OEM And Home Versions: Product Key Stuck To The Computer?

Dec 31, 2005

I read somewhere in this forum that if you had a CD Key stuck on your computer you could install the Windows XP CD of your choice.What I mean to say is this: I have an HP Compaq computer that came with the Windows XP OEM bundled version and its own product Key stuck to the computer. So after the 90 day support with HP, I got rid of all the crapola that comes with their bundle, (AOL, Disney Channel, Silly things, etc.) and reformatted with a copy of Windows XP OEM, using the Product Key on the computer. NO Problem. I have done this several times before and only had one problem, which was resolved through phoning Microsoft Activation Center.

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Msn Explorer As Home Page - Different Versions

Feb 27, 2006

iv got msn explorer as my home page but its the usa version how do i chage it to the uk site cheers x

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Installer Got Stuck At 'Checking Product Key'

Jan 26, 2008

Linked with this topic:

My friend said to me that the installer got stuck at 'Checking product key'. He was coming over anyway so I said to him to bring his laptop and I'll hook it up to the DSL and download all updates. It did about 65 updates and then wanted to so service pack 2. It downloaded it from Windows Update but still gets stuck on Checking Product key (been on it for 30 minutes now with no change)

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Reinstalling And Stuck At Set Up Due To Product Key No Longer Working

Aug 29, 2009

I was cleaning my laptop by reinstalling Windows XP Pro.I reformated first as it was FAT32 and I wanted NTSC next time.When I tried to reinstall Windows XP Pro from the CD it went into set up mode and was all OK until I got to the product key - for some reason it no longer works. So I can't reinstall XP Pro and it is stuck in the set up loop. No idea why the key won't work.I do also have a Vista Home CD and key but the system is stuck in the setup loop so I don't seem to be able to install that either. I've put the CD and tried to boot it but no joy.

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Home Lost Product Key

Apr 14, 2009

Good noon everyone. Here's how it happened. I went on for a 1 month vacation at our province, when I came home everything in my place was clean, the dust, the trash and even the sticker for my windows Xp Home edition. I know It's also my fault, I should have placed the sticker at my CPU, though I still have my cd for the xp home edition, the question is can I retrieve it from the Microsoft?

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Can Any Xp Home Disk And Product Key Be Used To Reinstall

Sep 1, 2006

If I lost the disk that came with my PC, can I use any XP home disk and the product key on the side of the PC to reinstall?With out getting in any trouble?

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Install Slipstreamed Pro Onto New H.d. Using Xp Home Product Key

Jul 19, 2010

I'm trying to use a slip-streamed copy of win xp pro to install xp home onto a new hard drive for a friend while using his xp home product key. I thought that xp home would extract the files unique to xp home from the xp pro install because I used the xp home product key. The reason I'm using the xp pro slip-stream is because my friend bought the computer with xp home pre-installed and didn't get a install copy on the o.s.

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Find Product Key On My Home HardDrive

Mar 27, 2006

How do I find the product key on my WinXP Home Operating System loaded on my hard drive.I know on Win98 its simply a question of typing in regedit and then productkey
But I can't do this with XP home. How do I find the product key?

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Home Stuck When Repairing

Jan 19, 2006

i have a dell dimension 2400 - running XP Home, which was infected with numerous viruses and spyware - these were cleared - though due to its very nature a number of os files were removed/deleted. I then decided to run a repair of windows XP home to reinstall these files. However, on numerous attempts, the repair gets through to the Preperation Phase ok, and then gets stuck at the "installing Windows" phase, with 33 minutes to go - with the "installing Devices" box at around 80% bar completed.Has anyone any ideas what to do and fix this - apart from a clean install of course!

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Home Wont Install - Product Key Invalid ?

Jun 3, 2006

i have been using my OEM version of XP home for the past few years,have reformatted my HD a few times and used the cd to reinstall it without trouble yesterday i decided my computer needed another reformat, so i did so assuming that the installation would work. now every time i enter in the cd key (the CORRECT one that comes with my LEGIT version of xp home), it says my product key is invalid.

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Free Window Xp Home Edition Product Key?

May 22, 2010

My nephews hp pc that had windows xp home edition on it. it was running hella slow and he didnt have a recover cd for his old hp pc he has. so i had a copy of windows xp home edition (service pack 2) so i erased the whole hard drive and reinstalled my copy of windows xp home edition and after that i needed to activate the product key! so i tried to put the product key i have but microsoft tells me its wrong and to retry it again! so i downloaded a product key finder V1.0 and it came up with a different product key, so i tried to use the product key what the key finder found and still micro soft says its not right and to retry again!! so now im so confuse and dont know what to do any more!! the window xp exspires in 26 days if i dont activated.

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Stuck On Home Edition Repair

Oct 12, 2007

I have just started to have problems with my Acer T120E Aspire. When the pc is switched on it boots up as normal, showing the Windows XP home edition splash screen and goes to user accounts. When one is selected, it does'nt matter which one, it goes through the logging in procedure, showing the 'loading your personal settings' screen. However, after about ten seconds it goes blank the cpu fan cuts in and the computer restarts again.I decided to repair XP as I could'nt even log in under safe mode. I borrowed a disc as I have misplaced the original disc that was supplied.

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Home Won't Boot In Any Mode, Stuck In Loop

Sep 15, 2007

I don't really know where i should start so.well earlier today i installed a second hd in my computer to pull so files off of it for my sister and my mom, but when i got it working it said accsess was denied to there stuff i went on my moms computer to check if i hade already backed up there stuff of the old comp, so i go into her document to see if i could find the old documents and when i start scrolling through them the window freezes...so i leave it for a minute and while i'm waiting i close some other programs one of which was mozilla which was also frozen.I go back to the my document window and its still frozen.

I try to close it and of course its not responding so i click end now and it made the every thing disappear like the task bar and all the icons on the desktop are missing...so i wait and see if any thing will reappear and nothing does so i restart it and it starts booting up..the windows logo comes up and the little bars only gets half way across then it restarts and brings me to that menu where you can choose save mode or start normally and all that and no matter what i pick the comp just restarts and bring me back to the menu.

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Home Configuration Wont Boot Stuck In Loop

Jan 6, 2005

Windows xp will not boot to the safe mode or normal mode or the the last known good configuration, just goes in a loop and right back to the menu page

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Product Key-two Copies That Are Idententical Except For The Product Keys Which To Send?

Feb 3, 2007

My son moved out of town and now wants his copy of Windows XP Pro that he left behind. I have two copies that are idententical except for the product keys. Is there somewhere in Windows that would tell me which copy to send and which to keep? will he be able to reuse this disk to put on a new HD in a new computer? Can he put his old HD in a new computer?

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Home Stuck On "Is Starting Up" Screen

Nov 23, 2007

i have looked up fixes for this, and they say try a repair with your Windows XP disk, however, ive torn apart my house and can't find it. I really cant and dont want to reformat, one because i have a lot of files on my computer and 2, if i reformat, i would have to reinstall my modem,router,and ethernet, which i dont have disks for any of them (tore up my house again). As you can see, im not the most organized guy, and dont have any of the discs

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Find Product Key On Computer?

Mar 25, 2007

I have 3 separate PCs with XP installed (all installed manually by me).One of these installations is an old one (without SP2) and another is OEM.However I've forgotten which PC has which version on.Is there anywhere on PC (? registry) which has the product key (as written on the cd package) listed, so I can check which cd belongs to which PC?

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Was Pre-loaded On Computer / Never Had Product Key / Can Reinstall Without That?

Feb 24, 2005

One of our computers (kids have at school) might need a reformat & XP Home reinstall. I'm wondering about the Product Key - we never had it. It is a Dell. XP Home was already installed. We have Reinstall discs. I am reading about reinstalling XP and it says to Have Your Product Key handy! I'm finding the Product Key can be ONLY be found "on the orange sticker on the back of the envelope holding the original disc." We never had original discs since XP was installed, so we don't have that enevelope or Product Key sticker - nothing. Those orange stickers seem to be the only way to find the 25-digit Product Key for XP. We have the reinstall discs and 20-digit Product Registration numbers (shown on the Registered to box on the system info box).If it turns out the computer will need to be reformatted and XP reinstalled, will the Reinstall disc know that XP was pre-installed by Dell and we didn't install it? How will it work? What information will I have to supply? (I've looked at the Dell site but feel uneasy.)

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Computer Crashed - Lost Product ID

Sep 25, 2004

My whole computer crashed..so I had to restore it to its factory default..I need to have xp pro and office pro on my computer for school...but I lost the product IDs...what can I do?? My university won't give me another office or windows xp disk and I have a paper and presentation that needs turned in on monday..and I can't open them or edit it...so does anyone know what I do if I lose my product id??

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Reformatting The Computer But Forgot The OS Product Key?

Apr 30, 2006

I want to reformat my computer, but I forgot my product key.I have the windows xp cd, but I lost the cd case.Would anyone have an answer on how I can recover it?

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2nd Hand Computer With No Product Key: Windows Corrupted?

Apr 25, 2008

i bought a second hand computer but it didnt come with a product key, the computer now wont start because the screen comes up saying that windows has been corrupted, iv been through the process of rebooting the system and it is now asking for the product key, but how can i find the key?

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Moving An Harddrive To A New Computer And Dont Have The Product Key

Mar 2, 2005

Is there a way to abort the windows installation? If I could get back to windows I could figure out the Product key. When I turn on the computer it just goes to the installation section where it asks for the product key.

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Product Key On The Dell Personal Computer Case

Dec 4, 2004

How can i get a cd for win xp home as the system never came with it and now I have to reload.I have the product key on the dell personal computer case?

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Computer Stuck After Login

Mar 1, 2006

Can log in, but now nothing else works. My mouse works, but I can't use ctrl alt delete, and the only option left is to shut down.

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Computer Stuck In Hibernation - Fan Still Running

Jan 23, 2006

I recently stripped the cord running from my USB mouse to the computer on accident, so until i get a new mouse I use the keyboard only for now. I was attempting to switch users by hitting the windows key and going to switch users, when I accidentally hit Hibernate. The computer went into hibernation and NOTHING I do will bring it out, the fan is still running, the monitor shuts itself off and will not show anything when I reboot the computer or try anything else. Ive tried many ways to restart the computer and bring it back out but I've had no luck, as of right now I'm using my parents computer until I can get my own running again.

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Computer Got Stuck Dont Know The Command To Run

Mar 18, 2007

Daughter has Windows XP and her friend has a user ID on the computer. She said she was trying to fix the Administrator account so that when she saved files they wouldn't be on all user names. So I'm not exactly sure what she did, and she's 15 so of course she can't remember, but the thing won't exactly run. I can get into that safety boot mode but don't know what to do after that tried starting in safe mode and all that, but it just gets stuck. One user ID (the original administrator one) will appear as if Windows is going to start but it never does.I bought it at a pawn shop, so of course there are no restoration disks. I'm thinking it can't be anything too difficult, I just don't know the command to run.

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Computer Stuck In Loading Screen

Sep 14, 2006

I recently got a new PC that I built up myself, and I could run it perfectly until I was going to start XP for the first time. After that it was finished installing Windows XP Professional, it rebooted and I got this XP loading screen. Now is the problem, it's stuck there forever with this loading thing moving and moving in an endless loop. What could be the problem? I hope it's nothing hardware related as they are all new.

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Computer Stuck At Loading Screen

Aug 15, 2008

Today I turned on my computer and Windows won't load. It just stops at the loading screen (the one with the Windows logo and blue loading bar). The bar just stops moving.I can load Windows in Safe Mode, and I tried scanning for viruses (0) and spyware (5) - but it didn't help.I didn't install anything new and haven't changed any setting. The only thing is that I turned my computer on while there was a CD in the drive. I took it out but it didn't help.

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Computer Stuck At Loading Screen

Jan 31, 2010

I had a power supply die out of nowhere on me about a month ago. Last night I replaced it, and when starting up my computer I was given the option to boot windows normally, in safe mode, or in my last known configuration. Any of these options take me to the black screen with the windows logo and the blue loading bar, as usual. However, I am stuck at this screen. I've never encountered this, what do you think could be the problem?

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Computer Stuck With Blue Screen

Aug 14, 2008

I turned on my computer today, of course to be stuck with a blue screen of death.I'm getting the error:I have google'd this error, but I only get the first and second sets of error codes to match. No one seems to have the third set [0x823AA138] and after. No idea what to do.I have tried repairing but it kept saying X file is missing do you want to skip? I did this for many files before I got another blue screen.

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Computer Does Not Boot - Gets Stuck On The Blue Screen

Sep 9, 2007

i have windows XP, normally the the computer would start with the black screen (windows XP then follow by showing the users on a blue screen, but now it is not showing any users.what can i do?i have already taken all the cables out and put them back in. Starting in safe mode also did not help.it gets stuck on the blue screen it just says Windows XP

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