Home Stuck On "Is Starting Up" Screen

Nov 23, 2007

i have looked up fixes for this, and they say try a repair with your Windows XP disk, however, ive torn apart my house and can't find it. I really cant and dont want to reformat, one because i have a lot of files on my computer and 2, if i reformat, i would have to reinstall my modem,router,and ethernet, which i dont have disks for any of them (tore up my house again). As you can see, im not the most organized guy, and dont have any of the discs

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Home Stuck When Repairing

Jan 19, 2006

i have a dell dimension 2400 - running XP Home, which was infected with numerous viruses and spyware - these were cleared - though due to its very nature a number of os files were removed/deleted. I then decided to run a repair of windows XP home to reinstall these files. However, on numerous attempts, the repair gets through to the Preperation Phase ok, and then gets stuck at the "installing Windows" phase, with 33 minutes to go - with the "installing Devices" box at around 80% bar completed.Has anyone any ideas what to do and fix this - apart from a clean install of course!

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Stuck On Home Edition Repair

Oct 12, 2007

I have just started to have problems with my Acer T120E Aspire. When the pc is switched on it boots up as normal, showing the Windows XP home edition splash screen and goes to user accounts. When one is selected, it does'nt matter which one, it goes through the logging in procedure, showing the 'loading your personal settings' screen. However, after about ten seconds it goes blank the cpu fan cuts in and the computer restarts again.I decided to repair XP as I could'nt even log in under safe mode. I borrowed a disc as I have misplaced the original disc that was supplied.

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OEM And Home Versions: Product Key Stuck To The Computer?

Dec 31, 2005

I read somewhere in this forum that if you had a CD Key stuck on your computer you could install the Windows XP CD of your choice.What I mean to say is this: I have an HP Compaq computer that came with the Windows XP OEM bundled version and its own product Key stuck to the computer. So after the 90 day support with HP, I got rid of all the crapola that comes with their bundle, (AOL, Disney Channel, Silly things, etc.) and reformatted with a copy of Windows XP OEM, using the Product Key on the computer. NO Problem. I have done this several times before and only had one problem, which was resolved through phoning Microsoft Activation Center.

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Home Won't Boot In Any Mode, Stuck In Loop

Sep 15, 2007

I don't really know where i should start so.well earlier today i installed a second hd in my computer to pull so files off of it for my sister and my mom, but when i got it working it said accsess was denied to there stuff i went on my moms computer to check if i hade already backed up there stuff of the old comp, so i go into her document to see if i could find the old documents and when i start scrolling through them the window freezes...so i leave it for a minute and while i'm waiting i close some other programs one of which was mozilla which was also frozen.I go back to the my document window and its still frozen.

I try to close it and of course its not responding so i click end now and it made the every thing disappear like the task bar and all the icons on the desktop are missing...so i wait and see if any thing will reappear and nothing does so i restart it and it starts booting up..the windows logo comes up and the little bars only gets half way across then it restarts and brings me to that menu where you can choose save mode or start normally and all that and no matter what i pick the comp just restarts and bring me back to the menu.

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Home XP-Computer Starting Up Automactically

Feb 4, 2006

Recently I used the task manager to schedule some anti-virus and anti-spyware programs
at different times of the week, now, when i awake in the morning my computer is running,
even though it is not a scheduled run, it automactically comes on every day, even during
the course of the day ? My OS, Home XP V2002 SP2.

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Starting My PC With Home Takes Too Much Time

Jun 25, 2005

I am having problems starting my PC. Each time I boot up, the PC is very slow and it can take up to 10 minutes to see desktop icons on the screen. At first, it displays the Windows Welcome page, and this is displayed for about 3 minutes. Eventually, the desktop is displayed with the background picture,
the cursor is also there, but there are no shortcuts/icons are on the screen.

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Starting Up Home Sp1 - Not Shutting Down Properly

Mar 10, 2005

I keep having problems at s/u, sometimes everything is ok and other times I have to shut down and s/u about 4 or 5 times. I have run spybot, adaware se, webroot spy sweeper and panda titanium av, but it still keeps happening.

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Home Configuration Wont Boot Stuck In Loop

Jan 6, 2005

Windows xp will not boot to the safe mode or normal mode or the the last known good configuration, just goes in a loop and right back to the menu page

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Starting Up Home - Novell Netware Ready Firmware?

Sep 5, 2007

When I start up this appears on my screen for about 30 seconds or so.

Novell Netware Ready Firmware v1.00 (940 889)

No one was able to help me in here the other day so I scoured the web and I found this guy had the same problem I have.

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Can't Load Window Welcome Screen! Stuck At Dark Blank Screen

Apr 1, 2008

Using window xp pro I on computer.I'm using pentium 3..

It's fine loading bios and till window xp logo..

when it starting to load the welcome window screen.. (which it didnt reach the welcome screen at all)

It just stuck at the black screen.. so i try to run in safe mode, weirdly it able to open.. okie

i tried to reformat... but it doesnt seems to work, it happens the same thing..

b4 this happened.. it all started one day.. i let my computer to download some personal stuff.. then computer got hanged, and i just shut the computer just like that..so now, i cant reach the welcome screen at all..

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Computer Stuck Between The Loading Screen And The Welcome Screen?

Nov 22, 2006

When I turn on my computer, everything seems to be going fine... the manufacturer's screen comes up, then the screen that shows Windows is loading, then it kindof gets stuck between the loading screen and the welcome screen. It just goes black. The hard drive will run continually as if it's searching for the rest of the information, but can't find it.

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Stuck At Welcome Screen

Oct 4, 2007

I am stuck in the welcome screen on windows xp and I am hoping to find a solution that won't require me to reinstall windows as I am afraid I will lose my documents, picutures etc. I have some important things in there as far as pictures that I had not put on cd yet.

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Stuck At Welcome Screen

Oct 8, 2008

I have a dell latitude d600 laptop and i keep getting stuck at the welcome screen. not frozen, i can move the mouse cursor around but there's no options to choose from so i'm essentially stuck. i usually keep my computer in stand by and then everythings fine. but occasionally i shut down my computer and thats when i have this problem. this problem started once in a while when i started up the computer but now it happens everytime i start it up. i called a tech support number and they had me goto "start" then "run" and type in "prefetch" and over 50 files came up. the man on the phone said there should be about 7 files there.

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Stuck At Login Screen

Dec 3, 2005

Ive recently been putting my comp in standby every night instead of shut down, but last night I shut it down and now it wont come back!! It stays at the Windows XP loading screen. I am only able to load it into "safe mode w/ networking." The "Last settings that worked" option does not work. I have tried to restore it 3 times to 3 different dates, and all give me the same result---stuck at windows XP screen in normal mode, or loading in safe mode.

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Stuck On Loading Screen

Jan 19, 2005

A few weeks ago, I was having virus problems on my computer, along with various other problems, such as Norton not working. One of these problems was that I would boot up my computer, and it would be stuck on the Windows XP loading screen with the little green bar forever and would not load the user screen. However, I could get the computer to boot up in Safe Mode with Networking and could get just about everything to work fine. Thinking that the problem with loading was a virus that had erased some of my system files, I reinstalled Windows and reinstalled Norton correctly along a Sygate firewall. Everything was running fine, I was running Spybot and Ad-aware every day and a full system scan weekly, but today, I started having the loading problem again. I have no idea where to start fixing it. I am currently running Safe Mode with Networking, so I can use the internet and most of my other programs, but I want Normal mode back for obvious reasons.

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Stuck At Login Screen

Dec 3, 2005

Ive recently been putting my comp in standby every night instead of shut down, but last night I shut it down and now it wont come back!! It stays at the Windows XP loading screen. I am only able to load it into "safe mode w/ networking." The "Last settings that worked" option does not work. I have tried to restore it 3 times to 3 different dates, and all give me the same result---stuck at windows XP screen in normal mode, or loading in safe mode.

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Stuck On Logo Screen

Aug 15, 2009

Got an HP Pavilion 563w with Pentiun 2.4, and 512 MB of ram, running an oem XP. One day, I tried to start it up, and it booted to the Windows logo screen with the black bar. The bar went across twice, then froze. Nothing else happens after that. Tried Known Good Configuration, same thing. Tried safe mode, stops at mup.sys. I tried to get into Recovery console, but doesnt seem to recognize my hard drive, as my only choices are off of the CD (Drive letter e). Tried to repair system files with an XP upgrade cd, and it tells me there's no operating system installed, and that I need to verify my install by loading the installation cd, which I dont have. So I tried to use the HP system restore feature on my computer, but it only gives me the option to reformat, and not repair. I am the fool who did not regularly back up files, so I still have some on there I would like to have. I thought I could install this drive as a slave in my newer computer, but the hard drive setup in that computer is SATA, and my problem child is an IDE drive. I did not install anything new (hardware or software) that I can remember in the days before it went south.

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Stuck At Splash Screen

Sep 14, 2009

My PC has developed a problem and I'm looking a solution. What I'm seeing is that when I boot my PC, it gets to the splash screen and I see the scroller moving but that's it. No color changes no BSOD, etc. At this point, I've been able to restore my system using an Acronis full system recovery but I would like to know what's going on behind the scenes when the progress bar moves but nothing.

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Stuck On BIOS Screen

Sep 27, 2009

I have a Dell inspiron 530s.Yesterday I ran an spyware doctor scan on my PC went to the shower and when I came back 30 minute's later the system had froze.I could not do anything so I turnt the PC off and rebooted.However when it rebooted it would not go past the Dell screen,that come's up straightaway,and the F12 and F2 key's are unusable as nothing whatsoever work's.I have tried rebooting taking out all connected thing's ie mouse speakers and wireless dongles,turnt it off for an hour and still nothing work's.All light's are on,monitor work's but the only thing that seem's to be missing is the light's on the keyboard num lock etc.

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Screen Stuck On Wallpaper

Oct 12, 2010

My XP desktop only shows my wallpaper. I can open programs using Task Manager.I can't run sfc / scannow from task manager - it just flickers a square box and disappears. Nothing changes. It won't run. It won't let me open any antivirus program.

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Xp Is Getting Stuck At Windows Is Shutting Down Screen

Feb 10, 2008

I am new here and was not able to find any thing similar to my problem. I recently installed some drivers to work with my logitech mx900 wireless mouse, I just have the mouse itself and a seperate bluetooth reciever. I could not figure out how to get it to work without connecting it every time I turn on the computer and un installed the program. Now my computer gets stuck after I press shutdown and in the blue screen where it says windows is shutting down

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Re-formatting Stuck On The Blue Screen

Jan 29, 2007

I threw in the XP disc to start the re-formatting, to basically re-install XP and for the past 15 hours or so (since last night) it's been stuck on the blue screen and sais "Windows is re-formatting, 33 minutes remaining" I've turned the computer on/off, and it's always lead back to that screen

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Stuck On Blue Loading Screen

Jul 5, 2005

Yesterday, I acquired the "istsvc" spyware, and could not get rid of it. I ran an anti-spyware program, and it said it would run again when I restarted my computer to finish the job. I restarted my computer, and it never finished booting. It goes to the black screen with the Windows logo and the blue scrolling line just fine. Then it goes to the light blue screen with the dark blue borders and the words Microsoft Windows XP in the middle, and just stops. I know it is not frozen because there is a mouse pointer on-screen that I can still move. It stops at this same point no matter what mode I try to load in. I am using XP Home SP2.

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WinMCE - Stuck On Loading Screen

Mar 22, 2007

Last night my roomate was using my computer and kicked my surge protector off. The result was my computer wouldnt boot up. I played with it for a couple of minutes turning it on and off. Finally I opened the case and blew any dust out and tightened a few connectors. Turned it back on again and it seemed to boot up normally. I logged into my account and the desktop started to load up. The icons began coming up and then it froze. Control + Alt +Del would not work. So I manually turned the computer off. I attempted to boot up again and this time when I typed in my password I got stuck on a "Loading Preferences" screen. I attempted turning the computer on and off a few times hoping XP was just having an XP moment. Not the case. Next I tried booting in various safe modes. Right now I'm in Safe Mode with Network and it works perfectly. I tried to restore to a last known setting, didn't help. I did it both via the list after hitting F8 and within safemode. I played around with some account settings and now have it so I don't have to type in a password when logging in.

I tried booting up again, and now I'm stuck on the "Windows Welcome" screen. Its terrible. I've done virus and adware scans. Nothing has helped. Right now I don't know what else to do. I'm not sure if I have the actual WinXP MCE CD. I have to search for it, but I'm fairly sure it did not ship out with the computer. Obviously the next step would be to reload Windows and hope it repairs the problem. Otherwise I will obviously have to reformat. Basically I'm looking for any suggestions other than those two that may solve this problem. My computer settings should be listed below.

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Progress Bar Worked But It Got Stuck On That Screen

Apr 20, 2007

it would not do anything whilst on the windows loading screen (progress bar etc worked but it got stuck on that screen and wouldn't advance), the HDD light would blink for a while and then it would just sit there. Usually i would restart until quite a while later I discovered that if i left it for long enough (about 5-10 minutes) it would eventually load. I have also performed several reformats in this time and the problem would disappear for a while then show its ugly face again. It wouldn't do this every time but a large majority of the time it would.

Instead, it would go through the loading screen, finish that, and the screen would go blank (no signal detected etc) and then it wouldn't do anything at all, I have left it sitting there for about an hour once to see if eventually would work but it didn't. So to fix this I have to restart the computer and it would come up with the screen asking me if i want to use safe mode and usually i would either choose the Last known good configuration or start up windows normally, occasionally i would go in safe mode and restart from there and it would usually work but not always.

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Boot Up Just Gets Stuck On The Loading Screen

May 24, 2006

My brother's computer froze so the only way i knew to turn it off was to uplug the power.. I did that and ever since then i cannot get the computer to boot up all the way it just gets stuck on the xp loading screen.. Ive tried starting in safe mode, normal mode, and "last know configuration that worked" mode.. When i boot from my boot disk i get into the window's console, i try and choose the repair option, when it lets me do this it asks for a "administrator password", i dont remeber using one when i installed windows. I know the "quick" fix is to do a complete reformat and install, but my brother has alot of work files that he does not want to loose. This is my brother's computer, i always make a backup disk of my files for this reason.. but he didnt so im stuck betweena rock and a hard place.

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Stuck At Loading Screen And Booting From CD

Oct 31, 2009

My problem is that whenever I boot up my loading screen for Windows XP will stop, and it wont ever go again. (I left it on over night to make sure). Now I've had this problem before and I fixed it with putting in the Installation CD and hitting setup Windows XP then repairing my Windows XP. After that I wouldnt lose all my files but I would have to go through this annoying 30-45 min setup every time.

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Stuck On Did Not Start Successfully Screen

Jul 16, 2010

When booting up my pc, I continue to receive the 'We apologize for the inconveneince. Windows did not start successfully' screen ., and then asks me to select from, The timer counts down, but I am unable to choose any of the options. the window then appears to freeze.I can't do anything with the pc only turn it off from the on/off button.

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Computer Stuck In Loading Screen

Sep 14, 2006

I recently got a new PC that I built up myself, and I could run it perfectly until I was going to start XP for the first time. After that it was finished installing Windows XP Professional, it rebooted and I got this XP loading screen. Now is the problem, it's stuck there forever with this loading thing moving and moving in an endless loop. What could be the problem? I hope it's nothing hardware related as they are all new.

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Computer Stuck At Loading Screen

Aug 15, 2008

Today I turned on my computer and Windows won't load. It just stops at the loading screen (the one with the Windows logo and blue loading bar). The bar just stops moving.I can load Windows in Safe Mode, and I tried scanning for viruses (0) and spyware (5) - but it didn't help.I didn't install anything new and haven't changed any setting. The only thing is that I turned my computer on while there was a CD in the drive. I took it out but it didn't help.

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