How To Reinstall Shock Wave Flash

Aug 29, 2002

To reinstall the shockwave flash:You must be logged on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group in order to perform this procedure.Click Start , click Run , and then type the following command: %systemroot%inf. There are no spaces at all in the preceding command line. Click OK to open the INF folder. Locate the file swflash.inf Right-click the file, and then click Install . This will reinstall the files that Search needs to proceed normally. You will be asked to place your windows XP cd rom in the drive.

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How To Open A File With Shock Wave Flash Object

Aug 13, 2005

how to open a file with the shock wave flash object: I have the latest shockwave player and flash installed but cannot find a program to play certain files I have received.

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Shock Wave / Flash Player Crashes Computer

Apr 3, 2008

i've been running windows xp and the latest version of flash on this computer for as long as i can remember. the only thing is, about a year ago my computer tended to restart itself when i tried to load a large flash/shockwave file on both ie and ff. some websites cannot cause it to crash at all, Internet, for instance, but other websites like gametrailers cause the problem in hand.i've tried installing and reinstalling them many times, but the problem persists to this day.if anyone could help me to resolve this.

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Flash Player/Shock Wave Little Slow For Fire Fox

Apr 3, 2008

Flash, and maybe shock wave is going a little slow for fire fox. How can I fix this?

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Shock Wave Not Install

Jun 30, 2005

Windows XP will not let Shockwave install. nothing happens, no window or reason why? Can someone shed some light on this?

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Shock Wave Won't Work

Oct 17, 2006

Shockwave is installed but black screen appears with "shockwave" and the logo when trying to access a Slingo game.

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Hanging Up In Shock Wave Programs

Feb 24, 2005

We use the basic solitare program and a Yahoo card game program and for the last few months the program stalls-just about 5 seconds--Cards freeze and then progress--sometimes it happens infrequently and sometimes a few times in a few minutes. Is there something I can do or is something broken?

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Flashplayer And Shock Wave Missing

Dec 16, 2005

My computer, which has IE and Windows XP, somehow lost Flash player 8 and Shockwave last week. Graphics, pictures and streaming videos do not show up anymore. Many pages which have graphics are simply blank boxes. I tried to use my restore function on my computer and reset the computer to before this all happened and when I go to the restore page all I see is a white page with no words.On Macromedia's website, I try and download Flashplayer and Shockwave where it says to click but after that I see nothing but a blank page. It seems need these programs to even download them! Which is really getting my upset!I had a tech person from Yahoo help me with my all my computer settings and they are all set the way they should be. But I still cannot obtain Flash and Shockwave at all!

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Starting CD Requiring Shock Wave

May 3, 2006

I have a CD that requires Shockwave to run. When I put the CD in the drive a message pops up saying I need to install Shock wave.So I went to their site and downloaded and installed shock wave.I inserted the disk again and the same message came up to install shockwave? (rebooted got same message)I know the disk works as runs OK in my other computer.I was wondering if there is some thing I need to activate in order for it to work. My operating system is XP home edition.

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Can't In Stall Shock Wave Player

May 18, 2006

im installing macromedia shockwave player so that i can log on to habbo hotel but all i keep on getting is a blue triangle red square and green circle in the left hand corner of the screen.Ive tried to set it up manually but for the installation complete sign to show the shapes are there.

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Macromedia Shock Wave Flash8

Dec 15, 2005

I am having trouble with downloading shockwave or flash 8. I have a linksys wireless router but the computer is directly connected to it. I have AVG free antivirus running. It downloads and is on the add/remove screen, but it won't work.

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Another Way To Download Macromedia / Shock Wave Player

Feb 25, 2006

is there another way to download this Macromedia - Shockwave Player cus it doesnt seem to work at there website.

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Saving Shock Wave Files So Don't Repeat Downloading?

Jul 7, 2007

How to save shock wave files so don't repeat downloading? There are some .swf files that i would like to listen to again and again. But don't want to keep downloading them.I am still on dialup. Please, how can i save them on disk etc.?I searched for .swf files, but can't find the one just downloaded.

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Shock Wave Movie Playback Has An Error Unable To Continue

May 2, 2007

Computer is windows xp.I am getting an error message when I play a game.Error message goes as follows shock wave movie playback has an error unable to continue.

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Remove And Reinstall / Adobe Flash Player

Jan 25, 2009

I have Adobe flash player installed. When I checked the shockwave flash object dependency, it shows under file name "damaged". At the same time, any page that requires flashplayer, which is 90% of the web now, takes 100% of CPU, for example Adobe's home page. Should I remove and reinstall it? any suggestions?

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Have To Uninstall Old Version And Reinstall Adobe Flash Player

Jan 18, 2007

Every time I go to a site where I need adobe flash player I have to uninstall the old version and reinstall it again even though the version I uninstalled is the same one. Is there somthing in my setting I need to change or is the normal?

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Get Wizard Back So Can Unload My Camera Using The Flash-card In The Flash Drive

Aug 1, 2005

This in plain non-techie English? My Microsoft Camera and scanner Wizard no longer comes up when I insert the FLASH-CARD from my HP digital camera in the FLASH-DRIVE on my PC. Nothing happens now, It worked great for 2 years.How do I get the wizard back so I can unload my camera using the flash-card in the flashdrive?I have WXP-Home/SP2. I downloaded some XP security updates but don't know if they caused the problem.

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Upgrading To Adobe Flash 9 / Can No Longer Play Flash

Jun 17, 2009

after upgrading to adobe flash 9 i can no longer play flash, like Internet, etc. when i try to install it again it fails everytime. i even tried installing in safe mode. i have windows xp. sorry.. i can't remember the error, i'll have to try it again to see.what's going on with adobe? i also had trouble with the pdf reader on explorer and had to reinstall.

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Wave Output In Volume Control

Jul 12, 2010

every 3-5 minutes or so, the main window that i'm working in (doesn't matter which program im running, but usually firefox/msn messenger, etc..) stops being the "top" window, and instead goes to the background - as if i opened another internet explorer window on top of it.this "glitch" is always followed by something even more strange - the sound gets cut off, and if i check the meters in volume control i always find the "wave" meter to be on minimum, and i have to put it back in the middle.

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Reinstall Home How Do Reinstall All Program Files?

Dec 8, 2007

I reinstall Windows XP Home because My computer was messed up. It deleted all my files.. so on my desktop screen I don't have any Program Files Icons. BUT it still save my Files. I have my orginial files in my Documents folders and In my Program Files It has all the Programs and files that go with that program? How do I zap everything back on my desktop screen so I don't have to go Download each files as new again??? And I how do i get my Internet Favorite Links and my Notepad with my saved information in it? Yes I did try the "Start" and then program files and none of the programs are there.. BUT yet it is in my Program Hard drive C: Program files. with the Program and all it's content?

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Can Reinstall Help & Support Or Reinstall / Repair Win

Jul 23, 2005

My Help and Support stopped working about the same time I installed the free utility GhostScript / Gsview so that I could view postscript files. I tried posting a question on another usenet newsgroup, but the answer of: click on install on the C:windowsinfpchealth.inf file - resulted in a search for the file dataspec.xml in the C:windowsinfi386 directory - Unfortunately, such directory does not exist on my C: drive. Furthermore, the "K:I386" directory of my Original Win XP Home CD does not contain any file named "dataspec.xm_ or .xml".And beyond that, I ordered a new Win XP SP2 CD, which just now arrived by mail - and there is no "K:I386" directory on that CD, nor does the CD apparently contain any file called "dataspec" (including dataspec.*).Another effort toward resolution occurred via another usenet post I read, which suggested opening the XP command line feature and executing a system status command, that displayed enabled services - I used that method, and switched the Help and Support service off and then on again. Such action did not in-fact enable the Help feature (including, of course restart), despite the indication that the Help and Support service was enabled. I am, and have been, running a purchased-CD version of Win XP Home, with a downloaded SP2 revision (I have not installed the new Win XP SP2 CD). Basically, I want to find out the means and methods for enabling my Win XP SP2 Help and Support feature, that apparently has been disabled or otherwise rendered inoperative.Is a reinstall of Win XP possible and the best choice? What are the other options?

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Fresh Reinstall Cannot Reinstall Broadband

Jan 22, 2008

Because of massive system porblems I have had t reinstall XP Pr with SP2. Before reinstalling XP I formmated the hard drives t give me a blank canvas to work. The reinstall worked fine but I cannot reinstall my Virgin Media Bradband service. Before the reinstall the bradband service was wrking fine..When I originall took out the bradband service it was through NTL. My cable modem states 'NTL' and the broadband disk has NTL' on it and I registered it tthough NTL. Now Virgin Media has bought up NTl annd I don't know if there is a compatibility prblem. Des somebdy else know?

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Format & Reinstall, Or Reinstall Over Existing

Apr 5, 2005

I've been having some internet connectivity problems lately, and I believe it's due to some nasty spyware. I've already gone through all the steps to correct this (checking my DSL speed, anti-spyware scans, anti-virus scans, doing it all in safe mode, even reset my winsock.dll, etc.) but I'm still having problems with slow browsers. So now I think I'm faced with reinstalling Windows XP. My question is, should I do a format & reinstall, or is it better to reinstall Windows over my existing version? I have a Compaq Presario, and it comes with a Recovery CD.

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Converting Wave Format Into MP3 Format?

Feb 26, 2006

how to convert a file in Wave format into a file in MP3 format? The file is a personal voice recording.

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USB Flash - External USB HD

Mar 9, 2009

I have a Dell XPS with XP SP2 all patched up. I have 2 USB ports in the front of my system - in port 2 I have my external 500 GIG HD set as drive F:. when I plug in any USB flash drive tot he other port it makes my external HD go offline for a sec then they all come back up like nothing ever happened - Need help on this as I use my external HD to edit WWW sites and somtimes as a shared drive to my Ubuntu machine.

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Box Flash On The Screen

Mar 30, 2008

I have windows XP I constanly have problems trying to download anything; 1st a little box will flash on the screen ;It flashes so fast I cant read it; Then about 5 minutes later the download will appear; But if I try to download anything large the computer will say downloading but then after a long time a screen appears and says time for this download has expired;??? Now I am running a registry cleaner and evryday it finds at least 50 errors. I am old and try to understand but I am having no luck. On the windows clean up tool there are about 50 items and some one told me there should only be 1 item that is running in that box.

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Flash Drive USB

Jul 5, 2010

I'm using a sandisk cruzer to try to install windows on my new rig. I've got a legit windows key, and serial number. Just lost the CD a long time ago, and don't have a sata Drive. Now, there is windows XP on my current sata harddrive but it is incompatable with the system (it was installed on another system.) So sense I don't got any DVD/CD burners, or any way of buying one for a month. I looked into making my USB flash drive bootable. I've used the HP USB Disk Formating tool to format it with FAT32, and dos Windows 98 files (Command,IO.sys,MSDOS.sys) thinking this would make it bootable. Tossed A version of windows XP I downloaded SP3, onto the drive, appatempted to boot it, but when I boot the flash drive with my gigabyte X38 DS4, it just loads windows 98 for half a second and brings me to a DOS C:. which was similer when I tried to install windows 7 from my USB drive where as that brought me 2 windows ME dos screen. It seems not to autorun so I don't really know how to partition my disk, format, and install a fresh coppy of windows.

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Is Adobe Flash Enabled?

Feb 8, 2007

I am using google chat and it says I have sounds enabled, but I don't hear anything. How do I check to see if I have adobe flash and if its enabled?

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Adobe Flash Not Working

Sep 27, 2008

When going to certain websites, I'm receiving a message saying that I need to install Flash. I have gone to Adobe's site to download it, and it says "Flash successfully installed" but apparently that is not the case.

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Cant Access Flash Drive

Oct 8, 2008

i did a repair of xp pro and now i cant get to my flash shows in my computer but when i click an error message says cant access h:or please insert disk.

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Have Messed Up A BIOS Flash

Aug 27, 2006

I was clearing out some old files and I have accidently run (from within XP) a BIOS flash utility for my old AOpen AX6BC mobo. MY current mobo is an MSI K8N Neo2. From what I can recall, the utility perfoms the BIOS flash the next time that the PC is rebooted. The file is called ax6bc110.exe. I have tried to delete the file both from Windows and from a Dos box, but I am being told that the file is in use. I have looked in Task Manager but I cannot find an entry that relates to this file.

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