Hanging Up In Shock Wave Programs

Feb 24, 2005

We use the basic solitare program and a Yahoo card game program and for the last few months the program stalls-just about 5 seconds--Cards freeze and then progress--sometimes it happens infrequently and sometimes a few times in a few minutes. Is there something I can do or is something broken?

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Shock Wave Not Install

Jun 30, 2005

Windows XP will not let Shockwave install. nothing happens, no window or reason why? Can someone shed some light on this?

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Shock Wave Won't Work

Oct 17, 2006

Shockwave is installed but black screen appears with "shockwave" and the logo when trying to access a Slingo game.

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Flashplayer And Shock Wave Missing

Dec 16, 2005

My computer, which has IE and Windows XP, somehow lost Flash player 8 and Shockwave last week. Graphics, pictures and streaming videos do not show up anymore. Many pages which have graphics are simply blank boxes. I tried to use my restore function on my computer and reset the computer to before this all happened and when I go to the restore page all I see is a white page with no words.On Macromedia's website, I try and download Flashplayer and Shockwave where it says to click but after that I see nothing but a blank page. It seems need these programs to even download them! Which is really getting my upset!I had a tech person from Yahoo help me with my all my computer settings and they are all set the way they should be. But I still cannot obtain Flash and Shockwave at all!

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How To Reinstall Shock Wave Flash

Aug 29, 2002

To reinstall the shockwave flash:You must be logged on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group in order to perform this procedure.Click Start , click Run , and then type the following command: %systemroot%inf. There are no spaces at all in the preceding command line. Click OK to open the INF folder. Locate the file swflash.inf Right-click the file, and then click Install . This will reinstall the files that Search needs to proceed normally. You will be asked to place your windows XP cd rom in the drive.

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Starting CD Requiring Shock Wave

May 3, 2006

I have a CD that requires Shockwave to run. When I put the CD in the drive a message pops up saying I need to install Shock wave.So I went to their site and downloaded and installed shock wave.I inserted the disk again and the same message came up to install shockwave? (rebooted got same message)I know the disk works as runs OK in my other computer.I was wondering if there is some thing I need to activate in order for it to work. My operating system is XP home edition.

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Can't In Stall Shock Wave Player

May 18, 2006

im installing macromedia shockwave player so that i can log on to habbo hotel but all i keep on getting is a blue triangle red square and green circle in the left hand corner of the screen.Ive tried to set it up manually but for the installation complete sign to show the shapes are there.

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Macromedia Shock Wave Flash8

Dec 15, 2005

I am having trouble with downloading shockwave or flash 8. I have a linksys wireless router but the computer is directly connected to it. I have AVG free antivirus running. It downloads and is on the add/remove screen, but it won't work.

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Another Way To Download Macromedia / Shock Wave Player

Feb 25, 2006

is there another way to download this Macromedia - Shockwave Player cus it doesnt seem to work at there website.

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Saving Shock Wave Files So Don't Repeat Downloading?

Jul 7, 2007

How to save shock wave files so don't repeat downloading? There are some .swf files that i would like to listen to again and again. But don't want to keep downloading them.I am still on dialup. Please, how can i save them on disk etc.?I searched for .swf files, but can't find the one just downloaded.

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How To Open A File With Shock Wave Flash Object

Aug 13, 2005

how to open a file with the shock wave flash object: I have the latest shockwave player and flash installed but cannot find a program to play certain files I have received.

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Shock Wave / Flash Player Crashes Computer

Apr 3, 2008

i've been running windows xp and the latest version of flash on this computer for as long as i can remember. the only thing is, about a year ago my computer tended to restart itself when i tried to load a large flash/shockwave file on both ie and ff. some websites cannot cause it to crash at all, Internet, for instance, but other websites like gametrailers cause the problem in hand.i've tried installing and reinstalling them many times, but the problem persists to this day.if anyone could help me to resolve this.

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Flash Player/Shock Wave Little Slow For Fire Fox

Apr 3, 2008

Flash, and maybe shock wave is going a little slow for fire fox. How can I fix this?

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Shock Wave Movie Playback Has An Error Unable To Continue

May 2, 2007

Computer is windows xp.I am getting an error message when I play a game.Error message goes as follows shock wave movie playback has an error unable to continue.

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Programs Hanging After Startup

Feb 5, 2008

After starting my computer some programs won't start within the first two-three minutes after XP has finished loading. Winamp (5.5) shows the main window frame but doesn't load any further, Ad-Watch 2007 doesn't load while Ad-Watch SE loads fine, MSN Messenger doesn't load at all and IE7 starts but refuses to load any web pages. Firefox and Word 2007 are not affected. All of these annoyances disappear entirely after about three minutes after which all programs work just fine. In the three minute time frame I am also unable to access My Computer which just shows the flashlight looking for drives. I am, however, able to access files by using shortcuts to eg My Documents.

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Add / Remove Programs Keeps Hanging

Aug 1, 2005

My OS is Windows 2000 Professional and every time I try to open Add/Remove P rograms from the Control Panel my system stops responding. When I tried the same using the Safe Mode, the system did NOT hang and I was
able to open the Add/Remove Programs without any problems. I also tried the following.

1) expanded the appwiz.cpl file from the i386 directory to my desktop.
2) moved the appwiz.cpl file to a temp directory.
3) ran the new appwiz.cpl file from my desktop and got this error message

"Internet Explorer Script Error An error has occured in the script on this page......

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Wave Output In Volume Control

Jul 12, 2010

every 3-5 minutes or so, the main window that i'm working in (doesn't matter which program im running, but usually firefox/msn messenger, etc..) stops being the "top" window, and instead goes to the background - as if i opened another internet explorer window on top of it.this "glitch" is always followed by something even more strange - the sound gets cut off, and if i check the meters in volume control i always find the "wave" meter to be on minimum, and i have to put it back in the middle.

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Hanging Prog.

Jun 8, 2005

AOL Broadband Checkup always hangs when I'm signed on. Computer Checkup works fine & will sign on automatically if needed. Not a major problem, I just want to get it fixed.

Windows XP (home), sp2 & all updates, Windows firewall. AOL 9, Platinum 2mb. Spybot S&D, AdAware SE Personal with latest updates, XSoftSpy with latest updates. Presario 2504EU Laptop.

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Bootup Hanging At Mup.sys?

Dec 23, 2006

For some reason my system keeps hanging when booting up on the windows splash screen, then when i try to start it in safe mode it hang on /System32/Drivers /mup.sys . The problem started when i switched the case of the computer due to the power button beeing fauty. There has been no update of hardware apart from the case.

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Workstations Hanging When Trying To Log In

Sep 14, 2005

I am having a problem with various workstations hanging when trying to log in. Sometimes after powering down and restarting it will log on successfully, other times it still hangs. This same issue is happening at several of our school campuses, each with their independent domain.

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With No Reason For This Hanging

Sep 6, 2008

recently XP hangs when i open anything to do with its properties (System Properties, Display Properties, System Config, Mouse & Keyboard Properties) Avast, MRT, Spybot has not found anything Trojan/Worm etc that could be the reason for this hanging.

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SP3 Hanging Up On Boot

Jun 3, 2010

This rather novice computer user is looking for a checklist of steps to diagnose an issue with XP hanging up on boot started last night.Current system is 3 1/2+ years old - Graphics card upgraded 2 years ago - running XP SP3 for games and email.Booting computer - starts up no problem - on XP screen with dots moving across it freezes after about 10 seconds.On restart I tried the restart from Last Known Good Configuration - same hang up same dot location.I can boot into Save Mode and it comes up. I ran CC Cleaner again including registry. Actually I may have run CC Cleaner before the hand up booting.An links on a step by step process I can follow so as not to make a problem any bigger would be helpful.

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SP3 Hanging At Boot

Jul 11, 2010

I was on my computer, listening to music, and then all of a sudden, my sound just stopped. Totally. Checked the volume control and everything. I was obviously curious as to why, so for some reason, I opened up the task manager to take a look at what was running. It was then that I saw "loader.exe" and "iexplore.exe" running. I didn't have Internet Explorer open, and I've never seen loader.exe before. Naturally, I googled it and was informed that it was some sort of spyware/malware. I ran MalwareBytes-AntiMalware and the results came back clean. Still, I searched for "loader.exe" on my computer and deleted it, and its prefetch file. The EXE was in a temp folder.After doing all of that, I decided to reboot to see if my sound will come back. Much to my dismay, not only did my sound not come back, Windows XP ITSELF did not come back either. My computer restarts and does the whole Asus thing it does at the beginning, and then the screen goes black. I never end up at the boot screen.

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My System Hanging Always

Aug 8, 2009

My system have a good configuration that AMD Athloan 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+, 3.01 GHz, 2GB RAM (DDR II ), 640 GB SATA HDD. I am using Windows XP Service Pack 2. My softwares are common and simple like Adobe Photoshop, Abbey Fine Reader, MS office etc. But still my system hangs with regular intervals and maximum slow. I can't play even a simple game, can't see a film or even I can't browse the internet smoothly. Often I am getting error messages like explorer not responding. I have formatted my system many times. But still the problem persists. How can I resolve this problem?

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Rebooting And Hanging Again And Again

Mar 28, 2010

I start up my computer and then after a few minutes later, my computer screen goes black and automatically reboots on itself. After reboots it somehow hangs on me before getting into the login page of xp accounts.

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Computer To Be Hanging ?

Aug 13, 2009

I can't place exactly when this started, but I'd say maybe 2-3 months ago. The computer just seems to be hanging all the time: windows sometimes take a long time to open, programs hang, frequent "sorry, gotta close this program" messages, etc, etc.
I don't know the exact time sequence, but it does seem that installing IE8 didn't help the situation; I get constant hangs and windows taking forever to open, having to shut down, etc.
I have XP pro.

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PING Utility Hanging!

Nov 9, 2006

I am unable to use the ping.exe utility in Windows XP. i need this to check my connectivity with my ISP and other network peers. as soon as i try to ping ANYTHING(even the localhost) it hangs. the details from event viwer r as below:

Event Type:Error
Event Source:Application Error
Event Category:None
Event ID: 1000
Time:3:17:01 PM
Faulting application ping.exe, version 5.1.2600.2180, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x00000000.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 70 69 6e ure pin
0018: 67 2e 65 78 65 20 35 2e g.exe 5.
0020: 31 2e 32 36 30 30 2e 32 1.2600.2
0028: 31 38 30 20 69 6e 20 75 180 in u
0030: 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 20 30 nknown 0
0038: 2e 30 2e 30 2e 30 20 61 .0.0.0 a
0040: 74 20 6f 66 66 73 65 74 t offset
0048: 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0000000
0050: 30 0d 0a 0..

i tried to run it under SAFE mode in case some app might be restricting it from functioning but to no use i even replaced the utility with the original one from my installation disk but even that didn't work out.
but it seems theres some problem with the utility itself because i downloaded a 3rd party pinging utility and it worked just fine!

note: i have tested my firewall and antivirus options..they r not interfering.

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Reviewing HJT Log: Hanging, And Just Overall Slowness?

Apr 12, 2006

I seem to be having a problem of hanging, and just overall slowness.I can get connected online, then it takes forever for my MSN home page to open. I thought perhaps something, somewhere, was haywire. Or perhaps you could tell me by viewing the log, which programs I have running that are unnecessary?

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Home Hanging On Shutdown

Jul 13, 2005

My computer hangs on shutdown & takes about 5 minutes to close down, I have emptied temp files, temp internet files, cookies, adaware checked, & had HJT check with nothing found, so guess it is either the software or RAM (480mb).I have a lot of images & also Webshots Desktop pics (which are mostly disabled but for about 4 images) could it be too much running in the background ? (when closing sometimes a box comes up saying saving files),

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CPU Usage At Or Near 100% / Hanging Up While Using Internet?

Jan 12, 2009

Often as of late, my system hangs when on the Internet (using Firefox When I CTRL-ALT-DEL, it indicated that Firefox.exe is usually running at 80-98% CPU usage.My system is using Windows XP Home as an OS and it has a 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 processor with 768 MB RAM.

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Random Freezing And Hanging

Aug 18, 2008

I just got back from LA, and like any person would, I went straight to check my email. After around 30 mins of reading through mail, the entire screen froze. The mouse wouldn't move, the loading bar just stopped, etc.
After around 10 mins, everything unfroze. I haven't installed any programs recently, and my computer worked fine before I left. This happens on average once every half an hour. Also, this only apparently happens on my account, not any other.

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