Starting Up Home - Novell Netware Ready Firmware?

Sep 5, 2007

When I start up this appears on my screen for about 30 seconds or so.

Novell Netware Ready Firmware v1.00 (940 889)

No one was able to help me in here the other day so I scoured the web and I found this guy had the same problem I have.

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Home Firmware Drivers: System Recognizes The Drivers Wont Install?

Jul 30, 2005

I purchased a SIIG PCI firmware adapter. It has no drivers and says that it will use Win XP drivers. Well I installed the board and booted the pc, Win XP
recognized the hardware but could not find any drivers. I tried unplugging it manually, installing it in another card slot with no luck. I took it back to
my pc dealer and he plugged it in his system and had no problems. I decide to try another brand, an IO Gear GIC1394.

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Home XP-Computer Starting Up Automactically

Feb 4, 2006

Recently I used the task manager to schedule some anti-virus and anti-spyware programs
at different times of the week, now, when i awake in the morning my computer is running,
even though it is not a scheduled run, it automactically comes on every day, even during
the course of the day ? My OS, Home XP V2002 SP2.

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Starting My PC With Home Takes Too Much Time

Jun 25, 2005

I am having problems starting my PC. Each time I boot up, the PC is very slow and it can take up to 10 minutes to see desktop icons on the screen. At first, it displays the Windows Welcome page, and this is displayed for about 3 minutes. Eventually, the desktop is displayed with the background picture,
the cursor is also there, but there are no shortcuts/icons are on the screen.

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Starting Up Home Sp1 - Not Shutting Down Properly

Mar 10, 2005

I keep having problems at s/u, sometimes everything is ok and other times I have to shut down and s/u about 4 or 5 times. I have run spybot, adaware se, webroot spy sweeper and panda titanium av, but it still keeps happening.

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Netware Login Screen

Jan 17, 2005

I have had to rebuild both my PC's (and my network) over the last fortnight.
I installed Client Service For Netware in an effort to solve a problem (it wasn't the answer) then deinstalled it.Ever since then I have been getting the Netware Login Screen (single account name & password) rather than the XP screen (multiple account names visible).The pain now is that if another user wants to use the PC I get logged out completely, as opposed to being able to switch user while keeping my programmes running.

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Unable To Connect To My LAN: Box Came Up Asking For A Netware Login?

Mar 6, 2008

I am trying to connect a laptop to our network. When I first logged on a box came up asking for a Netware login (we don't use Novell). I went to the network adapters and unchecked Client Service for netware, NWLink NetBios and NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBios and made sure the DHCP was checked for TCP/IP. I rebooted the laptop and went and tried to connect to the network, still came up with unable to connect, check domain name, etc. Is there anything else I can do or do I have to reload Windows XP?

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BIOS/Firmware Messed Up My Computer?

Jan 10, 2009

So my computer wasnt running the best so i figured maybe I should update my drivers. So I went to the website and got to the Live Update Online. I let it update and do what it had to and then I saw this BIOS/Firmware update or something like that so i deceided to do it. I didnt read the Important note posted on the page before i clicked "Yes I would like to try and my own risk" Button. heres what it states.

Important! In order to flash the BIOS/Firmware safely, please make sure to close all running applications in your system before flashing. (Including Outlook, ICQ, Anti-Virus application, etc�)

So Yea. I didnt read that. and After I let it do that and give me and error half way through I think. But anyways I had remebered I had left Norton antivirus on. So now whenever I go back to the site and click that try at own risk button.. it restarts my computer now. My fans have sped up and make more noises. not to mention it did ask me if i wanted to backup bios on a floppy. and well... when i Build this computer. I wasnt so smart about buying one of those to put in.. I forgot all about it. So no backup on floppy disc. Now My question for you is How do I fix this? Get a new PSU? I mean it sounds with my ears like it is just dieing after I did that. and I read somewheres it does something to your PSU and restarting. Or is there a alternative way to load my old bios back to normal? Please help. This is killing me. My mom bought me a new graphics card for Xmas and i wanna use it but not til my computers better.

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Locking In Hardware And Firmware Configuration?

Mar 20, 2006

Please dont ask me how I managed it, but with a combination of the XP service, Wireless Zero Configuration, and manually entering my IP address and DNS address etc. in the adapter connection TCP/IP properties fields, I am accessing the net through my wireless modem/router, and all seems well.Now I am reluctant to shut down this desktop, for fear of losing the settings when rebooting, which happened twice before.So, how would you lock in this combination of hardware and firmware configuration, so that it will be retained next time I start up,

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How To Uninstall Client Services For NetWare

Mar 15, 2005

I'd like to get my log on screen back ( xp style ), but the Client Services for NetWare disabled the Welcome screen and Fast User switching. Please, someone, point me on how to unistall CSNW so I can get my logon creen back.

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Ready To Toss PC Into Garbage

Apr 10, 2006

I don't know where to start with this but my PC is running so slow. It takes a long time for the PC to load when it first turns on. I have alot of useless programs running in the backround and I have no clue what they are for or how to turn them off. Alot of times my computer has a hard time running 2 programs together like AOL and MS Word.I want to delete a bunch of useless programs ( other people use my computer in my household too) and I do not know where to start for that either, I do not want to accidentally get rid of what my computer needs to operate and I am about to toss this thing into the trash. (well, I am just really frustrated). Anyway my sister told me about this site and said how helpful everyone is, and that her computer is running so much better because of comming to this forum.

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Microsoft Critical Update Ready To Install

Oct 30, 2008

Yesterday I got a notice from microsoft that a critical update was ready to install. I downloaded the update after closing all other open windows. After the installation was complete it restarted the computer after which my compter would not completly boot up. I had to boot in safe-mode and do a system restore to get it working right. Today I have the same notice so I went to the windows update page, and saw the update was there. I didn't download it because of what happened before. So I went to my installed update history and it said it was successfully updated. I looked at the update again and it said the update was 0 kbs. Can you tell me what happened and why now the up date says 0 kps to be installed?

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Delay Startup Program Till OS Is Ready To Run

Aug 26, 2007

I'm not really fluent in M$. I have a couple of programs that load at boot time
that really should wait until the OS / Drivers / Support programs are loaded to
start. Is there any easy way to delay execution until the OS is ready to run?It curently is running from a registry entry and starts too early. It always fails,
and I have to terminate it, and restart it once the system is able to interact with appears that Windows XP logs in users before its really ready to
interact with them?

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Remove Message Updates Ready To Install

Jan 18, 2005

There is this shield in the tray on the right hand end of my task bar that says that updates are ready for your computer, click here to install.Well, I don't want to install them and I would like to get rid of the shield so I won't hit it accidentally.There is also a security alert shield I would like to get rid of.

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System Restore - CDR101 - Not Ready Reading Drive R

May 11, 2009

My wife's emachines (T3065) pc seems to have officially died. I have the restore CDs in which I have been trying to restore the XP Operating System. Mscdex.exe says it is already running CDR101 says Not ready reading drive R.

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Home Stuck On "Is Starting Up" Screen

Nov 23, 2007

i have looked up fixes for this, and they say try a repair with your Windows XP disk, however, ive torn apart my house and can't find it. I really cant and dont want to reformat, one because i have a lot of files on my computer and 2, if i reformat, i would have to reinstall my modem,router,and ethernet, which i dont have disks for any of them (tore up my house again). As you can see, im not the most organized guy, and dont have any of the discs

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Automatic Updates - Shutdown Ready Attempt Install Fail

May 30, 2009

I have windows xp set for automatic updates. When I shutdown it says there are update ready and they attempt to install but fail.

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Home Script When Starting - Cannot Find Script Engine"vbscript"

Oct 21, 2008

I deleted some unwanted programs from the add and remove program,and when I restarted the computer it came up with the following:----can't find script engine"vbscript" for script"c:program lessupport.comclientlserverserver.vbs"

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MS Word Starting When Starting Computer

Jul 10, 2005

I have Windows XP and MS Office XP (2003) loaded on my PC. Whenever I boot up the PC, 3 sessions of MS Word open - 2 sessions have a new (blank) document open, and the 3rd session just shows Word as being open (no new document).I went to Documents and Settings | Application Data | Microsoft | Word | Startup to see if there was anything in the folder prompting Word to open the 3 sessions. The folder was empty. I then clicked Start | Run | msconfig | Enter to see if Winword.exe is in the Startup folder. I thought I might see it in there 3 times – one for each of the Word sessions that are opening whenever I boot up the PC. Strangely enough, Winword.exe wasn’t in the Startup folder at all – not even once.

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Ready To Put My Cannon Printer In A CANNON

Sep 26, 2005

DOES NOT print the first page first if there is more than one page to print.E.G. If two pages...Prints page two first..If Three pages..Prints page 3 first then 2 then.

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Starting Up It Gets Hung Up At "Windows Starting Up"

Mar 25, 2007

For about 2 months my computer (Sony VAIO desktop, Pentium IV 1.39 mHz, 512mb RAM, Windows XP Pro, SP2) has been acting strange. I have checked the system for viruses and spyware with AVG and Symmantec and others- with no luck. I also did a Windows repair; it only got worse. I also used reg scrub.First, when starting up it gets hung up at "Windows starting up..." taking about 3 minutes to finally get to the user selection page. Once I login, it takes another 2minutes to fully open up. At that point, my mouse has a constant flicker and takes forever to open up IE (6.0). If I leave the computer for awhile, when I come back and move my mouse to wake it up- it has some new problems: I cannot type in numbers (num lock has no effect), when I type letters, they are in all caps (caps lock off), and when I go to my desktop to select a program to start, it highlights all of the icons and says basically "do you really want to start 38 programs at once".

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Home Network Unable To Connect With Home And Pro?

Sep 14, 2005

I am trying to set up a home network to connect my laptop (with xp pro) to my desktop (with xp home) i am using a 3com office conect router as a hub. With the fire walls on each machine switched off I can see each of the machines from each other.I can share files on the laptop with the desktop, but when I try to access the desktop from the laptop I get the following message : xxxxxxx is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource.
Login Failure : the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

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Home And Pro Not Playing Nice Together Via Home Wifi?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to share folders between two laptops set up on a home wifi workgroup. Currently, both laptops are "seeing" each other's share folders (as mapped network drives), and both laptops have full internet access I have allowed simple file sharing on the XP Pro system. I have also set the firewalls to allow access, and I'm using AVG firewall instead of Windows firewall.However, only one of the computers is allowing access to the other. The XP Pro computer can access the share folders on the XP Home computer, but not vice versa. When using the XP Home computer, I can map the shared folders on the XP Pro computer, but when I try to access them, I get denied access.

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Pop Ups Now Starting

Dec 24, 2005

I recently downloaded a program, now I'm getting pop ups which I never really had before I ran Adaware & spybot.can someone check my hijack this log and advise me if something should be removed?

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Home VS. Dell Reinstallation CD Of Home

Aug 27, 2006

Is there a difference between buying Windows Xp Home from a store and using the reinstall cd that Dell provides with thier computers?

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Home Sp2 - Massive Icons - Home Sp2

Feb 27, 2008

Just got a new pc with windows xp home sp2... when I open up windows all the icons are really big! and when I go on the internet the pages are too big for the screen. this was not the case with my previous PC also with xp home sp2.

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Computer Not Starting Up

Feb 10, 2006

Today I did an update on my norton security 2005 and updated my ewido suite. After I updated both of them I restarted my computer in safe mode so that I could run ewido because for some reason I was getting a notification that I had a keylogger on my computer. I kept blocking it but it kept coming back. This is the first time anything like that has ever been on my computer. I put a 56k modem and aol on it because I moved and I dont have cable modem here and thats when I started to have problems with my comp. Well, when my computer went to start back up it froze, so I manually restarted it. When it started back up it came to the screen asking to start up in safe mode, safe mode networking, safe mode command line, last known working conditions, and normal start up. I tried to start in safe but it started loaded everything and froze up while it was doing its check. It did the same thing in all the safe modes. So I tried it in the last known working option and it went to the Windows XP black loading screen and finished loading then turned to an all black page and froze up again. I tried doing it in normal startup mode and it froze up again after the Windows XP loading screen. It froze on the all black screen again. So, now it wont get any further then that screen. I took out the 56k modem and tried and it still didnt work. Everything seems to be running in the computer. Its not hot. I have not downloaded anything on my computer if a few months. I havent even open any attactments in emails in a few months. Oh yeah I cant get a HJT log or anything since it wont start up in any open. I have windows xp pro sp2..

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Computer Starting Up By Itself

Mar 27, 2005

I have tried looking through this site, without luck to fix this.
on a Dell OptiPlex GX1 running XP, this computer is starting up by itself, is this a schedule problem, power managment, or bios or something else?? sorry not a virus, have done housecall, plus have nortons on it,
had another computer do it, never worked out the problem, didn't believe it till I was sitting beside it and it started by itself.

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Starting My Computer?

Oct 22, 2005

I have a used computer that will not boot up it has windows XP but nothing happens it boots saying error "pocessor disabled" then it trys to boot then it just resets itself any ideas the bios also has some password on it that I cannot figure out

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Computer Not Starting

Jan 16, 2006

When I started the computer everything seamed to start except my LCD monitor was not getting a signal from the computer the screen was black. After trying a couple of times I hooked up an older 15" monitor. I seemed to get a signal in the beginning but after minutes the screen was black. I booted the computer again in Safe Mode and the computer booted OK. I tryed Safe Mode a few times and it booted OK each time.

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Re Starting Computer

Apr 10, 2006

How to launch the windows desktop without going through the user select page. I know that it is just a matter of customizing the way i log on but i can't remember how it's done.

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