Open Programs No Longer Appears Accessible On Task Bar
Nov 8, 2005
I am using XP on my PC at home and am having a problem with keeping open programs available on my task bar. I can open a website ok but if I need to open a second website the first one no longer appears accessible on the task bar. The only way I can get back to website #1 is by using the back arrow. Also if I close the second website the first one closes at the same time. I frequently need to go between two or more websites when working online and not having the link available is inconvenient at best. How can I set my computer so that all open websites will appear on the taskbar?
Lately when I have several programs running, I have to go to Windows Task Manager in order to switch between them, because only one thing (the current program) has a space on the task bar showing it is open. I used to have a whole bunch of windows down there and could click on them to maximize. Don't know why this happened or how to fix it.
I am using winXP and have been for a while without problems.In an instant, while online, doing a file transfer my PC manfested the following problems:
1. Booting up takes alot longer now and once im at the login screen it takes an even greater amount of time to load my profile. it sticks at the loading personal settings message for a while, then once it gets past there it takes a few minutes to load my desktop.
2. I can not open some programs like Media Player. The Error ' can not perform operation-memory too low' appears.In addition i can not access any system tools or programs eg. Help and Support My data files seem to be fine along with all the other non-system related content on my computer.
3. I can not open my internet connection. It seems to be stuck in connected state even after restarting my computer.(I use a dial-up)
To try and solve ths i tried to get into my network places and modems in the control panel but when i tried i got error messages -something to do with 'network places and telephony services may not be activated, activate them and try again.'Another intersesting issue is that my taskbar has changed and looks like a windows 2000 taskbar now and functions slightly differntly than before. In fact my whole OS looks a bit differnt now.
Hi, I'm running Windows XP, and I've been having a particularly annoying problem with it. Every time someone is on an account on the computer the Internet works fine, then when that account is logged off and then another account is logged on the Internet no longer works, I have FireFox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer; and none of them work after this log off then log on sequence. The only way to fix the problem is to re-start the computer instead of logging off and then logging on to the new account when the computer reboots. This problem doesn't seem computer threatening at the moment but it is very annoying and I would really like to have this problem dealth with.
When I press ctrl+alt+del a window pops up titled Windows Security and it has six options: Lock Computer, Shut Down, Log Off, Change Password, Task Manager, and Cancel. Task Manager is shaded out and can't be clicked.
Whenever double click a disk drive or even right click and, click open or ,explore. A dialogue box appears saying open with choose program this happened after i deleted the fppg1.exe which was reported a virus by avast i followed the instructions on above website but of no use.
I'm running WinXP Home (SP2). Whenever I reboot, the language toolbar appears in the task bar. I remove it but it shows up again when I reboot. Is there any way to keep it from reappearing?
I installed the driver for my optical wheel mouse.Now,a little icon appears of a mouse on taskbar next to clock with all the other little icons,which are hidden.Can I get rid of these little icons somehow.I want rid of them,not hide
I am working on Windows XP Pro and just noticed that RUN is no longer under PROGRAMS. I have looked everywhere but it has just disappeared. I need to load an update and the only way I can do it is to type something in RUN.
on starting up pc the task bar freezes for approx 15mins & only the egg timer is showing, can access desktop icons, however not all programs launch on task bar. what appears to be the issue, is it hardware or software
When I press CTRL+ALT+DEL the task manager appears for a second, then minimizes itself to the icon tray. When I position the mouse over the icon it disappears. I've run Norton Antivirus, Ad-aware, Spy Sweeper and Microsoft Anti Spyware, but none of them identify a virus relating to this problem.
my computer was recently infected with a Trojan which i seem to have gotten rid of. Today when i opened the task manager it only seems to partially load. It will bring up the process list with the "End Process" button, but that is it. The other tabs and pull down menus are gone. The Task in the taskbar has the icon for it but doesn't have any words next to it
Is there a way to remove programs from the add/remove programs list if you no longer have the uninstall file and the software is no longer on your disk?
I am running XP Pro but it seems that with every day my start up takes longer and it takes longer to open documents and attachments. How can I clean up and speed things up? I have quite a bit of free space on the hard drive, I run CCleaner, sophos antivirus, defrag, etc. I try to keep the system clean but am not sure if there is anything I can do to improve the performance.
Has there been a new Windows update that locks the text and document files from people in other accounts from opening them? When I place a text or document file from my account into any other account, they cannot open them as they used to be able to. The last file that I can open between accounts was created on 11/29/2006.This is not just limited to Microsoft Word for Windows, but for files made in Excel, WordPad, and NotePad txt files as well. I think it should be easy to check, for it's probably a recent Windows Update, but the trouble is that I recently had to format my hard drive and start over, so I don't know which of the 200 or so it is that I had to download. I am hoping that all I need to do is to uninstall it.If this was an Windows Update, then I need to uninstall it because I need to be able to send people files and have them be able to read them.The exact error message for a document created in Word is: "Word cannot open the document: User does not have access privileges (C:...MyDocuments(name of file).doc)".I am running Windows XP Professional on a home made computer with 1024 MB RAM, and an AMD Athlon 64 3500+ processor.
My browsers, particularly IE (6) dont always respond when I try to open them. With IE about half the time when I click the icon nothing happens. If a then check task manager IE is indeed running and taking up about 14K of memory, but it never opens. If I try opening it again another instance will just open under task manager and nothing will show up. Now if I end all the IE processes in there and then start IE again it'll be fine. But I need to get this fixed.
I was checking my daughters pc for some usual maintenance. The start programs on list suddenly dont open, computer freezes up, did the error-checking but I cannot seem to get some vital prgrams to open up. I am running a couple of recent worm tools from Symantec and so far, nothing. Could this be a hardware problem or can someone tell me something I am missing?
Every time I turn on my computer it will load and everything everything is ok...But when it load my programs in the beggining some programs won't show up on my task bar such as DAP ( Download Accelerator Plus ) and my volume contols When I close and start the program again it will appear again on my task bar. Also when i restart it will all appear no problem... I never USED to have this
Lately alot of my programs are (not responding). I've run virus scan, defrag, scandisk, Spybot, Ad-aware, you name it. Searched web and only find answers related to single programs, yet ALOT of my programs are not responding. At one point I could not get Task Manager to come up to end non-responding program.
I keep trying to open iTunes, but when the little "sand-timer" appears next to the mouse as if it's about to open, nothing happens and the sand-timer goes away. I do not get an error message at all. However, I checked in the Task Manager under Processes and it says that iTunes is now running.
Every time I re-boot I get different programs automatically started and placed on the task bar (Lower right on the screen). Certain programs always start, others start at different times - very confusing. Changing the start up table doesn't seem to affect the situation.
I had this computer for a year or so and about month ago,the little boxes on the blue taskbar at the bottom of the screen stopped showing up I can still open the windows with the ctrl alt delete command to open the task manager, but theres no way to switch between two open windows without that.
I'm not able to open the task manger or it only stays open for a few seconds and closing. Even HJT gets closed after a few seconds. Both actually works right after the computer boots up but shut down in about 30 seconds. I was able to run a scan before it shut down.
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 7:15:53 PM, on 6/25/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)
Well today I suddenly started having problems and you seem to know what your talking about so I thought I'd ask you.I ran a Trend Micro PC-Cillin Scan and it found the worm, WORM_MUGLY.I which I am working on removing. The problem is that part of removing that requires you to open your task manager and view processes which I am not allowed to do. I tried to run regedit but it opened up to an ms dos window which in the title bar said I ran registry cleaner, ad aware, and spybot search and destroy but to no avail.
i logs into our accounts on windows we receive a pop up for windows installer and sonic decoder. they cannot be canceled unless I open the task manager and manually stop them I cant think of any changes I have made to msconfig or my registry that would cause this. I checked the event viewer log to see if there was any additional info but none was available.
There is an untitled entry on my task bar. It appeared after I updated Microsoft Office 2003. It does not open anything. How can I get rid of it. I have restarted my PC.