Microsoft DirectX DSK Download:not Enough Free Disk Space?
Oct 14, 2010
After downloading a game, I found out I needed Microsoft DirectX SDK to make it work. I downloaded it but now it's telling me:There is not enough free disk space on drive C:The amount of free space required on the drive is 1, 124, 040,704 bytes.The space currently available on the drive is 612, 560, 896 bytes.
I've tried getting rid of as much as I could on my computer (Microsoft XP by the way) but it didn't make much difference. And I really don't have much at all on it either.
At least once a week I get this message: "To free up disk space, OE can compact messages". I just click "OK". I have 132 GB available so why do I get a message like this?
for anyone that hasn't followed my threads, My computer is new, and I am just now learning XP. My computer came with XP installed, already on it. I have no CD"S or Programs at all, with it. I have this icon on my desktop that gives me a TRIAL verson, of Microsoft office 2003! Then I have to buy it. Yes, it aggravates me that this isn't already on here. Is there any place possible I can download this from? I have looked on the microsoft websight, and couldn't find it.
i wanted to copy a cd image 4.18GB ISO format from partition F: NTFS 9GB free to partition D: (FAT32 12GB free space) and windows gives me that crap there is not enough space and i should do a disk clean up. I made a disk clean up to partition D: and there was 3GB of system restore files!!! maybe coz i deleted 6GB earlier anyway i deleted the system restore files
Only NTFS partions can have files with file size more than 4GB..i hope theres nothing wrong with my windows or my hard disk..and i wanna know if theres a way to move that ISO image..thanx in advance.
It says that TOTAL SIZE = 39 GB And Free Space = 5 GB Which means that the size of all files on C is 34 GB But when I select all files including Hidden files and Right Click> Properties, its size of all files is only 27 GB.I did clear recycle bin and disk defragmenter C, but still the same. So why is that?
Pentium III, XP Pro machine: Recently did 2 clean re-installs (due to malware problems),& was working fine. Then ran rkill & Malwarebytes to get rid of Antivirus 7. Seemed OK after that. Then installed & ran TweakNow Power Pack (registry clean), Smart Defrag(deep optimization) & Revo Uninstaller. The machine began to slow down after using these utilities (I DO NOT know if they were the cause, or if it was just coincidence). Then ran Malwarebytes again, then Avast, found 50+ malware items.The machine keeps getting slower, it's now almost unusable. It boots, but incredibly sluggish, Internet Explorer takes forever to connect, constantly "hangs" for very long periods, HDD almost always churning.I'm thinking that maybe one of the utilities deleted some files needed by the os, maybe a repair install the thing to try. I cannot find this "Free XP Repair Disk Download" that is supposed to be available at the MS XP download site.
I have a really confusing problem here.. im not too clued up on PC's, but im not too stupid either. Anyways, I have a file.. 4.3gb in size (3 files actually..) on my PC. I want to copy it over to my brothers laptop and when it gets to about 91% it stops and says "Cannot continue: Not enough free disk space".Thing is, theres 26gb free on the drive
Windows XP uses a file called hiperfil.sys to save everything it needs when Windows XP goes into hibernation. If you are like me, and never use the hibernate function, you can turn it off. By turning hibernate off, Windows XP deletes the hiberfil.sys. This can free up the as much disk space as the amount of ram that you computer has.Go to Control Panel/Power Options/Hibernation and untick the box. It's as easy as that. Now you will have plenty more disk space to install those mega programs!
I am trying to transfer a 4GB file to my external hard drive, which is said to have (under My Computer) 46.3GB free. It keeps giving me a "Cannot copy file. not enough free disk space. Delete one or more files to free up space then try again"... error.I've rebooted, and I am sure there is more than 4GB free on the hard drive. Any ideas? Is there some max size for a file that you can transfer to a hard drive? I've never heard of that.. but I guess anything is possible.
Two hard disks, C and D. C is the one on which all the files are, D is empty (what is it good for, by the way?). C has an overall capacity of 27.95 GB of which 12.9 is occupied. Now, I have noticed (for two or three months, I never bothered looking before) that I am losing .01 GB of disk space PER DAY. Thus, day before yesterday, I had 15.05 GB of remaining free space, yesterday 15.04 GB and today it is 15.03.
When attempting to backup the My Documents folder which has a total of 101GB of files I have no problem copying that information to a 320GB or 500GB external hard drive except for some files/folders in the My Videos folder.The total space in the My Videos folder is 69GBWhen I try to copy some files/folders from My Videos to either of the external hard drives that have plenty of free space I get the following:Error Copying File or Folder dialog box stating that "There is not enough free disk space".Why would I be getting that message when the drive where I am copying the data to has more than enough free space?
I've got a small home network. I've been trying to copy a file from one computer to another. The file is about 7gb in size, and I know that the destination drive has 25gb free. But every time I try to copy it, I get an error message telling me that there's not enough free disk space.
I have had this problem for a while, and finally after a while of not being able to figure out what's happening I don't know how, when, but quite often, if not always, Windows (XP SP2) shows incorrect numbers for free disk space. For example, for disk C: it shows Used Space: 17GB Free Space: 76MB Disk capacity: 20GB As you can see, 3GB are missing.
I have installed SP2, my windows folder is now 2,5 GB. Which folders can I delete or move to CD to free up more disk space ? Service Pack Files = 509 MB Software Distribution = 598 MB
When I install any programs they all report that i have my 23gb free, which windows and all hd space reporting programs say, but when they actually go to install they say not enough space.
I have two hard disks in my computer. one is a 40gb and other 160gb.the 40gb HDD has been partitioned into two @roughly 20Gb each, with xp installed on one of them.I'm running windows XP sp3 which is installed in the C: drive(roughly 20Gb). The problem tat i face is that windows reports the free size to be only 988mb.When i check into the file properties of all the files it reports to be around 5GB, i have no idea where the remaning 15gb is gone.
Win XP Home SP2. Free space decreases at rate of 5 to 10MB daily. System is clean of spy, ad ware, trojans and worms, as tested, and cleaned regularly of temp and internet files. Could this be a Restore problem?
I have an old laptop with only 4GB of memory between the two disks. The last time I fragmented the C disk, last week, it had 15% of space or about 700MB. Suddenly the next day it jumped to under 200MB. It did that the month before, as well. I have known for some time I have to get another hard disk, but I am trying to hang in there a little longer. I have taken off everything I can think off and have moved everything to the other drive. When it is so low, I can't even System Restore
On our other machine we have a 70 GB hard drive. It is partioned C: 20 GB and D: 50. All the program files are on C. When I try to defrag C I get the message "Volume C has only 4% free space available for use by Disk requires at least 15%". I uninstalled some inessential programs and got it up to 9%. In my wifes user account there is one folder My Pictures with 2.9GB. Can I move that onto the D partion to create the needed space?
Start button - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup - More Options. You will have the option to delete all but the most recent restore points. I had over 2 gigabytes of restore points.To permanently reduce the space System Restore takes up, right click 'My Computer' - properties and on the System Restore tab adjust the settings.
Does anyone know of a quick and simple way to get the amount of free disk space left on the HDD in WinXP Home? I need to use a batch file to monitor and record the remaining disk space at regular intervals.
This morning when I woke up I noticed a very wierd and serious problem. I checked my C: drive and noticed that I only had 500mb left, I know for a fact that I had 700+/-mb left last night before going to bed. Thinking this was a mistake I left it and carried on normally. I was then chatting in IRC when the "Low Disk Space" warning popped up. I now had 100mb left.
If I use any program other than windows explorer to check my HD space, it says about 20 gigs left, windows right now says 0kb on both c, d and e partitions. I run off e at the moment.A few days ago I deleted lots of files and just made a huge 15 gig txt file because I was bored... then I deleted the txt file and the space didnt change (I made sure it was deleted, I know the recycle bin doesnt do its job) and as the space didnt change I used a program called Rollback RX to rollback my HD to a few days ago. so I got my deleted files back (from before the txt file) and checked windows says I am running out of space.
My Sony VAIO RZ40 has drives C and D. Drive C is so full that Defragger will not work.I have deleted Microsoft Word from drive C (planning to reinstall on drive D) but Properties in drive C does not show any reduction in space used.In addition to Defragger not working, when I choose Disk Cleanup it runs for hours and never does its job.
i close down outlook express 6 and this stupid dialog box pops up saying "to free up disk space outlook express can compact messages, this may take a few minutes" i click cancel, but everytime i open it,it happenes again.if anyone knows how i can get rid of this message, please reply to my post
does anybody know why i have 1.10 GB free space in Safe Mode and 804 MB free space in Normal? thanks. and i know that 804 MB free space isnt alot, this is a pretty small harddrive from what the computer says it is .
I currently have 13.0 GB of used space and 5.58 GB of free space. I would like to get more free space. My computer is about 2 years old. In those two years, I had to re-install Windows XP and everything else on my computer...for reasons unknown...I recently performed a New Installation of Windows XP on my computer. I don't have alot of things installed on my computer. The total space all the programs in my Add and Remove programs file takes up is only 1GB. Since I had to start over and re-install everything and my programs only add up to 1GB, Shouldn't I have more free space ?
The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on