Lost Multiple Boot Startup - Repiar Computer

Jul 29, 2008

Up to one hour ago, I had a multiple boot set up on my computer.Windows XP
Windows Vista Home Premium (one)Windows Vista Home Premium (two).At boot up, I got a screen showing all three installatons, and I used the up/downkey on my keyboard to select whichever i wanted to run.One hour ago I reinstalled XP.On startup, the opportunity to select which OS to run no longer appears. Instead, the computer boots directly into XP.I tried playing around with Vista Boot Pro, unsuccessfully. The three OS are listed and the Vista HP (one) shows up as default. But rebooting only boots into XP.I tried Repair Your Computer from the Vista installation disc. But the chance to click the operating system I want to repair is not available. Instead another window appears, which says there is a problem with the boot, and do I want to repair it and restart. I click on Yes, but it restarts and still boots straight into XP again.

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Startup Very Slow Freezes Forcing To Restart Computer Multiple Times

Apr 3, 2007

i am having problems my startup it's very slow and freezes forceing me to restart computer multiple times just for it load up xp properly.Also generally my computer is very unresponsive cant understand why ive defraged ive deleted all temp files freeed up space on hd and regular run virus scans.

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Lost Dual Boot Startup Option

Jan 27, 2009

I lost dule boot satrtup options I still see both options as hard drives but the option to pick whitch

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Getting Options Of Multiple Boots At Every Startup?

Mar 25, 2006

ok my neighbors Dell was having problems loading windows so i took alook at it it would still lock up in safe mode before the windows login screen so i tried to use the windows disk to repair windows but they forgot the passord that they used and it wouldnt let me repair with out a admin password so i decided to format so i used the windows xp home edition disk to format all the partions and reinstalled windows now its seeing 2 copys of windows when u boot up and giving the option to pick wich windows xp home edition i want to boot with.

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Multiple Boot Options: Boot Directly To 2k Without Prompting?

Jun 13, 2005

I have a problem with windows 2k or at least when it's booting up.When my computer boots, it asks me if I want to run win xp, win 2k, or win 2k start up. I just want it to boot directly to 2k without prompting me.

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Boot Failure: Computer Cycles Through Startup?

Apr 29, 2010

I have recently had a major system failure, specifically my Windows XP will no longer fully boot. When I power on my computer, it gets to the "windows had
a problem starting up" page, where it gives options for starting in safe mode, normal mode, etc. However, no matter which option I choose, the computer cycles through startup and comes back to this same page. I have tried hitting F8 and getting to the advanced options, but I get the same result. Nothing I try works. I suspect there are corrupted sectors in the core system somewhere.

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Computer Is Taking 5 Minutes To Completely Boot Into Startup?

Aug 1, 2007

Starting a couple of weeks ago my computer has been taking just under 5 minutes to fully boot into windows and programs can take anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute to load.

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Delete Multiple Boot Choices

Aug 22, 2005

As pc boots, I have to choose between 3 XP's and one W2K. There is actually
only one XP installed

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How To Create Multiple Boot System?

Sep 6, 2010

I need helps.How to create a multiple-boot system in Windows XP?

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Boot - SAFE MODE Computer Goes To Win 98 Startup - Logo Screen And Enters DOS Again

Dec 26, 2004

I had been away from my computer for about an hour and when i returned the screen was black and nothing would change it so hit the restart button. When the computer started up, I first saw the usual blue dell logo-screen, however, the next screen was the windows 98 startup logo-screen. The computer then entered DOS mode and at the top of the screen it says Microsoft Windows 98. This problem persists every time i start the computer. I only have 1 primary partion and i installed XP on it from a clean install by using a win98 bootdisk to format and running winnt from the i386 folder of the xp cd. When i try to enter SAFE MODE the computer goes to the Win 98 start-up logo screen again and enters DOS again. I know that all my files are still on the HDD because i can navigate through them. All i really want to do is somehow save some files that are on te HDD so i can just format and reinstall XP.

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Boot Or Restart Computer / Startup Folder Automatically Opens On Desktop

Dec 18, 2007

This started happening a few months ago, & I have just been living with it, but now I'm very tired of it. When ever I boot, or restart my computer, the startup folder automatically opens on the desktop. Can someone tell me how to stop this from happening? Also recently, whenever I open a Microsoft program, Word, Excell Office Project tries to load. I have to cluck Cancel several times to stop it.

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Multiple Operating Systems / Which Windows Would Like To Boot?

Oct 4, 2007

when I startup my computer it goes through the BIOS screen, then before the Splash screen I get left with three options. "Which windows would you like to boot" (something of that nature)Windows XP Professional 1.Windows XP Professional.The first one is the right one. How do I remove the other two? It also says "Press F8 for advanced options"

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Multiple Partitions And Boot - Ntldr Missing

May 16, 2005

I re-did my pc, i have multiple partitions and multiboot. 2 partitions have win xp one for normal usage and one to test out apps. Everything installed fine both work. But when i boot my machine unless i have the WinXP Cd in the CDrom i get ntldr missing. if i have the cd in its boots fine. i thing i can do to fix this?

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Lost Startup Folder

Nov 19, 2007

For some reason,I have lost my startup folder. I recently had a virus problem, so don't know if that is the reason or not. Outlook Express no longer appears in sys config, so no longer can I boot to that as in the past.How do I get Outlook Exress back in the boot process?

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Computer Resarts Multiple BSODs

Jun 8, 2006

I left my pc at my apartment on a thursday, came home the following monday, went to turn it on, and , nothing. Blank screen. I cleared cmos, still, nothing. I then tried my psu on another motherboard I had lying around to see if it was working, and, it wasn't. So, my psu went dead in the 4 days that I hadn't used my computer. I then plugged in my old spare whisper series 460W psu(ATX 1.0 i think) and got the system to boot up. Upon loading windows i was greeted with "windows did not properly load last time". So, someone turned on my computer, probably my roomates, and in doing so, they killed my psu.

I didn't mind too much..as I can just rma the psu, and hope nothing else was wrong with it. So, after using my pc for about 10 minutes, i get a bsod. I shrug it off, use it more, 2 hours go by, bsod. A different one. I used the pc for another day, and still more, random bsods. I decided i'd try my older hard drives, as they still had a copy of windows loaded on them, configured to my pc. They experienced the same behavior, bsods, random, and never at the same time. Regarldess of the operation, i could be idling, playing a game, whatever. I know my ram is ok, i ran memtest for 9.5 hours, and it completed 26 loops, all passes. I am curious if my power supply is just old, and is having issues in some manner. I can't test this theory until my new psu arrives.

What i did test last night, was removing my wireless adapter. After removing it, i booted the pc, ran 3dmark2003, 2005, prime95, the 3d programs for an hour combined, and prime95 for 1.5 hours. All the while i was running one instance of folding@home in the background. It only had one hiccup, when 3dmark2003 was first ran, i closed with an unexpected error. The pc didn't restart once, no bsod's, i even left it on overnight, and when i woke up, it hadn't restarted.

I also found a combination of programs that causes a blue screen. If i have xfire open, and i'm in a voice chat, and I play an online game, the pc will show a blue screen and restart. I can play games fine, indefinitely it seems, and i don't get a blue screen, but when I use my usb headset and a game, it crashes. The last time this happened, the bsod showed "driver irq not less than or equal", with a code of 0x000000D1, and suggesting tcpip.sys is the culprit, upon restarting and logging in, as the system was loading drivers/startup programs, i ran into the same error, only it listed ntfs.sys...at least i think that was the file. Regardless, I think i'm having an irq issue. Can i have a driver irq problem? and how to i fix it.i've only got two pci slots, and i've tried using both.

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Multiple Operating Systems In One Computer

Apr 17, 2007

is that even possible? such as 2 x win xp?

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Computer Keeps Freezing After Multiple Solutions

Jan 17, 2009

This freezing problem has been happening for over 4 Months ( Or even more),First of all My Computer started off with a 768 MB RAM with Intel Pentium 4 Processor.My Computer will freeze at random times and at random moments. For instance like if I was Scanning my computer for Viruses, And I go somewhere to do something by the time I come back My Computer would Freeze like the Cursor wouldn't be moving and No buttons will work. And at the moment I have to press the Reset button on my CPU. I've Tried multiple Solutions. I even went with my dad last saturday to go buy 1GB of Ram and It still freezes

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Multiple Trojans On My Computer - Reboot Cycle

Feb 17, 2005

there are multiple trojans on my computer.and i know it because ive run mcaffee virus scan and they find them...can i delete them? no....why? because before its done and i can click the delete, i get a stupid error pop up screen saying mcafee has encountered a problem and needs to shut down.it gives me two options "close" and "debug" idno what debug is so i just close it..by the way this happens with a ton of random programs that i have (be it I.E. or AIM).also my coer does this weird thing where the whole screen goes blue with white

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Lost Dual Boot Screen

Oct 7, 2010

After many times removing viruses from my computer, I am dual booting both windows xp and windows 7. I primarily right now use windows xp, I lost the ability to get into windows xp, when at the dual boot screen I click on windows xp but I just get a black screen with no cursor, I cannot get into safe mode either. My google chrome stopped working and could not connetc to any websites. Windows 7 was working perfectly. I have scanned from within windows xp and from windows 7 to find as many viruses and trojans as possible. a trojan remover told me my ftdisk.sys was infected with win32/patched.dx. I moved it into the virus vault knowing it was an important system file as I did not think I had a choice. I then extracted the original ftdisk.sys from the xp cd and replaced it, I know that service packs can modify original files and I hoped the original file was the same as the infected one. That did not have an effect. I used recovery console to run fixmbr and no effect. I then ran fixboot.exe and chkdsk /r and next thing I know I do not get a boot screen at all.

Please help me as I cannot get into either windows now. Would fixboot.exe or chkdsk remove my boot screen?

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Lost My Dual Boot Screen

Oct 8, 2010

Many problems with viruses and then windows xp and windows 7 both went down, just a black screen after posting, no cursor, not even safe mode available. I repaired windows xp using the xp recovery console. Reinstalled while keeping all my files and folders intact. Now my only problem is that the dual boot menu for windows xp and windows 7 has disappeard. I can only choose to log into windows xp.

Could you help me identify an easy way to bring back the option to log into windows 7. From windows xp I can clearly see my other hard drive, which has windows 7 on it, and access it so it has not been lost or formatted which would be strange if it was.

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Operating System CD Is Lost Not Boot Up

Mar 24, 2009

I have an older Gateway system and my original operating system cd is lost. Do you have one or where can I find one. I feel this could really help me on finding out what is wrong with the computer. As of right now the computer will not boot up at all.

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System Wont Boot / Getting Lost Data Back?

Apr 5, 2008

i have a windows xp system. it is a desktop (gateway). yesterday my computer crashed, and it wont load windows at all. it comes to the black screen with the options off booting windows normally, last known config, safe mode and the others. i cant boot windows in any of these config's.i have everything for school, my bills, my music and pictures. i need to back up all of my data but i cant get into windows at all

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System Wont Boot / Getting Lost Data Back?

Apr 5, 2008

i have a windows xp system. it is a desktop (gateway). yesterday my computer crashed, and it wont load windows at all. it comes to the black screen with the options off booting windows normally, last known config, safe mode and the others. i cant boot windows in any of these config's.i have everything for school, my bills, my music and pictures. i need to back up all of my data but i cant get into windows at all

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Computer Slow On Startup - Particularly At Startup

Apr 27, 2006

My sister's computer is running very slowly, particularly at startup (which seems to take forever). I've got Panda antivirus software running and do reasonably regular spyware scans with AdAware, but am not sure if the problem is just that the computer is old with too little memory / overheating because it's on almost all the time / something else I haven't thought of. To help me determine what's going on, could someone much smarter than myself take a look at this HJT log and see if you see anything of concern?

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Slow Boot Up/ Lost Ability To Online Including Outlook Express?

Aug 14, 2005

my computer Seems it ran and ran behind the scenes when I booted up and would take 10 minutes to hit another key and wait again. I went to MSCONFIG and removed the x from most ot the start up programs. It now works but some where I lost my ability to get on line or onto Outlook express. I have highspeed cable, with a backup computer, my backup computer works I have tried the hookup wizzards several times but in vain

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Can't Get Boot Options At Startup

Jul 6, 2005

Isn't F8 supposed to bring up the boot options for win XP? It's not
working. I've tried F1, F4, Esc, and Delete,
F8 function is not working and that I'll need to fix
this somehow.

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Boot Cd Required For Startup?

Apr 17, 2007

Ok recentli have been having issues when starting up windows xp. Everytime i startup it asks for my boot disk. I have tried to change my boot sequence, having windows not even boot from my floppy disk, but still it looks for the boot disk. The only way i can start up my computer is by going through all 6 boot disks and after it will restart and start up windows.

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Lost Photos - Computer Crashed

Nov 18, 2007

My computer crashed and I had to set the computer back to factory default. Is there any way or program that will revocer these photos?

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My Computer Lost Its Desktop Icons

Sep 1, 2010

I screwed my desktop anf lost all its icons including the taskbar, all you can see is the background.

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Lost Start Menu From Computer

May 17, 2005

hi guys,i'm hoping some kind person could help me with a problem i had last night.I've become very interested in photography so i downloaded Infranview,along with its plug-ins.I don't know what happened or if it was something i did in the install but when it had finished,i found that all the left side of my start menu was blacked out,also,when i hovered on my 'all programmes',nothing showed up In a panic,i uninstalled the Infranview but it still left my problems which in the end,with a lot of seaching,i found system restore and went back to the day before which put right my pc.

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Computer Has Lost Start Menu

Sep 29, 2005

I did a control alt del and closed a lot of running processes, including explorer. since then i cant get the start menu back. i cant figure out how to shut down so i just pressed the power button, but even after restarting that way i cant get the start menu back.

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