Moving An Harddrive To A New Computer And Dont Have The Product Key
Mar 2, 2005
Is there a way to abort the windows installation? If I could get back to windows I could figure out the Product key. When I turn on the computer it just goes to the installation section where it asks for the product key.
i have a hp laptop and for some reason my usb ports aren't working, in device manager it says that they are working fine but it wont read the printer or a camera or anything, so i figured that maybe i have to update windows, so i try and do that and it says Validation Failure: Product Key Failed Validation, so what should i do?
How do I find the product key on my WinXP Home Operating System loaded on my hard drive.I know on Win98 its simply a question of typing in regedit and then productkey But I can't do this with XP home. How do I find the product key?
On my comp, I could not reboot. Anyway I went(boot in safe mode,Last known...) the comp would just reboot and not go into Windows. I took the System diskl that came with it originally(2 years ago) and rep0aired the windows with the repair option instead of reinstalling windows completely. It worked fine, but i found windows to be XP service pack 1. I now updated service pack 1 completely and then updated to service Pack 2. Heres the prioblem. When Installing SP2 i kept getting Application errors for numerous Application stated below. On anyone of the Applications, the message was: instruction @ "ox5a00671a" referenced memory @ "oxff3fb084". The memory can not be "read".
Daughter has Windows XP and her friend has a user ID on the computer. She said she was trying to fix the Administrator account so that when she saved files they wouldn't be on all user names. So I'm not exactly sure what she did, and she's 15 so of course she can't remember, but the thing won't exactly run. I can get into that safety boot mode but don't know what to do after that tried starting in safe mode and all that, but it just gets stuck. One user ID (the original administrator one) will appear as if Windows is going to start but it never does.I bought it at a pawn shop, so of course there are no restoration disks. I'm thinking it can't be anything too difficult, I just don't know the command to run.
Everytime i shutdown my computer i get the message "Please turn off your computer to install updates" i turn the PC off and the updates don't seem to install as the message is there the next time
I have been having problems with restarting my Windows XP home media center. I was trying to install a second monitor to my desktop and decided to disable my NVIDIA GEFORCE 7300LE and also think I changed the video/ monitor settings to auto somewhere in the device manager. Ever since I did that my computer won't reboot past the dell and windows logos. I have the dimension E510.
The thing is that this version of the xp didn't come with an installation disk for me to reboot the sequence so it keeps asking me for a diskette. I can't even go into safe mode only the f2 setup. PLEASE help me! I really don't want to lose my files.
I have an Hp computer that is really old and is pretty much junk but I bought a Mac now and I need XP for a website for work. Is their a way to take the copy of XP on the HP computer and run it in parallels on my mac. I there is how do I do it.
I moved my HD that has XP Pro installed on it to a new computer. XP boots but it comes up with a "must activate" screen. I select 'Yes' then afet a short delay it comes up with "windows already activated". I click 'OK' then 'logon screen' comes on. Click on my login icon and windows goes back to "must activate screen' again. It's vicious circle.
I know what to do but i am bit curious on the formatting bit. I have 2 hard drives, Harddrive "A" has all the window/program files as well as other programs like games and documents. Harddrive B is where i keep all my big files like videos and movies of course i want to format harddrive A but the thing is that harddrive is split in to 3 drives (C:, G:, F. I dont mind formating the c drive since it is all windows/program files but i dont really want to get rid of the G/F drive. I kno you can format the harddrive through the installation process of windows but i was wondering if it is possilbe to just to format the C: during that process or does it only format the whole harddrive
I reformatted my hard drive due to OS issues, I was running a trial version of Server 2003 along with XP Pro, and I had to get rid of Server 2003 because it was conflicting with XP Pro, and so the only way to do that was by reformatting both hard drives including XP Pro because Server 2003 was acting as the dominant OS, so I backed up all my ****, and reinstalled XP Pro, but now I get this hard drive problem that it says only 51 Gigs are remaining on a 250GB Hard drive, when the only thing installed on that hard drive is XP pro and maybe 15 applications, I tried using every program I can think of to find hidden files that equal a huge size but nothing shows up
My computer operated windows XP sp2, and have 3 hard drives conntected 1. HD 0 is 160 GB divided into 2 partiotions, one 20 GB containing the system the other 140 Gb containes data directories and film directories2. HD 1 is 120 Gb connected through mobile rack and also contains data directories and film directories3. HD 2 is 200 Gb connected through mobile rack and contains only film directories.Untill thursday night everything was perfect, but when i I opened my computer friday morning i found the following1. HD 0 second partition all film directories completly disappeared and the free space is 40 Gb instead of the original 50 Gb
I got a trojan that attached to my browser. I managed to get rid of it by system restore.A few days later I noticed I only had 127 GB of my 300GB harddrive showing.I did manage to find the missing space though Disk Management. It was showing 170GB as unallocated space. I named it E: and formatted it.It now shows in My Computer as New Volume E: When I open E:I get 2 folders, Recycler and System volume Information. SVI will not open. It gives me an error, ESystem Volume Information is not accessable, access is denied.I am trying to find a way to either resize E: to 1GB or smaller and move that 169 GB back to C: or get rid of E: altogether and put all the missing space back on C:
My son moved out of town and now wants his copy of Windows XP Pro that he left behind. I have two copies that are idententical except for the product keys. Is there somewhere in Windows that would tell me which copy to send and which to keep? will he be able to reuse this disk to put on a new HD in a new computer? Can he put his old HD in a new computer?
My daughter bought a new computer (DELL with WIN XP) She asked me to take the files from her old (hardly working) computer, which had WIN 98, and get them onto the new computer.This didn't prove as easy as it sounded. The floppy drive didn't work on the old one, and no CD burner.I zipped the folders and mailed them to her Yahoo email (which can be openned on my computer and her new one), then openned and unzipped them on MINE and burned them on a cd.This worked good, but the FAVORITES folder couldn't be burned on a cd, it kept saying the file names (urls) were too long and if burned it wouldn't work after.So, I left that unzipped in her email. Today, she unzipped it, and (as I suggested) copied and pasted the folders/url links from the old favorites folder into the new one. This works, they open in the folder (in MY DOCS) but they don't show on the desktop, like START>FAVORITES I think in XP there is a different way of showing this (I haven't looked at it much and have never used anything over 98SE, myself).Anyway, is there a way of getting the favorites (urls and those in folders) into the favorites on the new (XP) computer so they show up like the new ones she is putting in? I looked in google and one place said to export the old FAVORITES folder to a floppy (I couldn't do, it didn't work) and then IMPORT it in the new one.If it has to be imported (and not dragged, or copy/pasted) can't it be imported from the unzipped folder or somewhere else?
Is it too late to save on a floppy (from the unzipped folder on the new computer) and import it, if it has to be done that way? I have been thinking of it like fonts. you can install fonts, but you can also unzip them and drag them into the fonts folder and they seem to go in and work just as well.Can favorites (links) be dragged or copy/pasted into the FAVORITES folder on the new computer and have them show up in FAVORITES on the desktop? Maybe it has to be shut down and restarted first? Maybe I'm missing something. I've never done this before, but putting the old FAVORITES in the new FAVORITES folder seemed like it would work.The original files/folders have been deleted from the old computer. They are in Yahoo mail as a zip file and can be unzipped and are all there. Can they be exported to a floppy from there? Then imported into the Favorites folder, if it has to be done that way?
I have recently recieved a new computer, and I need to transfer the files of off my old computer. I know windows XP has a file transfer wizzard, but I don't have the serial cable it needs. Is it possible to transfer files from another computer using a USB cable, because I do have one of those. Any help on how I can move my old files will be appreciated.I am also wanting to move a program from my old computer. Having bought my old computer second hand, it came installed with adobe photoshop. I really need photoshop on my new computer, because I deal with computer graphics frequently.
I will be receiving, shortly, a new Windows XP computer. I am currently using Windows XP SP2 on my old computer. How do I transfer files and settings from old to new? I realize that most applications will need to be re-installed from scratch but what abput their data, etc?
I think I was on thiese forums a year or so ago with the same problem, and the solution worked. You guys had me run a scan and post a log report of all the processes and such that were slowing down the computer. The last few days the fan has been kicking on a lot, and I'll wake up in the morning occasionally and the computer will be locked up. Not sure if it's something I downloaded or something that just made its way to my computer. What's the program to run the scan? I'll post the log after I get the link.
After reading the threads concerning transferring all data, email addresses, favorites, documents, pictures, ITune library etc. from an old computer with XP to a new computer with Vista, I was completely over my head and understood very little of what was suggested. Is there a program to assist technically challenged people to move into a new computer. I really need a new computer but this process scares me completely. Should I just pay a professional to do it and stop worrying? Someone suggested Norton Ghost. Anyone know of this program and it's effectiveness in my situation?
I have Windows XP on my computer, In a few days I am buying a new Windows computer. Can I export my Favorites to a floppy disk? If so, how exactly would I do it? Then on the new computer how exactly would I import my Favorites from the floppy disk to the Favorites in the new computer?
My computer is running really slow. I run win XP. I have AD Aware and norton systemworks with the most current virus defination updates. My windows XP is updated and my processer is brand new Celeron D. I have checked my MSCONFIG start up options and only a few programs are checked. I cannot figure out what is wrong. I think that it might be a virus but I don't know. I have installed some new programs recently like the GoGo Data toolbar and a bootleg version of Norton Systemworks that I got off of iMesh.
I have a question regarding a legal aspects of Windows XP.I have a machine running XP Pro. In the very near future, I am planning on getting rid it in favor of a new one. However, I would still like to keep the OS license.Am I allowed to reinstall XP Pro on the new PC using the same CD Key? Do I need to notify Microsoft in any way? Is there a special uninstallation process I need to apply to the old machine to 'release' the license?
Set a sub woofer with no magnetic shielding right next to my computer tower for about 10 hours or so. I mean you can see the sub woofer effect the monitor when your holding it from about 8 inches away, so should I be worried about my hard drive? The computer appears to be functioning normally, but still, it would almost seem crazy for it not to be damaged. I don't know what difference it makes but here are the specs
All of a sudden without making any changes my computer won't wake up when I move the mouse. I restored the computer to before it happened but it didn't help. Anybody got any ideas as to what the problem might be.
I'm really stumped. My computer was moving slow so I decided to do a possible defrag.When I clicked analyze I got the message that a disk check had been scheduled and to do that first. I had not scheduled a disk check. I went ahead an scheduled one and restarted my computer and then all.
I built a new computer w/ XP Pro. Its has a ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe MB w/ a 3.2 Mhz cpu. with a raptor hard drive. I set it up by installing the raptor alone, after xp was up and running I put the seagate 40gb in. It was running fine, when I took it out to put it back in the old system it was in it would not even start the check of IDE's. If I removed power from the HD it would say no IDE's found. I have award BIOS v4.51pg and when I hit delete I can't enter setup. (?) The only thing new to the old system is another video card (I put the old one in the new computer) I also removed the cd burner and dvd plyer and put it in the new computer, and a old dvd player was put back in the old computer. No setting were changed. I have tried to put the 40 gb back to the new comp and I get an error message w/ options to continue starting windows, start in safe, safe w/ com prompt, etc.
im back again and again I have a problem.. I am curently using my mothers computer and it is loading extremely slow? For instance, im re-downloading yahoo messenger and it normallly takes 7 minutes whereas now its taking up to an hour. Whats going on?
I'm new to this forum and new to what I'm trying to do. I need to know how to copy a program from one xp computer to another. The program has customer info in it.How do I transfer all the data from one computer to another without losing any information? I'm a beginner, so please explain in "English".