I have recently had a major system failure, specifically my Windows XP will no longer fully boot. When I power on my computer, it gets to the "windows had
a problem starting up" page, where it gives options for starting in safe mode, normal mode, etc. However, no matter which option I choose, the computer cycles through startup and comes back to this same page. I have tried hitting F8 and getting to the advanced options, but I get the same result. Nothing I try works. I suspect there are corrupted sectors in the core system somewhere.
My computer will not start up. It boots and and gets to a screen where it asks if I want to start windows normally. I do that and then the window xp logo appears and then it reboots and starts all over again. Right after the window xp logo appears something runs across the screen and disappears to fast to see what it is.I have norton internet and antivirus and the sp2 pack of windows xp installed. However, I have not installed anything recently. Just prior to the problem my comcast high speed internet went down and when it came on that is when I had the problem. I can boot from the CD-rom and have done a check with a cdrom norton and I have no viruses, but it is not the latest viruses on the disk and I dont know how to down load them onto the cdrom from norton site.
I keep getting this message everytime I try to turn the computer on. It will occasionally begin to start up but then will automatically reboot and I will get the Disk boot failure - Insert system disk and press Enter message again. I read the old posts on this but I have not been installing anything new.
I have a toshiba laptop. It was working fine. I think my daughter shut it down wrong. Now it opens to the menu to select Normal, Safe Mode, etc. No matter what I pick it begins to start, gets past the Windows logo screen and then a blue screen flashes up and it restarts before you can ever read the letters on the blue screen. It just keeps cycling. Will not start. I am on XP sp2. Can't tell much else since I cannot even figure out how to get it started. I have removed the battery for 5 minutes and pulled the power cord.
I've had this computer for a year and a half, and this is the third time it's done this. I want to know if it's something I can fix on my own - I dont' know much about computers at all. To get into setup, I have to press F1 from the start up menu. If I don't do that, it takes me to a black screen where it says, Disk Boot Failure, please insert system disk and press enter. I have taken this computer to a repair shop, where I have been charged 200 dollars each time I get this message. Please advise me on what I should do, or if I'm doing something wrong? I have windows XP and it has only one DVD/CD drive, no floppy or anything like that. It started doing it this time when it froze and then I pressed cntrl-alt-delete and got the above error message.
I was on the computer this morning (plugged into a power bar) when all of a sudden the power went out in my neighbourhood. I was just on the desktop at the time I believe. I unplugged everything to prevent anything from surging to be safe, and I went out for the day.When I got home, the power was back on, and so I plugged the computer back in. However, as I plugged in the computer, it turned on by itself. Normally it does not do this when I plug it in after it was forced to shut down for a blackout. I immediately knew something was up.When it started to turn on, it immediately went to a blue screen of death.
It won't get past this screen. I've tried Safe Mode, Last Known Good Configuration, Normal Mode and it just keeps going back to this screen. I also noticed it doesn't make the normal noises when it's booting up. It doesn't make that 'click click' sound when I'm booting up (I believe that's a hard drive sound?). I do have access to the Windows Recovery Console (I think - it appears as an option - I don't know if it will work) but I don't know what to do. It sounds like it did something to the hard drive... when I boot up the computer normally it asks me to press F1 (because my CMOS battery is low)... now on that screen it says Serial ATA at the top. I don't know why that is, or if this has anything to do with the low CMOS battery before, but I can't get it to turn on at all at the moment. I don't understand why the power failure would do this (or what it did)... I've never not been able to boot up after a power failure. And surely there wasn't a surge since it wasn't plugged in when the power came back on.Did it kill the HD? Anything I can do to at least recover some files?
When I start my non-brand PC with an MSI mobo I receive the following message:disk boot failure insert system disk and press enterAt first I thought it was the SATA hard drive but when hooked up to another machine I can see all the files. When I went into the Phoenix/Award Bios all the drives are IDE drives. Not an SATA drive option anywhere. The computer was working great for a number of years. I hooked a brand new SATA drive and the BIOS does not recognize the drive.
My computer at turn on says: disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. I do not know what disk they are talking about but I tried the system recovery disk #1 and it told me the drive is not partitioned and to delete it and do I want to contunue? Please help me I want to use my computer to send my children some pictures we have not see each other for 4 years and I have not seen my grandbaby since she was born,
well i have read a lot about this problem but im dont think i really found a solution so i thought i would make a new thread. Well i was just on my computer using p2p file sharing program. and then my computer froze. first the program itself and then the whole computer just froze. So i held down the power button until it turned off and then i turned it back on and then i received this error. Disk boot failure. insert system disk and press enter.
I have my stuff backed up, i used it as a secondary and i backed up the things i needed, so i dont really care that much if i need to format. The funny thing though is that it actually froze once on my brothers computer when i was transferring files and when i restarted it wouldnt boot up and when i took out my hard drive my brothers computer booted up perfectly and after it booted up perfectly i shutted it back down and then i attached my hard drive as a slave again and then it booted up.
I am unable to boot my PC most of the times.Whenever I switch on my PC,I see the following message nine ot of ten times. DiskError/Boot Faliure Reboot and select proper boot device or insert Boot media in selected boot device If I press enter after this messages & keep pressing following messages appear from time to time (Not simultaneously). If just after making the switch on, I press F2 key to check the boot device preference
If just after making the switch on , I press f11 key to reach the boot menu I always find the 1.44 MB Floppy option highlighted as the booting choice.(though there had not been any floppy in the floppy drive, I dont have any really)I make the hard disk option highlighted & it solves the problem only a few times. But next time when I try F11 key to check the boot menu again I find 1.44 MB floppy highlighted.
first i get the HP blue screen. I tried F1, but i dont see my hard drive in the boot menu. I followed some steps in Hp's web site- took the cpu apart and unplugged both hard drives from the motherboard, plugged them back in. when i restarted ,i got the HP screen and then windows started to load up. After a few seconds the HP screen came back up and then the black screen: sk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. I also noticed that pressing F10 for system recovery does nothing.
Starting a couple of weeks ago my computer has been taking just under 5 minutes to fully boot into windows and programs can take anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute to load.
Up to one hour ago, I had a multiple boot set up on my computer.Windows XP Windows Vista Home Premium (one)Windows Vista Home Premium (two).At boot up, I got a screen showing all three installatons, and I used the up/downkey on my keyboard to select whichever i wanted to run.One hour ago I reinstalled XP.On startup, the opportunity to select which OS to run no longer appears. Instead, the computer boots directly into XP.I tried playing around with Vista Boot Pro, unsuccessfully. The three OS are listed and the Vista HP (one) shows up as default. But rebooting only boots into XP.I tried Repair Your Computer from the Vista installation disc. But the chance to click the operating system I want to repair is not available. Instead another window appears, which says there is a problem with the boot, and do I want to repair it and restart. I click on Yes, but it restarts and still boots straight into XP again.
a while ago my computer failed to boot repeatedly and I took it to the repair man who got it going but when I first switch it on I get the message invalide boot.ini file - booting from c and what has happened to create this problem and can I restore my PC to boot from the original file
I had been away from my computer for about an hour and when i returned the screen was black and nothing would change it so hit the restart button. When the computer started up, I first saw the usual blue dell logo-screen, however, the next screen was the windows 98 startup logo-screen. The computer then entered DOS mode and at the top of the screen it says Microsoft Windows 98. This problem persists every time i start the computer. I only have 1 primary partion and i installed XP on it from a clean install by using a win98 bootdisk to format and running winnt from the i386 folder of the xp cd. When i try to enter SAFE MODE the computer goes to the Win 98 start-up logo screen again and enters DOS again. I know that all my files are still on the HDD because i can navigate through them. All i really want to do is somehow save some files that are on te HDD so i can just format and reinstall XP.
This started happening a few months ago, & I have just been living with it, but now I'm very tired of it. When ever I boot, or restart my computer, the startup folder automatically opens on the desktop. Can someone tell me how to stop this from happening? Also recently, whenever I open a Microsoft program, Word, Excell Office Project tries to load. I have to cluck Cancel several times to stop it.
my computer just started having boot problems. I had not used it in a while because it was a backup. My primary has been totally taken over by a spyware program so I need to use the backup and now it won't boot up. All I get is the PXE_E53 no filename received message.
i am getting a Boot Failure message on my computer when I start it up. It seems like it is trying to boot from the various devices, Then I receive the Boot Failure message.
When booting up to Windows XP disc, i get an error screen that reads: Unmountable_Boot_Volume The problem is that the error screen appears before I can even get to the Windows Setup Welcome screen. So I can't even perform a recovery console procedure. I don't need the files on my hard drive anymore, I just need the computer working.
Im new, so bear with me please. The problem is on my old Sony Viao Model PCG-6H4L XP. I wanted to start fresh and the recovery system for windows gives me only a limited number of dates. I thought that the Viao recovery would do the job.I was wrong. I haven't checked recent forums about problems with this, so I went ahead and broke my laptop. Before the Recovery system starts, my laptop says, with a black background.
Ever since a power failure yesterday, my computer is not booting 100% of the way - it seems to stall at the end after loading desktop etc, can't see anything missing but I am unable to do anything. Nothing opens when clicked on. It works perfectly in Safe Mode with Networking.
I checked Device Manager and found 3 things highlighted:
HID Non-user input Data Filter
HID Non-user input Data Filter in HID section, and
WAN Miniport (IP) in Network Adaptors.
I do not have a wireless network, only a hard-wired one, so not sure what that is about.
Today, when the XP boot screen appeared after post, my machine rebooted. Went to MSKB and followed instructions for Recovery Console, but when I got to the money shot, I was denied access - tried this 4 times, same response. Tried repair install, but after drivers loaded and auto re-boot, XP boot screen appeared and machine rebooted...vicious cycle.
so my computer is coming up with this message on a black screen. "Disk boot Failure, Insert boot disk and press enter." What is this? What does this mean? I just downloaded a "Regicure" to clean up my PC because it was running very slow and wouldnt open some of my files. Everything seem to be ok, untill this morning. Now i dont know what to do. It wont even boot. That black screen is all i get. Please help me! I purchased this computer in Feb."07. Its not even a year old.
every time I load up my PC (Win XP Pro, Mozilla Firefox) I get the following error box: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Program: c:progra~1intern~1iexplore.exe File: .lists.cpp Line: 480 Expression:!(p==bodykwref.end()) For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts [note--I've tried this--it's all programmer speak and I'm just a novice trying to get rid of the error!] (Press retry to debug the application-JIT must be enabled) [This works--for 10 minutes or so] Abort Button Retry Button Ignore Button. I assume it's got something to do with iexplore, so I've reinstalled a couple times--no joy.
Trying to hook up computer to wireless.Computer has been sitting in closet for 6 months. Worked great when taken down. Now when I hook up I get "Disk boot Failure".Any help will be greatly appreciated. Telling me that IDE Master none if that means anything.
Hey guys, as u gather my nakme is stresseoutsandy for a reason, i recently bought a diy kit ocmputer and builllt it up then when i turn it on it says boot disk failure: mplease insert system disk and press enter,when in do so it loads then goes back to the same screen.could this be because the xp disc is a copy ? or is my computer broken?
Installed XP on a Maxtor Diamondmax 10 200GB SATA 150 (F6 and drivers from floppy) ive it as 1st boot device, but it gives me a boot failure error after POST my drive's are as follows Primary IDE Master - Maxtor 40GB Primary IDE Slave - Maxtor 120GB Secondary IDE Master - NEC DVD Writer Secondary IDE Slave - Sony CD ROM Third IDE Master - Maxtor 200GB
On an MSI P7N SLI Platinum motherboard, dual booting Windows XP and Vista - I mainly use XP - here also, this happened on XP. Ever since I updated Java Runtime Environment to 6 Update 10, jqsnotify - the Java Quickstart process, automatically starts up after some interval and consumes 25% of my CPu's cycles, - thats one core basically. Soon, there are 4 instances of this process - using up all my CPU power. I can close them down from the task manager - but when I'm playing a game- it suddenly slows down and I know what's happening but its frankly very irritating.