Computer Wont Boot / Just A Continuous Beeping?

Apr 22, 2008

My computer does not boot up. Whenever I push the on button, it does not boot. Nothing appears on the screen, all I get is a continuous beeping.

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Continuous Boot Loop + Keyboard/mouse Not Detected Before Login

Feb 16, 2009

I had left my computer on logged in on Windows 7 and when i got back the computer was in a continuous boot sequence (starts to boot, then after about 4 seconds shuts down and then over and over again). I reset the power from the back and turned it back on and it started up but with a different boot screen (Dynamic Energy Saver Quad6 Screen lol) and not the "black" one that normally comes up. It happened again last night and I think it happens when I leave my computer logged on in Windows 7. The weird thing was that after I reset the power from the socket (which stopped the loop) and turned it back on, it had me still logged on as a user and everything was like it was before I had left (basically like hibernate, except that hibernate is disabled on my computer

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Continuous Reboot Loop - Getting The Advanced Boot Option Menuw

Jul 9, 2005

Had to replace motherboard in a PC and now I'm caught in a reboot loop. I keep getting the advanced boot option menuw where your asked wheather you want to Safe Boot, Safe Boot with Networking, etc. Which every choice I pick, the system reboots and takes back to the same place.what to use or if the Recovery Console will solve my problem.

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Computer Goes On Beeping

Sep 9, 2005

My computer sounds like one of those European Police cars heading to and emergency. Beep-beep! Beep-beep, etc.

I am running Windows XP Pro

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Computer Beeping / Won't Come On

Oct 16, 2005

The compaq shut down fine last nite, now when you turn it on, it will only beep beep beep. Nothing on screen! Please help! Is that my mother board gone?

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Computer Freezing And Beeping

Aug 9, 2007

I've been away at University and have since come back and my parents are having some problems with one of the computers at home.Basically when using the computer Windows will just completely freeze up randomly, the mouse will stop moving, the keyboard will stop moving, and the clock will stop. As this happens, a noise comes from the computer which sounds the same as one of the noises when I turn the computer on, but it repeats a couple of times. It's a more mechanical whirring noise rather than an electronic beep or anything like that. It's very hard to explain - sort of like a build up of 'whirring-ness' and then a click (x I was wondering if this could be a hard drive problem for one - although I have done some diagnostics on the drive with SpeedFan and everything seems to look fine.

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Second Computer Keeps Turning Off And On Beeping

Aug 21, 2007

i seem to be having a problem with my second computer. it keeps turning off and on. it beeps when ever it turns on.i have no idea what the problem is.i was trying to reformat the drive but it would not stay on long enough to read the i was thinking it might be the harddrive. so i put another harddrive in it that i know is working fine. it does stay on but i get first the safe mode screen. it does not matter what option i pick like start windows normally or start in safe mode after i hit enter i get a blue screen telling me windows has shut down to protect my system from a fatal error. it tells me to check my harddrive for viruses or errors. my problem is i don't know how to get past that blue screen to check my harddrive. i have to turn the computer off. it happens every time i turn it on.i would give you a log report but i can't make one.

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Computer Starts Beeping In XP

Jul 16, 2005

I have a Gateway computer with Windows XP. As soon as XP starts to load the system board speaker starts to beep. The beeping is not consistant and periodically beeps in a different tone. I repartioned and reformated the disk but I still have the problem. Is there any one with an idea of what might cause this. It does not appear to be heat.

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Turning Computer On And Beeping

Jun 3, 2005

I've been having really bad computer troubles recently and really need some help, cause I've wracked my brain trying to think of possible solutions here.To give a bit of background:The computer in question is an AMD Athlon 1800+ that I've had for about 3 years now. It's not the most stellar computer, but I mainly use it to surf the web and play some low-end games nothing spectacular.Recently however it had started to reboot constantly, and eventually just power off and never come back on. I figured it was the power supply, so I purchased a new 400W one, installed it and everything was working great.Fast-forward a couple weeks later, and I started to hear a really odd noise coming from the computer. It sounded almost as if sparks were flying around inside, but I removed the case and checked what the problem was, and it seemed the CPU cooling fan was having some troubles, and eventually stopped working. So just today I went out and bought a new CPU cooling fan, installed it, and again, everything was working fine.

However, just tonight, the computer began to reboot randomly again, and now it is at the point where it will not turn on, and when I do power it on, it just idles and beeps constantly. They are fairly short beeps, but they continue on and on indefinitely. I read up on the beep codes and how they coordinate with the BIOS setting, but problem is I have no idea which BIOS setting I have, so I am not sure what could be the problem. To be safe, I began to unplug the cards one by one, seeing if any of them stopped the beeping, but to no avail.So I am at a total loss here Having just bought those two things recently and STILL having the computer act like a pile of garbage is disheartening to say the least, and I just hope someone may have an idea on what or how I could fix this.

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Continuous Restarting Of Computer Between Steps Of Reinstall

Oct 27, 2007

I complete each step just fine up to the point after the repair finishes and computer restarts, then goes to the blue windows xp setup screen (the screen that has the header "an exciting new look") with the text "setup is being restarted." this screen is shown for about 10 seconds, then the computer shuts down, restarts and repeats this "setup is being restarted."

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Random Beeping From Inside Computer

Apr 1, 2008

I have a random beeping noise coming from inside my computer. It happens daily, for no specific reason I can think of... it sometimes beeps when Im away from the computer.I say inside the computer, because I have the volume muted and I still hear it loud and clear, like a warning beep.I searched a few posts already, but cant seem to find a solution. Someone mentioned it might be the fan. Can someone be so kind to run me through the HOW TO turn off the Smart Fan thingy (hehehe...Im a beginner...I really dont know what Im talking about lol)I think Im suppose to go into BIOS and turn something off, but I dont even know how to do that. I follow instructions very well, so if you could talk me through it, I can give it a go without having to take it to someone.

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Beeping Sound When Computer Restarted

Sep 17, 2009

So my computer was knocked by an object my brother threw at it, and now something seems to be wrong.When you restart it, It tries to boot but comes to a black screen with a message saying "Drive 0 not found: Serial ATA, SATA-0 Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility".Im not a computer genius, so simple language.

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Computer Beeping & Monitor Glitching

Mar 21, 2006

I don't know what's going on... so Im not sure if I post this here.I was watching a video clip online, and got a instant messege and suddenly everything froze. I could move my mouse. And then My computer started Beeping like hell. it wasnt one long one, it was alot of fast beeping. I clicked my mouse a few times, and the beeping stop. Then my screen started glitching. something flashing across the middle. What the hell, this hasnt happened before. Can anyone tell me what's going on?

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Computer Making The Beeping Noise At Random?

Apr 25, 2006

you know that noise a computer makes when you boot it up that beep noise? well my computer makes that noise at random when it's on,it just slows down for a second then makes the noise then goes back to normal is that bad?

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Computer Beeping And Event Viewer Errors

Aug 12, 2007

Does anyone know why my computer beeps occasionally while it's turned on? The beeps do not come from the speakers, but from the computer itself and happens when I surf the net or check my e-mail or if I'm not doing anything at all.This couldn't be connected to the errors I get from my Event Viewer...could it? there a way to fix Event Viewer errors?

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Computer Makes Beeping Noise / Will Not Run On Start Up

Sep 17, 2006

I turn on my computer it makes a beeping noise for like five seconds and nothing happens the monitor will not come on. But CD drive still opens and closes

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Blank Screen And Beeping Noises Coming From Computer

Oct 14, 2007

I don't know what's going on with my PC. I have a HP 6420nx windows xp.

My PC suddenly froze while I was using it so I turned it off for a couple of minutes. THen when I turned it back on, it started making beeping noises. There was also no start up screen, the monitor is just blank.

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Computer Making Beeping Sounds Internally All The Time?

Apr 2, 2005

I purchased Windows XP Home and installed it on my computer, but sometimes, especially if I am playing a game , it will make beeping noises, very much like the old arcade game I don't know what it is doing this, but I get the same sounds on different games, it will also do this when I am just in Windows and not playing a game.This is internal and not from my speakers.

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Computer Wont Start (beeping Sounds Unlimited)

Nov 17, 2007

Since today my computer wont startup, i tried fixing the power supply cable but i think something went wrong since it wont startup anymore,When i push the power button it starts to beep long beeps with an interval of 2.5 seconds.I noticed aswell that my fan of my powersuplier does not run. i was having trouble with the cable connections . my guess is that i made a mistake there since i have no idea of hardware related issues like this. ( and i doubt that that thing is just broken now) but hey i dont know.. do u?

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Scrolling Virus Of Continuous O S And Not Able To Use O

Apr 5, 2010

Please help top two rows of keyboard keep typing 'o's instead of correct letter and then scrolling 'o's across screen endlessly.

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Continuous Reboot - Not Even In Safe Mode

Sep 16, 2005

I am trying to help a friend with his computer and I love to learn stuff so this is still kind of fun... but it is getting old.When the computer is turned on we get the Window's splash page, then the compaq splash page, then a text screen with "Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking... etc" I have tried all the options, none of them work.I have used F10 to get into the system utilities to try to boot off the CD. I cannot find an option to make the CD boot first, only the option to enable of disable the different IDE devices. I have played with all those options and nothing works. I have even disconnected all the IDE devices except the CD drive and tried to get it to boot like that.

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Continuous Reboot After Adding Memory

May 5, 2005

I got an old, free system from work with no manual, etc

1) I am curious if this board came with an onboard graphics system. Under device manager, I only show Viper V330 under display adaptors.

2) 2 separate 64 MB strips are installed and I did a barclay advisor profile. It shows that I have these two strips installed, but under 'my computer' it shows only 135,010 kb of RAM

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Laptop Continuous Reboot - Restore?

May 10, 2008

very quick question here. I was recently updating one of my laptops with drivers and wmp11 and things of that sort. I guess I made the mistake of installing a version of SP3 that was not final and now it keeps rebooting. It goes past the Windows boot screen and restarts itself. It is very frustrating. I have tried safe mode - same deal. I have no tried the last know good configuration - failed. I am almost 95 percent sure it was the SP3. My question is, is there a way to do something like a system restore or maybe even uninstall Sp3. Of course I can not even get into Windows

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Beeping Hyperlinks

Apr 13, 2005

While in some web pages, I click on a hyperlink, I sometimes get a quick two-note (low, higher) beep and the link does not come up. Some hyperlinks work and some do not in the same page. I asked tech help from my server what was happening. He thought it might be my pop-up stopper but disabling it did not help. He then thought I probably needed a Java applet which I downloaded, but it didn't help.

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Beeping From Motherboard

May 8, 2010

My computer beeps, when i have more programs running or playing games.The beeping is from the motherboard.Checked the internet and nothing worked reinstalled windows etc.Its getting annoying after a while.If there are options to repair it without replacing parts cuz recently i added 1000 ram a 7300 gt and a 2.80 ghz processor.The beeping its since the end of the last year.

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Continuous Pop Up Error Wuauclt.exe Has Encountered A Problem?

Sep 27, 2009

hi folks,having a problem with a continous pop up error wuauclt.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close .we are sorry for the inconvenience. i then send the error report to microsoft and this stillcomes up.any hellp would be appreicated ihave a dell dimeson 2400 and running xp home edition 2002 service pack 3

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Continuous Reboot - Boots Upto Logo

Jun 22, 2008

I'm repairing a computer for someone, his problem with the computer is that it continuous reboot.It would boot up to the xp logo then reboots again.I try to reboot into safe mode but it reboots at the same point so I can't unchecked the "auto restart" at the my computer's properties and give you guys a log file to see.

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Stop Errors And Continuous Crashing Of Applications?

Aug 2, 2010

I've been having a lot of problem recently with my computer issuing stop errors (didn't manage to write down the error code) and also crashing pretty much every program I use after awhile. The stop error I have just received was informing me about some newly installed hardware but i haven't installed anything new on the computer for about 2 years.

Even all 3 of my internet browsers are crashing a lot on a daily basis and I'm starting to get frustrated about what the problem actually is.I've run spybot, avg and antimalware both in normal boot and in safe mode and all have found nothing.Also I can only log in to windows if I boot in last configuration that worked otherwise it gets to the account log in screen and it's just a black screen with nothing visible at all.

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Continuous Restarts / Random Shutdowns And Freezing

Mar 22, 2005

I recently purchased a Toshiba Satellite Notebook- much to my checkbook's dismay -operating Windows XP complete with the lovely Service Pack 2. I've had the laptop for three months or so, and in the past two I've been experiencing some disturbing problems. The reason for purchase of this new laptop, in fact, was a system failure of my old desktop caused by the problems I'm witnessing now. I'll try to be as specific as I can, though it's hard when these problems are as vague as Microsoft Support. I've been experiencing repeated restarts, shut downs, and freezes- all random and bothersome. No specific events seem to trigger these nuisances; in fact, I'm typing in Word with the safety of Auto Save as we speak in fear of a restart. I've scanned with two anti virus programs (Norton, then Titanium Panda after the Norton trial ran out) and Spy Sweeper, and have found no problems. I have 66% of my disc space free, as well as close to 1 GB of RAM. I also defragment and clean often- I like a tidy computer- but to no avail. I also turned off Automatic Restart, which had no effect on the problems- including restarts.

I'm also having issues with Outlook Express and Internet Explorer hangups, but I switched to Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, so I'm not so concerned with that. Windows Media Player seems to be having freezing issues as well, but not as frequently as these restarts and shutdowns.All in all, I'm stuck. I'm savvy in HTML and general computer lingo, but not enough to decode (or find..) my error logs and figure out what in the world is wrong. I'm not using hardware enforced DEP, so the issue with that and SP2 is moot, as well as the mpegport issue. Aside from buying a Mac ( :P ), does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? If you need logs or screenshots, I can provide.

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Continuous Blue Screens When Ever Stsrt Booting

Jul 12, 2005

I am running windows xp - sp2. For the last few days, I was getting continuous blue screens whenever I booted up my laptop with the following message:ar5211.sys tried to write to read-only memory space.

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Continuous Shutdowns And Startups - Blue Screen

Apr 8, 2007

I have Window XP. After deleting a lot of junk applications from add remove my computer started this trouble. It shuts down and on starts gives a blue screen which cannot be read as page doesnot pause. Computer starts two times and runs diskchk.It only stays third time but shuts down again occasionally. After third time it gives error thatcomputer has experienced serious error

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