Files I have the headers Open File, Accessed By, Type, # Locks, etc What is the real meaning of # Locks?
When i double click on a folder to open it, or single click of the start menu, it brings up a search, rather than the contents of the folder. How do i change it back so that just by clicking or double clicking opens the folder rather than bringing up the search window?
When I click the 'my computer' icon in windows xp it takes a while to load, upwards of 20 seconds to display my hdds etc. I made some changes to services.msc last week in an attempt to speed up my machine, any thoughts on something I may have disabled which would result in this?
When I click on a desktop icon it opens the Windows Installer with a message that says "preparing to install". In about two minutes my documents will open, or I can re-click on "My documents" in about 5 seconds and it will open immediately and a second copy of "My documents" opens in about 5 minutes. This is a Dell 300m laptop with XP pro. I spent 45 minutes on the phone with a Dell technician who, I think, finally hung up on me when he was stumped. I tried to reinstall Windows from the disks provided by Dell but I got an error message that said the copy of XP was older than the one currently installed
All the folders on my computer are now opening into a new window with the Search function. I have to right-click and choose open to get into my folders. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this?
I double click on a Jpeg it opens in Windows Paint instead of the Windows Fax and Picture viewer as it has always done.BMP and GIFS still open correctly When I check under properties it states that Windows Picture and Fax viewer is the programme it opens with and that is highlighted in the drop down column. I can open them when I use the right click drop down menu and select preview, then it will open in the viewer. I have ran Norton Antivirus, spybot, Ewido, adaware. I have tried changing the Jpegs to open with paint, then changing it back again, still won't budge.
When i open a folder search pops up and doesnt open the folder, when i right click on the file "search..." is in bold.How do i change this to open the folder directly
I have a graphic aplication, but when I try to open it the pc give the message (you need at least 3 mb of virtual memory) how I can increase that kind of memory?
A few days ago, someone apparently hacked into my wife's Yahoo email account and sent out a bunch of bogus emails to people in her address book, including myself. The email contained a link. Since she sometimes sends me stuff to check out, I made the supreme mistake of clicking on it. It took me to some pharmaceutical site and I knew it was bogus and clicked out immediately. But the damage seems to have been done.
Dont know why but when i click or double-click de hard-Drive (C:, D:,) the search open automatically.. the only way to enter is right-click and choose open.i notice when i right-click the drive , the menu has the search in black and not the open. how can i edit and set the open the default or reset it.
i've had problems with my computer background for months -.- and it's really getting on my nerves. i'd like to find a solution to my problem.. when i right click my desktop, click properties, click desktop.. and browse and find the photo i want to set, it looks fine in the preview but when i apply it, half of it is off the screen in the corner. i tried changing it to stretch, center, tile, i re sized the image to my exact desktop size, i also tried different resolutions and still no change! please if someone can help.. i've googled this Many Many times but none of the solutions worked for me, i've also tried multiple images... I'll post some screenshots now
I am running Windows XP on a HP Pavilion ze2000.I think I have a problem with Windows Live Messenger. Actually, I think I have several problems: 1. Messenger tries to load in my tray when I start the computer. It never did this before. It also does the same when I connect to my broadband via dialler. At the moment I am denying access through Zone Alarm. Is this normal? 2. In All Programmes I have a Windows Messenger Icon and a Windows Live Messenger Icon. Again, is this normal? There is only an option to remove Live Messenger in Add or Remove Programmes. 3. There is a "1 contact pending" message above the contact list in my Live Messenger, which leads to a "page not available" message when I click on it. 3. When I close Live Messenger, I get multiple "RPC Server Not Available" warnings which I keep closing but keep reappearing. They appear too fast for me to close them, so I have to restart my machine.
This may seem trivial, but it's bugging me. I have a windows XP and i have the windows classic theme. Every time I put a picture as my wallpaper the color around the words under my icons doesn't blend in with the picture but stays a solid color, so there's like little boxes of blue of white. How do I make those icon words blend in with the picture?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar"/></a>If this comes out as two links if you click on the first there should be a picture if their is not just ignore.I'll go back to the drawing board.
I'm not a computer wizard and I did something screwy, not that I know what it was. So if you can answer me, 1st of all thank you, and second of all you have to speak to me like I'm a child with this computer stuff. The problem is that I wanted to get rid of my Welcome screen with the big picture and my whole name splashed a cross it. Man, I wish I had it back. Now I get an instant log on error once windows loads which has a Yellow Yield sign and says that I can't log on and I should check if I have the right domain and User Name, then I can type in the password
I have a question here concerning a picture on my desktop.I came across a picture on the net liked it and clicked on it to "set as background" well, it had to stretch it too much to make it fit, and I didn't like it, so I deleted it then I right clicked on the same picture again "set as desktop item" (and I don't know what that means, but I thought I would find out by clicking on it.then it asked me if I wanted to set it as an ACTIVE desktop, and I again said yes.Okay the picture is fine...the size is good, but I can't get rid of the picture it stays on my desktop ALL the time.Is there a way to delete this picture so that it isn't on my desktop anymore?
I need to be able to view .avi made in a mini-dv video camcorder. Aim is to edit in Moviemaker and Power director and view in WMP.Unfortunately the .avi files will only play sound in all these applications, but appears to work fine in Quicktime. The files played on my old PC.Reading similar posts I just installed Divx player but this said the file contains "Fourcc code mjpg" and refused to play.
I've had this networked drive for photos going great for months. When I use the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, I can rotate clockwise/counter-clockwise and auto save on the spot.any ideas why? The properties an ALL jpg's are not read-only, File Sharing is still set to "allow network users to change files" - are there advanced sharing properties I should look into or do you think this is just another annoying MS bug? Very frustrating.
I seem to be getting more little boxes with a Red X in them when on the internet than I ever did before. When I right click on the X and click the 'show picture option' in the popup nothing happens on basement computer which has a new hard drive and WXP-Pro SP2. Rarely happens on upstairs computer or laptop and right clicking usually brings up the pic. I am asking 'where to look for what could be causing this'.
I would like to keep the MS Windows Messenger from auto starting to the Task Bar. I have turned it off using various start up utilities but it keeps coming back. I even used the Add-Remove program to uninstall it but it is still there. This is becoming a personal thing and Microsoft seems to be winning once again. How can I uninstall it safetly or at least keep it from auto starting to the Task Bar?