Is it possible to get DirectX 11 for Windows XP anywhere??? minus the trojans?? I would like to run an ATI HD5450 card in my Lenovo 3000 J110 7393 it has a PCIe slot but I cannot seem to run it no matter what i have tried .
Just formatted my desktop and installed a fresh copy of XP Pro on it. I did a search on google and found that some people said XP does not support directX 10, but then when you go to the directX website to download it, Windows XP IS under the list of "Supported Operating Systems". So is 10 supported by XP, or do I have to download 9.0c?
I think I am losing what little sanity that I have left. I am having a couple of problems and they seem to be linked. Let's see if I can explain this so that it makes sense. I downloaded directx 9.oc last week don't know where it went because when I try to run "dxdiag" it says that I have vers 8.1 then everything crashes and all that I can do is push the reset button. Then when everything comes back I get an error message about the nv4_disp.dll
Hello all, I was wondering is there a way we can install directx 10 onto XP 32-bit. directx 10 is one of the main reason why Vista 64-bit is the best way to go for gamers, but I'm trying to save $150 and installing specfic drivers needed to run Vista properly on my PC. Looking at my specs, should I go head and invest in Vista Home Prem 64-bit or settle for XP 64-bit and hope for the best when SP3 comes out?
nstalling DirectX, I revieved this error DirectX 9.0c: dsetup32: value -9 error, I did a search for it but found nothing. How should I fix this. I am running Windows XP Home sp2.
When I try to play Tony Hawk's Pro Skaker 4 on my laptop and I get the following error:The file SiS630v.dll is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer. The file sis7018.sys is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.I think the main problem is that my drivers (audio and graphic) are not verified or whatever with Windows.How can I do this?How can I can each of their logo'd driver from SiS?
Tried installing a program but it needed DirectX8.1.. Went to MS site and found that DX8.1 is already installed in XP. DOwnloaded and reinstalled anyway. Program still doesn't find it. Think it may be a registry problem but am hesitant to fool around with it. Anyone know how to make XP default to DX8.1? (There are other DirectX's in registry, i.e DX3, DX6 etc. Think it may be defaulting to one of these.
HI currently have from what I can see a very common and well known problem with Direct3D. My computer has DirectX 9.0c ( 4.09.0000.0904 ) installed. I assume that Direct3D comes along with DirectX and should be installed seperately. However when I click on the Diplay tab Direct Draw Acceleration, Direct 3D acceleration, and AGP texture acceleration are not available and the option buttons are grayed out.
My graphics card is Ati Radeon 9250. I have downloaded the Ati Catalyst Control center and the drivers for the graphics card, however the problem still wasn't solved . Could someone please help me out with this matter, since it's really bugging me, any help would be much appriciated. I have also included print screens that I think may be good to look at and see certain information. If any other information is needed or you have questions that please do not hesistate as I really need to get this issue sorted.
I recently found out that it would be possible to run games in Directx10 quality on Windows XP. Since I'm running XP and not willing to switch to Vista.
I have Win XP SP2 and Radeon 9200, with the drivers I have installed DirectX 9.0b, but when I trying to install DX 9.0c it says that it's already installed, but it isn't!
I had to reinstall my OS (Windows XP) to correct a problem I was having. I did so, and afterwards reinstalled all my drivers and such to get everything back in working order. Everything is fine now, but for some reason Windows isn't recognizing DirectX. Whenever I try to run a game (for example, World of Warcraft), the screen flickers a few times (as if it's changing the resolution), then the game shuts down. In WoW's case, I get an error message stating "World of Warcraft was unable to start up 3D acceleration. Please make sure DirectX 9.0c is installed and your video drivers are up-to-date." (again, no game is working, but WoW is the only game that's actually giving me a specific error message).
My video card is an ATI Radeon X1650 and I uninstalled the drivers for that and reinstalled them, which did not correct the problem. I'm certain I DO have DirectX 9.0c, as I installed it just yesterday and running dxdiag confirms that I do indeed have that version of DirectX installed.
I unfortunately deleted 3 reg keys @ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMIcrosoftDirectx and now I dont have DirectX, accordng to dxdiag. I have tried to download several packages from Microsoft,(directx_9c_redist.exe), opened it and run dxsetup. This however does not change anything. I have also tried to run it directy from 2 videogame cd's, but with the same result. I really need help, I cant play stalker.
You can see what version of DirectX you have and test all types of DirectX based things like direct-draw and Direct3D by doing this: Click on the Start button Select Run Type dxdiag Hit OK.
I recently got a virus on it and reinstalled xp. Now all the games I used to play on it are coming up with directx errors. When I looked at the errors in the diagnostic tool it tells me I am using generic drivers. So I popped my driver disk in and installed them all but it still gave me the same error. So I reinstalled directx 9.0 with no fix. I understand that this thing is a beast and I should just stop using it but, it is the only pc I want to clutter up with old games and stuff. And I know it is compatible because I used to play these games before.
I am missing DirectX on my computer, and cannot run some of my games because of that, Can you tell me where I can download DirectX 9.0. The sites I went to are only upgrades for older versions.
I'm having trouble w/forwarding e-mails that have pix. Does that have anything to do w/directx? When I did a search on my computer for directx it said read only is that what it should be? Basicly what is directx/what does it do?
When trying to insall DirectX I get an error message stating "A cabinet file necessary for installation cannot be trusted. Please verify the Cryptographic Services are enables and the cabinet file certificate is valid."
Anyone else have any problems with DirectX 9.0C???? I recently installed it and now I have problems with the game Sacred locking up everytime I try and play it.
After downloading a game, I found out I needed Microsoft DirectX SDK to make it work. I downloaded it but now it's telling me:There is not enough free disk space on drive C:The amount of free space required on the drive is 1, 124, 040,704 bytes.The space currently available on the drive is 612, 560, 896 bytes. I've tried getting rid of as much as I could on my computer (Microsoft XP by the way) but it didn't make much difference. And I really don't have much at all on it either.
Have you ever had headache while playing a game? Did you ever noticed a low refresh rate in your game? Here is a solution how to change it.1. Select Start > Run, and type "dxdiag".2. When the dialog appears find the last tab, and click "Override" (or somthing similar).2. Just type your Value (be careful, dont type a value that your graphics card or monitor can't do!). Click Ok, and that is it!Remember you changed the refresh rate only for DirectX Applications, not for OpenGL.
Can I safely install directx 10 or 11 on my system? Where do I find the downloadable executable install file? Will upgrading the DirectX in my system cause any problems with any current programs I'm running on my system (mostly MS office, a Couple of MMO's and a stand alone game or two)?
I consider myself somewhat experienced with computers in general and Windows in particular (been using computers since the DOS days), but there is a thing with windows that rather baffles me. The thing is that since some time ago, whenever I start a game or any other DirectX program in full screen it resizes all opened windows to that program�s screen resolution. Even dxdiag full screen tests seem to cause it.
Once the full screen program exits or if I alt-tab out of it, all mine previously maximized windows are resized to fit in whatever resolution the DirectX app was running but they seam to think they are still maximized (2 squares instead of one on the maximize button and I need to press it twice to actually maximize them again, and also their size when not maximized seam to be changed to the app's resolution as well I normally run my desktop at 1280x1024 resolution