is there a way i can install legacy programs on xp, seeing that most of them have installshield issues such as unable to reconize my os language, or simply claims my os is invalid, i know about virtual pc 2007 but for the time being i cannot spare anymore room on my hd, so is there any other way i can install these stubborn legacy cd programs?
When my XP re-booted after installing Free-Agent, the screen froze. Some say disable "Legacy USB Support". How do I do this and will it interfere with my USB mouse, etc?
i am on an XP operating system on a dell. everytime one of the users logs off, we get the window that says "ending program sprtcmd.exe", and then we have to go and end program manually every time we log off. i read a similar post on here where someone was having that problem, and was told it was related to the dell support center, and they were advised to uninstall it. i tried to uninstall the dell support center, and this message pops up: "Error 1306. Another application has exclusive access to the file c:/Documents and settingsBarbLocal SettingsApplication DataSupport SoftDell Support CenterBarbstate logssprtcmd.log. Please shut down all other applications then click Retry"
It will not let me click retry, i have to close out the little window or hit cancel, then it goes through a little more of the "windows configuring", and then i get a little window for "add or remove programs" that says "fatal error during installation" and then that's that. it won't let me uninstall the program! i know this isn't a major problem or anything, but still having to manually click that window everytime i log off is quite aggrivating.
I recently installed Counter Spy Spyware software on my computer and I am no longer able use the help and support function in windows XP. When you clidk help and support the program freezes up.
Im haveing some sound issues. Sound works through the speakers in games, yet through a browser (IE or Firefox) only works through the head phone jack. So I thought about upgrading the driver, yet I cant figure out how to do that. Under sound, video, and game controllers all it says is Legacy Audio Driver. Sorta vague eh??? Anyone run into this? Nothing crucial here, just very annoying, im not really wanting to have to go buy another sound card simply because I cant find a stupid driver.
i got an probleme i installed the windows xp pro sp2 and i dont got the sound device and i got an intregrat motherboard and when i go on the device manager is said Legacy Audio blabla how can i install my sound?
What does end for support for a Windows mean?As far as I understand it means that updates (even critical) won't be available after that date.But how about a Service Pack. E.g. Windows XP SP2 deadline is set for 11 July 2010. Will Windows XP owners who have Windows XP SP2 version on a disc be able to successfully activate their copies of Windows after that date.
I recently installed Windows XP Media Edition, and everything works fine, except the "Help and Support" application off the Start Menu. When I open that, it comes up in Chinese. Everything else is English. Anybody know how to fix this?
I wanted to make this my special post, as its my 1000, and encourage all members to use their System Restore more, I keep a system restore icon on my desktop and make a restore point everyday, I know the computer is suppose to do it, but it makes me feel better, evertime I make drastic changes or questionable downloads I make a restore point, I simply type call it rp it only takes less than 10 seconds, if everyone did this we really could cut down on ourTech Support. Have a good day.
So I decided to play Mabinogi again , a RPG game, installed my driver, downloaded Direct X 9.0 , but when I checked DXDIAG, the current version of direct x was still 8.1. I have a the Radeon X300/X550 series for my VGA. Is my VGA perhaps too old to support Direct X 9.0? Or can you show me how to overwrite 8.1 with 9.0.
I have been having an issue with Windows XP's Help & Support ever since I installed Service Pack 2; under the "Did you know?" section it's supposed to connect to the Internet and download new links, right? Well, it doesn't do that anymore.I did some Googling but failed to find anything helpful so far.I've been using the built-in personal firewall ever since installing SP2, which I'm guessing *may* have something to do with it.
When i go: Start> All programs > Accessories > System tools > Systeminformation i get this message ( freely translated from norwegian )
"Windows can't open Help and Support because a systemapplication can't run. If you want to solve this problem, start the application called Help and Support"
Where is the Help and Support application, and what do i do?
when i go to Start,Run,type msconfig, i get the error message:Windows cannot find msconfig.Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again.To search for a file click the Start button and then click Search; same thing happens ,I do have msconfig in the computer and the path is: C:/WINDOWS/pchealth/helpctr/binaries. Same path for the Help & Support. I `m aware that there is not reference(or key)for the above subjects(msconfig-Help & Support) in the registry and i`m not confident enough to alter it, so
I'm working on my Father In Laws' computer, and for some reason, we can't open his Help and Support Center. I have searched everywhere to find the right path to get to it, and no luck. It worked recently, but it's gone now. I have gone through the Services.msc looking for anything that may be disabled that would effect it, but nothing so far.
I've noticed when I access the Help and Support Center - Start/ Help and Support in Windows XP, next to "Did you know?" it says it was last updated on Monday, December 20, 2004. I'm just curious as to what the date is on other XP users system.
I am unable to open the Help and Support Center in XP (Home) I recently installed and ran a registry cleaner. I am unable to restore to an earlier setting either from system restore or the registry cleaner's back-up I have looked in microsofts KB, articles 888018 & 555329 to no avail. The value data of the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsHELPCTR.EXE is C:WINDOWSPCHealthHelpCtrBinariesHelpCtr.exe which appears to be correct I believe the program tries to run but task manager never shows it. I get no error messages at all
I have 10 Dell GX60's running windows XP Pro all connected to a network. Whenever i try to run the 'Help and Support' feature on any of the machines it always stops responding. I have found a page on the microsoft knowledge base and i was wondering if anybody new where i could get the hotfix from? or if there is a different way to fix it or a work around?
I am trying to install a Lexmark Z515 printer on my computer and I keep getting a message about USB Printer Support- can't remember the wording but anyway it won'tlet me continue do I need to do anything like enabling the USB ports? Or is there
I am planning on installing Windows XP Pro w/SP2 build 2180 onto a 300gig hard drive I plan on getting new. So just a quick question, what is the limit on hard drive size that XP Pro supports?
I would like to install East Asian language support on my XP Pro sp2 machine but I no longer have the original CD that I used to install the OS. I tried borrowing a friend's CD for XP Pro sp1 and the files seemed to install properly from the i386lang directory on the CD but the language functionality still does not work.Does anyone know if you can download the language pack from MS. Otherwise, it seems that I need the contents of the i386lang directory from an XP Pro sp2 CD, which I don't have.
Dell has a problem with some Dell Vostro 200 pc's which involves a black screen just after boot. The advised solution from Dell is to set prefetch to only boot rather than boot and applications. Empty the prefetch folder and in effect not use prefetch as it was designed for Windows XP, Is this a legitimate solution for customers experiencing this problem? I always thought prefetch was supposed to "speed things up". Any suggestions about this? Is Dell just blowing the customers off?
Suddenly my documents folder opens when I log on to my machine. I checked all Startup folders for a shortcut to My Documents but found none. I followed the instructions on kb899865 but everything was as it should have been. I then checked for the trojan �spyware.dlder with MalwareBytes Anti Malware and found nothing. Spyware Blaster also found nothing. About the same time I found I was unable to open help and support, when I tried to correct that I continue to get the message that can not be found. It is not on C or the Windows install disk or SP2 disk. I am really stuck. While it is possible to close the folder after booting it is a pain and I would like to get things operating as they should be. I am running XP Pro. w/sp2.
Bought a Toshiba laptop. Low end w/Vista 32 premium. Upgraded memory to 2G and bought (received new HDD). Planning on installing XP on new HDD. Best Buy rep said no problem can install XP SP2 with out loading F6 drivers since it is not using Raid. Thought he was wrong, but tried it any way (Slipsteamed SP2 on XP) WRONG. My question is does SP 3 include support or SATA AHCI, or will I still need to find the F6 Driver. Could not locate on Toshiba Website. (Note - Their Tech support is like asking Homer Simpson and getting a reply like - DUH) Anyway the laptop is a Toshiba A205-S5804 (My cost at BB was only $368). Chipset is Intell M965) and Mainboard is a Intel Santa Rosa CRB.
I run WinXP Pro SP2, and when I initiate the following sequence: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information the Help and Support Center Window comes up. This also happens with Start -> Run -> msinfo32
I've got a corrupted load of XP that will not boot up. Is there a way to boot into a DOS shell with NTFS support so I can see my files and then copy them to a second hard-drive. I used to do this often with 95/98, just add in a second(slave) hard drive and then boot with a DOS disk and copy the files to the second drive then I could format and reload the original HD. I haven't been able to do this with NTFS volumes, if you boot from a DOS disk you don't see anything
I have been unable to access the help and support from the start menu, when I click on it I briefly get the hour glass but nothing else, also when typing msconfig in the run box it is not available. I have xp home edition sp2 "Windows cannot find "msconfig" make sure that you typed the name correctly,then try again. To search for a file click start and search.
I have windows xp and i want to play a game but everytime i try to install it it says that it does not support windows NT and I have tried everything your site has said and nothing works! What can I do?
I went through the problem stated by Joephilippa and my problem of similar kind. To be more specific...... All the related links in the Help and Support are not working. For example: To display system data
1. Open System Information 2. Double-click a category in the category tree, and then click an item to display its information in the details pane.
When I click System Information , nothing happens except that note sigh ( ...) apears repeatedly. Please see the attachment also. I have no idea what went wrong.