Random BSODs - Specific Drivers

Sep 23, 2007

Been experiencing blue screens of death rather frequently these days.. Here's the most recent STOP code since the blue screen didn't mention anything specific about a driver.

0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8052ADBC, 0x9ECEBE48, 0x00000000)

System Specs Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz DDR2 2.0 GB RAM Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition ATI Mobility Radeon X1400

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Random BSODs Attached Minidump

Dec 23, 2005

Can someone look at the attached Windows XP Mini-dump and tell me what it says about these random BSODs I have been experiencing?

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Create Specific Rights For Specific Groups/users In XP?

Feb 8, 2010

My company makes products that deploy on XP, like Kiosks. I need to be able to lock down my "application user" rights nice & tight, but leave my admin rights wide open. I find that GPEDIT effects ALL user rights, so when I want to prevent my app user from being able to right-click on the desktop (for example), if I got to GPEDIT > USER CONFIG > ADMIN TEMPLATES , anything I do there dorks up my admin user as well.These machines will not connect to a domain controller so they have to be locally administered.

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System Reboots At Random - Configured All The New Drivers

Aug 20, 2007

I've recently assembled a new server for my wife with the following:

Asus A8S-X Socket 939 Motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Socket 939 CPU
Biostar GeForce 7300 LE supp. 256MB PCIe

I used the old hard drive which was loaded with windows XP pro and when the system was ready, I configured all the new drivers. I'm afraid I have some corrupt system files but really don't know how to proceed to take care of it.

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BSODs Caused By TDI.sys - Afd.sys Bad_pool_caller

Sep 16, 2008

I've never, EVER, in my whole life experienced any kind of BSOD in XP(sounds crazy I know), but lately I've got 4 of them in the last 2 weeks. So naturaly, I'm really iritated right about now.The first one was caused by tdi.sys and after lots of googling, I downloaded the debugging tool and opened my first ever minidump. Again after a lot of googling, on one forum it was advised that I change the tdi.sys located in::WINDOWSsystem32driverswith the one from:C:WINDOWSServicePackFilesi386
I did and that BSOD didn't happen again. I was soooo happy.

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Log Off All Errors - BSods Blue Screens

Sep 30, 2009

I've been having this problem for half a year now, and I've tried everything I could think of (as an advanced user) to fix it myself, without success. I have kept a log of all errors that I have received and of all solutions that I have attempted, so please bear with me as I try to describe all the relevant details, in the hope that someone will be able to help me fix it.

Ever since I bought my laptop (Acer Aspire 5930G), I have been getting blue screens (BSODs) that seem to be linked with the Intel wireless network adapter that came pre-installed in it. Whenever the WiFi is turned on from the button on the front of the laptop, a BSOD will appear at a random point in time (usually, between a few minutes and a few days after it has been switched on), regardless of whether I am actually connected to a WLAN network or not. On average, I get a BSOD every other day or so. If the WiFi is turned off from the button, then no BSOD ever appears.

The error codes that the BSODs indicate vary, these are just some of what I have received:
- 0x0000007f (0x00000008, 0xbab30d70, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
- 0x0000007f (0x00000008, 0xb8330d70, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
- 0x0000007f (0x00000008, 0x80042000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
- 0x100000d1 (0xa483a671, 0x00000002, 0x00000008, 0xa483a671)

After analysing some of the minidumps generated by the BSODs with WinDbg, the following files were indicated as possible culprits, all of them having to do with Internet connectivity (Intel driver of firewall):
- NETw5x32.sys
- fwdrv.sys
- NDIS.sys....

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Computer Resarts Multiple BSODs

Jun 8, 2006

I left my pc at my apartment on a thursday, came home the following monday, went to turn it on, and , nothing. Blank screen. I cleared cmos, still, nothing. I then tried my psu on another motherboard I had lying around to see if it was working, and, it wasn't. So, my psu went dead in the 4 days that I hadn't used my computer. I then plugged in my old spare whisper series 460W psu(ATX 1.0 i think) and got the system to boot up. Upon loading windows i was greeted with "windows did not properly load last time". So, someone turned on my computer, probably my roomates, and in doing so, they killed my psu.

I didn't mind too much..as I can just rma the psu, and hope nothing else was wrong with it. So, after using my pc for about 10 minutes, i get a bsod. I shrug it off, use it more, 2 hours go by, bsod. A different one. I used the pc for another day, and still more, random bsods. I decided i'd try my older hard drives, as they still had a copy of windows loaded on them, configured to my pc. They experienced the same behavior, bsods, random, and never at the same time. Regarldess of the operation, i could be idling, playing a game, whatever. I know my ram is ok, i ran memtest for 9.5 hours, and it completed 26 loops, all passes. I am curious if my power supply is just old, and is having issues in some manner. I can't test this theory until my new psu arrives.

What i did test last night, was removing my wireless adapter. After removing it, i booted the pc, ran 3dmark2003, 2005, prime95, the 3d programs for an hour combined, and prime95 for 1.5 hours. All the while i was running one instance of folding@home in the background. It only had one hiccup, when 3dmark2003 was first ran, i closed with an unexpected error. The pc didn't restart once, no bsod's, i even left it on overnight, and when i woke up, it hadn't restarted.

I also found a combination of programs that causes a blue screen. If i have xfire open, and i'm in a voice chat, and I play an online game, the pc will show a blue screen and restart. I can play games fine, indefinitely it seems, and i don't get a blue screen, but when I use my usb headset and a game, it crashes. The last time this happened, the bsod showed "driver irq not less than or equal", with a code of 0x000000D1, and suggesting tcpip.sys is the culprit, upon restarting and logging in, as the system was loading drivers/startup programs, i ran into the same error, only it listed ntfs.sys...at least i think that was the file. Regardless, I think i'm having an irq issue. Can i have a driver irq problem? and how to i fix it.i've only got two pci slots, and i've tried using both.

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System Unstable - BSODs - Disabled IDE Controllers

Oct 14, 2006

I've had this ax8 board for some time. Previously, I'd been using an av8. Here's a run down of what I've experienced. With all the default devices enabled in bios, random irq/driver irq not less than or equal BSOD's. Disabled on board FDC, still bsods. Disabled onboard LAN, still bsods. Disabled IDE controllers, still BSOD's. I've tried a pcie and pci card, still bsods. Tried SATA 3&4, still BSODs. I replaced my USB keyboard/mouse with an old ps/2 keyboard and mouse, unplugged my usb headset, and it hasn't crashed since.

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Semi Frequent BSODs On SP3 - Recovered Computer

May 7, 2010

Within the past 2 or 3 days, I've been getting BSODs 3 times a day. They seem to always happen when I'm randomly surfing on Firefox, but I thought this belonged here. They seem to happen after I've recovered the computer from standby mode (I make it go to sleep instead of shutting down and rebooting most of the time) and am surfing firefox. I've noticed that I can do all I want with no problems before sending the computer into standby, but after standby I'm on borrowed time. Maybe I'm forgetting a time that it has shut down on me after a fresh boot, but that seems true.

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Acer Travelmate 2700 Laptop BSODs So Fast - Cant See The Error Code

May 11, 2007

I have an Acer Travelmate 2702wlmi laptop that Blue screens at the xp loading screen on boot. It flashes up the BSOD so fast you cant see the error code generated. I have rebuilt the laptop onto a new HDD, swapped the memory out and i still dont know if it's software or hardware causing it ( suspect hardware). After the BSOD, the laptop reboots and just goes round in an endless circle. If i power it down and then up again i get the ntldr is missing message and can use a boot disc to get back i to it fine. Last night i used it for hours fine, and rebooted it several times, but early today turning it on caused all the issues again. If i leave the battery out and run it off mains it makes no difference, checked the fans are running and it does not appear to be hot.

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Random Blue Screens - Random Crashes

Oct 29, 2006

I keep getting random crashes and I don't know how to go about diagnosing the problem. Every so often I get random STOP error messages, and from the articles on the Microsoft Support site it appears to be a driver problem, but I don't know which driver. These are the errors I got recently (in order)

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Touch Not Working / Bad Drivers Installed Drivers Over Bad Drivers

Oct 9, 2010

How do I uninstall all drivers associated with my (windows xp) touch pad. Touch Pad is not working / bad drivers installed drivers over bad drivers.

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Random Hang Ups At Random Times

Jun 27, 2008

My computer seems to just hang up on me like it gets stuck in "idle" mode and doesn't let me have any keyboard/mouse control and I am forced to do a manual shut down and lose any data I may have been working on.

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Specific File TCP/IP

Feb 4, 2007

The system event veiwer in control panel says that about 80% of the error I have is because of a specific file name called TCP/IP. I went to windows help, and they told me to remove this protocol and then re-install it using the "network" option in Control Panel. But, if I knew how to do this, you wouldn't be reading this right now! I do understand that this is a very basic problem to overcome, and its just a matter of removing and re-installing.

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Video Drivers Messed Up - Device Manager Display Drivers Update Can't Find

Aug 17, 2009

video card on my laptop messed up somehow, i can see a exclamation mark on the device manager in the display drivers tab... now im searching to update my driver but cant find any sources that would suit xp windows now everything is very laggy cuz it shows im not using any video card or something like that anyway?

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Home Firmware Drivers: System Recognizes The Drivers Wont Install?

Jul 30, 2005

I purchased a SIIG PCI firmware adapter. It has no drivers and says that it will use Win XP drivers. Well I installed the board and booted the pc, Win XP
recognized the hardware but could not find any drivers. I tried unplugging it manually, installing it in another card slot with no luck. I took it back to
my pc dealer and he plugged it in his system and had no problems. I decide to try another brand, an IO Gear GIC1394.

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Pro Drivers: System Crashed Installed New Copy / Missing Drivers?

Nov 3, 2007

A friends HP Media Center PC m7077c crashed. Had no recover disk, etc. Installed XP Pro SP2 and I need drivers (according to Device Manager). No sound is obvious but video controller is not. Video seems okay. Where do I find drivers for this machine. XP Pro, Home and MCE are different OS's ... as far as my experience. The drivers are not the same.

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Installing Drivers For Graphics And Wireless Network Card Drivers

Jan 1, 2006

Whenever i install drivers on my pc, (i've tried graphics card drivers and wireless network card drivers) my pc stops working. When i installed the graphics card drivers, i tried testing the graphics on a game (counter-strike) but as soon as i got into the game, the pc flashes a blue screen, and reboots. I cant see what the blue screen says because it flashes on and off again to quick for me to read it. I decided to uninstall the graphics card drivers, and the game worked perfectly, but the graphics were REALLY bad. So i thought i might need to update some other drivers, so i tried to install my wireless network card, but when i finished installing the drivers when i had to restart my computer, it flashed the BSOD.... AGAIN! I need help urgently as im going to a LAN gaming comp called "rezidue" and its on in 2 weeks, i need my pc fixed by then! All these problems started when i upgraded my CPU. Everything was running smooth, and i was happily playing along on my computer, when i was asked what my FPS was in counter-strike, and i was all "mine are 65!" and there like "wow that sucks, mines 130" so i set out on my epic quest to get better FPS then everyone else and MAN THAT WAS A MISTAKE. I upgraded from my celeron 2.8ghz cpu to a P4 3.0ghz HT cpu, and thats when things started messing up on me. My entire system is as follows (incase it can help someone help me) P4 3.0ghz HT CPU, Microstar P4 motherboard, 128mb Nvidia Geforce mx4000 AGP x8 graphics card, 256MB ddr ram (recently brought new 1GB ddr ram off ebay just for rezidue! should be here soon!) TP-LINK 54mbps wireless network card) And last but not least

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Specific Module Could Not Be Found

Jun 19, 2008

RUNDLL Error Loading C:Program FilesCommon FilesParetoLogicUUS2UUS.dll The specific Module could not be found Don't know what it means. 1st Day-This popped up while writing a letter in Word. 2nd Day-- It popped up while playing Freecell. 3rd Day it popped up while working on genealogy. There seems to be no common thread when it pops up.

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Missing A Specific DLL File

Jul 2, 2008

I keep on getting a message saying: "Rundll Error Loading C:Windowssystem 32jbrdpufc.dll The Specified Module Could Not Be Found" at the Start Up.

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Best Way To Learn About Specific Issues

Jun 29, 2005

I have questions about where to go for information, and how to go about it, before posting:

1) Does the knowlege base article numbering system mean anything? E.g., if a search returns 20 articles, should I read the highest number or the highest number in a series first?

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How To Learn What PC Specific IP Address

Oct 9, 2006

How do I learn what my PC's specific IP Address is? (I have WinXP)

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Pro: Downloading Software Asks To Download Drivers?

Jun 25, 2010

I just recieved an IBM laptop while downloading some software, it was suggested by the site that I should download all the updated drivers. I am very wary of this advice because I don't want to fix something that doesn't seem to be broken, but at the same time, I would like to be up-to-date. I am running XP Pro, how I should proceed? And where I might safely download such drivers?

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Edit Specific User Settings Only?

Jun 13, 2008

I am trying to completely lock down anything from running on a specific user account, except for 1 program which auto runs on boot.. I'v been able to lock the system down pretty well with the group policy editor.. but is there anything similiar to this that will edit specific user settings only? Or make my admin account not affected by the group policy editor?

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Icons Don't Show Up For Specific Programs

Aug 23, 2007

I find that certain programs show up blank boxes,instead of the icons which are supposed to be there. For example when I click on Mcafee antivirus software, it opens up a blank box. I can't remove it through 'add remove programs' because when i click 'remove' on it another blank box pops up,which is actually supposed to have the 'uninstall' icon. The same is the case with System restore. I cant do a system restore because nothing comes up when i click on it except a blank box. I do not know what other programs would have this kind of problem. Please help me resolve this issue.

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Content Specific Links Don't Work

Sep 30, 2005

Basically, the links on the left side of Explorer when viewing folders that are content-specific (ie. music folder, pictures folder) don't work at all. For example, in the My Music folder, clicking on "Play All" doesn't work (the cursor goes to an hourglass for a few seconds but WMP doesn't pop up or anything) and it behaves the same for every link on the left side.

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Profile Specific Slow Programs

Dec 19, 2006

I'm having an issue with a new laptop. several programs or just parts of programs will run painfully slow or take several minutes to load or when they finally do load they freeze. System restore and help files suffers from the same problem along with msn messenger 8, ares, and the dictionary in microsoft works. those are all that i've noticed with the problem i'm sure there are others. i've used registry mechanic tried reinstalling msn and ares with no solutions. also this problem seems to be profile specific. i created another profile on this machine and the problems seemed to dissipear but i would perfer to keep this profile. when i'm trying to load these programs if i open task manager the cpu will usually be low as if i'm not loading anything. also there is somtimes about a minute or 2 or halfway into loading the program loading will apear under the apps twice. one as itself ares.exe or whatever the restore exe is, and one at explorer.exe. i dont believe explorer.exe is a virus it seems to b normal. i assume that the problem has to do with the cpu right now but i have no idea how i would fix that. other than those few programs everything else runs fine. i defreg regularly and so on. i run avg 7.1 windows xp home. its a 64 bit lap i think so i assume it would be a 64 bit edition HP Pavilion.

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System-specific GUI On Tons Of Programs

Oct 7, 2008

I'm having problems with various programs that I've had work on other computers fine. The UI gets crowded to the point where I cannot click on what I need to, or type what I need to, and in some cases I have to use another program entirely. This has happened to over 10 programs that I recall, and the 'severity' of the bugginess runs from this: which isn't bad, mainly cut off unclickable words and boxes, to this. which is completely and literally unusable (I also need to get this particular one working soon, so if there's a quick fix it would be really appreciated). I see a lot more of the second type, I can provide more examples if asked.I enclosed the dxdiag in hopes that that might help. The one and only thing I might see that would cause this is I have a custom theme, but I've disabled it with no results.

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Cannot Access The Specific Device Or Path

Aug 17, 2007

Whenever I click on some , but not all, of my shortcuts on desktop,, I will get a pop-up window that says, " Windows cannot access the specific device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to acceess this item ." A couple of shortcuts I can open & they work fine. My e mail program, Outlook Express, & Mailwasher, will not work at all. I, also, just noticed that I get the same message window, whenever I try to open some functuions of my computer, such as uninstall programs,,, system restore, & MANY others.

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