Computer Slow On Startup - Particularly At Startup

Apr 27, 2006

My sister's computer is running very slowly, particularly at startup (which seems to take forever). I've got Panda antivirus software running and do reasonably regular spyware scans with AdAware, but am not sure if the problem is just that the computer is old with too little memory / overheating because it's on almost all the time / something else I haven't thought of. To help me determine what's going on, could someone much smarter than myself take a look at this HJT log and see if you see anything of concern?

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Computer Getting Slow Startup And Programs Running Slow?

Aug 7, 2005

Win XP HE SP2. Dell 8300 3.0 Ghz .PC takes minutes from startup to desktop. All programs much slower than usual.I regularly use Defrag, Have Microsoft anti spyware, Panda anti virus, Ad Aware Spybot, System Mechanic Pro.etc.Have tried everything!

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Computer Loading Slow Upon Startup

Jan 30, 2009

My computer takes about 8 minutes to load up upon startup. I've ran my anti-virus programs and nothing comes up. Also, while online it comes up with a lot of broken links. So, I don't know what to do about it. Is there a real good free troubleshooting program that might be able to see what's wrong? Does anyone have any good ideas as to what is going on?

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Computer Startup And Loading Slow

Dec 25, 2009

My Dell Dimension 2400 computer has slowed greatly in the startup (especially) and loading processes. I would appreciate guidance on what to check as most likely cause.

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Computer Slow In Startup And Shutdown

May 10, 2007

Now that i removed most of the malware my computer had in the past 2 weeks or so, another problem emerged, a slow computer. The computer was much faster before i downloaded these hoards of anti-malware programs such as SuperAntiSpyware, WinPFind3u, Avenger, HostsXpert, CCLeaner, and HiJackThis (in addition to Spybot S & D and AdAware which i originally had. I Once measured the time it takes for the computer to restart.

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Computer Slow At Welcome Screen And Startup

May 4, 2010

I recently did some standard maintenance on my computer (empty recycle bin & temp int files, check disk, defrag, etc.Before I did these chores my computer would take about 2 minutes to completely boot. Now it takes over 10 minutes and I cannnot figure out why. I did a system restore to no avail, but it will only allow me to go back one month which is right around the time I did the maintenance.

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Slow Startup Speed On New Computer

Aug 28, 2005

I just built a new computer, the startup was very quick. But after I installed some video editing software, the startup seems extremely slow. Is the software I installed responsible for this?

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Slow Startup But Fast Computer

Mar 9, 2007

I have an AMD Athlon XP 64 3700 2.2 GHZ Processor with 3GB of Ram. My computer is pretty fast, but just recently the startup has been sooo slow. i switched my log in screen to the classic with the autmatic login about two months ago and everything was fine tell about a week or two ago. When i start up my computer it will get to where its time to load the desktop and the log in dialog box will show up and it will finish and then this is where it should load all my startup programs and desktop icons, but it just loads my desktop background picture and then wait about 45 seconds to a minute and it will make the windows startup music and then wait about another minute and then it will start to load all my desktop icons and startup programs. I have tried al most everything. I have ran AVG antivirus about 10 times with updated defiinitions, ran ad-aware, ran spybot search and destory, registry mechanic, ccleaner. I have listen to other suggestions. I have gone into msconfig and removed all startup items, and even tried to remove uncessesary start up services from there as well. NOTHING works.

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Computer Startup And Shutdown Are Slow

Apr 22, 2007

Having a little trouble figuring out why my start up and shutdown has slowed,Pc running a little slower than normal but I did recently install Ms office.

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Tons Of Ads & Computer Running Slow At Every Startup?

Feb 27, 2007

there are tons of ads in the system and then computer becomes extremely slow

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Computer Getting Very Slow Startup / Unable To Speed Up?

Nov 23, 2006

My computer startup very slowly and please look at my list and see what is needed to improve the performance.

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Computer Very Slow At Startup - Taking Long Time

Aug 18, 2005

My computer takes a long time to the stage where I can start to use it. I mean like 8 minutes or more, could it have to do with the programs that are started when the computer strarts if so how can I find the folder. I am using windows XP home edition I have a 40GB hard drive I only have used 6 gigs of it. I have 256MB of RAM. This problem is new it never took this long.

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Computer Slow Startup, Sound Garbeled Under Stress

Jan 16, 2009

Having problems with my roommates laptop. It takes about 10 mins for it to boot up. And once its running its not running real good. Also when it starts up, or if there is any load, sounds crackles. Since I started working on it I have run, Adaware, Defrag, Registry cleaner, Driver updater, and virus check, and everything has been cleaned, but it has not helped much. The computer has plenty of free resources, hard drive is only half full, and there are no big programs on here that should slow it down. I also went and purged all the programs out of startup that dont need to be running.

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Fast At Startup But Extremely Slow At Applying Computer Settings

Jan 23, 2008

This happen to all my clients, i'm using Win2003 as my server, and i set only a Group Policy, which is "set all the local administrator password to be the same with the domain admin" <only 1Kb in size> but i don't know why, all the clients takes up to 2-3 minutes to go to the ctrl+alt+del screen. no virus or spyware detected by symantec.

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Computer Running Slow And McAfee Firewall Disables At Startup

Jan 8, 2008

I have run virus scan, Adaware and Spybot and nothing is found yet the computer runs slow. Statup takes a long time and while it is loading things the firewall disables until after everything in startup loads. Lately I have had problems when docking my iPod. It just undocks on it's own and nothing is touching it or the cable connecting it to the computer. I ran Hijack this but no sure how to interpret it. I am running Windows 2k pro on a Compaq Presario.

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Computer Slow Startup Shutdown No Info Screens Displayed

Aug 11, 2009

I have a Lenovo T400 notebook that is extremely slow to start up and shutdown (2 to 3 mins plus). The machine does not show any boot messages (ie running start up scripts , applying computer settings etc) at either start up or shutdown.Have tried:removing readding to the domain gp update clearing the start up processes Machine has Symantec endpoint installed and runs a weekly scan but nothing has come up.

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Startup Very Slow Freezes Forcing To Restart Computer Multiple Times

Apr 3, 2007

i am having problems my startup it's very slow and freezes forceing me to restart computer multiple times just for it load up xp properly.Also generally my computer is very unresponsive cant understand why ive defraged ive deleted all temp files freeed up space on hd and regular run virus scans.

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Computer Running Very Slow Takes Long Time To Load Startup Programs

Aug 25, 2007

Operating System - Windows XP running on a HP Pavillion 761n - Missing dll files such as:mscvr80.dll and msvcp80.dll. Can't seem to find these files anywhere or I just don't know where to locate them.

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Computer Running Slow: Taking Long Time For Startup & Opening Programs?

Aug 15, 2006

Our family computer is running like a slug. It takes forever to startup and open programs and the hard drive activity light is always on. It also uses up a lot of RAM for some reason but the CPU usage is normal. I have another hard drive that is in a removable tray that I use, and that has all the same settings and everything, but that one is using a fraction of the RAM and runs pretty good!

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System Facing Slow Startup / Programs Run Slow Too?

Mar 26, 2006

when i first start up my PC it seams slow. like when i try to use a program. its slow to starting up. but after a while things seams to speed up to normal

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Slow Startup / Slow System Operation

Apr 3, 2009

Dell computer with Windows XP SerPac 2.Computer boots very slowly - about 5 minutes. I have cleaned out the startup files, defraged, used several registry cleaners, etc., but no luck.Tried to boot from the OEM-supplied XP CD but system doesn't recognize it. Tried to go to setup and repair/reinstall operating system by pressing F8 on startup but doesn't work.

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Slow Startup - Extremely Slow To Get Online

Oct 26, 2010

I have a demension 8400 with windows xp pro media center. It has a 3 ghz processor 160gb hard drive. I have it on a wireless setup. I don't know much about the inside of a computer so I need help. It is extremely slow to open 1/2 hour or so and even more so to get into any program or internet. Yesterday I checked everything I could check and somehow or another I found a screen that had appeared stating errors and saying something about images not being able to open.

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Startup And Shutdown Slow - IE Loads Slow

Feb 16, 2005

startup and shutdownn is slow... IE loads slow...

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Msconfig Normal Startup, Stop Running At Startup, And Change Back

May 16, 2007

I want a program to run at startup and I want to be able to change what I have done at any time.

There are a number of unchecked entries in msconfig and I have to use Selective Startup all the time.

If I want to revert to Normal Startup under the General tab instead of Selective Startup, the program's box automatically rechecks itself in Startup.

The Startup tab gives me a handy record of what I did and allows for an easy change of mind so long as I continue to use Selective Startup.

If I edit the Registry to stop programs running at startup, they won't show in msconfig and I lose the handy record of how it was and I may have to reinstall the program to go back to it running at startup.

I would like to accomplish this:

1. Use Normal Startup instead of Selective Startup.

2. Have some programs not run at startup, but be able to easily change back to having them run at startup.

3. Have a readily accessible list of those programs and the details as shown under the Startup tab as a reminder of how it was without having to manually enter it all into a text file or keep a notebook or reinstall.

Is there some way to use Normal Startup, stop programs running at startup, but retain or find a list of those programs (including the details under the headings Startup Item, Command, Location) that is shown when using Selective Startup with unchecked boxes under the Startup tab?

To put it another way, use Normal Startup but somehow retain the convenient flexibility of Selective Startup.

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Slow Startup

Apr 24, 2007

Recently reinstalled windows on computer. Would like to not have as much on startup as it has. Is it safe to shut off KBD.exe related to the multimedia keys? also Hotkeys command, and Igfxtray? only use F keys incase computer screws up.

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PC Slow At Startup

Oct 3, 2006

My PC is much slower than usual at startup.

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Slow Startup

Sep 22, 2009

The 250GB HDD came with the pc when purchased approx 4 yrs ago. I purchased the 80GB HDD approx 1.5 yrs ago and installed Windows on that drive. I believe that all elements of the OS should be on the 80GB HDD. I would not be suprised if the 250GB hdd is on the way out, i.e. nedds to be replaced.

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Still Having A Very Slow Startup

Aug 30, 2009

I've gone to msconfig and deleted some start up files, deleted some programs from add/remove, made folders for favorites. Everything I could think of to decrease startup time. Nothing seems to help. I still have to wait around 10-15 mins before IE starts up. I even installed firefox to see if that would help with start up. Nothing. I did a Diskeeper scan and found that there were alot of low system files (pink). Could this be the reason for a slow start up. Is there anyway that I can help this poor little computer. It really drags at startup.

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Startup Is Too Slow

Jul 24, 2005

My programs will almost never open. The computer is too slow and I have to run safe mode each time. I want sound for my computer since i can't have sound on safe mode.

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Slow On Startup

Sep 28, 2009

One of these days I'll finally know everything about this machine....or maybe not. Right now it's taking about 3-4 minutes to be usable after the login. In an effort to alleviate the problem, I ran a search through TSG, and pulled up this thread. I followed the directions given by Phantom010 to look at: Site 1--which actually identifies several of my PROCESSES as unnecessary/bad, but I'm positive that I shouldn't mess with the processes in the task manager without knowing what I'm doing. If I need to remove some of my processes, I'd be happy to do so.

Site 2
Site 3

I've cleared a lot of the startup programs from the list (there was over 30!!) but it doesn't seem to be loading a whole lot faster, or even noticeably faster. I've downloaded HJT, in case you think I'll need it, but I don't know that I have a virus, since only the startup seems to be affected (and SAS & Avira don't pull anything up besides the occasional tracking cookie)............

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Startup Problem, Already Disabled All Unnecessary Startup Items...

May 8, 2010

My startup time went up drastically.
I have disabled all but two of the automatic startup items using msconfig. My system used to start in less than two minutes, easily. Now it takes a more than a minute or two longer than that.
I know what the problem is; the only three items that show in the system tray after startup are:
1) The AVG Antivirus icon .
2) The Spybot SD Resident icon.
3) Local Area Connection (This is the icon which shows two computer monitors with screens that light up and go dark periodically)

Now, after the problem started, the last item, the Local Area Connection icon is the one that doesn't load, for VERY long. So it may be something to do with that. Also, just before the icon finally shows up(after which point the computer is fine to use) I've notice that a Windows security notification icon flashes, for just a second, and then is replaced by the Local Area Connection icon. For the record, these are the two icons I'm talking about:

I have had my automatic updates disabled for a while now, so you might think that that's the reason the notification is showing up but I've already disabled that notification using Windows Security Center.

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