Computer Resarts Multiple BSODs

Jun 8, 2006

I left my pc at my apartment on a thursday, came home the following monday, went to turn it on, and , nothing. Blank screen. I cleared cmos, still, nothing. I then tried my psu on another motherboard I had lying around to see if it was working, and, it wasn't. So, my psu went dead in the 4 days that I hadn't used my computer. I then plugged in my old spare whisper series 460W psu(ATX 1.0 i think) and got the system to boot up. Upon loading windows i was greeted with "windows did not properly load last time". So, someone turned on my computer, probably my roomates, and in doing so, they killed my psu.

I didn't mind too I can just rma the psu, and hope nothing else was wrong with it. So, after using my pc for about 10 minutes, i get a bsod. I shrug it off, use it more, 2 hours go by, bsod. A different one. I used the pc for another day, and still more, random bsods. I decided i'd try my older hard drives, as they still had a copy of windows loaded on them, configured to my pc. They experienced the same behavior, bsods, random, and never at the same time. Regarldess of the operation, i could be idling, playing a game, whatever. I know my ram is ok, i ran memtest for 9.5 hours, and it completed 26 loops, all passes. I am curious if my power supply is just old, and is having issues in some manner. I can't test this theory until my new psu arrives.

What i did test last night, was removing my wireless adapter. After removing it, i booted the pc, ran 3dmark2003, 2005, prime95, the 3d programs for an hour combined, and prime95 for 1.5 hours. All the while i was running one instance of folding@home in the background. It only had one hiccup, when 3dmark2003 was first ran, i closed with an unexpected error. The pc didn't restart once, no bsod's, i even left it on overnight, and when i woke up, it hadn't restarted.

I also found a combination of programs that causes a blue screen. If i have xfire open, and i'm in a voice chat, and I play an online game, the pc will show a blue screen and restart. I can play games fine, indefinitely it seems, and i don't get a blue screen, but when I use my usb headset and a game, it crashes. The last time this happened, the bsod showed "driver irq not less than or equal", with a code of 0x000000D1, and suggesting tcpip.sys is the culprit, upon restarting and logging in, as the system was loading drivers/startup programs, i ran into the same error, only it listed least i think that was the file. Regardless, I think i'm having an irq issue. Can i have a driver irq problem? and how to i fix it.i've only got two pci slots, and i've tried using both.

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Semi Frequent BSODs On SP3 - Recovered Computer

May 7, 2010

Within the past 2 or 3 days, I've been getting BSODs 3 times a day. They seem to always happen when I'm randomly surfing on Firefox, but I thought this belonged here. They seem to happen after I've recovered the computer from standby mode (I make it go to sleep instead of shutting down and rebooting most of the time) and am surfing firefox. I've noticed that I can do all I want with no problems before sending the computer into standby, but after standby I'm on borrowed time. Maybe I'm forgetting a time that it has shut down on me after a fresh boot, but that seems true.

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BSODs Caused By TDI.sys - Afd.sys Bad_pool_caller

Sep 16, 2008

I've never, EVER, in my whole life experienced any kind of BSOD in XP(sounds crazy I know), but lately I've got 4 of them in the last 2 weeks. So naturaly, I'm really iritated right about now.The first one was caused by tdi.sys and after lots of googling, I downloaded the debugging tool and opened my first ever minidump. Again after a lot of googling, on one forum it was advised that I change the tdi.sys located in::WINDOWSsystem32driverswith the one from:C:WINDOWSServicePackFilesi386
I did and that BSOD didn't happen again. I was soooo happy.

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Log Off All Errors - BSods Blue Screens

Sep 30, 2009

I've been having this problem for half a year now, and I've tried everything I could think of (as an advanced user) to fix it myself, without success. I have kept a log of all errors that I have received and of all solutions that I have attempted, so please bear with me as I try to describe all the relevant details, in the hope that someone will be able to help me fix it.

Ever since I bought my laptop (Acer Aspire 5930G), I have been getting blue screens (BSODs) that seem to be linked with the Intel wireless network adapter that came pre-installed in it. Whenever the WiFi is turned on from the button on the front of the laptop, a BSOD will appear at a random point in time (usually, between a few minutes and a few days after it has been switched on), regardless of whether I am actually connected to a WLAN network or not. On average, I get a BSOD every other day or so. If the WiFi is turned off from the button, then no BSOD ever appears.

The error codes that the BSODs indicate vary, these are just some of what I have received:
- 0x0000007f (0x00000008, 0xbab30d70, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
- 0x0000007f (0x00000008, 0xb8330d70, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
- 0x0000007f (0x00000008, 0x80042000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
- 0x100000d1 (0xa483a671, 0x00000002, 0x00000008, 0xa483a671)

After analysing some of the minidumps generated by the BSODs with WinDbg, the following files were indicated as possible culprits, all of them having to do with Internet connectivity (Intel driver of firewall):
- NETw5x32.sys
- fwdrv.sys
- NDIS.sys....

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Random BSODs - Specific Drivers

Sep 23, 2007

Been experiencing blue screens of death rather frequently these days.. Here's the most recent STOP code since the blue screen didn't mention anything specific about a driver.

0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8052ADBC, 0x9ECEBE48, 0x00000000)

System Specs Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz DDR2 2.0 GB RAM Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition ATI Mobility Radeon X1400

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Random BSODs Attached Minidump

Dec 23, 2005

Can someone look at the attached Windows XP Mini-dump and tell me what it says about these random BSODs I have been experiencing?

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Multiple Operating Systems In One Computer

Apr 17, 2007

is that even possible? such as 2 x win xp?

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Computer Keeps Freezing After Multiple Solutions

Jan 17, 2009

This freezing problem has been happening for over 4 Months ( Or even more),First of all My Computer started off with a 768 MB RAM with Intel Pentium 4 Processor.My Computer will freeze at random times and at random moments. For instance like if I was Scanning my computer for Viruses, And I go somewhere to do something by the time I come back My Computer would Freeze like the Cursor wouldn't be moving and No buttons will work. And at the moment I have to press the Reset button on my CPU. I've Tried multiple Solutions. I even went with my dad last saturday to go buy 1GB of Ram and It still freezes

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System Unstable - BSODs - Disabled IDE Controllers

Oct 14, 2006

I've had this ax8 board for some time. Previously, I'd been using an av8. Here's a run down of what I've experienced. With all the default devices enabled in bios, random irq/driver irq not less than or equal BSOD's. Disabled on board FDC, still bsods. Disabled onboard LAN, still bsods. Disabled IDE controllers, still BSOD's. I've tried a pcie and pci card, still bsods. Tried SATA 3&4, still BSODs. I replaced my USB keyboard/mouse with an old ps/2 keyboard and mouse, unplugged my usb headset, and it hasn't crashed since.

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Multiple Trojans On My Computer - Reboot Cycle

Feb 17, 2005

there are multiple trojans on my computer.and i know it because ive run mcaffee virus scan and they find them...can i delete them? no....why? because before its done and i can click the delete, i get a stupid error pop up screen saying mcafee has encountered a problem and needs to shut gives me two options "close" and "debug" idno what debug is so i just close the way this happens with a ton of random programs that i have (be it I.E. or AIM).also my coer does this weird thing where the whole screen goes blue with white

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Lost Multiple Boot Startup - Repiar Computer

Jul 29, 2008

Up to one hour ago, I had a multiple boot set up on my computer.Windows XP
Windows Vista Home Premium (one)Windows Vista Home Premium (two).At boot up, I got a screen showing all three installatons, and I used the up/downkey on my keyboard to select whichever i wanted to run.One hour ago I reinstalled XP.On startup, the opportunity to select which OS to run no longer appears. Instead, the computer boots directly into XP.I tried playing around with Vista Boot Pro, unsuccessfully. The three OS are listed and the Vista HP (one) shows up as default. But rebooting only boots into XP.I tried Repair Your Computer from the Vista installation disc. But the chance to click the operating system I want to repair is not available. Instead another window appears, which says there is a problem with the boot, and do I want to repair it and restart. I click on Yes, but it restarts and still boots straight into XP again.

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Acer Travelmate 2700 Laptop BSODs So Fast - Cant See The Error Code

May 11, 2007

I have an Acer Travelmate 2702wlmi laptop that Blue screens at the xp loading screen on boot. It flashes up the BSOD so fast you cant see the error code generated. I have rebuilt the laptop onto a new HDD, swapped the memory out and i still dont know if it's software or hardware causing it ( suspect hardware). After the BSOD, the laptop reboots and just goes round in an endless circle. If i power it down and then up again i get the ntldr is missing message and can use a boot disc to get back i to it fine. Last night i used it for hours fine, and rebooted it several times, but early today turning it on caused all the issues again. If i leave the battery out and run it off mains it makes no difference, checked the fans are running and it does not appear to be hot.

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Startup Very Slow Freezes Forcing To Restart Computer Multiple Times

Apr 3, 2007

i am having problems my startup it's very slow and freezes forceing me to restart computer multiple times just for it load up xp properly.Also generally my computer is very unresponsive cant understand why ive defraged ive deleted all temp files freeed up space on hd and regular run virus scans.

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Getting Rid Of Multiple Administrators ?

Apr 22, 2005

I was cleaning up a friend's PC that had become infected with a variety of trojans, malware and viruses. After cleaning all the pests, the OS (WIN XP Home SP1) remained corrupted. He was able to use the PC but there was no windows update functionality, no firewall, inability to execute certain setup files, no antivirus program and other little funny things going on. We could not execute any firewall or antivirus setup program. User accounts said that he had one user (user1) and a guest account that was
turned off. User1 was the administrator. There was no password protection.

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IE 7 Multiple Windows

May 28, 2009

Currently whenever I am surfing and I open a new window, instead of the windows that are open appearing down in the task bar, they are appearing as tabs near the top of the screen. I am unable to view more than one window at a time. Or resize them so that I could put more than one at a time on the screen.Im running XP home SP3 IE 7

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Multiple Windows Xp

Dec 1, 2008

my laptop is showing 4 windows at the start up when is start my computer, i format my computer it has 4 partitions, i format all partitions, but i did a mistake i formate all partions with my bootable windows xp cd. there is only one windows in C drive, other partitions are empty, but at start up it is showing 4 windows to choose which one to start, i select the first one and computer works normally. i installed XP SP3 on my computer. Please help me to remove three windows at start up.

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Multiple Errors?

Aug 2, 2007

1---I have just WAYYYYY to many pop-ups about 6-8 an hour, even on idle computer.
2---It is so slow. When minimizing a page, I watch it close from the top of the screen to the bottom and that takes 15 seconds, and sometimes my icons are missing when it finally fully minimizes.
3---After booting up it takes me a good 5 minutes before the mouse's "time-sand" icon to dissappear, therefore not letting me do anything with the computer right away.
4--Sometimes when using websites like "google" or "yahoo" from internet explorer, there is a big delay from when I type in the words, and those words to appear on the screen.
5---Streaming movies from websites are rarely synchronized with the sound and the picture on the screen, something that none of my friends have.
6--I revently purchased an external hard drive, and ever since doing that a message comes up within seconds of turning on my computer that reads something along the lines of "Unkown Devise, hit any key" then it boots up normally (note: The slowness of the computer has happened way before the external harddrive, and purchased it with hopes that would cure some of the problems)

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Get Rid Of Multiple Profiles Per User

Jul 9, 2005

on my home pc I have 3 profiles for each user under documents and settings. the first is user name the second is username.compter name and the third is user name.000 I was told by someone this could be a virus. I ran macafee and no virus found also use spybot ad-aware and reg mech.

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Having Multiple Partitions Faster?

Jul 25, 2005

Does having multiple partitions on a hard drive speed up performance?

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Multiple Installation Of Windows

Apr 5, 2006

I have reinstalled windows for the 3th or 4th time and I am in the process of reinstalling all my programs, I have a few questions:
1) can I erase the directories the programs previously installed in the old version of windows?
As you can see in the attachments, I have installed my windows under the partition D: , so can I just go and erase all the folders of the utilities of my previously installed windows in C: ?
2) just out of curiosity, I tried to run some utilities previously installed and some of them work, other dont work. what does this mean?
3) at the system startup, how can I erase the choice between the 4 windows? I just want to leave this present working version.
4) I noticed a general slowing down of the memory when I run an application, can it be because of this new installation? how can I improve this problem?

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Multiple Windows On System

Oct 30, 2008

I originally had Windows xp media center 2004 installed on my computer. When I tried to download the SP3 update, my computer froze. I then tried a repair using my original discs but Windows loaded and new windows2 system on my computer and my original windows no longer works ( I get an error message that Windows/system32/system files are corrupt or missing. I have reinstalled most of my applications on the windows2 system but everytime I reboot, I am asked whether I want to boot from windows media center or windows xp professional (which gives me an error message and does not boot). How can I get rid of the older windows version without compromising my new windows 2 operating system.

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Multiple Installs Of Windows Xp

Jul 23, 2005

My first question is how do you tell how many installs you have of windows xp and second how do you delete the one you are not using?

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Multiple Operating Systems

Jun 1, 2005

I bought a new dell dimension 4700 for my sister and two months later it crashed. Well she spent 6 hours on the phone with dell and all they did was a half assed restore which allowed her to keep her files but everything else barely worked. She brought it to me and I formatted the drive in xp setup and reinstalled xp pro. The computer runs great but when it boots up it asks me which operating sytem I want to run; the old xp home or the new xp pro. Then when you select the xp pro it boots up but that white line goes by real slow and it takes a minute or so to boot. Once it is booted it runs like a champ but how do I get rid of the old xp pro. I don't get it since I formatted the drive and removed the old partitions.

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Multiple Net.exe In Task Manager?

Jan 11, 2007

I was working on a computer that was extremely slow. It's an older Dell, Win XP SP2, Celeron, only 128 MB RAM. When I opened task manager there were several net.exe and net1.exe processes running. I would end a process and a new one would take its place. I scanned for spyware and viruses. The spyware that was found was cleaned. There were no viruses. When I ran in Safe Mode there were no problems.

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Using ALT + TAB With Multiple Excel Workbooks

Aug 24, 2005

Just had a new PC at work, gone from 2000 to XP. In 2000 when I had multiple workbooks open and used ALT + TAB there would just be one icon for Excel, now there's one for each workbook I have open. Just had 8 open at once so finding my way around is a pain, know there will probably be just a box to tick somewhere, but damned if I can find it! Anyone else know where to change this setting?

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Multiple Drive Letters

Apr 18, 2007

I have a second hard drive and recently my system began to assign it an extra drive letter. That is, when I go to My Computer I see it twice with different letters. This began after I installed a DVD burner and had not happened before that time. The burner and hard drive share the Secondary IDE Channel, with the burner as master. I tried CS, with the same results. Due to the configuration inside I cannot put the hard drive on the Primary IDE Channel with the main hard drive. I can still access the drive and use it normally, but I would like to get rid of the second occurrence. I even tried reformatting it, giving it a different volume name, unplugging it and booting the system, then plugging it back up and booting again. Now I have 2 drives with the new volume name. Can anyone tell me why this happened and what I can do about it?

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Multiple MSN Messenger Sessions

Jun 5, 2006

Is it possible to have more than one MSN Messenger session open at the same time? I have two MSN ID's and would like to have conversations on both at the same time.

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Multiple Sessions Of MSMSGS.EXE

Aug 23, 2005

Recently, have been getting upwrsd of 10+ sessions of msmsgs.exe running in the background. So many that i get a message saying my virtual memory is running low. I can can them through task manager but all that happens is that they re start, one at a time and gradually build up again. I've run ad-aware,spybot & Norton antivirus but continues to happen. NAV states no viruses. adaware & spybot result in the usual but say that they've deleted

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How To Fax Multiple Pages Using Fax Console

Oct 7, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to scan multiple pages before actually sending a fax when using the Micrsoft supplied Fax Console that comes with Windows. I'm using a Canon scanner and the manual says to consult the documentation for the fax program.

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An Operating System With Multiple Log In

Apr 16, 2005

As I said, I'm new to XP, so I'm new to having an OS with multiple logins (I never set up user accounts with Win98). I set my new Dell up with two user accounts (mine and my wife's), and for some strange reason, I cannot get any sounds to play with windows "system events", such as signing on, signing off, error messages, minimizing/maximizing windows, etc. I have always assigned specific .wav files to specific system events without any problem on my Win98 PC, so I did the same thing with this one. I can assign sounds to event without any problem, and when I click the "play" button in the dialog box when setting up these sounds, everything sounds great. I've saved the scheme under my name, and told the system to apply it, but I get nothing (by the way, I think these worked the first time I turned on the PC out of the box, but they soon quit - long before I tried assigning specific .wav files to them). But when I change users to my wife's account, al! l the default settings work just fine (I have not attempted to change her sounds).

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Installation - Having Multiple Boots

Apr 24, 2005

I have 3 hard disks with multiple boot The C drive died on the first disk which uses 98 - I don't use it as an os Disk 2 holds a couple of XP's in different partitions - I use the D drive XP all the time Disk 3 has one os and partitions By installing these os, I was confident that in case of failure I could reboot to another - Huh ! Of course it always looks for boot.ini on the c drive ......I have replaced the C drive and am trying to install XP pro from a cd. It gets so far then when it restarts/reboots the whole damn installation starts from scratch again

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